How to Achieve Happiness
We can find happiness right in our ownhome, our workplace, in school, inthe company of our friends, etc. It is up tous to find the ways and means to achieve that happiness each of us seek andlong for. However, it is essential to recognize that there is no one absoluteway to achieve happiness. People may have different ideas with regard to theways of achieving happiness. The following classifications ( 分类)are perceived by many people assources of happiness: family and friends, wealth, position, educationalachievement, fame ( 名声).
Happiness is a mental state of well-beingcharacterized by positive or pleasant emotions ( 情感)ranging from contentment to intense joy. A variety of biological, psychological,religious, and philosophical approaches have striven to define happiness andidentify its sources. Various research groups, including Positive psychology,endeavor to apply the scientific method to answer
questions about what “happiness” is, and how we might attain it.Philosophers and religious thinkers often define happiness in terms of living agood life, or flourishing, rather than simply as an emotion. Happiness in thissense was used to translate the Greek Eudaimonia, and is still used in virtueethics.Happiness economics suggests that measures of public happiness should beused to
supplement more traditional economicmeasures when evaluating ( 评估) the success of public policy.
The While level of physical healthiness isthe biggest determinant of happiness, comparison of financial success withothers of the same age group is the second largest source of happiness andunhappiness. Financially richer people tend to be happier than poorer people,according to sociological researcher Glenn Firebaugh, Pennsylvania StateUniversity, and graduate student Laura Tach, Harvard University. Their researchis focused on whether the income effect on happiness results largely from thethings money can buy (absolute income effect) or from comparing one’s income to the income of others(relative income effect). They present their research in a session paper, titled“RelativeIncome and Happiness: Are Americans on a Hedonic Treadmill?” at the American SociologicalAssociation Centennial Annual Meeting on August 14.Firebaugh argues that, mevaluating their own incomes, individuals compare themselves to their peers ofthe same age. Therefore a person’s reported level of happiness depends on how his or her incomecompares to others in the same age group. Using comparison groups on the basisof age, the researchers find evidence of both relative and absolute effects,but relative income is more important than absolute income in determining thehappiness of individuals in the United States. This may result in aself-indulgent treadmill ( 枯燥), becauseincomes in the United States rise over most of the adult lifespan. They alwaysdissatisfy with the salary. The survey indicates that the students studied inHarvard University expect to earn much more money than their classmates
rather than care about the exact amount ofthe salary.
The Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart(MISTRA) has a fascinating history, but eventually had 120 pairs ofreared-apart twins plus four sets of reared-apart triplets-’the most extensive and intensivestudy of these rare experiments of (human) nature ever attempted’. In an early report of results it wasfound that, on most measurable psychological traits, monozygotic twins rearedapart (MZA) were as similar as monozygotic twins reared together. Among personsof European ancestry, for psychological features that can be measured,heritabilities ( 遗传可能性)rangefrom about 25 per cent to 80 per cent. Or, to put it more concretely ( 具体地), from one-fourth to fourfifths ofthe variation from person to person in such features as IQ, creativity andhappiness, is associated with genetic differences between those persons. Thatindicates that besides the environments, genetic difference may also affect thehappiness. Furthermore, neurobiological evidence shows that left and rightfrontal lobes play different roles in the emotion. Happiness is a
type of emotion, a positive one. From theexperiments, happiness and the left prefrontal lobe are combined together. Themore active it is ,the more positive emotion you sense.
At the outset of new millennium, a globalresearch had a result that the people living the modem world were even moreunhappy. Happiness is a mixture of positive emotions, ranging from a feeling ofheavenly bliss or delight to a state of well-being and contentment. There aremany ways to be happy; but with crises being on the rise these days, findinghappiness can be a bit challenging. Despite of all the stresses associated with( 与... 联系)life, we still do our best to behappy—because beinghappy is the only way to keep us afloat. Happiness is considered a veryimportant therapy, both physically and mentally. With it, we are inspired toaccomplish whatever goals we want to achieve. It’s a strong drive that keeps us going and helps us live our lifeevery single day. Spend time with individuals who are dear to you. There isnothing more joyful than to be with the people you love. During the weekends,try to schedule a fun trip for you and your partner, or one for your wholefamily. Just go somewhere else for a change and enjoy the change of scenery. Dosomething nice for others. Helping others is a very honorable way to findhappiness. If your schedule is too tight for volunteer work, you can justdonate a small sum of money or some old clothes or toys to charity. When youeat out, try to be a good tipper to the waiters or the valet who safely parkedyour car. All these simple things will not only make you happy, but otherpeople as well. Start and end your day with a smile. Smiling is a very powerfulgesture. There’s no need forwords to describe how pleasant it is. If you have a lousy day, smile your wayout of the office. When people smile back at you, it will uplift your mood andmake you feel better. Spend some time with your friends. A close circle offriends is one of the most important souse of happiness.
Passage2 logbooks 航海日志
Passage3 speech acts and phylosophy 语言行为
1.2016年8月20日再次命中雅思A类大作文原题-Some people think charityorganizations should help people in great need wherever they live. However,others think they should help people in their own country. Discuss bothopinions and give your own idea.(中国大陆、香港、澳门、台湾、越南、泰国、马来西亚等亚太考区)Edward老师再次命中,这是Edward全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,EdwardA类预测IPN资料最重点有多篇该题目的范文素材论据可以完全使用; 再次在最重点预测到课堂中多次讲练过A类小作文是柱状图,五个国家在新西兰旅游选择的4种交通工具。这是全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,IPN会员A类小作文资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的该图型写法和地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,恭喜全球网络一对一学员,IPN会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得很不错。
2.2016年8月20日再次命中澳洲雅思A类大作文题目-解决交通问题-环保骑自行车还是反过来使用小车?(澳洲、新西兰、香港、澳门、台湾、越南、泰国、马来西亚等亚太考区)Edward老师再次命中,这是Edward全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,EdwardA类预测IPN资料最重点有多篇该题目的范文素材论据可以完全使用; 再次在最重点预测到课堂中多次讲练过A类小作文是两个柱状图:2007年三个国家在研究生花费上,第一幅是对Arts、Business,science三个方向的annua average course fee比较,第二幅是三个国家在accommodation cost的比较(好像是accommodation)。这是全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,IPN会员A类小作文资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的该图型写法和地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,恭喜全球网络一对一学员,IPN会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得很不错。
3.2016年8月20日再次命中雅思G类大作文题目和素材:私立学校不应该存在,因为提供给一些学生不公平的优势 ,给出你的观点(中国、香港、澳门、台湾、澳洲、新西兰、泰国、马来西亚等亚太考区)Edward老师再次一发命中,这是Edward全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,EdwardA类预测IPN资料最重点第1题(政府提供教育的必要性)有多篇该题目的范文素材论据可以完全使用; 再次在最重点预测到课堂中多次讲练过G类小作文:给作者写信 改正 书中有错误的信息 为什么要改正?这是全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,IPN会员G类小作文资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的该图型写法和地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,恭喜全球网络一对一学员,IPN会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得很不错。
4.2016年8月20日雅思阅读命中文章:大猩猩,其他两篇是古代战车,英国影院建筑……具体题型题目反馈还在不断等待更新中(IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案)。2016年8月13日雅思阅读命中文章:厄尔尼诺,汽车发展史,一种身体缺陷 (IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案)。2016年8月4日雅思阅读命中:ancient voyage, corporate socialresponsibility;mothertongueon children… (IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案)。2016年7月30日雅思阅读命中:澳洲能源,蜜蜂澳洲清洁能源和钟(航海用的) (IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案)……2016年7月16日雅思阅读命中:龙涎香与琥珀,天文学家和业余的天文爱好者第三篇什么行为学家;2016年7月14日雅思阅读命中全部三篇文章:passage1海底发现 passage2 广告对小孩的影响 passage3 assessing risks 研究评估风险(IPN阅读预测资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案);2016年6月25日雅思阅读命中文章:HistoryofSahara撒哈拉历史(IPN阅读预测最前面第6篇命中,IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,其他两篇内容回忆还在不断等确认更新中……2016年6月16日雅思阅读一发命中两篇文章:纹身(IPN阅读预测第一篇命中),猩猩;2016年5月28日雅思阅读命中两篇文章:1.novicejourneyman&expert新手和专家 2.鳄鱼crocodile(全部在我们528阅读预测最重点部分)---第3篇讲音乐的起源,提到一个学者对于音乐的研究。2016年5月21日雅思阅读命中文章:左右撇子成因…第一篇是-找船员全体遇难原因及下落 第二篇左右撇子成因 第三篇谷物合成plastic用于包装和衣服;2016年4月2日雅思阅读命中:鸟类的智慧(澳洲亚太考区),澳洲其他两篇阅读是- tf公司的失败的例子还有别的公司怎么做的,和artist commission;4月2日雅思阅读命中:植物净水系统(中国亚太考区),其他两篇Passage1 让顾客自己买单的商店,Passage3 游戏对人非但没有坏影响反而可以促进脑………实际上雅思历次大部分阅读考试都是旧题目,都在我们预测中命中,接下来的考试肯定是二到三旧居多。我们IPN资料里面的阅读预测机经都有完整准确的答案,2012-2016年以来Edward 预测几乎每场平均中60-80%阅读文章和题目(每场考试平均1-3篇旧题),恭喜购买我们整理好的预测阅读机经的烤鸭和IPN会员,应该是受益非浅。
S1=V130706S1,S2=V130706S2=V06142S2,S3=V130706S3,S4=V130706S4=V07111S4,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!(中国等亚太考区)2016年8月13日雅思再次命中一半听力旧题-在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面:S2= V130309S2=V110305S2,S1=V110310S1,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案(澳洲、新西兰、香港、澳门、台湾、越南、泰国、马来西亚、迪拜等亚太考区)。振奋人心8月4日雅思听力再次四旧全命中!2016年8月4日雅思再次四部分听力旧题连号全在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面:S1=V20120114S1=V07109S1,S2=V20120114S2,S3=V20120114S3
S4=V20120114S4=V08102S4,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了! 7月30日雅思听力再次四旧全命中!2016年7月30日雅思再次四部分听力旧题连号全在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面:S1=V121124S1=V110312S1,S2=V121124S2,S3=V121124S3,
S4= V121124S4=V110319S4,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了! 7月16日雅思听力再次四旧全命中!2016年7月16日雅思再次四部分听力旧题连号全在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面:S1=V120728S1,S2=V120728S2,S3=V120728S3=V110122S3,S3=V120728S4==V100306S1,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!7月14日雅思听力再次四旧全命中!2016年7月14日雅思再次四部分听力旧题连号全在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面:S1=V121013S1=V100206S1 ,S2=V121013S2=V08139S2,S3=V121013S3,S4=V121013S4 ,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!震撼7月9日雅思听力再次四旧全命中!2016年7月9日雅思再次四部分听力旧题连号在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面:S1=V121206S1
S2=V121206S2==V30018S2,S3=V121206S3=V100508S3 ,S4=V121206S4,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!震撼2016年6月25日雅思听力四旧全命中!再次四部分听力旧题连号在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最靠前的第三个编号:S1=V131019S1,S2=V131019S2=V07116S2,S3=V131019S3,S4=V131019S4=V101218S4,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,祝贺IPN将缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,,8分听力人才了!
震惊2016年6月18日雅思听力三部分旧题全命中!S2=V130302S2,S3=V130302S3=V101106S3,S4=V130302S4=V50233S4我们最重点最前面完全预测命中,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案, IPN听力高分会员要一大片了;2016年6月16日雅思听力又四旧全中!616中国亚太雅思考区再次4旧连号S1=V131121S1=V08145S1,S2=V131121S2,S3=V131121S3
S4=V130112S4我们最重点完全预测命中,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案;无比震撼2016年5月21日雅思听力又四部分全命中!中国亚太雅思考区再次4旧连号S1=V130817S1,S2=V130817S2,S3=V130817S3,S4=V130817S4都在我们最重点完全预测命中,欧洲考区也是四旧连号全中,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案;超级震撼2016年5月7日亚太、北美雅思听力四部分全命中!中国亚太雅思考区再次4旧连号S1=V130907S1,S2=V130907S2=V06125S2,S3=V130907S3=V30020S3,S4=V130907S4 Edward都在最重点完全预测命中,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案。北美雅思2016年3月5日听力四部分全命中!听力四部分的对应号分别是 V130428S1V130428S2V130428S3 V130428S4,4个部分连号全部在Edward预测IPN听力机经最重点最前面!
1.Part 2 Describea difficult decision/an important decision that you have made.
2.Part 2 Describea wedding you attended
3.Describe a shortjourney that you disliked.
Part 2 Describe a speacialtrip/a long journey br car /train you enjoyed.
Part 2 Describe a long car journey
4.Part 2 Describe a bad weather situation thataffected you
5.Describea family type you like
6.Part 2 Describe a perfect job/an ideal job you want to havein the future/Describe apaid job you or someone else did/Describe a person you know who has animportant job.
7.Part 2Describe an goal you want to achieve in the future/Describe an ambition you don't achieve now
8.Part 2 Describe a place/a village youvisited that has been affected by pollution
9.Part 2 Describe a time when you had to share somethingwith others/Describe something that you have shared with others (or anotherperson).
10.Part 2 Describe aproduct/anelectronic product you bought and feel happy about
Part2 Describe something expensive you sayed money for
Part 3 How do you think people can say money? Part 3 How do you think people can say money?
11.Part2 Describe aninteresting wild animal in your country.
12.Part 2Describe a large company
13.Part2 Describe an antique or an old object that yourfamily has kept for a long time.
14.Part 1 Describe aninteresting tradition in your country.
15.Part 2 Describe a novel or a story you thoughtparticularly interesting.
16.Part 2 Describe anarticle you read from the internet or books about healthy life /Describesomething to keep fit
17.Part 2 Describe aperson with good personality/Describe your best friend/Describe a person whobecame your good friend at the first meeting.
18.Part 2 Describea situation that you got angry.
19.Part2 Describea kind of food you first ate/An occasion when you ate something for the firsttime /A meal you like
20.Part 2 Describe aperson you like to stay with/Describe an old person you respect/Describe an oldperson who you like to talk to.
Part3 How important is it to be patient? Do youthink that Chinese people are very patient?
21.Part 2 Describe aphoto you like/ Describe your favorite photograph
22.Describe a program or app in your computer or phonethat you think is useful.
23.Part 2 Describe ancreative person