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[国内外] 2021年8月28日中国大陆雅思A类笔试真题回忆+答案汇总(听说









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小作文The graph shows the percentage of visiting the cinema once a month or more between 1984 to 2003(4 age groups)
大作文 the school leavers prefer to travel or work  rather than directly going to university.more advantages or dis advantages.
大作文:一些学生上大学前选择旅游或工作 优缺对比
the significance of mother tongue in education(加拿大双语教学)

In fact ,the reach is very clear .whenchildren continue to develop their abilities in two or more languagesthroughout their primary school ,they gain a deeper understanding of languageand how to use it effectively .they have more practice in processing language,especially when they develop literacy in both .more than 150 research studiesconducted during the past 35 years strongly support what Goethe ,the famouseighteenth-century German philosophy ,once said :the person who knows only onelanguage does not truly know that language .Research suggests that bilingualchildren may also develop more flexibility in their thinking as a result ofprocessing information through two different languages.
The level of development of children’smother tongue is a strong predictor of their second language development.Children who come to school with a solid foundation in their mother tonguedevelop stronger literacy abilities in the school language.  when parents and other caregivers (e.g.grand- parents) are able to spend time with their children and tell stories ordiscuss issues with them in a way that develop their mother tongue, childrencome to school well-prepared to learn the school language and succeeded ineducationally. Children’s knowledge and skills transfer across languages fromthe mother tongue to the school language. Transfer across languages can be twoways: both languages nurture each other when the educational environmentpermits children access to both languages.
Some educators and parents aresuspicious of mother tongue-based teaching programs because they worry thatthey take time away from the majority language. For example, in a bilingualprogram where 50% of the time is spent through children’s home language and 50%through the majority language, surly children won’t progress as far in thelatter? One of the most strongly established findings of educational research,however, is that well-implemented bilingual programs can promote literacy andsubject-matter knowledge in a majority language. Within Europe, the Foyerprogram in Belgium, which develops children ‘s speaking and literacy abilitiesin three languages (their mother tongue, Dutch and French), most clearlyillustrates the benefits of bilingual and trilingual education (see Cummins,2000).
It’s easy to understand how this happens.When children are learning through a minority language ,they are learningconcepts and intellectual skills too .Pupils who know how to tell the time intheir mother tongue understand the concept of telling time .In order to telltime in the majority language ,they do not need to re-learn the concept .Similarly,at more advanced stages ,there is a transfer across languages in other skillssuch as knowing how to distinguish the main idea from the supporting details ofa written passage or a story ,and distinguishing fact from opinion .Studies ofsecondary school pupils are providing interesting findings in this area ,and itwould be worth extending this research.
Many people marvel at how quicklybilingual children seem to “pick up ”conversation skills in the majoritylanguage at school (also it takes much longer for them to catch up with nativespeakers in academic language skills ).However, educators are often much lessaware of how quickly children can loss their ability to use their mother tongue,even in the home context .The extent and rapidity of language loss will varyaccording to the concentration of families from a particular linguistic groupin their neighborhood. Where the mother tongue idea used extensively in thecommunities are not concentrated in particular neighborhoods , children canlose their ability to communicate in their mother tongue within 2-3 years ofstarting school .They may retain receptive skills in the language but they willuse the majority language in speaking with their peers and siblings and inresponding to their parents .By the time children become adolescents, helinguistic division between parents and children has become an emotional chasm.pupils frequently become alienated from the cultures of both home and schoolwith predictable results.     

Question 27-30
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.
Write the correct letter in boxes 27-30 on your answer sheet.
27. What point did the writer make in the second paragraph?
A. Some present studies on children’s mother tongues are misleading/
B. A culturally rich education programme benefits some children more than others.
C. Bilingual children can make a valuable contribution to the wealth of a country.
D. The law on mother toungue use at shool should be strengthened.
28. Why does the writer refer to something that Goethe said?
A. to lend weight to his argument
B. to contradict some research
C. to introduce a new concept
D. to update current thinking
29. The writer believes that when young children have a firm grasp of their mother tongue
A. they can teach older family members what they learnt at school
B they go on to do much better throughout their time at school.
C they can read stories about their cultural background.
D they develop stronger relationships with their family than with their peers.
30. Why are some people suspicious about mother tongue-based teaching programmes?
A They worry that children will be slow to learn to read in either language.
B They think that children will confuse words in the two languages.
C They believe that the programmes will make children less interested in their lessons.
D They fear that the programmes will use up valuable time in the school day.

Question 31-35
Complete the summary using the list of word, A-J, below
Write the correct letter, A-J, in boxes 31-35 on your answer sheet.
Bilingual Children
It was often recorded that bilingual children acquire the 31________ to converse in the majority language remarkable quickly. The fact that the mother tongue can disappear at a similar 32__________ is less well understood. This phenomenon depends, to a certain extent, on the proposition of people with the same linguistic background that have settled in a particular 33________ . If this is limited, children are likely to lose the active use of their mother tongue. And thus no longer employ it even with 34__________, although they may still understand it. It follows that teenager children in these circumstances experience a sense of 35_________ in relation to all aspects of their lives.
A teachers                       B schools               C dislocation
D rate                              E time                     F family
G communication        H type                     I ability
J area

Questions 36-40
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 3?
In boxes 36-40 on your answer sheet, write
YES if the statement agrees with the views of the writer
NO if the statement contradicts the views of the writer
NOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this
36. Less than half of the children who attend kindergarten in Toronto have English as their mother tongue.
37. Research proves that learning the host country language at school can have an adverse effect on a child’s mother tongue.
38. The Foyer program is accepted by the French education system.
39. Bilingual children are taught to tell the time earlier than monolingual children.
40. Bilingual children can apply reading comprehension strategies acquired in one language when reading in the other.

Questions 27-40
27. C
28. A
29. B
30. D
31. I
32. D
33. J
34. F
35. C
36. YES
38. NO
40. YES
Part 1 志愿者申请

Part 2 堪培拉地区农业耕作介绍
11-14 选择
11. the city is different to other Australian cities because
A. it is an inland city
12. what kind of information should be recorded?
B. numbers of forests
13. what does he think of local rainfall?
C. not reliable/predictable
14. What is the problem of soil in Canberra?
A. it stops plants from getting enough water
15-20 地图题(存疑,欢迎大家留言讨论)
15. E offering shade
16. F inside house
17. C near water
18. A west, near the fence
19. B ventilate, close to the street
20. D

Part 3 与音乐相关的论文讨论
21. why do Sarah and James choose rock music in the experiment?
A. it will produce more measurable results
22. what does James say about the book Building A case?
B. it offers practical help
23. why does Sarah add some statistics in their experiment? 为什么Sarah
C. she thinks it will make her better with figures
24. what are the relations of the study of Warwick University with that in Sarah and James’s?
B. physical results
25. what are the main focuses of the study of Sydney University?
A. the relationship between music and relaxation
26. The University of Lowa?
B. the number of people used was too small.
27-30 配对题
27. limitation of the self-written questionnaire: E. get additional materials from the internet
28. the complaint with the disturbance: F. borrow equipment
29. the unreliability of CD players: A. get help from technicians
30. the insufficient time of writing report: D. divide the workload

Part 4 最古老的机械电脑
31. it was in the cargo of a ship that sank about 2000 years ago
32. people find an item that was assumed to be a lump of rock
33. one machine, called a Dome, can take photographs with light coming from different angles
34. this has made far more of the inscriptions on the mechanism legible
35. the blade runner was originally designed to examine engines for cracks
36. the mechanism is thought to have been mounted in a wood frame
37. the person simply rotated a handle to operate the gear wheels
38. the mechanism could predict when an eclipse
39. it helped in planning the timing for the agricultural and religious calendar of events
40. a number of clocks were made, providing astronomical information as well as showing the time of day

School leavers go travelling or work before they go directly to the university. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages on their study?
the percentage of different age groups going to cinema once or more a month in UK between 1984 to 2003

School leavers prefer to travel or work rather than directly going to university. Are there more advantages or disadvantages on their study?

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