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2021年7月31日中国大陆雅思A类笔试真题回忆+答案汇总(听说读写答案+机经整理汇总) 回忆1: 小作文:表格题
Today food travels thousands of miles from the farm to the consumers. Why is this? Is it a positive or negative trend? 回忆2: 雅思阅读部分
第二篇:生物钟The Internal Clock
文章大意:对于Internal Clock的研究和发展 Survival and successful reproductionusually require the activities of animals to be coordinated with predictableevents around them. Consequently, the timing and rhythms of biologicalfunctions must closely match periodic events like the solar day, the tides, thelunar cycle, and the seasons. The relations between animal activity and theseperiods, particularly for the daily rhythms, have been of such interest andimportance that a huge amount of work has been done on them and the specialresearch field of chronobiology has emerged. Normally, the constantly changinglevels of an animal's activity—sleeping, feeding, moving, reproducing, metabolizing, and producingenzymes and hormones, for example—are well coordinated with environmental rhythms, but the keyquestion is whether the animal's schedule is driven by external cues, such assunrise or sunset, or is instead dependent somehow on internal timers thatthemselves generate the observed biological rhythms. Almost universally, biologistsaccept the idea that all eukaryotes (a category that includes most organismsexcept bacteria and certain algae) have internal clocks. By isolating organismscompletely from external periodic cues, biologists learned that organisms haveinternal clocks. For instance, apparently normal daily periods of biologicalactivity were maintained for about a week by the fungus Neurospora when it wasintentionally isolated from all geophysical timing cues while orbiting in aspace shuttle. The continuation of biological rhythms in an organism withoutexternal cues attests to its having an internal clock. When crayfish are keptcontinuously in the dark, even for four to five months, their compound eyescontinue to adjust on a daily schedule for daytime and nighttime vision.Horseshoe crabs kept in the dark continuously for a year were found to maintaina persistent rhythm of brain activity that similarly adapts their eyes on adaily schedule for bright or for weak light. Like almost all daily cycles ofanimals deprived of environmental cues, those measured for the horseshoe crabsin these conditions were not exactly 24 hours. Such a rhythm whose period isapproximately—but notexactly—a day iscalled circadian. For different individual horseshoe crabs, the circadianperiod ranged from 22.2 to 25.5 hours. A particular animal typically maintainsits own characteristic cycle duration with great precision for many days.Indeed, stability of the biological clock's period is one of its majorfeatures, even when the organism's environment is subjected to considerablechanges in factors, such as temperature, that would be expected to affectbiological activity strongly. Further evidence for persistent internal rhythmsappears when the usual external cycles are shifted—either experimentally or by rapideast-west travel over great distances. Typically, the animal's daily internallygenerated cycle of activity continues without change. As a result, itsactivities are shifted relative to the external cycle of the new environment.The disorienting effects of this mismatch between external time cues andinternal schedules may persist, like our jet lag, for several days or weeksuntil certain cues such as the daylight/darkness cycle reset the organism'sclock to synchronize with the daily rhythm of the new environment. Animals neednatural periodic signals like sunrise to maintain a cycle whose period isprecisely 24 hours. Such an external cue not only coordinates an animal's dailyrhythms with particular features of the local solar day but also—because it normally does so dayafter day—seems to keepthe internal clock's period close to that of Earth's rotation. Yet despite thissynchronization of the period of the internal cycle, the animal's timer itselfcontinues to have its own genetically built-in period close to, but differentfrom, 24 hours. Without the external cue, the difference accumulates and so theinternally regulated activities of the biological day drift continuously, likethe tides, in relation to the solar day. This drift has been studiedextensively in many animals and in biological activities ranging from thehatching of fruit fly eggs to wheel running by squirrels. Light has apredominating influence in setting the clock. Even a fifteen-minute burst oflight in otherwise sustained darkness can reset an animal's circadian rhythm.Normally, internal rhythms are kept in step by regular environmental cycles.For instance, if a homing pigeon is to navigate with its Sun compass, its clockmust be properly set by cues provided by the daylight/darkness cycle.
14.support from earlier research on insects F.
15.criticism of the way the data was analysed D.
16.reference to a test on plant A.
17.statement that creatures have slight different clocks E.
18.reference of a theory that tries to explain the phenomenon C.
SCN can perceive 19.daylight connected to the eye.Some years later,research involved
20.fruit flies show that they have 21.genesin their cells.Research reveals a 22.circadian cycle.
23-24.Which two problems are mentioned
C.increase in traffic casualties in some time of a day
D.decrease in productivity in certain time in a day
25-26.Which two problems remain to be solved
C.how the internal clock relates to the Sun's
D.why internal clocks in an organism synchroise with on another
版本二 文章大意 讲的是人体的生物钟。一开始人们以为是和sunlight 有reaction的, 后来发现不是,是在身体内部有个时钟的。 题目类型 S (词库,对应中部,小总结型) YNNG MC 参考答案 MC: 1, 这个实验为什么重要 选的C sun earth什么的,主要讲focus在太阳上,而不仅仅局限于地球。 2. 内在生物钟fail to什么的。 3,shift work和jet lag lagging why 选A illustrate ….. S: 填空记得第3个填空开始定位到另起一页的那段开始,+往下的2-3段。 选项有:phenomenon, reaction, devices, 有一个填空是daily---原文可以直接找到,但是记不得这个填的词了。 (exposure) to the sunlight 1960什么,忘记(??),1971 CDH? phenomenon? 第二段, (hormones),小白鼠实验,daily (rhythm), 原文是daily rhythm of their behavior (link),(device ) YNNG: 科学家不认同第一个理论 y 24小时观点大体接受 y ng n 生物time是最近才有的,定位在最后一段 N
第三篇:决策力 Decision
27.B The legend of the Gordian knot is used to illustrate the idea that:difficult problems can 28.B The 'conflict model' of decision making proposed by Jams and Mann requires that:all 29.C According to recent thinking reinforced by Malcolm Gladwell, the best decisions: are made very quickly negative affected by task complexity 31..A.. time buying simple clothing items were more satisfied than those who had not. However, when buying furniture, shoppers made decisions if they didn't think too hard. From this, the researchers concluded that in other 33 .......G........ decisions are best made 34 ......B......... but nonetheless true. B counterintuitive D better F obvious H less 36.N Dijksterhuis's findings agree with existing political and management theories. 38.NG All political decisions are complex ones. 40.Y Social considerations must be taken into account for any examination of decision making to prove useful. 回忆3: 雅思听力部分
Part 1 介绍保姆工作
1. 中介介绍学生去France做保姆
2. 用工家庭爸爸的职业:director
3. Family name: Kellar
4. 应聘者需要会Driving
5. 开车需要大约2.5 Km
6. Have a full day off on Sundays
7. Local popular sport is sailing
8. 小镇拥有自己的club
9. 最长居留时间:6 months
10. further detail:insurance
Part 2 介绍一处花园
11-15 选择
11. the park is taken pride in by Judith because of
A. the various kinds of plants
12. the changes of this park is
C. fruits and vegetables are grown as well as flowers
13. Metal detector is used to find which of the following in the glasshouse?
B. seed labels
14. what will be built in the next year?
C. a playground with toy vehicles
15. the original idea of the garden comes from
B. Judith’ visit to an Italian garden
16-20 匹配
16. Rose Garden: G. built only recently
17. Herb Garden: B. include an old statue
18. Woodland Garden: E. linked with an exhibition
19. Formal Garden: F. designed by Judith herself
20. Water Garden: D. won a prize
Part 3 交通项目讨论
21-25 单选
21. According to John, the reasons for the Redlane’s traffic jam is
B. too massive growth of population
22. 河流造成的威胁
C. it increases the travelling time
23. what do professor and John say about going to the south side park
C. the parking fee there is cheaper than other area
24. what is the best part of the Victoria bridge as described
C. this encourages people to choose public transport
25. the advantage of building a tunnel under the river will be
A. make more people avoid travelling to the city center
26-30 匹配题
26. 桥北面是中心,南面停车便宜:B. only professor agrees
27. Victoria bridge联通南北:C. both agree
28. 还想建和之前一样的新桥:B. only professor agrees
29. X bridge下面建了隧道:A. only John agrees
30. 大家都不开车只从桥上过就可以保护环境:C. both agree
Part 4 户外广告对人们消费的影响
The important factors to consider
31. the distance customers must travel affects the probability that they will buy the product
Methods of communication
32. advertising slogans are easier to remember if there is a sound played with them
33. Many’s Candy Store appeals to people’s sense of chocolate to draw in customers
34. to an ad campaign for digital products, it is flexibility that is extremely important
Effect on your product sales
35. the customer reaction after he or she experiences the ad is the most important
Marketing strategies
36. on international flights, it is wise for advertisements to be displayed in the common languages of most passengers
37. very few young people buy newspaper
38. the UNESCO website would be a good place to advertise for companies aiming to improve the environment
39. one good location to place ads for sunscreen is the swimming pool
40. a good scene for a water purification commercial would be national parks 回忆4: Task 1 :表格题 主题:2009年一所澳洲大学6个专业不同特征的学生比例
Task 2:讨论双方观点 Today food travels thousands of miles from the farm to the consumers. Why is this? Is it a positive or negative trend? 回忆5: 阅读部分
Passage3: 决策力
27-31 单选题
27. The legend of the Gordian Knot is used to illustrate the idea that
选B. different problems can have easy solutions
28. The 'conflict model' of decision making proposed by Jams and Mann requires that
选B. all important facts should be considered
29. According to recent thinking reinforced by Malcolm Gladwell, the best decisions
选C. are made very quickly
30. Dijksterhuis and his colleagues claim in their article that
选B. conscious decision making is negatively affected by task complexity
31. Dijksterhuis' car study found that, in simple tasks, participants
选D. could make a better choice when allowed to concentrate
32-35. 有备选项摘要题
A. more
B. counterintuitive
C. simple
D. better
E. conscious
F. obvious
G. complex
H. less
I. worse
Dijksterhuis' shopping study and its conclusions
Using clothing and furniture as examples of different types of purchases, Dijksterhuis questioned shoppers on their satisfaction with what they had bought. People who spend 32 A. time buying simple clothing items were more satisfied than those who had not. However, when buying furniture, shoppers made 33 D. purchasing decisions if they didn't think too hard. From this, the researchers concluded that in other choices, perhaps more important than shopping. 34 G. decisions are best made by the unconscious. The writer comments that Dijksterhuis' finding is apparently 35 B. but nonetheless true.
36-40. 判断题
36. Dijksterhuis' findings agree with existing political and management theories. NO
37. Some political leaders seem to use deliberation without attention when making complex decisions. NOT GIVEN
38. All political decisions are complex ones. NOT GIVEN
39. We judge political errors according to our own political beliefs. YES
40. Social considerations must be taken into account for any examination of decision making to prove useful. YES 回忆6: 听力 回忆7: 回忆8: 回忆9: 回忆10:
2021年7月24日雅思考试总体反馈:重磅!2021年7月24日雅思考试IRP在最重点精准命中大小作文原题范文!命中全部听力(4Sections)原文原题原答案!命中阅读原文原题原答案!命中口语绝大部分真题原题答案!总体难度适中。2021年7月24日雅思听说读写全面大中,全面开花!(疫情期间,全球不同考区时差、A类、G类考生回忆数据比较少、收集不够齐全,待补充,还在不断更新中…)祝贺IRP会员将出现不少雅思高分人才!总体反馈请(复制链接)进入 特别提醒:雅思考试20多年来,有非常严格的规律性和出题思路。全世界有6大考区,而只有一个剑桥考试中心几个人在出题,每个考区一周平均要出一份考卷,一个月很多考区平均出24份考卷。(尤其是2019-2021年以来,全世界各考区和众多城市开始增加雅思机考的选择,机考的城市几乎每天都有雅思考试,一个月考官要出20几份雅思机考卷子,机考跟传统纸质考试的区别只是纸质和电脑上考试的区别,考试内容、评分标准、难度等级、考试题型、考试安全设置等方面均与现行的纸笔模式完全一致。)雅思考试如此频繁,如何保证达到难度一样呢,如何保证新题难度、准确度和评价机制公平呢,所以只能是20几年来的题库旧题目的有效组合,新题不能超出5%-10%,每份雅思卷子都是90%-99%以上旧题。每一份雅思考试试题其实是大部分旧题原题真题+个别新题目的重新组合,多年雅思考官和专家Edward老师非常熟悉雅思出题规律和听说读写题库出题组合卷子的秘诀,IRP资料因此而诞生!紧跟考情雅思真题预测答案!IRP听说读写全套!场场命中90%-100%!精准小范围!