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[每周机经] 2020年9月20日雅思考试总体反馈:重磅!9月20日雅思考试IRP...









Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

发表于 2020-9-21 18:55:37 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

II.重磅!2020年9月20日雅思考试IRP最重点命中A类大作文原题-An American film actor John Wayne said:"Tomorrow is the most important thing in life." How is it importantfor individuals and countries to think about the future rather than focus onthe present? What's your opinion?Give reasons for your answer and include anyrelevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.Write at least 250words.(国内雅思考区)Edward老师IRP资料A类大作文最重点命中,这是Edward全球雅思网络一对一课堂第一次课透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,Edward IRP资料最重点有多篇该题目的范文素材论据可以完全使用;再次在最重点预测命中到课堂中多次讲练过A类小作文- bar chart-portionsof fruit and vegetables consumed by females and males in the UK in 2006. 柱状图-英国2006年不同年龄男女吃超过五种蔬菜水果的人数比例。这是全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,IRP会员A类小作文资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的该图型写法和地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,恭喜全球网络一对一学员,IRP会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得很不错。以上大小作文详细回忆和范文答案解析请进入

III.2020年9月20日雅思阅读命中至少两篇原文原题文章: 植物 carnivorous plants题型:填空+判断,气味与记忆Smell and Memory  题型:选择+填空。 IRP阅读资料最重点预测有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IRP会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才)。阅读详细原文文章、题目和答案解析请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-250647-1-1.html

Part 2 Describe a filmthat made you laugh a lot/
Describe a film/book youwould like to share with your friends.
PART 3 Why dochildren laugh so much?
Why don’t adults laugh easily?
What kind of people can make people laugh?
Part 4 Describe a timewhen you learned from a mistake you made/Describe a mistake thatyou once made
Part 2 Describe a place/avillage you visited that has been affected by pollution/ Describe a publicplace that you think need improvements

Part 2 Describe anoccasion you wore the best clothes
Part 2 Describe anintelligent person (you know).
Part2 Describe anambition you want to achieve/ Describe an goal you want to achieve in thefuture
/Describe an ambition you don't achieve now
Part 2 Describe an energetic person you know.
Part2 Describe an APP that you think is useful.
Part 2 Describe animportant message you received by letter,phone, e-mail or text.
Part 2 Describe a tripthat has been delayed for a long while
Part 2 Describe a timewhen someone apologized to you
Part2 Describe a personwho taught you something important.
Part 2 Describe a job youdon't want to do
Part 2 Describe anoccasion you wore the best clothes
Part3 Do you think the dress formally isimportant or not?Why do some people like to wear traditional clothes? Willtraditional clothes disappear in the future?
Part 2 Describe aninteresting house /an apartment you visited/Describe a house /an apartment/anideal house/ place you want to live in
Part 2 Describe a familymember you spend most time with/you want to work with/an interesting oldperson/Describe a family member who had important influence on you/an oldperson you respect/
Part3 How important is it to be patient? Do youthink that Chinese people are very patient?
Part 2 Describe a personin the news that you would like to meet.
Part 2 Describe a foreigncountry you want to visit but haven’t been to
Part 2 Describe a new skill that you think is important
Part 2 Describe an indoorgame that you liked to play when you were a child.
Part 2 Describe asuccessful small company you know/a successful family
Part 2 Describe a sportyou tried for the first time
Part 2 Describe a friend who isa good leader
Part2 Describe aninteresting wild animal in your country.
Part 2 Describe adifficult challenge you met
Part 2 Describea journey/trip you took by public transportation
Part 2 Describe a special dinner you enjoyed/Describe atime when you invite someone to have dinner at home or a restaurant
Part 2 Describe a film/book you would like to share withyour friends.
Part 2 Describe anoccasion that someone makes a lot of noise
Part 2 Describe anexperience that you couldn’t do what you want because of the weather / Part 2Describe an experience that weather changed your plan
Part 2 Describe anuniform you wear in school or company
Part2 Describe an article you read from a magazine or from the internet abouthealthy life.
Part3  How to keep fit?
Part 2 Describe a foreigncountry you want to visit but haven’t been to
Part 2 Describe anexciting event/a happy event of your life / a happy event from your childhoodthat you remember well
Part 2Describe an occasion/experience/a time when you are not allowed to use yourphone
Part2 Describe a personwho taught you something important.
Part 2 Describe a job youdon't want to do
Part 2 Describe a familymember you spend most time with/you want to work with/an interesting oldperson/Describe a family member who had important influence on you/an oldperson you respect/
Part3 How important is it to be patient? Do youthink that Chinese people are very patient?
Part 2 Describe a personin the news that you would like to meet.
Part 2 Describe a timeyou lost your way/you got lost
Part 2 Describe a goalyou want to achieve in the future.
Part 2 Describe an indoorgame that you liked to play when you were a child.
Part 2 Describe a changethat will improve your local area.
Part 2 Describe a sky youwould like to see/ Part 2 Describe a time when you enjoy looking at a beautifulsky
Part 2 Describe animportant message you received by letter,phone, e-mail or text.
20209月20日雅思全球各考区A类、G类、雅思UKVI、雅思纸质、雅思机考、IELTS Indicator口语、笔试真题回忆汇总和总体反馈(中国大陆考区、加拿大美国等北美考区、英德意法西班牙等欧洲考区、澳洲新西兰考区、香港泰国越南菲律宾等亚太考区等)请进入(复制链接进入)http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/forum-36-1.html或请加微信504918228, ieltstofel3,ielts2013,或QQ504918228,QQ26346059,也可以关注公共微信号ieltstofel或ielts2018或ieltsglobal
2020920日国内雅思A类笔试真题回忆+答案汇总(听说读写答案+机经整理汇总)请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-250647-1-1.html或请加微信504918228, ieltstofel3ielts2013,QQ504918228QQ26346059,也可以关注公共微信号ieltstofelielts2018ieltsglobal
快速提高雅思1到3分:IRP雅思考试题库答案(纸质+机考+IELTS Indicator)-紧跟考情提供2020年-2021年全球各考区每一场雅思预测所有口语,写作,听力,阅读等题目详细原创答案范文,整理好的更新型听力和阅读预测机经等请看最下面说明或者进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-32-1-1.html请加QQ26346059,QQ504918228;或个人微信504918228,ieltstofel3,ielts2013咨询;或关注雅思托福全球网公共微信号ieltstofel,ielts2018, ieltsglobal最新超高命中率雅思真题预测答案(纸质+机考+IELTS Indicator)-中国、澳洲、亚太、北美、欧洲、非洲、中东地区、南美洲等各考区雅思A类G类、UKVI真题预测答案范文机经汇总请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-231231-1-1.html




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