重磅!雅思中国大陆考区、亚太、澳洲、北美、欧洲等各考区口语2020年7月11日-7月16日-7月18日所有已经考完的话题,Edward次在最重点连续全部预测命中,绝大部分是旧题或者旧题目改造,IRP资料里面都有详细答案或者可以互相套同的答案,出现的新题库新题目已经更新到IRP资料: 高频热门话题+新题目 Part 2 Describe a special dinner you enjoyed/Describe atime when you invite someone to have dinner at home or a restaurant Part 2 Describe a job youdon't want to do Part 2 Describe a family member you spend the most time With Part 2 Describe a personin the news that you would like to meet. Part 2 Describe a successfulsmall company you know/a successful family business you know Part 2 Describe a sportyou tried for the first time Part 2Describe an occasion/experience/a time when you are not allowed to use yourphone Part 3 How can technology make our life easier? What are some greatest inventions you knowabout? Why should we restrict the use of mobile phonein public places? Why are mobile phones gaining its popularity? Can you do without your mobile phone? Part 2 Describea journey/trip you took by public transportation Part 2 Describe a timeyou lost your way/you got lost Part 2 Describe a goalyou want to achieve in the future. Part 2 Describe an indoorgame that you liked to play when you were a child. Part 2 Describe a changethat will improve your local area. Part 2 Describe a sky youwould like to see/ Part 2 Describe a time when you enjoy looking at a beautifulsky Part 2 Describe animportant message you received by letter,phone, e-mail or text. Part 2 Describe a mistakethat you once made Part2 Describe a personwho taught you something important. Part 2 Describe anexciting event/a happy event of your life / a happy event from your childhoodthat you remember well Part 2 Describe a crowded place you went to Part2 Describe asituation when you celebrated your achievement/ Describe an achievementthat you are proud of Part 2 Describe a new skill you learned that you think is important Part2 Describe aninteresting wild animal in your country. Part 2 Describe adifficult challenge you met Part 2 Describe a film orTV program that made you laugh/ Describe a TV program that makes you laugh Part 2 Describe an experience that you couldn’t do what you want because of theweather Part2 Describe a person who has apologized to you Part 2 Describe a personwho likes to travel by plane Part 2 Describe a childhoodToy /Describe a toy that you enjoyed playing with in your childhood. Part 2 Describe anoccasion when you lost something and then got it back Part2 Describe an interesting house /an apartment you visited/Describe a house /anapartment/an ideal house/ place you want to live in Part 2 Describe a pieceof advice(suggestion) you received/gave to others Part3 Are young people more inclined to acceptadvice from their friends or from their parents?
Part 2 Describe a familymember you spend most time with/you want to work with/an interesting oldperson/Describe a family member who had important influence on you/an oldperson you respect/ Part3 How important is it to be patient? Do youthink that Chinese people are very patient?
Part 2 Describe anoccasion you got up early. Part 3 Who usually get up early, young people or old people?
Do young Chinese people stay up late at night?
Will working late at night influence the next day’s work?
Can you sleep well if there is noise around?
Is it easy to get up early for you?
What do you do to guarantee a good sleep? 欢迎英国欧洲考区、北美考区等考生积极回忆在我们微信504918228,ieltstofel3,ielts2013,QQ504918228,QQ26346059上面 (每一场北美、欧洲雅思考区期待更多的考生来回忆:A类,G类,UKVI,听说读写,最好能回忆英文题目。只有大家积极回忆,才能分享到更全面的考试回忆信息,请加微信504918228或者ieltstofel3,QQ504918228积极回忆吧,谢谢。) (每一场北美、欧洲雅思考区期待更多的考生来回忆:A类,G类,UKVI,听说读写,最好能回忆英文题目。只有大家积极回忆,才能分享到更全面的考试回忆信息,请加微信504918228或者ieltstofel3,QQ504918228积极回忆吧,谢谢。) 快速提高雅思1到3分:IRP雅思考试题库答案(纸质+机考+IELTS Indicator)-紧跟考情提供2020年-2021年全球各考区每一场雅思预测所有口语,写作,听力,阅读等题目详细原创答案范文,整理好的更新型听力和阅读预测机经等请看最下面说明或者进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-32-1-1.html请加QQ26346059,QQ504918228;或个人微信504918228,ieltstofel3,ielts2013咨询;或关注雅思托福全球网公共微信号ieltstofel,ielts2018
最新超高命中率雅思真题预测答案(纸质+机考+IELTS Indicator)-中国、澳洲、亚太、北美、欧洲、非洲、中东地区、南美洲等各考区雅思A类G类、UKVI真题预测答案范文机经汇总请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-231231-1-1.html