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托福考前冲刺2016年12月10日托福真题预测听说读写答案范文详解精准终极版【托福IPN快速提高分数20-60分,超高命中率,托福备考核心资料VIP】托福新成功VIP, 托福考官专家权威发布
托福加考真题预测2016年12月10日托福真题预测听说读写答案范文详解精准综合版【托福IPN快速提高分数20-60分,超高命中率,托福备考核心资料VIP】托福新成功VIP, 托福考官专家权威发布(托福加考版)
2016年11月19日托福听说读写真题答案回忆蹲点汇总 回忆1: 独立写作 Study alone or as a group 教授让你在短时间内学习一门课,你觉得小组学习好还是单独学习好 独立口语 T1:Describe what the government should do to solve traffic congestion? T2:Which do you prefer: people are never too old to get a university degree? 回忆2: 独立口语解析: Task 1参考答案: Well I think the government should encourage the use of public transportation system to solve traffic congestion. First, they can issue more policies like the odd-even plate number restriction (单双号限号政策) and draw lots to get car purchase permission policy(摇号政策), which have been really effective in reducing car numbers on the street; plus, they can spend more money on the development of the public transportation system, like to build up more subway lines or bus stations, and keep the fee affordable.
Task 2参考答案: I totally agree with the statement. Coz learning is a life long process. With the development of the economy and society, the purpose of getting a university degree is no longer merely to find a good job, but an integral part of one’s overall growth; plus, getting a university degree is by no means confined to the privilege of the young. For example, my uncle, Peter, he is over 50-year old, a successful entrepreneur, he got his first bachelor degree last year, majoring in traditional Chinese literature. Although it took him a lot of time and energy to take all those classes, and pass all those examinations, I can tell he is truly happy about his choice. A dream comes true. 回忆3: 口语真题
Nowadays traffic congestions are increasing, what can we do to reduce the cars in the city?
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: it is never too late to get a degree in university.
改变:shut the gym down
原因1:to up date locker rooms and shower facilities
原因2:students can use an off-campus gym freely
态度:girl disagrees
1、unnecessary to shut the whole gym down, just shut the area they are working on, and students can change their clothes and take shower in their dorms cuz dorms are close to the gym
2、the off-campus gym is far away from campus, it will take 30 mins to there and another 30 mins back to school, plus students will always feel exhausted after working out, so they may not willing to walk anymore.
标题:create grouping
定义:group the items in a new way in order to increase the sales
听力:the professor uses watch as an example to illustrate this concept. He said that in the past, watches are seen as expensive and luxury jewelry, always use gems or expensive metal to make watches and people are willing to pay big money on them. One company started to make watches, they use plastic materials instead of metal, and they made their watches fun and fashion, people will pay less money to get a watch like that and it also changed the way people buy it, instead of just buy one watch a time, people are more tend to buy several watches a time cuz they are cheap.
问题:the girl has a time confliction between her tutoring program and her history class this semester
解决方案1:change her history class to next semester
优点:can continue her tutoring program
缺点:next semester the history class will change from ancient to modern, which she’s not interested in
解决方案2:ask her classmates from math class to help her out
优点:she can take history classes this semester
缺点:she cannot keep tutoring kids math anymore
话题:fish will encounter some challenges while they swim in really fast current, how will they solve the problem?
要点1:hard for them to stop at a spot
例子1:Like catfish, they have really muscular and big fins, which can help them to swim against the current
要点2:difficult for fish to get food
例子2:Like trout, instead of swim in the center of the water, where current always faster than other places, they will stay at the bank of the river, so they can avoid the current and get enough food to survive. 回忆4: 写作真题
阅读1:acorns, oaks被使用在domestication
1、生长周期长,有抵御力,live long, hardy;
3、可以用育种技术,breeding techniques把苦味去除
原题:Imagine that a professor requires students to learn as much as possible about a subject in a short period of life. Is it better for the professor to require students to work together in a group or is it better to require students to work alone? 回忆5: 口语
➤Task 1
➤Task 2
People is never too old to get university degree,agree or disagree?
➤Task 3
1. 没有必要关闭整个楼,只需关闭shower room;
2. 新的club走过去要半小时,回来要半小时,会非常累。
➤Task 4
【术语】creative grouping,分类和赋予新的功能定义让商品卖的更好。
➤Task 5
➤Task 6
fish overcome fast current 河流流速过大不利于鱼生存,会有很多挑战。
2.挑战二:没有办法吃东西。克服:通过一个行为可以捕捉到比鱼游的慢的。 回忆6: 写作
➤Writing 1
2. 做成食物要准备很久,刚开始的时候不能吃,不方便;
3. 控制味道的基因有好几个,不是single gene所以很难去掉基因。
➤Writing 2
教授要学生短时间地学会知识,你觉得是study in a group好还是study alone好? 回忆7: 阅读READING
第一篇 The Chaco Phenomenon(是个老题),其他两题也似曾相识。。。。
第二篇 欧洲中世纪的发展
第三篇 热带雨林
sparse=thinly distributed
autonomy=self ruled
contract with=reduce to 回忆8: 听力LISTENING
Conversation 1
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
Conversation 2
Lecture 3
Lecture 4
考古学。发现了一个遗址,上面有coating。教授讲了作为他们这个major需要做的研究。研究这个的三个reason 第一个它的化学组成, 第二个是了解建这个的人, 第三个是知道建这个date。 回忆9: 口语SPEAKING
Task 1
怎样减少traffic congestion?
Task 2
People is never too old to get university degree,agree or disagree?
Task 3
Task 4
是creative grouping,讲的是利用不同分类来使产品多元化然后吸引顾客,然后听力就用了watch company做例子,好像有手表除了时间之外还可以娱乐啥的
Task 5
Task 6
在流速快的水里面鱼类的挑战:一个是不能stay on the river 然后用cat fish举例说有强健还有更大的fins;然后还有一个挑战是很难获得食物,然后用什么tourt,举例说可以在流速慢的靠近河岸的地方捕食 回忆10: 写作WRITING
Image that If a professor wants students to learn as much as possible about a project in a short period of time, is it better to work in a group or is it better to let students study alone?
阅读:1.好种植,存活时间久;2.橡子方便当食物;3.可以通过去掉almond苦基因方法去掉橡树果实苦的不好的味道基因。听力反驳:1.橡树大约40年才能长大结果;2.不好保存。果实得通过煮沸来去除一些东西,但煮过之后不易保存。而且要花很长时间准备这些,费劲!3.almond的苦味只是一个由单一基因决定的,而橡树果实多个,得需要很多步骤去除。早期人又不懂现代基因的方法,所以他们不可能成功去除这些基因和苦味。 回忆11: 今天阅读三篇文章是:The High Middle Ages(中世纪的鼎盛期),The Chaco Phenomenon(Chaco现象),Characteristics of Tropical Rain Forests(热带雨林的特征),全部重复以往大陆考试真题,总结如下:
The High Middle Ages
The Chaco Phenomenon
Characteristics of Tropical Rain Forests
1. 在经历2016-11-12和2016-11-13连续两场新题之后,ETS今天注定是要考一套老题拼盘的,而且老题还重复的不少。(80万美金一套的出题费用使ETS无法在短期内大量研发新题)。
2. 今天的老题拼盘中,ETS分别使用2014,2015和2016年的真题。ETS这样拼盘用心良苦,目的是为了避免被规律化。但只要你足够细心,尤其是对于已经参加128场托福考试的我们来说,规律其实是显而易见的。今天华叔在这里只做一个维度的分析示范(整体过程很复杂,需综合多个维度的因素)。例如,本次被重复考查的2015-02-01真题The Chaco Phenomenon,这套真题的当年考查情况为:
Greek Sacred Groves and Parks
The Chaco Phenomenon
Dinosaurs and Parental Care
另一维度因素,如本次考试第1篇文章The High Middle Ages重复2014-11-09真题,这套真题的使用情况如下:
The High Middle Ages
Formation of Earth’s Atmosphere and Oceans
The Brains of Birds
可想而知,The Brains of Birds在之后托福中的重复概率就非常的大。
3. 从上述两例来看,ETS重复使用过的老题,再考概率不大,如果这样想,那你就把ETS想太简单了。其实,为了不被规律化,ETS反其道行之,多次重复使用某些老题,这些多次重复使用的老题在日期上以及在文章本身上(如难度系数)有哪些特点,此处不便说明。
回忆12: 一篇地质学听力讲座 如果你对下面这一组单词非常熟悉,并且对下面三个地质学里经常讨论的话题非常熟悉,那么今天这篇讲座你一定是非常轻松的。
asteroid, aster, meteorite comet, quartz,sulfur dioxide lava, impact, collision
(1)6,500万年前一颗小行星(asteroid)撞击墨西哥西部,引起巨大的灰尘云(dust cloud),造成地球气候的剧烈变化,并在地球上留下了铱元素(iridium)层,标志恐龙灭绝。 (2)铱元素(iridium)有两种来源:地球的核(core)和小行星(asteroid)。 (3)小行星撞击(impact)理论非常流行,但一直受到挑战,主要有两个反驳的证据:一是在铱元素层(iridium)和小球体层(spherule)中间发现了粘土层(clay),二是在那个时期地球上的一些地方,比如美国西北部,发现了一些昆虫和鸟并没有灭绝。
1.What does the professor mainly discuss? Two explanations for the extinction of dinosaurs 2.Why does the professor mention iridium? To provide evidence of an asteroid colliding with Earth 3.According to the professor, what was the most significant way that the Deccan lava eruptions affected the environment? They released great amounts of sulfur dioxide that resulted in the cooling of Earth’s climate. 1.What did the study of fossils from the northwestern United States reveal that surprised many scientists? Most insect and bird species survived during the period in which the dinosaurs became extinct. 2.What aspect of the Deccan-eruptions theory does the professor emphasize as a feature that distinguishes it from the asteroid-collision theory? Environmental changes created by the eruptions were gradual rather than sudden. 3.What is the professor’s opinion of the theory that an asteroid collision was the primary cause of the extinction of dinosaurs? It is inconsistent with what the fossil record shows. 回忆13: 独立写作解析 写作题目:A professor wants the students learn as much as possible in a short time, requiring the students work together in a group or work alone, which is better?
题型解析:这是一道比较对比类型的题目。题目中的关键词是learn much, 有两种方法,分别是:work together in a group和work alone。
解题方法: 1. 一边倒。以选择小组学习为例。可以从以下两个方面分别论述: 一是小组学习可以提升学习效率。一方面,小组成员多,可以一起搜集学习资料并分享资料;另一方面,小组成员中的每个人都有自己的优点及好的学习方法,所以小组学习的话,可以更快地解决学习难题; 二是小组学习可以激发学生学习的积极性。一方面,学习成绩优秀的同学,在小组中更容易获得成就感,得到小组成员的尊重,他们便更有动力在小组中好好表现,形成良性循环;另一方面,学习成绩相对较差的同学,如果一个人学习的话,可能无法独自克服学习上的困难,因而陷入困境。而在小组中,他们可以学习到小组成员好的学习方法,并且小组中浓厚的学习氛围,会激发他们学习的兴趣。
2. 折中方案。根据学生不同的学习阶段可以得出不同的结论。 中小学生在小组中学习更好。一方面,中小学生学习时集中注意力的时间相对较短,在小组中学习可以吸引他们的注意力。因为小组学习的过程中有很多机会进行讨论,讨论的过程中需要小组成员参与,因而便可以鼓励他们多思考。另一方面,中小学生进行小组学习,可以培养他们的团队意识和良好的沟通能力。中小学生的教育,不仅仅是知识的灌输,更重要的激发他们的学习兴趣、培养好的学习习惯。所以,在一个团队中,他们便能够学会如何表达自己的想法,如何理解他人的想法,如何解决争论和冲突最终达成一致。 大学生独自学习更好。一方面,大学生的学习任务较多,独自学习效率会更高。因为在小组学习中,需要不断进行讨论,这会花费一定的时间,有可能使得大学生不能完成所有的学习任务;另一方面,大学生需要对自己的专业领域有一定独到的见解,这就需要他们自己搜集各种资料,并进行思考,完成自己的论文或者实验。 回忆14: 口语真题
Nowadays traffic congestions are increasing, what can we do to reduce the cars in the city?
I do believe that the inconvenience and inefficiency in public transportation system contribute to the growth of traffic congestions as citizens mostly are looking for a direct and fast approach for commute, if lack of public transportation service, they are more inclined to own one or two cars in the house. Therefore, enhancing public transportation such as adding more bus and subway routes in the citiesto cope with the congestions in rush hours would be effectively discouraging for owners to drive private cars for the affordable price in public transportation service payment. In addition, the direct routes from suburbs to downtown should be established for benefiting citizens in a larger scale. (112words)
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:it is never too late to get a degree in university.
I am definitely in favor of the statement that it is never too late to get a degree in university. As popularization of university degrees, the significance of a degree no longer represents elite education but cultural quality-oriented curriculum training, as such, the purpose of obtaining university degree switched from training for young professionals totraining for construction of spiritual civilization. While I was attending Columbia Business School, I was 22 years old, the youngest in the program, decidingto enter grad school immediately after college whereas most of the American friends around me had at least 5-7 years of working experience in varies fields, they were energetic and intelligent, attentive and cooperating, not only they graduated top in the class, also they were guaranteed promotion aftergraduation. I believe they set perfect example for those who wish to earn university degrees in midlife. (144 words) T3:
标题:shut the gym down
原因1:to update locker rooms and shower facilities
原因2:students can use an off-campus gym freely
态度:girl disagrees
原因1:unnecessary to shut the whole gym down, just shut the area they are working on, and students can change their clothes and take shower in their dorms cuz dorms areclose to the gym
原因2:the off-campus gym is far away from campus, it will take 30 mins to there and another 30 mins back to school, plus students will always feel exhausted after working out, so they may not willing to walk anymore.
The university has implemented a new policy to shut the gym down asthey wish to update locker rooms and shower facilities in the mean time, they've also suggested the students to use off-campus gym freely.
While discussing the policy, the girl holds a negative attitude towards the announcement because she believes that it is unnecessary to shut the whole gym down, just shutting down the area which is undergoing renovation would be enough, andstudents can change their clothes and take shower in their dorms conveniently since dorms are close to the gym. In addition, she points out that the off-campus gym is far away from campus, it will take 1 hour to rush back and forth, plus students will always feel exhausted after working out, so they may not be willing to walk anymore. (136 words)
标题:create grouping
定义:group the items in a new way in order to increase the sales
例子:the professor uses watch as an example to illustrate this concept. He said that in the past, watches are seen as expensive and luxury jewelry, always use gems or expensive metal to make watches and people are willing to pay big money on them. One company started to make watches, they use plastic materials instead of metal, and they made their watches fun and fashion, people will pay less money to get a watch like that and it also changed the way people buy it, instead of just buy one watch a time, people are more tend to buy several watches a time cuz they are cheap.
Create grouping refers to the phenomenon in which people group the items in anew way in order to increase the sales.Professor uses the sales of watch as an example to illustrate this concept. He said that in the past, watches are seen as expensive and luxury jewelry, the decoration of gems or expensive metal areutilized in watches to encourage consumers to be willing to pay a huge amount of money on watches. One company started to make watches using plastic materials instead of the metal, but the design of their watches is fun and fashionable, not to mention that people are only required to pay less money to purchase a watch like that. Moreover, the popularization of the unique watch also changed the behavior pattern for purchasement, instead of just buying one watch a time, people are more inclined to buy several watches simply because they are cheap. (151 words) T5:
问题:the girl has a time confliction between her tutoring program and her history class this semester
解决方案1:change her history class to next semester
优点1:can continue her tutoring program
缺点1:next semester the history class will change from ancient to modern, which she’s not interested in
解决方案2:ask her classmates from math class to help her out
优点2:she can take history classes this semester
缺点2:she cannot keep tutoring kids math anymore
The girl has a time confliction between her tutoring program and her history class this semester, she can either choose to switch history class to next semester or to ask her classmates from math class to help her out with the class context. I am in favor of the latter solution, as a student, she should be regarding studying as her priority since the university life is precious and short, she should grasp the opportunity as she can because she may never be given the chances of taking her favorite ancient history course again.It is believed that the working years tend to be long and tedious, she will be granted with decades to tutoring kids with math, this is an opportunity which could be made up with in the future, so it is not required to take on there sponsibly now. (142 words)
话题:fish will encounter some challenges while they swim in really fast current, how will they solve the problem?
要点1:hard for them to stop at a spot
例子1:Like catfish, they have really muscular and bigfins, which can help them to swim against the current
要点2:difficult for fish to get food
例子2:Like trout, instead of swim in the center of the water, where current always faster than other places, they will stay at the bank of the river, so they can avoid the current and get enough food to survive.
There are two strategies mentioned in the biology course regarding to fish solving problems that they've encountered while swimming in really fast current. One challenge is not being able to stop at onefixed spot. To cope with the issue, catfish have developed really muscular andbig fins, which can help them to swim against the current efficiently. The other challenge they have encountered isthe difficulty in obtaining food recourses. But trout have rather unique adaptations to handle the toughness in surrounding environment, instead of swimming in the center of the water, where current always tend to be fasterthan other places, they will stay at the bank of the river so as to avoid the current and then capture enough food to survive. (125 words) 回忆15: 写作真题
阅读1:acorns, oaks被使用在domestication。
1、生长周期长,有抵御力,live long, hardy。
3、可以用育种技术,breeding techniques把苦味去除。
The reading and listening are both taking about whether the acorns and oaks can be domesticated or not, whereas theprofessor gives three reason to contradict what the reading passage indicate.
First, it takes a long time for the acorns to ripe and fruit, according to professor. Early human beings immigrate frequently, so they have insufficient patience to wait until the oaks finally fruit. Thus, although acorns have a long growing period, it is hard to farm.
Second, the reading passage says that acorns are unlikely to be spoiled because they are conventional food. However,the professor claims that while acorns will not be spoiled easily, the preparation is cumbersome, for chemical can be removed only by boiling.
Finally,the professor regards that it is not proper to make a comparison between acorns and almonds. Almonds only possess one gene to decide their taste, while acorns have several genes accounting for their taste. Thus, acorns’ taste is too complicated for the early people to deal with. Therefore, the comparison in the reading passage is clearly unreasonable. (176 words)
原题:Imagine that a professor requires students to learn as much as possible about a subject in a short period of life. Is it better for the professor to require students to work together in a group or is it better to require students to work alone?
There is quite a strange phenomenon that students who work in team will be regard as“free riders”: They do nothing but when their team get a good job, they will behonored and rewarded as well. However, that is truly a ridiculous idea. Heroes like Avengers could not finish their tasks without team members, let alone our average students. In my point of view, students should be allow to conduct their project by virtue of cooperation.
Firstoff, a group of students has a wider range of knowledge, expertise and skills,thereby truly shortening the time they otherwise spend individually. Division in work enables everyone to work on certain fields that they are good at. Istill remember the time when my team and I conducted a survey in sociology class. Fortunately, we finished the task ahead of time because we arerespectively assigned by several work like information collection,questionnaire design and data statistics. Everyone has their own advantages and shortcomings, so working in a team allows students to full play their superiorities and eventually, increase the efficiency.
Aside the efficiency, group working is a good opportunity to develop interpersonal skills. It is not uncommon that many students lack the ability to get along with others. While the internet brings abundant information to children that makes their study more productive, it simultaneously creates a kind of people called “Otaku”: they are less social and afraid to get alone with others. Still, working in group is a way to push themout of their inner world. They need to share some ideas and thoughts withothers as well as listen to others’ opinion, during which they have to face thesituation that they otherwise avoid. Given such opportunity, teachers could make great progress in helping students to open their mind.
Atlast, some may claims that team working may have one or two downsides. For example, they may give priority to something trivial rather than academic,thereby decreasing the teaching efficiency. However, in light of theabove-mentioned possibility, I suggest teachers to make a detailed schedule torule what topics to include or exclude in class and make the deadline forstudents to attract their concentration. That way we can make sure that students will finish their team work on time.
All in all, teachers should truly persuade students to attend the team working. All what they do in group will bring unimaginable benefits, of which the reasons above is just a tip of the iceberg. (417 words) 回忆16: 回忆17: 回忆18: [size=13.3333px]
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