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[资源] 2024年4月国内外雅思G类笔试、机考真题回忆+答案汇总(听说









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发表于 2024-4-3 11:38:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
2024年4月国内外雅思G类笔试、机考真题回忆+答案汇总(听说读写答案+机经整理汇总)请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-263968-1-1.html每一场北美、欧洲、澳洲、亚太、非洲、中东雅思考区考试都期待更多的考生来回忆:A类,G类,UKVI,听说读写,最好能回忆英文题目。只有大家积极回忆,才能分享到更全面的考试回忆信息,请回复回忆在本论坛本文下面,或请加微信504918228或者ieltstofel3,QQ504918228积极回忆吧,谢谢。Email: yeyibin2001@163.com 504918228@qq.com

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非洲雅思A类G类、雅思UKVI真题预测答案(机考+纸质)2024年4月5月6月7月8月南非雅思、尼日利亚、毛里求斯雅思、坦桑尼亚雅思、安哥拉雅思、马达加斯加雅思、刚果雅思、加纳雅思、赞比亚雅思、苏丹雅思、埃及雅思、津巴布韦雅思、埃塞俄比亚雅思、肯尼亚雅思等非洲雅思考区A类G类、UKVI真题预测听力、口语、阅读、写作答案范文机经(机考+纸质)Ielts in Africa【剑桥雅思考官雅思真题预测IRP快速提高1-3分,一次性攻破雅思VIP资料】每场必中大部分考试内容,剑桥雅思考官发布Ielts Africa请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-254327-1-1.html

中东雅思考区A类G类、雅思UKVI真题预测答案范文机经2024年4月5月6月7月8月迪拜、巴林、阿联酋、伊朗、埃及、沙特阿拉伯、土耳其、伊朗科威特伊拉克阿曼卡塔尔以色列巴勒斯坦等中东国家地区(机考+纸质)雅思真题预测机经答案雅思真题预测A类G类UKVI答案范文机经冲刺版【快速提高1-3分,IRP小范围精准版,超高命中率】Ielts in Middle East----紧跟考情每周更新请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-254326-1-1.html


Task 1
Yourecently employed a professional photographer to take photos of your family.Now you would like to employ him/her again at a special family event. Write aletter to the photographer. In your letter
-explainwhy your family like his/her photos
-whatkind of photos you whould like him/her to take this time
-give thedetails of the event

Task 2
Somepeople choose to earn more money and have less free time. Others choose to havemore free time and earn less money. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
Task 1
Youwould like to work overseas, write a letter to an employment agency. In yourletter
-whatjob you would like to apply
-whatcompanies are you looking for
-why doyou want to work overseas

Task 2                                                            
In someplaces, young people stay home until they are 20s or 30s. Why is this happenig?Do you think it is better to like with parents or leave home?
You hadan appointment with the bank and now you realized that you can't make it.Writea letter to the manager
-givedetails of your appointment
-explainthe reason why you cannot make it
-rearrangea time for the appointment

Childrenusually want to play the same games and watch the same TV programs astheir peers. Some parents support this while others disagree. Discuss bothviews and give your own opinion.
Youfound an exciting activitiy that you would like to share with your friend.Write a letter to your friend. In your letter
-introducethe activity
-explainwhy you think he/she will enjoy this activity
-arrangea time for doing this activity together

Manycities have old public buildings like city halls and art galleries that areexpensive to repair. Some people think that they should be replaced with newones but others think it is important to keep these old buildings. Discuss bothviews and your own opinion.
大陆421G 纸质
You hadan eye test at a clinic but you are not satisfied with the service. Write aletter to the manager of the clinic.In your letter-describe your test /appointment-what you are not satisfied with-suggestion solutions to this issue
Dear Siror Madam,
I amwriting to express my dissatisfaction with the eye test I had at your clinicrecently. My appointment was scheduled for 2:00 PM on Monday, March 25th, 2024.Upon arrival, I was promptly checked in by the receptionist and was seen by theoptometrist at my scheduled time.

However, I found the overall service to be unsatisfactory for several reasons.Firstly, the waiting area was overcrowded, and there was a considerable waittime before I was called in for my test. Additionally, the optometrist seemed rushedduring the examination and did not take the time to explain the procedures oranswer my questions adequately.

Furthermore, the equipment used for the test appeared outdated, and I felt thatthe examination was not as thorough as it could have been. I was alsodisappointed with the lack of cleanliness in the examination room, which mademe question the hygiene standards of your clinic.

To improve the service at your clinic, I would suggest the following solutions.Firstly, I recommend implementing a more efficient appointment schedulingsystem to reduce waiting times. Additionally, I suggest providing furthertraining to your staff to ensure they are more attentive and courteous topatients. Lastly, upgrading your equipment and maintaining a clean and hygienicenvironment would greatly enhance the overall patient experience.

I hope you will take my feedback into consideration and make the necessaryimprovements to your clinic. I look forward to hearing from you soon regardingthis matter.

Yours faithfully,

Kelly Hsu

Somepeople go to work abroad for a period of time and take their family with them.Does it have more advantages than disadvantages for the individuals andtheir family?

Relocating abroad for work can offer numerous advantages. Firstly, it providesindividuals with opportunities for personal and professional growth. Working ina different country exposes them to new cultures, ideas, and ways of working,which can enhance their skills and broaden their perspectives. Additionally,working abroad can lead to higher salaries and better career prospects,especially in industries where certain countries offer more lucrativeopportunities than others. Moreover, relocating with family can strengthenfamily bonds and create lifelong memories through shared experiences in a newenvironment.

There are several disadvantages to consider. One of the main challenges isadapting to a new culture and lifestyle, which can be stressful andoverwhelming, especially for children. Additionally, there may be languagebarriers that can hinder communication and integration into the new community.Furthermore, moving abroad can also lead to feelings of homesickness andisolation, especially if individuals and their families are far away from theirsupport networks.

The advantages of relocating abroad for work with family often outweigh thedrawbacks. The exposure to new cultures and experiences can enrich individuals'lives and provide valuable learning opportunities. Additionally, the financialbenefits and career opportunities that come with working abroad cansignificantly improve individuals' quality of life and future prospects.Moreover, the shared experience of living in a foreign country can strengthenfamily bonds and create lasting memories.
大陆421G 机考
Youremployer has recently allowed some employees to work remotely. Write a letterto your manager to request for working from home. In your letter
-whatyou can do at home
-howmuch time you can spend on working
-whatare the benefits for you and your company if you work from home

Shoppinghas become new favorite pastime for young generation. Why is this the case? Doyou think they should be encouraged to do something else?
421日加拿大 机考
You wenton a trip and found that the guide was really helpful. Write a letter to thetour company manager. In your letter, you should:
-describethe tour
-explainwhy you think the guide is excellent
-suggestways to appreciate the tour guide

Dear Sir or Madam,
I hope this letter finds you well. I recently joined one of your tours to X and I would like to share my feedback about the experience.

The tour was well-planned and organized, ensuring a pleasant journey for all participants. From the start to the end, everything was taken care of, and I was impressed by the attention to detail.

I would like to highlight the excellent service provided by our tour guide, A. His/Her knowledge of the area's history, culture, and landmarks made the tour informative and enjoyable. He/She was approachable and created a friendly atmosphere, allowing us to ask questions and engage more with the destination.

In addition to the knowledge, A was professional and dedicated to ensuring everyone's comfort and enjoyment. His/Her passion for their job was evident, and it enhanced the overall experience.

I believe A is a valuable asset to your tour company. To show appreciation for their hard work, you could consider offering a bonus or incentive based on customer feedback. Recognizing his/her achievements publicly or providing opportunities for professional development could also be beneficial.

Overall, I had a great experience with your tour company, thanks to A. I look forward to future tours with your company and would recommend your services to others.

Thank you for a wonderful experience.

Yours faithfully,

Amber Hsu

Somepeople think that radio is more enjoyable and practical than TV. What is youropinion?
Yourfamily member found a new job and you would like to hold a party. Write aletter to a friend to ask for help.
-Explain why you are organizing the party
-Describe what you are planning to do
- Saywhat help you need from him/her

Manywildlife birds and animalslive in towns and cities. Some people think that the wildlife should beprotected. Some think that they should be destroyed. Discuss both viewsand give your opinion.

范文: Some believe that wild animals should not be allowed tolive in urban areas. In my opinion, although these animals pose a threat tohealth and safety, they should remain as they contribute to the character of acity.

Those infavor of eliminating certain animal species argue they can be dangerous. It iscommon, for instance in various locales in New England, for deer to causetraffic accidents. However, the chances that a motorist is actually injured areextremely low. The more pressing threat relates to the species that often serveas carriers for infectious diseases. Rats are the best examples as they are prevalentin most cities and often transmit diseases. The most infamous instance being anoutbreak of bubonic plague caused by rodents termed the Black Death thatravaged Europe in the 1300s.

Nonetheless,the examples above are exceptions and wild animals generally add to theidentity of a city or town. There are cities in Asia where locals live inrelative harmony with species of monkeys and wild birds. One of the morenoteworthy examples of this would be Singapore. In Singapore, it is notuncommon to see rare species of monkeys, tropical birds and wild pigs. Theseanimals are not only cherished by local residents but also serve as anattraction for tourists. The city has managed to control population numbers sothat they do not become a nuisance while also allowing them to constitute a keyelement of the citys unique charm.

Inconclusion, despite potential for the spread of disease and a lack of generalsafety, the contributions of wild animals to the personality of a city justifytheir continued existence. Individuals will always have the option to move toareas where there is less wildlife if they are concerned.
Yourfriend is about to move into a new house. Write a letter to him/her. In yourletter
-offerto help him/her to move
-explainhow exactly you can help
-askhim/her some questions about the new house

Shoppinghas become an entertaiment activity these days. Is it a positive ornegtaive development?
You are planning to buy something expensive which your friends owns. Write a letter to your friend. In youre letter
-what you would like to buy
-why you would like to buy it
-ask questions about that.

Some people think that as long as these professional sportsmen and sportswomen are good players, their behaviour on and off playing fields are not important. Do you agree or disagree?
You arewriting a letter in response to an advertisement offering a work to look aftera house in Scotland. In your letter
-introduce yourself
-why you are interested in this job
-ask a few questions about the job

Thesedays some people spend a lot of money on tickets to go to sporting orculturalevents. Do you think this is a good thing or bad thing?
You aregoing to learn a new sports. Write a letter to invite one ofyour friends tojoin you. In your letter
-how didyou know this sport
-introducewhere you can do this sport
-why youwould like him/her to join you

Thetrend of increasing tourism causes environmental problems in many parts of theworld. What are the main causes of pollution it creates? What can be done toreduce it?
Your friend islooking for a part-time job and you have found one for him/her. Write a letterto your freind. In your letter
-describethe part-time job you have found for him/her
-why doyou think it is a good job for him/her
-whathe/she needs to do to get it

Nowadaysmany people have an unhealthy diet and do not exercise regularly. What are thereasons behind this trend? How can we encourage these people to live a healthylifestyle?
You leftyour bag at the swimming pool you visited. Write a letter tothe manager. In your letter
-describeyour visit and how you lost your bag
-how thebag look like and what is in it
-whatyou would like them to do about it.

Thetrend of increasing tourism causes environmental problems in many parts of theworld. What are the main causes of pollution it creates? What can be done toreduce it?
Yourfamily member found a new job and you would like to hold a party. Write aletter to a friend to ask for help.
-Explain why you are organizing the party
-Describe what you are planning to do
- Saywhat help you need from him/her

Someshops are open 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Do you think it is a goodthing for customers, shop staff and our society as a whole?




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