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[加拿大] 加拿大美国雅思口语答案机经2024年3月16日加拿大美国雅思A...









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发表于 2024-1-20 22:35:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
加拿大美国雅思口语答案机经2024年3月16日加拿大美国雅思A类G类口语真题答案机经、雅思UKVI口语真题答案、快速提高雅思1分到4分加拿大雅思(多伦多、温哥华、渥太华、蒙特利尔、列治文、卡尔加里、温伯尼、埃德蒙顿Edmonton、里贾纳Regina、哈利法克斯Halifax、圣约翰St. John's、蒙克顿Moncton等城市)、美国雅思(纽约、德州、旧金山、洛杉矶、华盛顿等城市)口语真题预测答案(雅思A类、G类、雅思UKVI、纸质、机考)、加拿大美国雅思A类G类、雅思UKVI口语部分真题答案机经IELTS Speaking IELTS Canada USA【快速提高1-4分IRP小范围精准版,超高命中率99%-100%】-2024年3月16日加拿大美国雅思口语答案机经、美国加拿大雅思区口语真题预测答案、雅思加拿大多伦多、温哥华、渥太华、蒙特利尔、魁北克、卡尔加里、列治文、温伯尼等城市和美国纽约、德州、旧金山、洛杉矶、华盛顿等城市雅思考试口语真题预测答案A类(学术类)、G类(移民类)、雅思UKVI精准版-加拿大美国雅思考区口语真题预测答案机经2024年3月16日加拿大美国雅思口语精准真题预测答案机经小范围超高命中率版【剑桥雅思考官雅思真题预测IRP快速提高1-4分,一次性攻破雅思VIP资料】每场必中大部分考试内容,剑桥雅思考官发布IELTS Killer, Pass IELTS Higher,IELTS Speaking,IELTS Canada USA紧跟考情雅思真题预测答案!听说读写全套 场场命中!精准小范围快速提高雅思1分到4分
超高命中率雅思真题预测机经IRP适用(纸质+机考):全球六大雅思考区分开,A类、G类、UKVI分开,都有各自IRP雅思A类、G类、UKVI听力、口语、写作、阅读真题预测及完整答案,紧跟考情雅思真题预测答案!听说读写全套 场场命中90%-100%!精准小范围!具体请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-32-1-1.html  或者咨询个人微信504918228,ieltstofel3,ieltstoefl2023,咨询 QQ26346059,QQ504918228,或者加公共微信平台ieltstofel,ieltstoefl6688,ieltsglobal
本文超高命中率雅思机考真题预测机经适用(纸质+机考): 加拿大雅思(多伦多、温哥华、渥太华、列治文、温伯尼、魁北克、蒙特利尔、卡尔加里、埃德蒙顿Edmonton、里贾纳Regina、哈利法克斯Halifax、圣约翰St. John's、蒙克顿Moncton等城市)、雅思美国(纽约州、德克萨斯州、加州、纽约、旧金山、洛杉矶、华盛顿等城市)、墨西哥、格陵兰、巴拿马等国家-北美雅思地区。以上地区笔试部分(听力、阅读、写作)为统一试卷,口试内容半年内基本在共同的Part 1-3 30-40几个经典固定话题中(预测中整理好)选择变化。雅思考试是全球性的,统一由英国雅思考试中心出题,因此题库是一样的.预测不是一两个题目,而是个范围,由一定数量题目组成,是考试复习的重点和最可能考到的题目,希望大家按照预测认真准备,提高复习效率和质量,有的放矢,切中肯綮.本预测里面的口语,写作,听力预测题目和范围也是未来几个月的复习重点范围,后面考试的同学请按照此内容先复习。
本预测里面的所有雅思口语Part 1-3、雅思A类G类、雅思UKVI大小写作题目地道原创答案范文、听力预测版本号内容答案和阅读预测对应机经内容答案(整理好的阅读和听力机经)IRP会员有提供,可以快速提高雅思1分到4分
,具体请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-32-1-1.html或者咨询个人微信504918228,ieltstofel3,ieltstoefl2023,咨询 QQ26346059,QQ504918228,或者加公共微信平台ieltstofel,ieltstoefl6688,ieltsglobal
最新雅思成绩出炉!最新短时间内提高雅思总分1分到4分,雅思4个6分、4个7分,4个8分详细实用经验请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/forum-45-1.html或请加微信504918228, ieltstofel3,ieltstoefl2023,或QQ504918228,QQ26346059
中国、澳洲、亚太、北美、欧洲、非洲、中东地区、南美洲等各考区精准雅思A类G类、雅思UKVI真题预测机经汇总2024年1月2月3月4月5月6月7月8月至12月雅思a类g类真题预测答案范文机经请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-231231-1-1.html  或者咨询个人微信504918228,ieltstofel3,ieltstoefl2023,咨询 QQ26346059,QQ504918228,或者加公共微信平台ieltstofel,ieltstoefl6688,ieltsglobal
2.听力:听力按照重点先后排列,根据自己的时间来取舍,主要背“最重点"V140*** ;V130***最前面各20个号,IRP资料都全部配有详细答案、听力机经词汇场景。
3.口语:时间少的同学准备最重点前面1次最新调整(更新版)的就行,时间充裕的同学最重点往下多准备一些。(比如最前面第一次小更新里面有个10几个topics,以准备Part 2为主,Part1和Part3 稍微准备,IRP资料都全部配有详细答案)
2.听力:听力按照重点先后排列,根据自己的时间来取舍,主要背“最重点"V140*** ;V130***最前面20个号,IRP资料都全部配有详细答案、听力机经词汇场景。
3.口语:时间少的同学准备最重点前面1次最新调整(更新版)的就行,里面有个10几个topics,以准备Part 2为主,Part1和Part3 稍微准备,IRP资料都全部配有详细答案。
雅思快速提分:对于长期困扰和急于提高雅思成绩总分1-4分的全球各地烤鸭们,Edward 艾华师提供全球性网络一对一雅思专家型授课, 无数在国内外读语言/预科,硕士博士(需要4个7,4个8移民)的学员的心声:花8-10万,几十万甚至上百万在国外学英语,还不如上Edward 的几次课,具体安排和说明请进入

全球各大考区最高命中率的雅思A类G类真题预测-雅思托福英语全球网专家提供紧跟考情的每一场考试,口语命中率为99%-100%,听力命中率为95%-100%,写作和阅读旧题命中率90-100%,历次反馈都公布在本网站论坛http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/forum.php 和博客上。
未来几个月的口语几乎不会有比较明显的变化,99%-100%为旧题目,大家按照我下面这些题目准备就99-100%能覆盖中。事实上,雅思口语考试每次绝大部分都是旧题目,都覆盖于Edward预测里面。雅思口语考试新题目是很少的---一次最多5%,具体落实到各考考区点就更少了。最新国内外出现的口语新题目和解析我IRP资料会一直汇总更新,大家应该把复习重点放在这些高频率的和近期热点和新话题上面。现将口语考试预测如下。(我们的IRP会员资料有完整原创该预测Part 1-3全部地道答案解析,具体看http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-32-1-1.html
特别提醒:一直有烤鸭希望我把口语预测题目压缩到剩下10几个,这是极其危险的。事实证明,每场考试每个考点考室的口语话题加起来有30-40几个,如果迷信很少的几个话题预测,偷工减料,那后果不堪设想。最近一段时间以来 ,雅思口语题目和写作题目经常互相借用,拼凑组合,特别是新的写作题目经常取自于口语话题,这其实是好现象,说明我们的口语和写作是可以一起准备的,不要把他们孤立开来,我的IRP资料的口语和写作答案和范文是可以互相套用的。
口语预测话题按照重点先后顺序排列,可以根据自己的时间取舍,新调整和新增题目已标出(最重点)。没时间的看:雅思新口语题库高频必考口语题目。时间充裕的同学最重点往下多准备一些,比如近期高频必考口语新题目,考前冲刺特重点。以准备Part 2为主,Part1和Part3 稍微浏览准备,IRP资料都全部配有详细答案)
I. 最新雅思口语题库高频必考题目(Part2-3 按照重点先后顺序排列)
1.Part 2 Describe a rule that isimportant in your school or at work
You should say:
What the rule is about
What happens when people break the rule
Why you think it is important rule
And explain how you feel about therule
Part 3 What rules should children follow at home in your country?What rules should people follow when using public transport?
What kinds of rules do people need tofollow in public places?
What are the reasons that causepeople to break rules?
When people break rules, how wouldthey be punished in your country?
2.Part 2 Describe acomplaint that you made and you were satisfied with the result
You should say:
who you complained to;
what you complained about;
why you complained;
and explain how you felt about the result.
Part 3 What products or servicesdo people in your country like to complain about? Do you agree customers todayare more likely to complain? Do you think it’s astereotype to say the elderly are more likely to complain? Why do peoplelike to write online reviews?
3.Part 2Describe a time when you used a paper map
You should say:
When you used the map
Where you were
Why you used a paper map
And explain how you felt about the experience
Part 3 Do you often use a map on your phone? Howoften?
Have you ever used a paper map? Do you find it easy to readmaps? Had you ever put a map on the wall in your home when you were a child?
4.Part 2 Describe a foreigner who canspeak your language (Chinese )well.You should say:
Who he/she is
How you know him/her
Why he/she can speak Chinese well
And explain how you feel about thisperson.
Part 3 What do you think makes a good lesson? Do you think it's important to study a foreign language?What are somereasons why people learn a foreign language?How would you assess your ownlanguage ability?What do you think is the most difficult part of learninganother language?
5.Part 2 Describe a place where you would like to go torelax/your favorite place in your house where you can relax
You should say:
Where it is
What it is like
What you enjoy doing there
And explain why you feel relaxed atthis place
Part 3 Why is it difficult for some people to relax?What are thebenefits of doing exercise?Do people in your country exercise after theywork?
6.Part 2 Describe a time when youwere busy.
You should say:
When it happened
What you were busy with
How you dealt with it
And explain how you felt about it
Part 3 Whichone do you prefer, an easy life or a busy life?
In which way do you often relax when youare busy?
Is relaxation important for a healthylife?
Will you take a long vacation after along period of busy work?
7.Part 2 Describe a beautiful city thatyou have visited.
You should say:
Where the city is
When you went there
Why you went there
And explain why it is beautiful
Part3 What makes a citya good one to live in? 是什么让城市宜居?What can people do to improve the air quality in the city? 为了提高城市的空气质量,人们可以做哪些事?What are thedifferences between modern towns and modern cities? Why do some people like tovisit historical sites? How can people preserve historical buildings? Is agreat tourist destination also a good place to live? Why dopeople go to live in small towns and think that there are more interesting thanthe big cities?
8.Part 2 Describe a successful businessperson you admire
You should say
who he or she is
what business this person does
what you know about him or her
and explain why you admire this person
What factors lead tosuccess? What do people need to sacrifice for success? Which is morelikely to be successful, family businesses or large corporations? Is it easyfor a business to be successful without affecting the environment? Can youprovide some examples of family businesses in your country? What qualitiesshould be considered when recruiting employees?
9.Part 2 Describe a timewhen your computer broke down
You should say:
When it was
What you were doing
What you did about it
And how you felt about it
P3 What do people use computers for?
Should students be allowed to usecomputers at school?
What do you think of people who areaddicted to computers?
Do you think computers make our lifesimpler or more complex?
10.Part2 Describe an interesting house /anapartment you visited/Describe a house /an apartment/an ideal house/ place youwant to live in
You should say :
Where it would be
What type of it would be
How you would decorate it
and explain why you would like to live in thiskind of home
Part 3 Whydo people change their places of living? Do most people in your country live ina flat or a house? At what age do people in your country start living independently?
Do people in your country mostly buytheir own home or do they rent their home? Do you think the design of a home isimportant?  What makes a location suitable for old people to live? Whatmakes a location suitable for young people to live? In what ways can buildingsbe more 'environmentally friendly’?
11.Part2 Describe a period of history that you are interested in
You should say
When was this
What happened during this period
Who played an important role during thisperiod of time
And explain why it was special/how youfelt about it
Part 3 Whatis history?Why is it important to study history?How should we study history?
12.Part 2 Describe an occasion when you spent time with ayoung child.
You should say:
Who the child is
Where you spent time with the child
What you did together
And how you felt about it
Part 3 Do you think children should have alot of toys?
Where do children usually play?
Do you think there are too many rules for children tofollow, whether at school or at home?
Do you think children should follow all the rules?
Do you think it's necessary for parents to make decisionsfor their children?
Do you think it is good for parents to help theirchildren choose friends?
13.Part2 Describe a book you have read many times.
You should say:
What the book is about
How often you read this book
Why you have read it for many times
And explain what effect this book had on you
Part 3 What kinds of books dochildren like to read?
What can children learn from books? Do people prefere-books or paper books in your country? Do you think parents reading stories totheir children is necessary? Do you think reading books can make peoplehappier? Do you think e-books will make people read more?
14.Part2 Describe a party that youenjoyed
You should say:
What kind of party it was
Where the party was held
When you went to the party
And explain why you enjoyed thisparty
Part 3
Why do people like parties?
Why do some people not like going toparties?
Do you think music and dancing are amust at a party?
What would you do if you weredisturbed by a neighbor’sparty?
What are the differences betweenholding a party at home and in a public place?Do you think those who tend tostay at home are less healthy than those who often attend parties?
15.Part 2 Describe a long car journey you went on
You should say:
Where you went
What you did at this place
Who you went there with
And explain why you went on that journey by car

Part 3 Whydo people like to have private cars?
Whatare the differences between bicycles and private cars?
What’s the difference between men and women’spreference on cars?What will cars be like in the future?
16.Part 2 Describesomeone you know who often helps others
You should say:
Who the person is
How do you got to know him/her
How he/she helps others
And explain why he/she helps others
Part3 In what kinds of professions, do people help others more?
How should we teach children to behelpful? How can we be helpful?
17.Part2 Describe a piece of advice(suggestion) you received/gave to others
you should say:
What was it
In what situation did you receive it/yougave it to others
Who gave you this advice/Who(m)
you gave this advice to
and explain what did you do
after you received this advice/what didhim(her) do when he(she) received this advice
Part3 Are young people more inclined to accept advice fromtheir friends or from their parents? What do you think is the main differencebetween older people and young people when someone gives them advice? What doyou think are the good ways for older people to give advice to young people? Inyour community, what various kinds of people give advice and what kinds ofadvice do they give?
18.Part 2 Describe an importantdecision/a good decision you made recently.
You should say:
What it was
When and where you made
it What was the results
And explain why it was an important/agood decision
Part 3 What decisions do people usually make in their daily lives? Whichis easier, making a decision by yourself or making a decision after groupdiscussion?Why are many young people unwilling to follow their parents’advice? Why would middle-aged people tend to second guesstheir own decisions?
19.Part2 Describe an exciting activity/an outdoor activity that you like doing (or doregularly)
You should say:
what this activity is
where you do it
when you do it (or, how often you do it)
and explain why you like it.  
Part 3 What outdoor activities are popular in China?
Whatare the differences between after-class activities done by middle and olderchildren?Are there any benefits about outdoor activities?
20.Part2 Describe an invention that changed the world
You should say:
What the invention is
Who invented it
What changes it brought
Part 3 Howhas technology made our life easier?
Which invention do you think is the mostuseful at home?
Is it more difficult for old people toaccept new technologies?
What can be done to help old peoplelearn to make use of new technologies?
Will our life be better if we livewithout technology?
21.Part 2 Describe an interestingperson who has interesting ideas and opinions.
You should say
Who this persons is
How you knew about him/her
What interesting things he/she has done
And explain what you want to learn fromhim/her.
Part 3 Are there any differences in the relationship between you andyour friends and between you and other people?
Do people feel lonely in crowdedcities?
Where and how can people get to knownew people?
Can clothing tell and reveal a person’s personality?
Why do individuals from the samefamily have different personalities?How does society influence a person’s personality?
22.Part 2 Describe a film/movie thatyou did not enjoy.
You should say
what the film was
when you watched it
who you watched it with
And explain why you did not enjoy thisfilm
Part 3 Wheredo people normally watch movies?
What are the differences betweenwatching movies at home and at the cinema?Are actors and actresses important tomovies?
Why are there fewer people going to thecinema to watch movies?
23.Part2 Describe an item of clothing that some one sent to you/that was bought foryou /Describe your favorite piece of clothing/clothes
You should say:
What it looks like
Where did you get it
Why do you like it
And when do you wear it
Part 3Do you think it is a good idea to buy clothes on line?
Do you think what people wear caninfluence their mood?
What kind of clothes do people wear inthe workplace?
What the differences between clothes ofthe old and the young?
What do people think about when they buyclothes?Do you think thedress formally is important or not?Why do some people like to wear traditionalclothes?Will traditional clothes disappear in the future?
24.Part 2 Describe apopular/well-known person in your country
You should say:
Who this person is
What he/she has done
Why he/she is popular
And explain how you feel about thisperson
Part 3 Whatkinds of famous people are there in your country?
What are the differences between famouspeople today and those in the past? Do you think famous people are necessarilygood in their fields?Do you think media areputting too much attention on famous people? How do famous people influence thesociety in a positive way?
25.Part 2 Describe a photo you tookthat you are proud of
You should say:
When you took it
Where you took it
What is in this photo
And explain why you are proud of it
Part 3 Whydo some people like to record important things with photos? What can peoplelearn from historical photographs?
Is taking photos the best way toremember something?Which is better,taking photos or keeping a diary?
26.Part 2 Describea game that you played in your childhood
Youshould say:
Whatthe game was
Whenyou played it
Whoyou played it with
Andexplain how you felt about the game
Part 3
Whatgames do kids like to play now?
Isit good for a kid to be ambitious?
Isoutdoor sports important for kids?
Whydo people like to play different games now?
Iswinning important in games?
Whichis better, individual games or team-based games?
27.Part 2 Describe a park or garden 公园/花园
You should say
Where it is
What it looks like
What you do there
How you feel about it
Part 3 Arepublic parks very important In China?
Are there many public gardens in China?
Do you think there are enough publicgardens or parks in your hometown?
What do you think are the benefits ofhaving gardens in the city?
Why do people who live in cities likepublic gardens?
28.Part 2 Describe a website youoften visit/you would like to visit
You should say:
what type of website it is
how often you visit this website
what services or information it offers
and explain why you think this websiteis useful.
Part 3 Doelderly people use the Internet very much? What do you do on the Internet? Doyou think parents should supervise their children when the children use theInternet?Why do children nowadays start using the Internet very early?
29.Part 2 Describe a person you have met who you want towork/study with.
Youshould say:
Whothis person is
Howyou met this person
Howlong you have known him/her
Andexplain why you want to work/study with him / her
Part 3 Why should children be kind to theirclassmates?
Canchildren choose their desk mates?
Whatmatters most about a colleague's personality?
Aregood colleagues important at work?
Whatkind of people are popular at work?
Areknowledgeable people popular at work?
30.Part2 Describe an forgettable dinner/a special dinner/Describe your favorablemeal/a memorable meal or dinner you had.
You should say:
what you ate
where you had this meal
who you ate with
and explain why this was a specialmeal to you.
Part 3 Do you like to try new food?
What kinds of foreign food are popularin your country?
Do you like to cook at home?
Is it expensive to eat out in yourcountry?
What’s thedifference between Chinese food and western food?
31.Part 2 Describe an advertisementthat you don’t like.
You should say:
When did you see it?
What is it about?
Where you saw it/how you came to knowabout it?
Why you didn’t like it?
Part 3 Howdo advertisements attract attention?
Do you think advertisements actuallyinfluence people to buy things? And How? Do you think there should be controlson advertising? Do you think that advertisements for products that harm thehealth, such as cigarettes, should be allowed? What kinds of products are most often,most easily promoted by false advertising?
32.Part2 Describe an old person you admire/Describean interesting old person/Describe a family member who had important influenceon you/an old person you respect/
Describea family member you spend most time with/you want to work with/
You should say:
who this person is
where did you meet with him
what characteristics you most like onhim
and explain why you admire this person.
Part 3 Doyou think old people and young people can share interests? What can old peopleteach young people? Is it easy for young people and old people to make friendswith each other?
Do you think people are more selfish orself-centered now than in the past?
33.Describea movie /an exciting book you would like to share with your friends.
You should say:
where you watched it,
what it was about
who you watched it with
and explain why you want to share itwith friends.
Part3 Why do children laugh so much?
Why don’tadults laugh easily?
What kind of people can make people laugh?
34.Part 2 Describe your favorite place in your housewhere you can relax
You should say:
Where it is
What it is like
What you enjoy doing there
And explain why you feel relaxed atthis place
Part 3 Why is it difficult for some people to relax?What are thebenefits of doing exercise?Do people in your country exercise after theywork?
35.Part 2 Describe a person you know who is from adifferent culture.
Youshould say :
Whohe/she is
Wherehe/she is from
Howyou knew him/her
Andexplain how you feel about him/her
Part 3 Where and how can we get to know people of differentcultures better?What are the advantages and disadvantages of culturaldiversity?How can traditional culture and other cultures coexist?Which Chinesetraditions are disappearing?
36.Part2 Describe an interesting story you watched from the tv/Describe a novel or astory you thought particularly interesting.
You should say:
When you read it
What the story or novel was about
Who wrote it
And explain why you read it
Part 3 Howdoes technology help people tell stories?Do people prefer to read e-books orpaper books?Why are mystery novels so popular nowadays?What kinds of stories dochildren like
37.Part2 Describe a person you know who lovesto grow vegetables/fruits
You should say:
Who this person is
What he/she grows
Where he/she grows them
And explain how you feel about this
Part 3Are there many people growing their own vegetables now?Do you think it's goodto let kids learn how to plant?What do you think of the job of a farmer?Whatare the differences between traditional and modern agriculture?
38.Part2 Describe a person who isfashionable/who likes to dress fashionably
You should say:Who he/she is
What job he/she does
What kind of clothes he/she wears
And explain why he/she likes fashion
Part 3 Do you think onlineshopping will replace in-store shopping in the future?Why? Why is fashion veryimportant to some people?Are older people as fashionable as young people? Why?Are women more fashionable than men? Why?
39.Part2 Describe a time when you received some money as a gift.
You should say:
who gave it to you
what the occasion was
how you felt
and explain what you did with the money.
Part3 Inyour country, do parents give children money for doing housework? Is itimportant for children to have a right attitude towards money? What do youthink of the saying: love of the money is the root of all evil?Is it important to teach children how to manage their pocket money? Whatkinds of occasions require people to send money as gifts?
40.Part 2 Describe an English lessonthat you enjoyed.
You should say:
When it was
What it was about
What happened
And explain why you liked it
Part 3 What do you think makes a good lesson? Do you think it's important to study a foreign language?What are somereasons why people learn a foreign language?How would you assess your ownlanguage ability?What do you think is the most difficult part of learninganother language?
II. 高频经典题Part1
Part 1 Money(新题1)
Do you prefer to save money or spend money?How do yousave money?What do you think of payment APPs or mobile payment?Do you use acredit card to buy things? Do you think cash will still be popular in thefuture?
Part 1 Cake and dessert (新题2)
Do you like dessert? Do you like eatingcakes?What desserts do Chinese people like? Have you ever made cakes?
Part 1 Chatting (新题3)
Do you often chat with friends?
Do you prefer to chat online or face toface?
Do you prefer group chats or individualchats?
What will you do if you have adisagreement with others?
Do you prefer to chat with your friendsface to face or through social media?
1.Part1  Name
What is yourname? How should I call you? Does your name have any special meaning orsignificance?
2.Part 1 Personal PresentSituation
Are you a student or do you have a job?
Study What kind of school do you attend? What do you like most about yourstudies? What is your major? Is that a very popular subject to study in yourcountry? Is your subject very challenging (or difficult) to study? What do youdo when you have a difficulty with your studies? Why did you choose ...as yourmajor? What's more important when studying - the student or teacher?
3.living place/house/apartment
Part1/Part3 Do you live in a house or aflat/apartment? What is your house/flat like? What furniture or appliances doyou have in your home? which part of the apartment do you want to make achange? What kind of house or flat do you want to live in in the future? Do youlike the decoration in your home? Why or why not? Will you move to another houseor flat in the near future? What do you think of the neighborhood where youlive? How long have you lived there? How do you like it? What are yourneighbors like?
4.Part1 Hometown  
Part1 Whereare you from? What’sthe most impressive/interesting part of your hometown? Has your hometownchanged in recent years?
5.Part 1 Friends  
Do you have a lot of friends? What doesfriendship mean to you? What do you usually do with your friends? Do you preferto be alone or to be with friends?
6.Part1 Chocolate
Do you like chocolate?How often do youeat chocolate?What’s your favouriteflavor?Is chocolate expensive in China?When was the first time you atechocolate?Is chocolate popular in China?
7.Part1 Books  Part 1 What kinds of books do you like to read?
Are you reading any books at the moment?
8.Part 1/3 Teenager
What activities do teenagers in yourcountry like to do?
Do you often spend time with teenagers?
What is the best part of being ateenager in your country?
Do you think it is good to be a teenager?
9.Part 1 Sleep
When do you usually go to bed?
Is it necessary to sleep enough?
Is it necessary to take a nap every day?
How long should people sleep for thebenefit of their health
Do you think the old should sleep morethan the young,Why?
Do you likeshopping?
How often do you go shopping?
Do you think price will affect you onchoosing certain goods?
Do old people and young people havedifferent shopping habits?
Do you learn how to cook when you were achild?
Do you know how to bake a cake?
Do you think people in your hometown liketo cook?
Do you prefer cooking home-made food oreating out?
12.Part1 Gift
Do you often give gifts to people? Howoften do you buy others gifts? Do you like to send expensive gifts? What kindsof gifts are popular in your country? Why do people send gifts?( Do you andyour friends or family members give each other gifts?) (Do you thinkgift-giving is very important?)Do you think it is easy to choose what to giveother people?
13.Part 1 Advertisements
Are you interested in watching TVadvertisements or internet advertisements?What kinds of advertisements do youdislike?
Do you share advertisements withothers?Do you want to work in advertising in the future?
14.Part 1 Geography
Do you like geography? Have you everstudied geography at school?
Are you good at reading a map? Would youvisit a country because of its geographical location?
15.Part1:Public parks or gardens公共公园或花园
How have parks changed today compared tothe time when you were a child?Would you prefer to go to a personal garden orpublic garden?What do people usually do when they go to a park or garden?
16.Part1ice cream
Do you like ice cream?Did you eat ice cream when you were achild?Are there shops selling ice cream near the place where you live?
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