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快速提高20到60分:TOEFL CPU托福考试真题题库答案和最新每一场托福考试预测答案范文机经说明http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-231387-1-1.html
2023年9月6日托福听说读写真题答案回忆蹲点汇总+解析 回忆1: 「托福写作」
Comprehensive Writing
Speculations about the sudden vanish of Anasazi Civilization (印第安人阿纳萨齐族)
Pros: Wars
1. Anasazi ritual sites were burned down because of tribal invasions, and they were conquered.
2. Anasazi people were either slain or left so abruptly that their household items were not taken away.
3. Other tribes conveted Anasazi's rich land and abundant water, which might have led to more and severe tribal conflicts and their final fall.
1. Burning down the ritual sites iteself is an important ritual for symbolizing their will to find new habitat locations;
2. They could only take items that are easily carried with, like water and food; and the left-over artifacts were arranged scattered on purpose but not the results of wars;
3. Their rapid population growth made them vulnerable to water shortage, and unsustainable environment at last made them have no choice but migrate.
Academic Discussion
How to keep good health.
A: have a good diet
B: have regular vistits to a doctor
Which aspect would you like to change in order to improve your health? A. the kind of food you eat; B, the amount of exercsie you take; C, the amount of stress you have. 回忆2: 托福口语
Task 1
Do you prefer to finish projects long before the due time or finish them just before the deadline?
Task 2
About Campus life: School film club's proposal on supply of snacks at the movie screenings is opposed by students.
Task 3
About Biology: Exploitation between different species
Task 4
About Business: two challenges of wind power
1. The instability of wind power requires backups
2. Windpower plants usually locate far away from urban ereas, which makes the transmission of electricity costly. 回忆3: 回忆4: 回忆5: 回忆6: 回忆7: 回忆8: 回忆9: 回忆10: 回忆11: 回忆12: 回忆13: 回忆14: 回忆15: 回忆16: 回忆17: 回忆18: 回忆19: 回忆20:
2023年8月19日托福考试总体反馈-2023年8月19日托福命中独立和综合大作文真题原题(都是旧题),命中口语、听力各四到五部分,命中多篇阅读真题原题(出现多篇阅读旧题原题),总体难度适中、旧题非常多,阅读稍难。CPU资料阅读、写作、听力、口语等全面大中,全面开花!2023年8月19日的托福考试,依然是几套试卷组合,大量重复实用旧题,这种模式会一直持续下去。近年托福考试几大特点:(1)听力、口语、写作、阅读老题重复量巨大。(3)在大部分考试中,写作听力一直是四项难度最大,并且对话难度超过讲座)(4)阅读、独立和综合写作重复老题,是我们TOEFL CPU资料里面的。2023年8月19日托福考试大部分题目都在我们CPU资料原题命中!祝贺CPU会员将出现不少100-110分以上托福天才!本次考试听力阅读里大多是老题,仍然大量重复2014-2023年的老题,尤其是我们CPU托福资料的真题。今天口语和写作也是老题居多。ETS今年虽然在考试形式上变化很多,但其实使用的新题非常少,大都是在重复2014-2023年大陆考过的新题。这一方面说明,ETS出题成本太高(80万美金一套),所以出题量小。另一方面说明,托福考试的整体趋势还是稳定的。形式上的变化(多套试卷,阅读加试,听力非经典加试),并不能改变这个考试的内在。今天听力,口语,阅读和写作都重复老题。总体反馈请复制链接请进入
特别提醒:托福考试几十多年来,有非常严格的规律性和出题思路。全世界有6到10个托福大考区,而只有一个美国托福考试中心几个人在出题,每个考区每个月要出2-4份考卷,一个月出12-24份考卷,考官如何保证达到难度一样呢,如何保证新题难度、准确度和评价机制公平呢,所以只能是几十年来托福真题题库旧题目的有效组合,新题不能超出10%。事实上每份托福真题卷子都是80%-90%以上旧题原题真题。近年来,阅读几套卷里大多是老题,ETS今年虽然在考试形式上变化很多,但其实使用的新题非常少,大都是在重复2014-2023年大陆考过的老题。这一方面说明,ETS出题成本太高(80万美金一套),所以出新题量小。另一方面说明,托福考试的整体趋势还是稳定的。形式上的变化(多套试卷,阅读加试,听力非经典加试),并不能改变这个考试的内在。除了阅读之外,听力,口语和写作都大部分是重复老题。多年托福考官和专家Edward老师非常熟悉托福出题规律和听说读写题库出题组合卷子的秘诀, CPU资料因此而诞生,可以快速帮助考生提高20-60分!具体请阅读