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Task 1
Pie Charts

Task 2
Some people think hosting major international sporting events brings a lot of advantages to a country, while others believe there are more disadvantages. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Passage 1 主题:热气球(

Thebirth of the hot air balloon is largely contributed to the efforts of twoFrench brothers, Joseph and Etienne Montgolfier, who employed the fact that hotair was lighter than cool air and using this, managed to lift a small silk balloon32 metres into the air. The brothers went on to elevate a balloon into the airten thousand metres before it started to descend and then exploded. Arguablylimited success, but their work came to the eye of the French Science Academyas the discovery of the properties of hot air balloons helped scientists tostudy weather patterns and the atmosphere.
It wasnot until some considerable time later that a balloon was launched that wascapable of carrying passengers. Initial flights were trialled by animals, butafter the success of these voyages, two passengers, Jean Francois Pilatre andFrancois Laurent dArlendes, were sent up in aballoon which travelled across Paris for 29 minutes. The men fuelled the firein the centre of their wicker basket to keep the balloon elevated and the tripacross Paris was a great success.
Thediscovery of hydrogen-fuelled flights led to the death in 1785 of Pilatre, atragedy which caused a downfall in the popularity of hot air ballooning but anincrease in the popularity of hydrogen. Hot air ballooning lost further groundwhen alternate modes of air travel were introduced» but in the 1950s,ballooning experienced something of a revival as a leisure activity and sport.Today there are balloons of all shapes and sizes, with many unique designs.
In 1987,British entrepreneur Richard Branson crossed the Atlantic in a balloon namedVirgin Atlantic Flyer. At the time, this balloon was the largest everconstructed at 65 thousand cubic metres, but four years later, he and Per Lindstrandfrom Sweden flew nearly 8000 kilometres from Japan to Northern Canada in theirballoon the Virgin Pacific Flyer, which was nearly 10 thousand cubic metresbigger and was the longest flight in a hot air balloon ever made. The PacificFlyer was designed to fly in the trans-oceanic jet streams and recorded thehighest ground speed for a manned balloon at 394 kilometres per hour.
Thereare now a wide variety of designs and equipment available, from baskets withroom for two people right up to 35 or more, separated compartments andspecially designed flame resistant fabrics, but the basic parts of the balloonhave remained relatively unchanged. There is a basket, commonly made of wicker,inside which are stored the propane fuel tanks. Immediately above the basketand partly wrapped around by the skirt are the burners, attached on suspensionwires. The balloon itself is made of strips of fabric called gores which runfrom the skirt to the top of the balloon; they are further broken intoindividual panels. This section of the craft is referred to as the envelope. Atthe top of the envelope is a self closing flap that allows hot air to escape ata controlled rate to slow ascents or cause the balloon to descend descents.This is named the parachute valve, and is controlled by the vent line the cable that runs the length of the envelope and hangs just above thebasket so the pilot can open and close the parachute valve.
At themercy of prevailing wind currents, piloting a balloon takes a huge amount ofskill but the controls used are fairly straight forward. To lift a balloon thepilot moves the control which releases propane. The pilot can control the speedof the balloon by increasing or decreasing the flow of propane gas, but theycannot control horizontal direction. As a result, balloons are often followedby ground crew, who may have to pick up the pilot, passengers and balloon fromany number of landing sites. A pilot who wants to fly a hot air balloon musthave his commercial pilots license to fly and must have atleast 35 hours of flight instruction. There are no official safety requirementsfor passengers onboard, but they should know whom theyre flying with and what qualifications they may have. For safety reasons,hot air balloons dont fly in the rain because theheat in the balloon can cause water to boil on top of the balloon and destroythe fabric.
One ofthe largest hot air balloon organisations is the Balloon Federation of America.Founded in 1961, membership in the BFA attracts those with a fascination withballooning (or Lighter Than Air flight). With an active discussion forum, meetings and displays all aroundthe USA and beyond, the BFA runs on a number of guiding principles, primarilythat the future of ballooning is directly related to the safety of enthusiasts.They run a number of training courses, from a novice who is interested ingetting a basic licence to pilot achievement courses. They even boast of aballoon simulator, which although will not directly lead to a pilots license, it can give participants a degree of the sensation enjoyed byprofessional balloon pilots.

Questions 14
Do the following statements agree with the given in the reading passage?
In boxes 1-4 on your answer sheet write
if the  statement agrees with the information
if the  statement contradicts the information
If  there is no information on this

1 _________________ The Montgolfier brothers were the first people to flyin a hot air balloon.
2 _________________ Hot air ballooning became less popular in the lateeighteenth century.
3 _________________ The largest hot air balloon had a capacity of over75000 cubic metres.
4 _________________ Membership of the BFA is only open to people inAmerica.
Questions 57
Answer the questions below using NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER fromthe passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 5- 7 on your answer sheet.
Who accompanied the entrepreneur on the longest balloon flight?
5 _________________
Who follows a hot air balloons flight to retrieve the craftwhen it lands?
6 _________________
What can give newcomers to the sport some idea of the feeling of flying aballoon?
7 _________________
Questions 8
Label the diagram below using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passagefor each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 8- 11 on your answer sheet.

(1-4 判断)
1. False
2. True
3. False
4. Not Given
(5-11 填空)   
5. Per Lindstrand
6. Ground crew
7. Balloons simulator
8. Parachute valve
9. Envelope
10. Panels
11. Gores

Passage 2  主题:昆虫与决策

Passage 3 主题:什么是历史
Section 1
1. birds
2. tent
3. mountains
4. cave
5. waterfall
6. swim
7. back problems
8. walking boots
9. discount
10. insurance
Section 2
(11-17 地图)
11.对应local heroes
12.对应recent reward
13.对应learning zone
14.对应member restaurant
15.对应gallery shop
16.对应historical photos
17.对应 cinema zone
(18-20 选择)
18. A
19. B
20. D

Section 3
(21-25 选择)
21. C
22. A
23. B
24. A
25. C
(26-30 匹配)
26. F
27. B
28. A
29. G
30. E

Section 4
31. transport
32. clean
33. information
34. doctors
35. bonus
36. visitors
37. communication
38. sleep
39. plastic
40. planning
Some people think hosting major international sporting events brings a lot of advantages to a country, while others believe there are more disadvantages. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Part 1 旅游
1. there are a large number of birds
2. special accommodation: tent
3. final destination: mountains
4. also have a view on the way to the cave
5. have lunch by the waterfall
6. activity in the evening: have a swim
7. you can ride a horse, but you should not have back problems
8. there is a path, and you should wear walking boots
9. you can have a discount if you book online
10. have a good relationship with the insurance company

Part 2 介绍两层楼的美术馆
11-17. 地图
Level 1
11. meeting point, where they are standing now, in the middle of level-1, which displays the figures of local heroes
12. left room is the recent reward
13. the room at the top-right corner is the learning zone
14. then the mid-right room is a member restaurant
15. bottom right is the gallery shop
Level 2
16. take the lift up to the second floor, you will see the display of the historical photos
17. top mini lecture room is the cinema zone
18-20 选择
18. What is the best option if you are with the family
A. science museum
19. what is the minimal size of the family if you want to buy the family ticket
B. 1 adult and 2 children
20. how many days are valid with XXX pass
D. 3 days

Part 3 足球队的发展历史
21-25 选择
21. where did you find the definition of oral history
C. handouts from previous lectures
22. what is the most important influence of internet on oral history?
A. permanent recordings
23. why does Mike choose this topic?
B. his father loves football
24. where did they find the data of historical record
B. local newspaper achieves
25. where did Mike find the players’ information
C. phone book
26-30 匹配
26. questions on the draft: F. too complicated
27. time of answering: B. too long
28. recording equipment: A. not reliable
29. this topic: G. too vague/need to be more specific
30. proposed report: E. too factual/rely too much on facts

Part 4 医院的调查问卷
31-40 填空
31. transport is convenient
32. the building should be clean
33. provide some information prior to treatment
34. 给当地的doctors和医务人员建设网站
35. award staff with an effective bonus
36. help visitors assess the hospital
37. assess communication from all levels
38. patients with sleep disturbance
39. and also for plastic surgery patients
40. improved planning surgery




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