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[国内外] 2023年3月25日中国大陆雅思A类G类机考真题回忆+答案汇总(...









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2023年3月25日中国大陆雅思A类G类机考真题回忆+答案汇总(听说读写答案+机经整理汇总)请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-259925-1-1.html 每一场北美、欧洲、澳洲、亚太、非洲、中东雅思考区考试都期待更多的考生来回忆:A类,G类,UKVI,听说读写,最好能回忆英文题目。只有大家积极回忆,才能分享到更全面的考试回忆信息,请回复回忆在本论坛本文下面,或请加微信504918228或者ieltstofel3,QQ504918228积极回忆吧,谢谢。

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非洲雅思A类G类、雅思UKVI真题预测答案(机考+纸质)2023年3月4月5月6月南非雅思、尼日利亚、毛里求斯雅思、坦桑尼亚雅思、安哥拉雅思、马达加斯加雅思、刚果雅思、加纳雅思、赞比亚雅思、苏丹雅思、埃及雅思、津巴布韦雅思、埃塞俄比亚雅思、肯尼亚雅思等非洲雅思考区A类G类、UKVI真题预测听力、口语、阅读、写作答案范文机经(机考+纸质)Ielts in Africa【剑桥雅思考官雅思真题预测IRP快速提高1-3分,一次性攻破雅思VIP资料】每场必中大部分考试内容,剑桥雅思考官发布Ielts Africa请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-254327-1-1.html

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Part 1 课程预订
1. 24 August
2. single
3. Russia
4. writing
5. 7.55
6. 150

Part 2 自行车比赛
11. Rocks: B
12. Forest: E
13. Factory: F
14. Natural reserve: G
15-20 选择
15. 骑行中可能会遇到
C. there may be animals in the way
16. Elmesdan station的情况
C. re-opened recently
17. 在游客中心可以做什么?
A. You can hire a bike
18. 如果你在A,E两地之间往返,你需要做的是
B. during the weekends
19. 回来的路径需要注意什么
A. takes a long time

20. 如果你想参加骑行,相关信息来源
B. station website

Part 3 网络课程选课的讨论
21-26 匹配
21. Birmingham: E. objective
22. Manchester: B. budget
23. Liverpool: G. team building
24. Leeds: F. leaders’ skill
25. Glasgow: H. monitoring system
26. Cardiff: A. program assessment
27-30 多选
27-28. What are the purposes of designing the gas generators
C. environment
D. insufficient revenue

29-30. what is the significance for the new greenhouse?
B. increase nutrition
C. more children will have an education

Part 4 世界语的起源
31. Ancient languages were invented for the purposes of religion or trade
32. people need a precise language to study about science development
33. each word of a language was based on a picture
34. language also has a close connection with numbers
35. ancient people use songs to help understand languages
36. people started to write a letter to friends
37. modern technology has a negative impact on languages
38. children in a hospital learned to read in new languages
39. some languages can not show emotions
40. some words were just invented by writers for entertainment
Some people think watching TV every day is bad for children. Others think it is good for children's development. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


Can youdo them at the same time?
Talkingon the phone while driving isn't the only situation where we're worse atmultitasking than we might like to think we are. New studies have identified abottleneck in our brains that some say means we are fundamentally incapable oftrue multitasking. If experimental findings reflect real-world performance,people who think they are multitasking, are probably just underperforming inall- or at best, all but one - of their parall pursuits. Practice might improveyour performance, but you will never be as good as when focusing on one task ata time.
Theproblem, according to Rene Marois, a psychologist at Vanderbilt University inNashville, Tennessee, is that there's a sticking point in the brain. Todemonstrate this, Marois
devisedan experiment to locate it Volunteers watch a screen and when a particularimage appears, a red circle, say, they have to press a key with their indexfinger. Different coloured
circlesrequire presses from dfferent fingers. Typical response time is about half asecond, and the volunteers quickly reached their peak performance. Then theylearn to listen to dfferent recordings and respond by making a specific sound.For instance, when they hear a bird chirp, they have to say "ba"; anelectronic sound should elicit a "ko", and so on. Againno problem. A normal person can do that in about half a second, with almostno effort.
The troublecomes when Marois shows the volunteers an image, and then almost immediatelyplays them a sound. Now they'e flummoxed." If you show an image and play asound at the same time, one task is postponed," he says. In fact, if thesecond task is introduced within the half. second or so it takes to process andreact to the first, it will simply be delayed until the first one is done. Thelargest dual task delays occur when the two tasks are presented simultaneously;delays progressively shorten as the interval between presenting the taskslengthens.
Thereare at least three points where we seem to get stuck, says Marois. The first isin simply identifying what we're looking at. This can take a few tenths of asecond, during
whichtime we are not able to see and recognize the second item. This limitation isknown as the "attentional blink*: experiments have shown that if you'rewatching out for a particular
eventand a second one shows up unexpectedly any time within this crucial window ofconcentration, it may register in your visual cortex but you will be unable toact upon it.
Interestingly,if you don't expect the first event, you have no trouble responding to thesecond. What exactly causes the attentional blink is still a matter for debate.
A secondlimitation is in our short-term visual memory. It's estimated that we can keeptrack of about four items at a time, fewer if they are complex. This capacityshortage is
thoughtto explain, in part, our astonishing inability to detect even huge changes inscenes that are otherwise identical, so-called "change blindness".Show people pairs of near-
identicalphotos - say, aircraft engines in one picture have disappeared in the other -and they will fail to spot the dfferences. Here again, though, there is disagreementabout what
theessential limiting factor really is. Does it come down to a dearth of storagecapacity, or is it about how much attention a viewer is paying?
A thirdlimitation is that choosing a response to a stimulus - braking when you see a childin the road, for instance, or replying when your mother tells you over thephone that she' s
thinkingof leaving your dad - also takes brainpower. Selecting a response to one ofthese things will delay by some tenths of a second your ability to respond tothe other. This is
alledthe "response selection bottleneck theory, first proposed in 1952.
ButDavid Meyer, a psychologist at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, don't buythe bottleneck idea. He thinks dual-task interference is just evidence of astrategy used by the
brain toprioritise multiple activities. Meyer is known as something of an optimist byhis peers. He has witten papers with titles like "Virtually perfect time-sharing in dual-task
performance:Uncorking the central cognitive bottleneck. His experiments have shown thatwith enough practice - at least 2000 tries - some people can execute two taskssimultaneously as competently as if they were doing them one after the other.He suggests that there is a central cognitive processor that coordinates allthis and, what's more, he thinks it uses discretion sometimes it chooses todelay one task while completing another.
Maroisagrees that practice can sometimes erase interference effects. He has foundthat with just 1 hour of practice each day for two weeks, volunteers show ahuge improvement
atmanaging both his tasks at once. Where he disagrees with Meyer is in what thebrain is doing to achieve this. Marois speculates that practice might give usthe chance to find less
congestedcircuits to execute a task - rather like finding trusty back streets to avoidheavy traffic on main roads - effectively making our response to the tasksubconscious. After all,
thereare plenty of examples of subconscious multitasking that most of us routinely manage:walking and talking, eating and reading, watching TV and folding the laundry.
Itprobably comes as no surprise that, generally speaking, we get worse atmultitasking as we age. According to Art Kramer at the University of llinois atUrbana- Champaign, who
studieshow ageing affects our cognitive abilities, we speak in our 20s. Though thedecline precipitous. In one study, he and his colleagues had both young and oldparticipants do a
simulateddriving task while carrying on a conversation. He found that while youngdrivers tended to miss background changes, older drivers failed to noticethings that were highly
14. Atheory explained delay happens when selecting one reaction F
15.Different age group responds to important things differently I
16.Conflicts happened when visual and audio element emerge simultaneously C
17. Anexperiment designed to demonstrates the critical part of the brain formultitasking B
18. Aviewpoint favours the optimistic side of multitasking performance G
19.Which one is correct about the experiment conducted by Ren6 Marois?
Aparticipants performed poorly on the listening task solely
B.volunteers press a different key on different colour
C.participants need to use different fingers on the different coloured object
D. theydid a better job on Mixed image and sound information
20.Which statement is correct about the first limitation of Marois's experiment?
A.attentional blink" takes about ten seconds
B. lagoccurs if we concentrate on one object while the second one appears
C. wealways have trouble in reaching the second one
D. thefirst limitation can be avoided by certain measure
21.Which one is NOT correct about Meyer's experiments and statements?
A. justafter failure in several attempts can people execute dual-task
B.Practice can overcome dual-task interference
C. Meyerholds a diferent opinion on Marois's theory
D. anexisting processor decides whether to delay another task or not
22. Thelonger gap between the two presenting tasks means a shorter delay toward thesecond one.YES
23.Incapable human memory cause people to sometimes miss the differences whenpresented with two similar images. YES
24.Marois has a different opinion on the claim that training removes thebottleneck effect. NO
25. ArtKramer proved there is a correlation between multitasking performance andgenders. NOT GIVEN
26. Theauthor doesn't believe that the effect of practice could bring any variation NO
Task 1 Map

Task 2  重复20221203旧题
Some people think watching television every day is bad for children. Others think it is good for developing children as they grow up. Discuss both views and give your opinion


Passage 1  主题:科技公司研究

Passage 2 主题:澳大利亚原住民

Passage 3  主题:多重任务处理
(28-32 段落信息匹配)
28. F
29. I
30. C
31. B
32. G
(33-35 单选)
33. C
34. B
35. A
(36-40 判断)
36. YES
37. NO
40. NO


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