More and more people no longer read newspapers or watch TV programs to get news. They get news about the world through the Internet. Is this a positive or negative development?
More and more people no longer read the newspaper or watch TV programs to get news. They get news about the world through the Internet. Is this a positive or negative development?
Passage 1:农业灌溉(Foot Pedal Irrigation)
Until now, governments and development agencies have tried to tackle theproblem through large-scale projects: gigantic dams, sprawling irrigationcanals and vast new fields of high-yield crops introduced during the GreenRevolution, the famous campaign to increase grain harvests in developingnations. Traditional irrigation, however, has degraded the soil in many areas,and the reservoirs behind dams can quickly fill up with silt, reducing theirstorage capacity and depriving downstream farmers of fertile sediments.Furthermore, although the Green Revolution has greatly expanded worldwide farmproduction since 1950, poverty stubbornly persists in Africa, Asia and LatinAmerica. Continued improvements in the productivity of large farms may play themain role in boosting food supply, but local efforts to provide cheap,individual irrigation systems to small farms may offer a better way to liftpeople out of poverty.
The Green Revolution was designed to increase the overall food supply, notto raise the incomes of the rural poor, so it should be no surprise that it didnot eradicate poverty or hunger. India, for example, has been self-sufficientin food for 15 years, and its granaries are full, but more than 200 millionIndians—one fifth of the country’s population—are malnourished because theycannot afford the food they need and because the country’s safety nets are deficient.In 2000 189 nations committed to the Millennium Development Goals, which calledfor cutting world poverty in half by 2015. With business as usual, however, wehave little hope of achieving most of the Millennium goals, no matter how muchmoney rich countries contribute to poor ones.
The supply-driven strategies of the Green Revolution, however, may not helpsubsistence farmers, who must play to their strengths to compete in the globalmarketplace. The average size of a family farm is less than four acres inIndia, 1.8 acres in Bangladesh and about half an acre in China. Combines andother modern farming tools are too expensive to be used on such small areas. AnIndian farmer selling surplus wheat grown on his one-acre plot could notpossibly compete with the highly efficient and subsidized Canadian wheat farmsthat typically stretch over thousands of acres. Instead subsistence farmersshould exploit the fact that their labor costs are the lowest in the world,giving them a comparative advantage in growing and selling high-value,intensely farmed crops.
Paul Polak saw firsthand the need for a small-scale strategy in 1981 whenhe met Abdul Rahman, a farmer in the Noakhali district of Bangladesh. From histhree quarter-acre plots of rain-fed rice fields, Abdul could grow only 700kilograms of rice each year—300 kilograms less than what he needed to feed hisfamily. During the three months before the October rice harvest came in, Abduland his wife had to watch silently while their three children survived on onemeal a day or less. As Polak walked with him through the scattered fields hehad inherited from his father, Polak asked what he needed to move out ofpoverty. “Control of water for my crops,” he said, “at a price I can afford.”
Soon Polak learned about a simple device that could help Abdul achieve hisgoal: the treadle pump. Developed in the late 1970s by Norwegian engineerGunnar Barnes,the pump isoperated by a person walking in place on a pair of treadles and two handle armsmade of bamboo.
Questions 1-6
Do the following statements agree with the information given in ReadingPassage 1? In boxes 1 -6 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE if the statement is true
FALSE if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage
1 It is easier to resolve food problem in large scale rather than in smallscale.
2 Construction of gigantic dams costs more time in developing countries.
3 Green revolution failed to increase global crop production from the midof 20th century.
4 Agricultural production in Bangladash declined in last decade.
5 Farmer Abdul Rahman knew how to increase production himself at thebeginning.
6 Small pump spread into big project in Bangladesh in the following decadeafter the campaign.
Questions 7 -11
Filling the blanks in diagram of treadle pump’s each parts.
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR A NUMBER from the passage for eachanswer.
1-6 判断
1. F
2. NG
3. F
4. NG
5. T
6. T
7-10 填空
7. bamboo
8. cylinders
9. Piston
10. 7
11-13 简答
11. half an acre
12. corrugated tin
13. 37.5 million dollars
Passage 2: 提高演讲的能力
Passage3: 艺术
1. forest
2. library
3. arranging
4. teacher
5. supermarket
6. Baach
题型: 选择
21-26 选择
21. B effects among stars
22. C lend money to others
23. B land use
24. C go back to former environment
25. 选择“camel transportation”
26. C they have difficulties to trade minerals
27-30 填空
27. sharing
28. education
29. settle
30. gift
31. fog
32. poetry
33. memory
34. salt
35. sheet
36. tower
Task 1
The table shows the results of a survey 2008 of how students were happy with three different facilities in a university in the UK.
Task 2
Less people read newspapers and watch tv news program. More people read news about the world on the internet.
Do you think it is a positive or negative development? 回忆7:
Passage 1
主题:the treadle pump
题型:判断 + 看图填空 + 简答题
1. NG
2. F(原文说设计时marketed with small farms in mind)
3. F(原文说提高了production, 但是没解决脱贫问题)
4. F
5. T(原文说Abul知道自己就是需要水来灌溉。)
6. hours;
7. cylinders;
8. pistons;
9. bamboo;
10. seven meters;
简答题(不超过three words and/or a number):
11. half an acre(这个工具一次能浇多大面积的地?)
12. corrugated tin(用corrugated tin替换了thatched roof)
13. $3.8 million (为了这个campaign,farmers出了多少钱?)
Passage 2
段落信息题: (有NB)
14. C(政客们在演讲前都会彩排很多次)
15. A(one individual had a proper talk with someone for the first time)
16. B(说MRI结果展示人们说不同内容时,大脑区域活跃程度不一样)
17. A(一个人做实验,马路上支摊,大众很迷惑)
18. D(一个演讲训练师利用之前工作经验来帮助人们放松)
匹配题 :(选项是4个人名,有NB)
19. B
20. D(说自己的 daily life比说自己passionate about的东西更容易)
21. B(之前的工作经历对自信演讲无用)
22. C(自信演讲比人们想象的更容易)
23. hands(甩动双手帮你放松)
24. 待回忆;
25. therapy(it was the therapy that ...)
26. walking(___ quickly is ...)
Passage 3
主题:art in action,关于提前给画家佣金
题型:判断 + 选择题 + 有词库填空
27. NO(原文说除了Ipswich这个地方,其他都城市化了);
28. NG(题干:patron出价多少跟他们有多喜欢这个地方相关);
29. YES;
30. NO;
31. C(举办展览的intention是什么?Showcase the heritage architecture);
32. C(为什么作者说这个展览非常timely,因为很多当地开发商打这个地皮主意);
33. 具体选项待回忆;(为什么女画家得住房子B?因为房子A进不去/access );
34. 具体选项待回忆;(答案:a child ,原文是a two year old girl,原文干扰出现了intrude,不过说的是摄影师只是感觉像是一个intruder,但是拍摄的时候是从a two year old girl的角度来拍的);
35. A(关于这个展览正确的说法是:成功展示了历史);
36. irritate;
37. money;
38. single;
39. verbal contract;
40. purchased。 回忆8:
Part 1
1. current address: 57,Forestlake;
2. types of jobs wanted: ..in any kinds of office;
3. 之前的工作经历:library;
4. manage a supermarket;
5. 男人提供了两个,north和centre,但是女人偏向north,虽然她知道centre工作机会更多;
6. 3个能力 have recently completed a business course;
7. 先说的是目前学校提供一个某某skills,但是后来又说现在(now)学的是meeting skills;
8. 待回忆;
9. Beech;
10. teacher。
Part 2
11. 这个工厂什么时候开始制造冰淇淋?
正确答案:B (1980s,讲话者毕业并且想要转型工厂制造冰淇淋的时间)
12.他们厂子的冰淇淋为什么tastes good?
正确答案:C (原文说一年有9个月都在户外吃草)
13.which kinds of animals are discouraged from the farm?
14.what feature这个男人很proud of.. (原文替换的是take pride in)
正确答案:A(a pond)
15.选择某种added ingredients的原因?
正确答案:C(small business ,原文说support local business, 这都是family owned by several people)
16.wood boiler
正确答案:A(Was given as a gift ,原文说be donated by一个当地机构)
正确答案:AE(原文干扰是 handmade,A.待回忆;E. labeling ... 用一个little robot)
19&20. 哪两个活动需要穿特殊的衣服?
正确答案:待回忆(原文:很明显其中一个答案说需要Change clothes, 另个场地说的是需要穿Lab coat。其中一个干扰提到了uniform, 但只是worker穿就行。)
Part 3
题型:单选 + 表格填空
21. Dogon以什么为出名?
22. Gabra become rich的原因是?
正确答案: C(The distance between two stars,原文说人家没用望远镜就知道了两个星星绕着转50年,有一个确切的数字)
23. 关于Weyewa文化
正确答案:C(the method to use land,原文有提到manage land )
24. 关于Xanter文化(这个x发的是/ʒ/音)
25. 关于Makuna文化
正确答案:A(...conservation ,原文说到了maintain 某物 )
26. 关于某某文化
正确答案:C(Encounter difficulties when trading minerals,原文说开采的mineral的时候,引起了disputes)
Part 4
场景:关于clouds (云),原文先讨论了云朵的命名,然后说了人工降雨cloud seeding,又说了新的解决方法
31. tower(原文说cumulus源自于一个拉丁文latin。)
32. sheet(原文说resemble...);
33. language(提到一个化学家给这些云朵命名使用的语言引争议);
34. 待回忆;
35. Poetry(原文说很多崇拜者给这个化学家写了很多poetry);
36. fog(... and decrease some bad weather, eg. ___);
37. lake(用的是一种化学物质,但是污染了一个湖end up a lake充满这种化学物质);
38. salt(replace with ___);
39. 待回忆;
40. memory(说多云cloudy weather(原文说的是overcast)能促进人们的memory)。 回忆9:
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