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[国内外] 2021年12月11日中国大陆雅思A类笔试真题回忆+答案汇总









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小作文:线图 三个国家现场看球赛人数变化1980-2004 意大利英国德国 两个趋势像的一个相反趋势
小作文:三个国家参加football matches的人的线图对比
大作文:环境问题太大了 不需要个人采取行动/个人有责任有所行动
20.it was blow off by airafter4days烟雾4天后才被吹掉
23 Bs研究是conclusive(证据确凿的):N
24 10%的死亡是各种无法预料因素的结果:NG
25.Nitrogen dioxide(二氧化氮)破坏性更大:N
26.the government failed to set upper limit 政府没能设置上限

小作文: 线图 三个国家参加足球比赛的人 the average number of people playing top-level football matches in England,Italy,Germany from 1980 to 2004

大作文:Some people think that the environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve.Others,however,believe that the problems cannot be solved if individuals do not take some actions.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
Passage1: 动物路线
Passage2: 伦敦雾霾
LondonSmog Disaster
London,England ( 51°29'51.75"N, 0° 7'47.65"W) was the site of adense smog causedby heavy coal combustion during the winter of 1952, which killedapproximately 12,000 people.
Causes of the Smog
Theweather in Greater London had been unusually cold for several weeks leading upto the event. Because of the cold weather, households were burning more coal than usualto keep warm. The smoke from approximately one million coal-fired stoves, inaddition to the emissions from local industry, was released into the atmosphere. Increases in smoke and sulfuremissions from the combustion of coal had beenoccurring since the Industrial Revolution and the Britishwere familiar with these types of smog events. Attimes, the smoke and emissions were so heavy that residents referred to theevents as ‘pea soupers’ because the fog was as dense as pea soup. However,while the area had experienced heavy smog in the past, no event had caused suchproblems as the weather event in December, 1952.
Formation of the Deadly Smog
Thousandsof tons of black soot, tar particles, and sulfurdioxide had accumulated in the air from the heavy coal combustion.Estimates of PM10 concentrations during December, 1952, range between3,000 and 14,000 ?g/m³ with the high range being approximately 50 times higherthan normal levels at the time. PM10 is particulate matter less than 10micrometers in diameter. Conditions for Londoners today are much better withPM 10 concentrations around 30 ?g/m³. Estimates also suggest thatsulfur dioxide levels during December of 1952 were 7 times greater than normalat 700 parts per billion (ppb).
A lightfog had lingered in the city throughout the day of December 5, although it wasnothing unusual. However, as night came, light winds, cool air, andhigh humidity at ground-level were idealconditions for the formation of thick, smoky fog, or smog. The smoke and fumesfrom the heavy coal combustion settled close to the ground and due to atemperature inversion, remained motionless and created dense smog.
Atemperature inversion occurs when the air closer to the ground is cooler thanthe air above it. This cool air is denser than the warmer air above it and doesnot rise, as warmer air relative to that above it would, but remains trappedunder the inversion, close to the ground. Temperature inversions are uncommonbut occur more frequently on cold winter nights because the ground cools andwater vapor precipitates on low-level dust particles, forming a mist. Thiscaused the thick, smoke-polluted air to be trapped under the inversion. Afternightfall, the fog thickened and reduced visibility to only a few meters. Thefollowing 114 hours in London experienced visibility less than 500 meters with48 hours below 50 meters visibility. Heathrow Airport had visibility levelsbelow 10 meters for nearly 48 hours following the morning of December 6. Thecity was brought to a practical standstill with road, rail, and air transportunable to operate because of the impaired visibility.
Temperatureinversions are often reversed in the morning when radiation fromthe sun warms the ground below the mist. However, on the morning of December 6the concentrations of smoke were still extremely high, and water vaporcontinued to condense around the black soot and tar particles. The sun’sradiation was unable to break through the dense smog. This caused the staticlayer of cooler, polluted air to remain trapped in the lower atmosphere. The fog lasted for 5 days, fromDecember 5 through 10, until winds dispersed the dense air mass and transportedthe pollution through the Thames Estuary and into the North Sea.
Duringthe week of December 5, the fog, dense with soot and tar particles, reactedwith the atmospheric sulfurdioxide and formed a solute sulfuric acid. The heavy fog wasinescapable – it was not only on the streets, but also entered into homes.
Causes of Death
The smog-related deathswere primarily attributed to pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, and heartfailure. Many with preexisting conditions, including asthma, died ofrespiratory distress. Many others died of cardiac distress and asphyxiation.Non-fatal health effects from the smog included short-term chest pains, lunginflammation and diminished breathing ability, damaged respiratory cells,permanent lung damage, and increased incidence of asthma attacks. It is alsothought that the smog could have increased the population’s risk of cancer.
Theimplications of the fog were not immediately clear. It was not until the deathspeaked on the 8th and 9th of December at 900 per day that the people knewsomething was wrong. During the smog and for two weeks following, approximately4,000 people were killed. Some reports indicate that death rates remainedabove-normal for the entire winter and it is now thought that approximately12,000 deaths can be tied to the great smog in the winter of 1952. The deathtoll could be thousands higher if it were known how many died fromcomplications of smog-related illnesses in the following months and years.
At thetime, officials reported that the smog had caused the deaths of mainly the oldand those already suffering from chronic cardiovascular and respiratoryillness. It was later determined that only two-thirds of the original 4,000dead were over 65 years of age. Deaths in the middle-age range of 45 to 64years experienced death rates three times greater than normal during the event.Infants were also highly-susceptible to the pollution-laden smog and infantmortality doubled during the week of December 5, 1952.
Thesmog-related deaths spurred the British government to take action and clean upthe nation’s air. Society was becoming aware of the connection betweenfuel combustion,atmospheric pollution, and damages to public health. The 1956 Clean Air Actgave local governments the authority to provide funds to households to converttheir coal-fired heaters for use of cleaner sources of energy such as gas, oil,smokeless coal, or electricity. The 1968 Clean Air Act was aimed at industryand introduced the use of taller chimneys which allowed the pollution from coalcombustion to be released higher into the atmosphere. While this may have alleviatedthe immediate pollution impacts of coal combustion,we are now aware that taller chimney stacks have led to long-range transportof sulfur dioxide, or transboundary pollution.Transboundary pollution has been discovered as the cause of acid rain inregions without significant local emissions of sulfur dioxide.

Passage3: 营销信息系统
Part 1 迪拜国际学校
1. there is a golf course opposite the school
2. meet the class supervisor on Wednesday
3. School uniform: blue skirt
4. breakfast
5. class time: 7.15-12.40
6. activity late this week: swimming
7. provide piano lessons/Spanish course
8. age from 7, son is 8
9. also have a science teacher
10. telephone number: 044298611

Part 2 答案缺失

Part 3 花粉过敏
21-25 选择
21. They do not belive allergies are linked to vitamin D deficiency because
选:the evidence only support what happens in Britain
22. rising CO2 levels are responsible for
选:the higher amount of pollen
23. What does the student say about seasonal changes?
选:there is no clear short-term trend for the arrival of spring
24. What point is made about the seasonal change?
选:it is spreading to more countries
25. why is tree pollen a worse problem in cities?
选:there are fewer trees to absorb the pollen
26-30 匹配
26. Austria – information only available for birch pollen
27. France – changes identified to two pollen types only
28. Switzerland – significant change in the start date of birch pollen
29. the Netherlands – little difference in start dates
30. UK – a longer season for grass pollen

Part 4 纺织工厂与学校合作的项目介绍
In the first year
31. subject: engineering
32. work within textile factory
33. goal: the printed
34. global market
In the second year
35. demonstration, documentation and suggestions
36. tutorial helps students make decisions
37. reflective practice
In the third year
38. journalist
In the fourth year
39. there is a computer program. If anyone is interested in it, please contact us
40. if you are interested in the project, at last, you can contact us and we can have a short interview

Some people think that environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Others, however, believe that these problems can not be solved if individuals do not take actions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.

Passage2: 伦敦空气污染
14-18 匹配
14. 配 government
15. 配 Douglas Dockery
16. 配 John Bower
17. 配 John Bower
18. 配 Advisory Group
19-22 填空
19. smog
20. four
21. breathing
22. cardiovascular
23-26 判断
23. N
24. Y
25. N
26. NG

Passage3: Marteing information system
1. golf course
2. Wednesday
3. blue skirt
4. breakfast
5. 7.15-12.40
6. swimming
7. piano
8. 7
9. science
10. 044298611

题型: 地图匹配

21-25 选择
21. 选 the evidence only support what happens in Britain
22. 选 higher amount of pollen
23. 选 there is no clear short-term trend for the arrival of spring
24. 选 it is spreading to more countries
25. 选 there is fewer trees to absorb the pollen
26-30 匹配
26. 配 information only available for birch pollen
27. 配 changes identified to two pollen types only
28. 配 significant change in start date of birch pollen
29. 配 little difference in start dates
30. 配 a longer season for grass pollen

31. engineering
32. business
33. global market
34. documentation
35. tutorials
36. traditional
37. reflective
38. business plan
39. journalism
40. interview
小作文: 折线图
主题:意大利、德国和英国的参加足球赛的平均人数对比 (重考2014年12月06日原题)。

大作文: 讨论双方观点
Some people think that the environmental problems are too big for individuals to solve. Others, however, believe that the problems cannot be solved if individuals do not take some actions. Discuss both views and give your own opinion (重考2014年07月26日原题).

Undeniably, the environment problems currently are still being focused and concerned by the individual person, government and the third-party organizatiofi. From my perspective, although the environment problems are too huge for individuals, all of us should take any possible actions to solve these problems.

Obviously, the severe environment issues, like global warming, desertification, and atmosphere and water source pollution, are difficultly and impossibly resolved by personal efforts, as these kinds of problem worldwide definitely spread over city and country boundaries, having exceeded the range of ability of individuals. Honestly, the quality of atmosphere certainly cannot be improved by single person or even single country, because atmosphere currency still exists so that those polluted airs from other regions absolutely are exchanging the improved air in those areas where people and government have made the efforts.

Admittedly, only everyone takes the actions, can the environment problems be solved possibly. In fact, the global warming mainly stems from the deforestation and abuse of fossil fuels so that denying using disposable chopsticks and object produced by wood materials and reducing using private cars that everyone could complete are the most effective measure for stopping the negative change of our environment. Besides, the pollution of our water source and atmosphere is original from the illegal emission, which definitely is able to be controlled once every individual and industry realize the harm of their wastes,and then clean them before releasing.

Primarily, no matter how tiny the personal effort in environment protection might be, the involvement of individuals is the unshakeable obligation for improving the environment. Meanwhile, the regulations and instructions formulated by governments and authorities are the key feature for organizing that all of individuals contribute on the environment protection.


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