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[国内外] 2021年3月4日、3月6日国内雅思A类笔试真题回忆+答案汇总









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发表于 2021-3-1 11:20:23 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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第二篇汽车发展史(The History of Automobiles
Thehistory of the automobile begins as early as 1769, with the creation of steamengined automobiles capable of human transport. In 1806, the first cars poweredby an internal combustion engine running on fuel gas appeared, which led to theintroduction in 1885 of the ubiquitous modern petrol-fueled internal combustionengine.
It isgenerally acknowledged that the first really practical automobiles withpetrol/gasoline-powered internal combustion engines were completed almostsimultaneously by several German inventors working independently: Karl Benzbuilt his first automobile in 1885 in Mannheim. Benz was granted a patent forhis automobile on 29 January 1886, and began the first production ofautomobiles in 1888 in a company later became the famous Mercedes-Benz.
Atthe beginning of the century the automobile entered the transportation marketfor the rich. The drivers of the day were an adventurous lot, going out inevery kind of weather, unprotected by an enclosed body, or even a convertibletop. Everyone in town knew who owned what car and the cars were soon to becomeeach individual's token of identity. However, it became increasingly popularamong the general population because it gave travelers the freedom to travelwhen they wanted to and where they wanted. As a result, in North America andEurope the automobile became cheaper and more accessible to the middle class.This was facilitated by Henry Ford who did two important things. First hepriced his car to be as affordable as possible and second, he paid his workersenough to be able to purchase the cars they were manufacturing.
Theassembly line style of mass production and interchangeable parts had beenpioneered in the U.S. This concept was greatly expanded by Henry Ford,beginning in 1914. The large-scale, production-line manufacturing of affordableautomobiles was debuted Ford's cars came off the line in fifteen minuteintervals, much faster than previous methods, increasing productivity eightfold(requiring 12.5 man-hours before, 1 hour 33 minutes after), while using lessmanpower. Ford's complex safety proceduresespecially assigning each worker to a specific location instead ofallowing them to roam aboutdramatically reduced the rate of injury. The combination of highwages and high efficiency is called "Fordism," and was copied by mostmajor industries.
Theoriginal Jeep vehicle that first appeared as the prototype Bantam BRC becamethe primary light 4-wheel-drive vehicle of the United States Army and Alliesand made a huge leap in sale during World War IT, as well as the postwarperiod. Many Jeep variants serving similar military and civilian roles havesince been created and kept being improved on general performance in othernations.
Throughoutthe 1950s, engine power and vehicle speeds rose, designs became more integratedand artful, and cars spread across the world. The market changed somewhat inthe 1960s, as Detroit began to worry about foreign competition, the Europeanmakers adopted ever-higher technology, and Japan appeared as a seriouscar-producing nation. General Motors, Chrysler, and Ford tried radical smallcars, like the GM A-bodies, but had little success. Captive imports and badgeengineering swept through the US and UK as amalgamated groups like the BritishMotor Corporation consolidated the market. BMC's revolutionary space-savingMini, which first appeared in 1959, captured large sales worldwide. Minis weremarketed under the Austin and Morris names, until Mini became a marque in itsown right in 1969. The trend for corporate consolidation reached Italy as nichemakers like Maserati, Ferrari, and Lancia were acquired by larger companies. Bythe end of the decade, the number of automobile marques had been greatlyreduced.
InAmerica, performance became a prime focus of marketing, exemplified by ponycars and muscle cars. But everything changed in the 1970s as the 1973 oilcrisis, automobile emissions control rules, Japanese and European imports, andstagnant innovation wreaked havoc on the American industry. Though somewhatironically, full-size sedans staged a major comeback in the years between theenergy crisis, with makes such as Cadillac and Lincoln staging their best salesyears ever in the late 70s. Small performance cars from BMW, Toyota, and Nissantook the place of big-engined cars from America and Italy.
Onthe technology front, the biggest developments in Post-war era were thewidespread use of independent suspensions, wider application of fuel injection,and an increasing focus on safety in the design of automobiles. The hottesttechnologies of the 1960s were NSU's "Wankel engine", the gasturbine, and the turbocharger. Of these, only the last, pioneered by GeneralMotors but popularised by BMW and Saab, was to see widespread use. Mazda hadmuch success with its "Rotary" engine which, however, acquired areputation as a polluting gas-guzzler. Other Wankel licensees, includingMercedes-Benz and General Motors, never put their designs into production afterthe 1973 oil crisis. (Mazda's hydrogen-fuelled successor was later todemonstrate potential as an "ultimate eco-car".) Rover and Chryslerboth produced experimental gas turbine cars to no effect.
Themodern era has also seen rapidly rising fuel efficiency and engine output. Oncethe automobile emissions concerns of the 1970s were conquered with computerizedengine management systems, power began to rise rapidly. In the 1980s, apowerful sports car might have produced 200 horsepower (150 kW) - just 20 yearslater, average passenger cars have engines that powerful, and some performancemodels offer three times as much power.
Mostautomobiles in use today are propelled by an internal combustion engine, fueledby gasoline or diesel. Both fuels are known to cause air pollution and are alsoblamed for contributing to climate change and global warming. Rapidlyincreasing oil prices, concerns about oil dependence, tightening environmentallaws and restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions are propelling work on alternative powersystems for automobiles. Efforts to improve or replace existing technologiesinclude the development of hybrid vehicles, plug-in electric vehicles andhydrogen vehicles. Vehicles using alternative fuels such as ethanolflexible-fuel vehicles and natural gas vehicles are also gaining popularity insome countries.

Questions 15-19
Look at the following statements (Questions15-19) and the list of auto companies or car types in the box belong:
Match each statement with the correctperson A-G
Write the appropriate letter A-G in boxes15-19 on your answer sheet.
15. The company which began the firstmanufacture of automobiles
16. The company that produces theindustrialized cars that consumers can afford
17. The example of auto which improved thespace room efficiency
18. The type of auto with greatest upgradedoverall performance in Post-war era
19. The type of autos still keeping anadvanced sale even during a seemingly unproductive period
A. The Ford (American, Henry Ford)
B. The BMC's Mini
C. Cadillac and Lincoln (American)
D. Mercedes-Benz (German)
E. Mazda
F. Jeep
G. NSU's "Wankel engine" car
H. Mascrati, Ferrari, and Iancia

Questions 20-26
Answer the questions below.
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR ANUMBER from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 20-26 on youranswer sheet.
20. What is a common feature of modem cars'engine type since late 19th century
21. In the past, what did the rich takeowing a car as?
22. How long did Ford's assembly line taketo produce a car?
23. What does people call the Mazda cardesigned under Wankel engine?
24. What is the major historical event thatled American cars to suffer when competing with Japanese imported cars?
25. What has greatly increased withcomputerised engine management systems?
26. What factor is blamed for contributingto pollution, climate change and global warming?

Questions 27
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C, or D.
Write your answers in boxes 27 on youranswer sheet
27 What is the main idea of this passage?
A. the historical contribution of theFord's mass production assembly line
B. the historical development andinnovation in car designs
C. the beginning of the modern designedgasoline engines
D. the history of human and the Autoindustry
15.D   16.A    17.B    18.G    19.C    20.Petrol-fueled internalcombustion
21.Token of identity   22.minutes/ (1 hour 33 minutes)   23.Polluting gas-guzzler
24.0il crisis    25.Power  26.Fuel或者 gasoline ordiesel    27.B

Memory Decoding
Try this memory test: Study each face and compose avivid image for the persons first and last name. Rose Leo, for example, could be a rosebud and alion. Fill in the blanks on the next page. The Examination school at OxfordUniversity is an austere building of oak-paneled rooms, with large Gothicwindows, and looming portraits of eminent dukes and earls. It is wheregenerations of Oxford students have tested their memory on final exams, and itis where, last August, 34 contestants gathered at the World MemoryChampionships to be examined in an entirely different manner. In timed trials,contestants were challenged to look at and then recite a two-page poem,memorize rows of 40-digit numbers, recall the names of 110 people after lookingat their photographs, and perform seven other feats of extraordinary retention.Some tests took just a few minutes; others lasted hours. In the 14 years sincethe World Memory Championships was founded, no one has memorized the order of ashuffled deck of playing cards in less than 30 seconds. That nice round numberhas become the four-minute mile of competitive memory; a benchmark that theworlds best mental athletes, as some of themlike to be called are closing in on. Most contestants claim to have justaverage memories, and scientific testing confirms that theyre not just beingmodest. Their feats are based on tricks that capitalize on how the human brainencodes information. Anyone can learn them.
Psychologists Elizabeth Valentine and John Wilding,authors of the monograph Superior Memory, recently teamed up with EleanorMaguire, a neuroscientist at University College London to study eight people,including Karsten, who had finished near the top of the World MemoryChampionships. They wondered if the contestants brains were different in some way. The researchersput the competitors and a group of control subjects into an MRI
machine and asked them to perform several differentmemory tests while their brains were being scanned. When it came to memorizingsequences of three-digit numbers, the difference between the memory contestantsand the control subjects was, as expected, immense. However, when they wereshown photographs of magnified snowflakes, images that the competitors hadnever tried to memorize before the champions did no better than the controlgroup. When the researchers analyzed the brain scans, they found that the memorychamps were activating some brain regions that were different from those thecontrol subjects were using. These regions, which included the right posteriorhippocampus , which are known to be involved in visual memory and spatialnavigation.
It might seem odd that the memory contestants woulduse to visual imagery and special numbers, but the activity makes sense whentheir techniques are revealed. Cooke, a 23-year-old cognitive-science graduatestudent with a shoulder-length mop of curly hair, is a grand master of brainstorage. He can memorize the order of 10 decks of playing cards in less than anhour or one deck of cards in less than a minute. He is closing in on the30-second deck. In the Lamb and Flag, Cooke pulled out a deck of cards and shuffledit. He held up three cards-the 7 0f spades, the queen of clubs, and the 10 0fspades. He pointed at a fireplace and said. Destinys Child is whacking Franz Schubert with handbags. The next threecards were the king of hearts, the king of spades, and the jack of clubs. Heran over to the bar and announced, Admiral Lord Nelson is holding a guitar upside downover there. By now,everyone in the pub had begun to gawk. Forty-six cards and a few minutes later,Cooke ended up outside the Lamb and Flag, where he proceeded to reel off thedecks orderflawlessly.
How did he do it? Cooke has already memorized aspecific person, verb, and object that he associates with each card in thedeck. For example, for the 7 of spades, the person (or, in this case, persons)is always the singing group
Destinys Child, the action is surviving a storm, and the image is a dinghy. Thequeen of clubs is always his friend Henrietta, the action is thwacking with ahandbag, and the image is of wardrobes filled with designer clothes. When Cookecommits a deck to memory, he does it three cards at a time. Every three-cardgroup forms a single image of a person doing something to an object. The firstcard in the triplet becomes the person, the second the verb, the third theobject. He then places those images along a specific familiar route, such asthe one he took through the Lamb and Flag. In competitions, he uses animaginary route that He has designed to be as smooth and downhill as possible.When it comes time to recall, Cooke takes a mental walk along his route andtranslates the images into cards. Thats why the MRIs of the memory contestants showedactivation in the brain areas associated with visual imagery and spatialnavigation.
The more resonant the images are, the more difficultthey are to forget. But even meaningful information is hard to remember whentheres a lotof it. Thats whycompetitive memorizers place their images along an imaginary route. Thattechnique, known as the Ioci method, reportedly originated in 477 B.C. with theGreek poet Simonides of Ceos. Simonides was the sole survivor of a roofcollapse that killed all the other guests at a royal banquet. The bodies weremangled beyond recognition, but Simonides was able to reconstruct the guestlist by closing his eyes and recalling each individual around the dinner table.What he had discovered was that our brains are exceptionally good atremembering images and spatial information. Evolutionary psychologists haveoffered an explanation: Presumably our ancestors found it important to recallwhere they found their last meal or the way back to the cave. After Simonides discovery, the locimethod popular across ancient Greece as a trick for memorizing speeches andtexts. Aristotle wrote about it, and later a number of treatises on the artmemory were published in Rome. Before printed books, the art of memory wasconsidered a staple or classical education on a par with grammar, logic andrhetoric.
The most famous of the naturals was the Russianjournalist S. V. Shereshevski, who could recall long lists of numbers memorizeddecades earlier, as well as poems, strings of nonsense syllables, and justabout anything else he was asked to remember. The capacity of his memory had no distinct limits. wrote AlexanderLuria, the Russian psychologist who studied Shereshevski from the 1920s to the1950s. Shereshevski also had synesthesia, a rare condition in which the sensesbecome intertwined. For example, every number may be associated with a color orevery word with a taste. Synesthetic reactions evoke a response in more areasof the brain, making memory easier. They also create problems. lf I read when I ameating, I have a hard time understanding what I am reading-the taste of thefood drowns out the sense. Shereshevski told Luria.
27 Daniel S though syneshesia is abnormalthe research could be
28. Daniel Shearing founctions in the same significance as vision
29. John L someone could associaite instrument with color
30. Simon BCsyneshesia could have consistent association
31. synesthesia definition: P1
32. failing reason to admit as a synesthesia: P2
33. new experiment: P6
34.2 reasons why it is difficutlt to become synesthesia: P6
35. a writer of synesthesia: P3
36. The painter Wellington K admire synes..:T
37.Equal number of men and women are likely to become synes.. F
38. Syne...are more likely to be logic than ordinary people : NG
39. We are all possible to be syn…..at birth: T
40. Syn.. is not associated with mental illness: T
p2是motor car
阅读:酒桶的制作 气候变暖对动物的影响
In some countries around the world men and women are having children later in life. What are the reasons for this development? What are the effects on society and family life?
Part 1 俱乐部咨询
1. membership fee: 8.5 pounds per year
2. venue of activities: the main hall
3. dance: do not need to bring a partner
4. playing the music instrument
5. free meal offered every second Sunday
6. dinner: on the top floor
7. activity 1: Carnival
8. activity 2: walk for charity
9. activity 3: go swimming outdoor
10. activity 4: see the theatre

Part 2 答案缺失

Part 3 关于生物科技课程的讨论
21-25 选择
21. Why does Penny recommend a three-year placement?
A. students can focus on research
22. What made Penny apply for one particular university?
B. the prospect of graduate employment
23. What did Cosmo worry about?
C. whether he studied in the wrong subject
24. what is Cosmo's purpose in studying abroad?
C. to widen academic experience
25. What was Penny's aim in her dissertation?
A. explored both views from the debate
26. Why does Penny recommend postposing the dissertation?
C. do some exploratory research first
27-30 匹配
27. Green technology: F. share with students from other courses
28. Enterprise: B. is mainly online
29. Bio course: D. the most popular of the optional module
30. Separation course: G. assessed by a laboratory report

Part4 铅笔书写的历史
31. made of bones
32. feathers
33. use ink
34. and paper
35. to make it suitable for writing HB to mark how hard it is
36. part is fixed by strings or steel
37. producers marked a name on the pencil to
38. the pencil core is thought to be lead
39. made the mixture of graphite in a form of clay powder and wax
40. remove the unwanted base on the oil
Passage1 条形码
题型:填空+ 判断
1-8 填空
1 device
2 speed
3 unreliable
4 laser
5 standardization
6 number
7 marathon
8 bees

9-13 判断
9 T
10 NG
11 NG
12 F
13 T

Passage2: 车的历史
14-18 匹配
14 D
15 A
16 B
17 G
18 C

19-25 填空
19 petrol-fueled internal combustion
20 token of identity
21 minutes
22 polluting gas-guzzler
23 oil crsis
24 power
25 fuel

Passage3: 通感
27- 29 人名匹配
27 配 Though synesthesia is abnormal ...
28 配 hearing functions in the same significance as vision
29 配 someone could associate the instrument with color
30 配 synesthesia could have a consistent association between...

31- 35 匹配
31 配 P1
32 配 P2
33 配 P6
34 配 P6
35 配 P3

36-40 判断
36 T
37 F
38 NG
39 T
40 T


In some countries around the world men and women tend to have their children later in life. Why this happened? What are the effects on society and family life?

1. 如今的社会竞争很激烈,导致不论是男人还是女人都需要花更多时间学习进步等,从而在激烈的社会竞争中占据优势,从而结婚生子的计划就会在一切相对稳定后才开始delay settleing down,所以相对较晚
2. 由于现今女性受教育和参与工作的比例逐渐增加,而女性在平衡照顾孩子和工作中还是会存在压力cannot combine family and work well,毕竟养孩子也是比较costly,从而导致更多的女性考虑晚一些生孩子。

1. 女性年纪偏大受孕可能会经历很多健康问题例如高血压糖尿病等high blood pressure and diabetes。
2. 父母年纪大养孩子也比较累。。。。
3. 对社会而言:好处是更多人工作,劳动力充足。坏处是生育率低,年轻人越来越少,老龄化严重。
大作文:In some countries around the world men and women tend to have their children later in life. Why this happened? What are the effects on society and family life?

1,背景:Increasing numbers of modern couples tend to put off their plan of starting a family.
2.重要性It is of great significance concerning not only family life but also the society as a whole.
3.引出下文结构This essay will shed light on the reasons for and effects brought about by this trend.

Among the various factors contributing to the postponement of child-bearing are the two most fundamental as follows. 2)
第一层:主观原因First and foremost, this growing phenomenon, to a large extent, can be attributed to the changed attitude of people. In the past, most individuals attached great importance to families. For example, my grandparents generation used to start a family in their early 20s. Nowadays, however, modern people tend to give top priority to their career development. For instance, for the sake of job stability and career prospect, many women in present-day society are not willing to risk their career by taking maternity leave until they feel more secured, which largely accounts much for the late childbirth. 3).第二层原因:客观原因In addition, the postponed child-bearing is also largely a result of the financial burden in modern society. In other words, many young couples today are struggling to pay the mortgage, cover the bills of daily life, not to mention provide the expensive education for their children. As a result, many of them choose to postpone their plan of having children.

1). 中心句As increasing numbers of couples choose to have children later in life, related impacts can be expected for both family life and the society. 2).家庭生活When it comes to family life, there are likely to be some mixed effects. On the one hand, free of the burden of raising a child, young couples can devote more time and efforts to their work and other parts of life, which may in turn contribute to their enhanced well-being.
On the other hand, the joy and privilege of caring for and tending to a child will also be missed out.  3).社会 Moving on to the society, postponed child-bearing on a large scale may result in the shortage of labor force and thus hinder social advancement.
Indeed, the size of population plays a key role in economic development and global competitiveness in any given nation.

In conclusion, both the changed attitude of modern people and the inevitable financial burden account much for the emerging trend of late childbirth, and it exerts profound influence on not only family life but also society in various aspects.

put off their plan of starting a family
choose to have children later in life
postpone their plan of having children
postponement of child-bearing
postponed child-bearing
late childbirth
2. be of great significance 具有重要意义
3.  shed light on +n. 着重探讨
4.  to a large extent 在很大程度上
5.  on large scale 大范围
6. be attributed to +n. 归因于…
7.  attach great importance to + n. = give top priority to +n. 注重
8.  for the sake of job stability and career prospect 为了工作稳定性和事业前景
9.  accounts much for n. 对某事负责
10. struggle to do 挣扎
11. pay the mortgage 付房贷
12. not to mention 更不用提…
13. free of the burden of sth. 没有某事的负担
14. devote more time and efforts to + n./ing付出时间和努力做某事
15. enhanced well-being 更好的福祉(健康,幸福感等)
16. exerts profound influence on 产生深刻的影响



Many animals are endangered. Some people argue that we should only protect animals that are useful to human. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

14.研究结果文件的有用性∶ 配the record was helpful 记录很有帮助15.行为心理学特点∶配tenet of behavioral psychology was learnt
16.学生课堂规则的本质∶配the rules were short and positive
17.老师的问题∶配teachers found it difficult老师发现它很难
18.学生行为分类∶配student behaviors were categorized
19-20∶ 什么行为方法被使用在研究中
a) Situations. 情形法
b) Context.语境/背景法
27. teachers give rules in_positive__ manner 老师以良好方式给出规则
28. 老师忽略不恰当行为除非它是∶填harmful有害的
29. teachers gave __praise__ to students 老师给学生表扬
30.__combination__of three approaches was useful

28. TRUE
30. TRUE
33. C
34. B
35. A
36. Parallel
37. Stress
38. reduction
39. Soles
40. pathway / walkway
Part 1
1-10 填空
1. address: 354 Forest Road
2. telephone number: 0783***
3. occupation: dentist
4. earliest time to move in: 1st November
5. type of house: unfurnished apartment
6. need bathrooms and a double bedroom
7. prefer a large balcony
8. special requirement: need a garden
9. location should be near the station
10. other requirements: need a large kitchen and a fridge

Part 2

Part 3
21-26 选择
21. What does the teacher advise Joel to include in the title
A. the location of the farms
22. What has Joel want to do in the interviews?
B. to get a complete answer
23. How will Joel investigate the influence
A. by showing them a series of pictures
24. Concerning government policies on farmers, the speakers agree that
B. it is often irrelevant with what farmers actually want
25. According to Joel's reading, farmers
C. are not willing to spend money
26. a survey of Australian found that most of them
B. make changes based on limited research
27-30 匹配
27. 第1本书:It is very boring
28. 第2本书:it is badly organized
29. 第3本书:it is inaccurate
30. 第4本书:it is out of date

Part 4
31. typing together
32. clerks have their own desks
33. higher or lower screens
34. Employees have to share working areas
35. there is a lack of security
36. lack of space/privacy
37. threat to health
38. Employers can reduce energy cost
39. make staff training much easier
40. people do not like the noise
病人对于A、B、C三家医院的在四个方面(staff, waiting room, quality of treatment, quality of aftercare)评价的“very good”的百分比

Many animals are endangered. Some people argue that we should only protect animals that are useful to human. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

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