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[国内外] 2020年12月12日国内雅思A类笔试真题回忆+答案汇总(听说读写









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发表于 2020-12-7 15:44:06 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

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大作文: Nowadays celebrities are more famous for their glamour and wealth than for their achievements, and this sets a bad example to young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
小作文 柱图  四个国家的renewable energy占比
第一个是social media news什么的
第二是个plant对indoor pollution的作用
第一个是 信息传播的发展
第三个是Inside the mind of a fan

How watching sport affects the brain

Atabout the same time that the poet Homer invented the epic hero, the ancientGreeks started a festival in which men competed in a single race, about 200metres long. The winner received a branch of wild olives. The Greeks calledthis celebration the Olympics. Through the ancient sprint remains, today theOlympics are far more than that. Indeed, the Games seem to celebrate the dreamof progress as embodied in the human form. That the Games are intoxicating towatch is beyond question. During the Athens Olympics in 2004, 3.4 billionpeople, half the world, watched them on television. Certainly, being aspectator is a thrilling experience: but why?
In1996, three Italian neuroscientists, Giacomo Rizzolatti, Leonardo Fogassi andVittorio Gallese, examined the premotor cortex of monkeys. They discovered thatinside these primate brains there were groups of cells that ‘store vocabularies of motor actions’. Just as there are grammars of movement. Thesenetworks of cells are the bodily ‘sentences’ we use every day, the ones our brain has chosen toretain and refine. Think,for example,about a golf swing. To those who have only watched theMasters’ Tournament on TV, golfing seemseasy. To the novice, however, the skill of casting a smooth arc with a lop-sidemetal stick is virtually impossible. This is because most novices swing withtheir consciousness, using an area of brain next to the premotor cortex. To theexpert, on the other hand, a perfectly balanced stroke is second nature. Forhim, the motor action has become memorized, and the movements are embedded inthe neurons of his premotor cortex. He hits the ball with the tranquility ofhis perfected autopilot.
Theseneurons in the premotor cortex, besides explaining why certain athletes seem topossess almost unbelievable levels of skill, have an even more amazingcharacteristic, one that caused Rizzolatti, Fogassi and Gallese to give themthe lofty title ‘mirror neurons’. They note. The main functional characteristic ofmirror neurons is that they become active both when the monkey performs aparticular action (for example, grasping an object or holding it) and,astonishingly, when it sees another individual performing a similar action.’ Humans have an even more elaborate mirror neuronsystem. These peculiar cells mirror,inside the brain, the outside world: they enable us to internalise the actionsof another. In order to be activated, though, these cells require what thescientists call ‘goal-orientated movements’. If we are staring at a photograph, a fixed image of arunner mid-stride, our mirror neurons are totally silent. They only fire whenthe runner is active: running, moving or sprinting.
Whatthese electrophysiological studies indicate is that when we watch a golfer or arunner in action, the mirror neurons in our own premotor cortex light up as ifwe were the ones ccompeting. This phenomenon of neural mirror was firstdiscovered in 1954, when two French physiologists, Gastaut and Berf, found thatthe brains of humans vibrate with two distinct wavelengths, alpha and mu. Themu system is involved in neural mirroring. It is active when your bodies arestill, and disappears whenever we do something active, like playing sport orchanging the TV channel. The suprising fact is that the mu signal is also quietwhen we watch someone else being active, as on TV, these results are the effectof mirror neurons.
Rizzolatti,Fogassi and Gallese call the idea of mirror neurons the ‘direct matching hypothesis’.They believe that we only understand the movement of sports stars when we ‘map the visual representation of the observed actiononto our motor representation of the same action’.According to this theory, watching an Olympic athlete ’causesthe motor system of the observer to resonate. The “motorknowledge” of the observer is used tounderstand the observed action. ‘ Butmirror neurons are more than just the neural basis for our attitude to sport.It turns out that watching a great golfer makes us better golfers, and watchinga great sprinter actually makes us run faster. This ability to learn bywatching is a crucial skill. From the acquisition of language as infants tolearning facial expressions, mimesis (copying) is an essential part of beingconscious. The best athletes are those with a premotor cortex capable ofimagining the movements of victory, together with the physical properties tomake those movements real.
Buthow many of us regularly watch sports in order to be a better athlete? Rather,we watch sport for the feeling, the human drama. This feeling also derives frommirror neurons. By letting spectators share in the motions of victory, theyalso allow us to share in its feelings. This is because they are directlyconnected to the amygdale, one of the main brain regions involved in emotion.During the Olympics, the mirror neurons of whole nations will be electricallyidentical, their athletes causing spectators to feel, just for a second or two,the same thing. Watching sports brings people together. Most of us will neverrun a mile in under four minutes, or hit a home run. Our consolation comes inwatching, when we gather around the TV, we all feel, just for a moment, what itis to do something perfectly.

  27 利用题目细节信息定位于F段, This feeling also derives from mirror neurons. By letting spectators share in the motions of victory, they also allow us to share in its feelings. This is because they are directly connected to the amygdale, one of the main brain regions involved in emotion.因此,正确答案为F。

  28 利用题目细节信息定位于B段,They discovered that inside these primate brains there were groups of cells that 'store vocabularies of motor actions’. Just as there are grammars of movement. These networks of cells are the bodily ‘sentences’ we use every day, the ones our brain has chosen to retain and refine. 因此,正确答案为B。

  28 利用题目细节信息定位于E段,According to this theory, watching an Olympic athlete 'causes the motor system of the observer to resonate. The "motor knowledge" of the observer is used to understand the observed action.’因此,正确答案为E。

  30 利用题目细节信息定位于C段,The main functional characteristic of mirror neurons is that they become active both when the monkey performs a particular action (for example, grasping an object or holding it) and, astonishingly, when it sees another individual performing a similar action.' Humans have an even more elaborate mirror neuron system.因此,正确答案为C。

  31 利用题目细节信息定位于D段,This phenomenon of neural mirror was first discovered in 1954, when two French physiologists, Gastaut and Berf, found that the brains of humans vibrate with two distinct wavelengths, alpha and mu. 因此,正确答案为D。

  32 利用题目细节信息定位于E段, It turns out that watching a great golfer makes us better golfers, and watching a great sprinter actually makes us run faster. This ability to learn by watching is a crucial skill. From the acquisition of language as infants to learning facial expressions, mimesis (copying) is an essential part of being conscious. The best athletes are those with a premotor cortex capable of imagining the movements of victory, together with the physical properties to make those movements real.因此,正确答案为E。

  33 C 利用题目细节信息定位于B段,the discovered that inside these primate brains there were groups of cells that‘store vocabularies of motor actions’ .just as there are grammars of movement.these networks of cells are the bodily'sentences' we use every day,the ones our brain has chosen to retain and refine.

  34 A 利用顺序原则定位于E段,The best athletes are those with a premotor cortex capable of imagining the movements of victory,together with the physical properties to make those movements real.

  35 C 利用顺序原则定位于F段,This feeling also derives from mirror neurons of whole nations will be electrically identical....what it is to do something perfectly

  36 YES

  37 NO

  38 NO


  40 YES

Nowadays celebrities are more famous for their glamour and wealth than for their achievements, and this sets a bad example to young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

14 - 22 匹配
14. 待回忆
15. D
16. G
17. B
18. 待回忆
19. B
20. E
21. D
22. A
23 - 26 填空
23. building materials
24. small pores
25. ventilation
26. perfect ornamentals

Part 1暑期兼职
1. come from Omerama
2. can use a ladder
3. can work under hot condition
4. must have good concentration
5. salary: 4.5 per bucket
6. cannot work if it is raining
7. salary: 13.75 per hour
8. 最忙的时候:January
9. 住宿的地方会提供laundry
10. transport: 即使没有car,也要有bike

Part 2趣味铁人三项
11-15 填空
11. expected number of people: 340 this year
12. park in field
13. contact college
14. cycling 25 laps
15. old airport
16-18 匹配
16. section 1: through the town/farmland
17. section 2: uphill
18. section 3: through the woodland
19-20 填空
19. prize cup
20. chairman

Part 3新西兰古老工艺品
21-25 选择题
21. Why does the shape of Hei-tiki look unusual?
B. difficulty in carving stones
22. Very few Hei-tiki are found in the archaeological site because
C. the villagers look after them carefully
23. What was Hei-tiki regarded by Moris people as
B. a communicating way to their ancestors
24. What are the distinctions between two types of Hei-tiki?
C. the position of hands to leg
25. What are the characteristics of a new type of Hei-tiki?
A. it has a metal setting
26-30 匹配题
26. sand: E. form the shape
27. stitch and string: A. used for cave details
28. bark: C. end
29. wax: B polish stone eyes
30. stone: G bond it together

Part 4轮船公司
31. where did he get ship experience?
C. first job
32. the company experienced
A. immediately profitable
33. why did he want to use mail contact to buy steam ship?
C. more reliable
34. what did he do when he won the bid?
B. opened a new company
35. why did he choose Boston?
A. once he worked there
36. what could be revealed about the 1844 event
B. Boston was not a good port location
37-40 填空
37. radio技术的出现使得航行中的communication更为方便
38. Newspapers were provided on board, so the passengers would not feel uneasy during the journey.
39. before 1912, people paid more attention to the speed of the ships
40. afterwards, poured more in the decoration, compared to hotels

Nowadays, there are many celebrities who are famous for their glamour and wealth rather than achievements. This is a bad example for young people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

参考思路:partly disagree,可以把名人分类讲。

Body1:有些名人靠的是贡献和成就,如elon musk、体育明星刘翔…可以鼓励年轻人多学习,发扬坚持精神等。


反驳: 大部分名人还是因为特殊技能和贡献或突出成就,不能因为他们的财富和个人魅力而忽略自身的努力。得出结论:partly disagree。

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