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TOEFL IBT Special Home Edition托福IBT在家考试版真题预测答案范文机经2020年8月9月北美、中国大陆、亚太、欧洲考区汇总请进入 http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-249455-1-1.html

2、plan succession
In their free time, young people (age14-18) spend time taking part in different activities such as music lessons or competitive sports. Some young people diverse their time in other kinds of activities. But other young people will spend most of their time focusing on just one activity that is important for them. Which approach do you think is better?

金字塔不是made out of caving nature stone ,but of limestone

1.古埃及的花瓶就不是用石头刻的,是用limestone concret倒进模子里面的
2. researchers 在建金字塔的材料里面发现tiny bubbles ,这些tiny bubbles在nature stone 里面是找不到的
3. 金字塔里面的湿度很大,说明是金字塔的材料蒸发出来的moisture inside champers of the pyramids are released from concrete

1. 花瓶的制作方法不能代表其他东西的peole can cut rock into half and make special shapes, then glue them
2. butbbles come from concrete, but that concrete repair the pyramids later since they built over 4000 years ago
3. moisture is left by vistitors


In their free time, young people (age14-18) spend time taking part in different activities such as music lessons or competitive sports. Some young people diverse their time in other kinds of activities. But other young people will spend most of their time focusing on just one activity that is important for them. Which approach do you think is better?


金字塔不是made out of caving nature stone ,but of limestone

1.古埃及的花瓶就不是用石头刻的,是用limestone concret倒进模子里面的
2. researchers 在建金字塔的材料里面发现tiny bubbles ,这些tiny bubbles在nature stone 里面是找不到的
3. 金字塔里面的湿度很大,说明是金字塔的材料蒸发出来的moisture inside champers of the pyramids are released from concrete


1. 花瓶的制作方法不能代表其他东西的peole can cut rock into half and make special shapes, then glue them
2. butbbles come from concrete, but that concrete repair the pyramids later since they built over 4000 years ago
3. moisture is left by vistitors

Task1:Some college students take classes during the summer. Others take the summer off from school, so that they can rest or work. Which do you think is better and explain why.


Task 2( 复用2019.9.21旧题)

Task 3
population bottleneck
物种人口会降低,从之前很多到一个小的人口数量。教授说土豆,当欧洲人来了之后,他们只选择性的带一些回去,然后有fungus 出现,这些土豆好像就也容易遭受细菌感染,就会造成食物短缺(听的有点抽象)

Task 4
1、学生和老师讨论做国家的economy history的paper
3、 一个学生要参加画展,他的画要被展示,老师给了建议
4、 给找兼职的学生介绍工作内容

1、fast food兴衰史:自助机的发展,因人口转移,新的快餐出现,自助机衰败
2、bird feed collector
3、natural gas
5、艺术。讲了HPR这个人,研究摄影技术,他想摄影技术反应真实感,然后他就开始copy imitate 那些比较好的画作,从而表达照片的真实感。
6、天文。开头先回忆一下jupitor 的Great red spot 然后开始讲jupitor 的Great cold spot .讲的时候先把他们两个进行对比了。
3、plan succession
6、Versia , Renaissance 标题大概是这个,V这个人对艺术的分类及解读,他的主要观点就是偏爱高大上的艺术形式,瞧不起那些手工东西。
7、Echolocation of bats(6月24日那周家庭版原题),蝙蝠的回声系统 有关于赫兹频率和几种特点 这篇简单。
The Development of Ideas about the Moon’s Surface
不同年代的不同科学家提出的不同理论(theory),总体围绕弹坑是由陨石撞击(meteoriteimpact)还是由火山活动(volcanism)造成的。一个地理学家认为月球上的环形山(lunar crater)是由陨石撞击而成,并且通过做实验去验证,中间涉及一些科学实验方法:比如模拟(mimic)陨石撞击,用铅球(lead)撞击粘土(clay);振动曲线表明撞击不是椭圆形(ellipse),而无论从何角度都是圆形(circle)等等。但是他的实验有致命的缺陷,并且后来发现这个结论与实际不符合。后来,他又推测crater是由于moon下面蕴藏的火山爆发形成,后来经过科学家与地球上的坑做对比以及借助摄影家在月球上的照片和探查发现moon地下有足够的空间来孕育火山,而且lava在那个时候也足够热能融化石头。同时,还对月海(Maria:a dark region of considerable extent on the surface of the moon)的来源做了讨论。最终得出结论坑是由于陨石撞击导致的,月海是火山活动带来的。

Vocabulary Card

mimic = reproduce 模仿,再次产生
initially = at first一开始,起初
conventional = standard 惯例的
vast = huge 巨大的

开篇解析 ●●

看到标题料想文章的研究对象是月球表面。月球表面有什么呢?首句:From the time of the invention of the telescope to the first Moon landings, the characteristic surface of the Moon was the subject of speculation. 虚的,没有实际内容,月球表面到底有什么?是怎么产生的?
第2句:In 1892 geologist G K Gilbert interpreted detailed observations of the Moon as signifying that the lunar craters are the result of meteorite impacts.月球表面有陨石撞击产生的陨石坑。
第3句:He performed experiments by…他通过做试验得到这样的结论。但真实情况和实验室试验相符吗?
第4句:But firing lead shot into clay does not accurately mimic the tremendous energy released during a large impact, so experimental investigations were of limited value.确实实验室试验是有问题的,有局限性。那月球表面的坑到底是怎么产生的?自动引向下文。
// 话题重复
Moonquake 月球地震
主要有三种,第一种是surface地震,由月球表面的一些因素决定的;第二种是像地球一样岩浆爆发,是和地球磁场造成的;最后一种是深层地震Deep moonquakes,由外来物体撞击造成的,这种揭示了它内部的构造,包括月幔,月核,它的地心比地幔软,但应该是固体。


The Gender Roles of Early Horticulture and Agriculture

Vocabulary Card

oversee = supervise 监督
subsequent = later 随后的
harsh = severe 严重的
// 话题重复

欧洲移民和美国本土居民(native American)的区别。首先是欧洲人比较注重个体利益,像是法院等一些社会组织都是出于保护个人利益而设立的。土地对于阶级的诞生非常重要,少数精英拥有大量的土地。接着就讲了美国土著很看重集体利益,所以他们都比较重视勇气,而不是个人得失。美国的土著文明是建立在母系社会的基础上,而且无论在家里还是外面,女性的地位都很高,不像欧洲女子无法涉足政治。美国土著对于贸易的理解,不仅限于交易,其中包含着复杂的仪式,含有很多除商业以外的社会意义。而欧洲资本家,都是把交易当作贸易。这导致二者交往中产生一定的误解。

Art and Culture of Pacific Northwest Communities
美洲某一个文明。第一段介绍了文明出现的有利条件:人们不种地不驯养动物,而是gather和hunter。这个地方资源丰富,有天然山脉抵挡敌人等等。第二段说这里发展出了几种文明,他们互不相通语言。第三段说某个部落以亲属关系为联系,没有发展出独立的集权制度(出细节题), 靠的是几个家庭的管理。第三段介绍了一个有名的艺术品。一个柱子。这个柱子介绍了家族的历史和地位(出细节题),有一些动物装饰纹案。第四段介绍了另一个艺术品,一个面具。 这个面具有很多造型,尽管发展出了传统纹饰但是每个面具都不一样。第五段说面具会因为使用目的不同而变化,有些是为了纪念家族祖先,有些带动物的是为了精神图腾。尽管每个地方都有 不同的面具,但是因为这些面具因为战争贸易等原因,被带离原地,所以难以确定他们的来源(考了简化题)。

Vocabulary Card

diffusion = spread 消散
autonomous = independent 自主的
obligated = required 有义务的


Art and Culture of Pacific Northwest Communities

The 1,600-kilometer stretch of the northwestern Pacific coast of North America (from southern Alaska to Washington State) provided an ideal environment for the growth of stable communities. Despite the northerly latitude, the climate is temperate. Natural resources were originally so rich that the inhabitants could subsist by fishing and hunting and gathering, without the need to domesticate stock or cultivate the land. Forests yielded an abundance of wood for buildings, for boats, and for sculpture. Beyond them the Rocky Mountains were an impenetrable barrier against raids. The area appears to have been settled around 500 A.D. by tribes of diverse origins speaking mutually unintelligible languages: from north to south they include the Tlingit, the Haida, the Tsimshian, the Bella Coola, the Kwakiutl, and the Nootka. The culture to which they contributed has, nevertheless, an underlying homogeneity and a distinct visual character.

The peoples of the Northwest engaged in trade as well as warfare with one another, and this may account for the diffusion of cultural traits and artistic motifs throughout the area. Much of their art was concerned with religious ritual objects. But the rest is secular and springs from a preoccupation with the hereditary basis of their complex social structures.

The Tlingit and other nations or language groups were collections of autonomous village communities composed of one or more families, each with its own chief, who inherited his position through matrilineal descent. They had no centralized political or religious organization, but cohesion was given by extensive kinship networks established through marriage, and men and women were obliged to many outside the larger divisions of clans and moieties (tribal subdivisions) into which they were born and into which the social group was divided by matrilineal or patrilineal descent. Thus families built up riches by marriage without any one family acquiring a dominant position.

Totem poles (see figure below), the most distinctive artistic product of the Northwest, were conspicuous declarations of prestige and of the genealogy (family history) by which it had been attained. These magnificent sculptures that probably originated as funerary monuments were first described by travelers in the late eighteenth century. Each one was carved from a single trunk of cedar, and the increasing availability of metal tools both permitted and encouraged more complex compositions and greater height—up to 27.4 meters. Their superimposed figures—eagles, beavers, whales, and so on—were crests (symbols of identity) that a chief inherited from his lineage, his clan, and his moiety. They were not objects of worship, though the animals carved on them might represent guardian spirits. Poles were designed according to a governing principle of bilateral symmetry, with their various elements interlocked so that they seem to grow organically out of one another, creating a unity of symbolism, form, and surface.

■Masks (see figure above) are the most varied of the carvings from the Northwest, where they were an essential part of communal life. ■In style they range from an almost abstract symbolism to combinations of human and animal features and to a lifelike naturalism sometimes bordering on caricature (a style that strongly exaggerates features or characteristics), taken to its extreme in Tlingit war helmets. Some differences must have been due to those among the cultures in which they were created, but their place of origin cannot always be ascertained as they seem to have passed from one contiguous nation to another in the course of trade or warfare. ■Although carvers worked according to established conventions, no two masks are identical and those with basic similarities reveal varying degrees of skill.■

The major differences between masks were determined by their purpose. Some were representations of chiefs and their ancestors and made to be displayed and treasured as heirlooms. Although they appear to record the styles of facial tattooing customary in different groups, it is difficult to say how far they were intended to be portraits rather than generalized images. Many masks, sometimes quite large, were carved to be worn in dance-dramas that re-enacted and kept alive the cohesive myths of a culture. Often, Tlingit masks were made for religious leaders and incorporated the animals that were believed to be their spirit helpers. Conjuring up forces of nature from the ocean, the forests, or the sky, they mediated between life on Earth and the inscrutable powers around and above.


1. According to paragraph 1, which of the following was NOT one of the factors that made the northwestern Pacific coast perfect for the development of stable communities?
D. Easily cultivated land
2. When the author states that the tribes speak “mutually unintelligible” languages, this means that the tribes
B. cannot understand each other’s languages

3. The word “diffusion” in the passage is closet in meaning to
D. spread
4. According to paragraph 3, what held together the collections of village communities?
B. The establishment of wide kinship networks through marriage
5. The word “autonomous” in the passage is closet in meaning to
C. independent
6. The word “obliged” in the passage is closet in meaning to
A. required

7. According to paragraph 4, what was the significance of totem poles in the culture of the northwestern peoples?
A. They showed a family’s status and history.

8. According to paragraph 4, all of the following were true of totem poles EXCEPT:

C. Larger numbers began to be made after metal tools became increasingly available.

9. The author mentions “Tlingit war helmets” in the passage to
B. provide an example of masks representing a stylistic extreme
10. Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.
Some differences must have been due to those among the cultures in which they were created, but their place of origin cannot always be ascertained as they seem to have passed from one contiguous nation to another in the course of trade or warfare.
Some differences among masks were probably due to their different origins, but because they passed from one nation to another, their origin cannot always be determined. 

11. What can be inferred from paragraph 6 about masks representing chiefs and their ancestors?
A.They were made to be exhibited and appreciated rather than used.

12. Paragraph 6 mentions all of the following as purposes of masks EXCEPT:
They were used as models for tattoo artists to copy.

13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence can be added to the passage.
If we consider 100 raven masks made by different carvers, for example, some will have been well executed, others less so, and one may have been made by an exceptional carver.
Where would the sentence best fit? Click on a square [■] to add the sentence to the passage. D
14. The peoples who lived along the northwestern coast of North America had stable communities and a distinctive artistic style.

The people lived on food from the sea, animals, and wild plants, and used wood from the forests for building construction, boat making, and sculpture.
In the absence of a central political or religious organization, wide kinship networks established through interclan marriage helped to maintain social cohesion.

The most remarkable artistic products of the northwestern peoples were totem poles and masks, which often represented families and their spirit guides.

The Population Increase in Ming Dynasty
// 话题重复
TPO48 Chinese Population Growth

Echolocation and Flight
// 话题重复
Bat Diets 蝙蝠的饮食
主要讲了各种不同的bats在饮食结构上的区别,吃的主要有insect,fruits, plants等等,介绍了一种部分bats拥有的获取昆虫的方法:利用回声,但是不是所有昆虫都能用这个方法。比较了不同类型的bats的diet (big and small,the bats flying in the sky and the ones living and waiting nearby).
exceed = be more than超过
supplement = add to补充
composes = makes up组成

Roosting and the Survival of Bats

// 话题重复

鹿角是用来做什么的,有5个假说,前四个都被否定了,包括为了散热、对抗predator、吸引异性mating还有象征地位,第五个假说比较可信,是因为polygamous的mate-mate combat才进化出来的。

英联全球雅思托福英语Q1  22:45:09
Forest Succession


Forest Succession
Succession is a continuous change in the species composition, structure, and function of a forest through time following disturbance. Each stage of succession  is referred to as a successional sere. The final stage of succession, which is generally self-replacing, is referred to as the climax sere. There are two major types of succession: primary and secondary. Primary succession is the  establishment of vegetation on bare rocks or radically disturbed soil. Secondary succession is the reestablishment of vegetation following a disturbance that  killed or removed the vegetation but did not greatly affect the soil. Volcanic eruptions, retreating glaciers, and bare sand dunes are examples of sites subject to primary succession, while clear-cutting of forests, wild fires, and  hurricanes are examples of sites subject to secondary succession. Hundreds to  thousands of years are required for primary succession to reach the climax sere, compared to decades to hundreds of years for it to occur in secondary succession. A longer time is needed to reach the climax sere for primary than secondary succession because soil development must first take place in primary  succession. The rate of succession is dependent upon the extent of the disturbance and the availability of appropriate seeds for recolonization.

What morphological (structural) and ecophysiological characteristics determine the species composition and abundance in succession? In general, nitrogen fixing plants (plants that can make use of atmospheric nitrogen) are important early succession species in primary succession because nitrogen is not derived from the weathering of rock and little or no organic matter is present in the soil. Weedy plants are common early successional species because of their rapid growth and high reproductive rates, while stress-tolerant species are common late successional species.

The structure of a forest changes as well in secondary succession. Depending on the type and the severity of the disturbance, a moderate to large amount of  dead organic matter from the previous forest remains on the site immediately from the disturbance. The leaf area of the forest is at a minimum and slowly increases as new vegetation occupies the site. Following a disturbance, such as a fire, the new canopy (the uppermost spreading and branching layer of a forest) is largely composed of similar-aged, or even-aged, trees. Light, nutrient, and water availability are highest during the early successional sere because the vegetation has not completely occupied the site. Canopy closure, or maximum leaf area, can occur within several years after disturbance in some tropical forests, but may take three to fifty years in evergreen forests.

In the second stage of forest development there is tree mortality caused by competition for light, nutrients and water. The intense intraspecies (within a species) and interspecies (between species) competition for light, nutrients and  water induces the mortality of plants that are shaded or have one or more life-history characteristics that are not well adapted to the changing environment. The third stage of forest development is characterized by openings in the overstory canopy, caused by tree mortality, and the renewed growth of understory in response to increased light reaching the forest floor.  Consequently, the forest canopy becomes more complex, or multilayered. The final stage of forest development, the climax or old growth stage, is characterized by a species composition that in theory can continue to replace itself unless a catastrophic disturbance occurs. Unique characteristics of old growth forests include large accumulation of standing and fallen dead  trees--referred to as coarse woody debris. Also, the annual input of forest litter is dominated by coarse woody debris compared to the earlier stages of forest development, when leaf and fine root debris were the dominant sources of nutrients and organic matter input into the soil.

Some ecosystems may never reach the latter stages of succession if natural  disturbances (fire, flooding, hurricanes, etc) are frequent. A pyric climax refers to an ecosystem that never reaches the potential climax vegetation defined by climate because of frequent fires. The ecotone, a boundary, between grassland and forest is a pyric climax, and only with fire suppression have woodlands and  forests began to advance into these regions.

conflict = friction 冲突


2020年8月22日托福IBT考试总体反馈-重磅来袭!2020年8月22日托福命中多篇阅读真题原题(大部分都是阅读旧题原题),命中口语、听力各四到五部分,命中独立和综合大作文真题原题(都是旧题),总体稍难,CPU资料阅读、写作、听力、口语等全面大中,全面开花!8月22日的托福考试,依然是几套试卷组合,这种模式会一直持续下去。今年托福考试几大特点:(1)听力、口语、写作、阅读老题重复量巨大。(3)在大部分考试中,写作听力一直是四项难度最大,并且对话难度超过讲座)(4)阅读、独立和综合写作重复老题,是我们TOEFL CPU资料里面的。8月22日托福考试大部分题目都在我们CPU资料原题命中!祝贺CPU会员将出现不少100-110分以上托福天才!本次考试听力阅读里大多是老题,仍然大量重复2014-2019年的老题,尤其是我们CPU托福资料的真题。今天口语和写作也是老题居多。ETS今年虽然在考试形式上变化很多,但其实使用的新题非常少,大都是在重复2014-2019年大陆考过的新题。这一方面说明,ETS出题成本太高(80万美金一套),所以出题量小。另一方面说明,托福考试的整体趋势还是稳定的。形式上的变化(多套试卷,阅读加试,听力非经典加试),并不能改变这个考试的内在。今天听力,口语,阅读和写作都重复老题。总体反馈请复制链接进入
特别提醒:托福考试几十多年来,有非常严格的规律性和出题思路。全世界有6到10个托福大考区,而只有一个美国托福考试中心几个人在出题,每个考区每个月要出2-4份考卷,一个月出12-24份考卷,考官如何保证达到难度一样呢,如何保证新题难度、准确度和评价机制公平呢,所以只能是几十年来托福真题题库旧题目的有效组合,新题不能超出10%。事实上每份托福真题卷子都是80%-90%以上旧题原题真题。近年来,阅读几套卷里大多是老题,ETS今年虽然在考试形式上变化很多,但其实使用的新题非常少,大都是在重复2014-2019年大陆考过的老题。这一方面说明,ETS出题成本太高(80万美金一套),所以出新题量小。另一方面说明,托福考试的整体趋势还是稳定的。形式上的变化(多套试卷,阅读加试,听力非经典加试),并不能改变这个考试的内在。除了阅读之外,听力,口语和写作都大部分是重复老题。多年托福考官和专家Edward老师非常熟悉托福出题规律和听说读写题库出题组合卷子的秘诀, CPU资料因此而诞生,可以快速帮助考生提高20-60分!具体请阅读

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