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[国内外] 2019年8月1日中国大陆考区雅思A类笔试真题回忆+答案汇总









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写作task2是history&other subjects哪个更relevant
task1是2年,8个国家的motor vehicle数量的table
S1,:£25.5, chicken, fish cakes,deluxe standard,vegetable burger,playground,party wears , sport's hall , two adults,safety regulations
S4 :claw stream mushroom dry  credical dogs elephant relocation training

大作文:Some people think it is important for all children to learn history in school. Others believe that other subjects are more relevant to children’s lives today. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
阅读有 facial expression,还有个啥农业的忘了,还有个什么在海里发现东西什么来着
1-10) Completion
First option:
Dinner option(standard, can hold 15 persons)
1. Cost plus deposit: 25. 5 per child(f5.5 per child and the deposit is f20)
2-3)Provided food
2.Two dishes of chicken
3.fish cakes
Second option:
4. Dinner option: deluxe
Cost: f26.5 per child (including deposit only 1 dollar more than option 1)
5. Offers above two dishes plus vegetable burger
6-7) Things will be provided
decoration balloons on the 6 playground and 7. special party hats
8.Location: sports hall
9.Need information about names of 2 adults
10.sign contract about safety regulations
Need to make a reservation

Section3一个小组要去沙漠考察 Field trip to Mexico
21-24)Multiple Choice
21. How to enroll in this group? If you want to join the trips, students have to first
A. Asks a tutor
B register
C. Fills an application form
22.The scholarship for this trip is
B. 1000 pounds
C. 2000 pounds
(the overall fee is 2000, the company will fund 1000. but the question ask how much university will cover)
23. How do biologists determine a desert?
A. The water evaporates faster than rain fall
The evaporation in deserts is really fast. Where evaporation is much than the rainfall)
B. More than 40 cm rainfall
24. The destination desert was originally a
A Grassland
B Marine desert(t covers all three places, but the one they choose to go is the .
25.Why did the university choose this desert as the study subject?
(Male student: We are studying the biology and why should we go to the desert? Female teacher: You probably don 't know that the birds there are ..
26.This study project is designed for: life-science undergraduate
27.They will use a ship as the base
28.Student has to bring along their laptop computers to keep a journal every day
29.The oldest plant in this area is: 12,000 years old
twelve thousands, says most are over 800 years old, while the oldest is 12000
30.A book recommendation the teacher recommends him to prepare now and there're lots of books in the library BUT one of his favorite books is a book called the Baked Earth

Choose the correct letter, A, B, or C.
31 The Great Barrier Reef consists of about ______ individual coral reefs.
A 400
B 900
C 3,000
32 The larger islands in the Great Barrier Reef are covered with
A sand.
B plants.
C coral.
Questions 33-38
Complete the notes below.
Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each answer.
Great Barrier Reef
Habitats include reefs, salt marshes, and 33__deep ocean__
Types of plants
Reef habitat:
mostly 35__woody_ at the northern end mostly herbaceous at the southern end
Types of animals
Salt marsh:
Sea grass beds:
Questions 39-40
Answer the questions below.
Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.
39 What causes coral bleaching?
Rising sea temperatures
40 What has been one response to this problem?
Shading the reef/shdading certain area

第一篇:非洲农业(Traditional Farming System in Africa)
By tradition land in Luapula is not ownedby individuals, but as in many other parts of Africa isallocated by the headmanor headwoman of a village to people of either sex, according to need. Sinceland is generally prepared by hand, one ulupwa cannot take on a very largearea; in this sense land has not been a limiting resource over large parts ofthe province. The situation has already changed near the main townships, andthere has long been a scarcity of land for cultivation in the Valley. In theseareas registered ownership patterns are becoming prevalent.
Most of the traditional cropping inLuapula, as in the Bemba area to the east, is based on citemene, a systemwhereby crops are grown on the ashes of tree branches. As a rule, entire treesare not felled, but are pollarded so that they can regenerate. Branches are cutover an area of varying size early in the dry season, and stacked to dry over arough circle about a fifth to a tenth of the pollarded area. The wood is firedbefore the rains and in the first year planted with the African cereal fingermillet (Eleusinecoracana).
During the second season, and possibly fora few seasons more the area is planted to variously mixed combinations ofannuals such as maize, pumpkins (Telfiriaoccidentalis) and other cucurbits,sweet potatoes, groundnuts, Phaseolus beans and various leafy vegetables, grownwith a certain amount of rotation. The diversesequence ends with vegetablecassava, which is often planted into the developing last-but-one crop as arelay.
Richards (1969) observed that the practiceof citemene entails a definitedivision of labour between men and women. A manstakes out a plot in an unobtrusive manner, since it is considered provocativetowards one’s neighbours to mark boundaries in an explicit way. The dangerouswork of felling branches is the men’s province, and involves much pride.Branches are stacked by the women, and fired by the men. Formerly women and mencooperated in the planting work, but the harvesting was always done by the women.At the beginning of the cycle little weeding is necessary, since the firing ofthe branches effectively destroys weeds. As the cycle progresses weeds increaseand nutrients eventually become depleted to a point where further effort withannual crops is judged to be not worthwhile: at this point the cassava isplanted, since it can produce a crop on nearly exhausted soil. Thereafter theplot is abandoned, and a new area pollarded for the next citemene cycle.
When forest is not available - this is increasinglythe case nowadays - various ridging systems (ibala)are built on small areas, tobe planted with combinations of maize, beans, groundnuts and sweet potatoes,usually relayed with cassava. These plots are usually tended by women, andprovide subsistence. Where their roots have year-round access to water tablesmango, guava and oil-palm trees often grow around houses, forming a traditionalagroforestry system. In season some of the fruit is sold by the roadside or inlocal markets.
The margins of dambos are sometimes plantedto local varieties of rice during the rainy season, andareas adjacent tovegetables irrigated with water from the dambo during the dry season. Theextent of cultivation is very limited, no doubt because the growing of crops underdambo conditions calls for a great deal of skill. Near towns some of thevegetable produce is sold in local markets.
Fishing has long provided a much neededproteinsupplement to the diet of Luapulans, as well as being the onesubstantial source of cash. Much fish is dried for sale to areas away from themain waterways. The Mweru and Bangweulu Lake Basins are the main areas ofyear-round fishing, but the Luapula River is also exploited during the latterpart of the dry season. Several previously abundant and desirable species, suchas the Luapula salmon or mpumbu (Labeoaltivelis) and pale(Sarotherodonmachochir) have all but disappeared from Lake Mweru, apparentlydue to mismanagement.
Fishing has always been a far moreremunerative activity in Luapula that crop husbandry. A fisherman may earn morein a week than a bean or maize grower in a whole season. I sometimes heardclaims that the relatively high earnings to be obtained from fishing induced an‘easy come, easy go’ outlook among Luapulan men. On the other hand, someone whosecures good but erratic earnings may feel that their investment in aneconomically productive activity is not worthwhile because Luapulans fail tocooperate well in such activities. Besides, a fisherman with spare cash willfind little in the way of working equipment to spend his money on. Better spendone’s money in the bars and have a good time!
Only small numbers of cattle or oxen arekept in the province owing to the prevalence of the tsetse fly. For the fewherds, the dambos provide subsistence grazing during the dry season. Theabsence of animal draft power greatly limits peoples’ ability to plough andcultivate land: a married couple can rarely manage to prepare by hand-hoeing.Most people keep freely roaming chickens and goats. These act as a reserve forbartering, but may also be occasionally slaughtered for ceremonies or forentertaining important visitors. These animals are not a regular part of mostpeoples’ diet.
Citemene has been an ingenious system for providingpeople with seasonal production of high quality cereals and vegetables inregions of acid, heavily leached soils. Nutritionally, the most seriousdeficiency was that of protein. This could at times be alleviated when fish wasavailable, provided that cultivators lived near the Valley and could find themeans of bartering for dried fish. The citemene/fishing system was well adaptedto the ecology of the miombo regions and sustainable for long periods, but onlyas long as human population densities stayed at low levels. Although populationdensities are still much lower than in several countries of South-East Asia,neither the fisheries nor the forests and woodlands of Luapula are capable,with unmodified traditional practices, of supporting the people in asustainable manner.
  Overall,people must learn to intensify and diversify their productive systems while yetensuring that these systems will remain productive in the future, when evenmore people will need food. Increasing overall production of food, though avast challenge in itself, will not be enough, however. At the same time storageand distribution systems must allow everyone access to at least
a moderate share of the total.
  Complete thesentences below with words taken from Reading Passage 1. Choose NO MORE THANTWO WORDS from the passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 1-4 onyour answer sheet.
  1 In Luapulaland allocation is in accordance with need
  2 Thecitemene system provides the land with (the) ashes where crops are planted.
  3 During thesecond season, the last planted crop is (vegetable) cassava
  4 Undersuitable conditions, fruit trees are planted near houses
  Classify thefollowing items with the correct description.
  Write youranswers in boxes 5-8 on your answer sheet. A fish
  B oxen
  C goats
  5 be used insome unusual occasions, such as celebrations. C
  6 cannotthrive for being affected by the pests. B
  7 be thelargest part of creating profit. A
  8 be soldbeyond the local area. A
  Do thefollowing statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1? Inboxes 9-12 on your answer sheet, write
  TRUE if thestatement agrees with the information
  FALSE if thestatement contradicts with the information
  NOT GIVEN ifthere is no information on this
  9 Peoplerarely use animals to cultivate land. TRUE
  10 When itis a busy time, children usually took part in the labor force.NOTGIVEN
  11 The localresidents eat goats on a regular time. FALSE
  12 Thoughcitemene has been a sophisticated system, it could not provide enough protein.TRUE
  Questions 13
  Choose thecorrect letter, A, B, C or D.
  Write thecorrect letter in the box 13 on your answer sheet.
  What is thewriter’s opinion about the traditional ways of practices? B
  A They cansupply the nutrition that people need.
  B They arenot capable of providing adequate support to the population.
  C They areproductive systems that need no more improving.
  D They willbe easily modified in the future
1.need    2.the ashes   3.(vegetable) cassava    4.houses
5.C     6.B     7.A     8.A     9.TRUE   
10.NOT GIVEN   11.FALSE    12.TRUE    13.B


第三篇:面部表情(Facial expression)
A facial expression is one or more motionsor positions of the muscles in the skin. These movements convey the emotionalstate of the individual to observers. Facial expressions are a form ofnonverbal communication. They are a primary means of conveying socialinformation among aliens, but also occur in most other mammals ( 哺乳动物) and some other animal species.Facial expressions and their significance in the perceiver can, to some extent,vary between cultures with evidence from descriptions in the works of Charles Darwin.
Humans can adopt a facial expression toread as a voluntary action. However, cause expressions are closely tied toemotion, they are more often involuntary ( 不知不觉的). It can be nearly impossible to avoid expressions for certain emotions,even when it would be strongly desirable to do so; a person who is trying toavoid insulting an individual he or she finds highly unattractive
might , nevertheless, show a briefexpression of disgust before being able to reassume a neutral expression.Microexpressions( 微表情)are one example of this phenomenon. The close link between emotionand expression can also work in the other direction; it has been observed thatvoluntarily assuming an expression can actually cause the associated emotion.
Some expressions can be accuratelyinterpreted even between members of different species- anger and extremecontentment ( 满足, 满意) being the primary examples . Others , however, are difficult tointerpret even in familiar individuals. For instance, disgust and fear can betough to tell apart. Because faces have only a limited range of movement,expressions rely upon fairly minuscule differences in the proportion andrelative position of facial features, and reading them requires considerablesensitivity to same. Some faces are often falsely read as expressing someemotion, even when they are neutral, because their proportions naturallyresemble those another face would temporarily assume.
Also, a person 1s eyes reveal much abouthow they are feeling, or what they are thinking. Blink rate( 眨眼率)can reveal how nervous or atease a person may be. Research by Boston College professor Joe Tecce suggeststhat stress levels are revealed by blink rates. He- supports his data withstatistics on the relation between the blink rates of presidential candidatesand their success in their races. Tecce claims that the faster blinker in thepresidential debates has lost every election since 1980. Though Tecce 1 s datais interesting, it is important to recognize that non-verbal communication ismulti-channeled, and focusing on only one aspect is reckless. Nervousness canalso be measured by examining each candidates perspiration, eye contact and stiffness.
As Charles Darwin noted in his book TheExpression of the Emotions in Man and Animals:the young and the old of widelydifferent races, both with man and animals, express the same state of mind bythe same movements. Still, up to the mid20th century most anthropologists ( 人类学家)believed that facial expressions were entirely learned and couldtherefore differ among cultures. Studies conducted in the 1960s by Paul Ekmaneventually supported Darwins belief to a large degree.
Ekmans work on facial expressions had its starting point in the work of psychologistSilvan Tomkins. Ekman showed that contrary to the belief of someanthropologists including Margaret Mead, facial expressions of emotion are notculturally determined, but universal across human cultures. The South Forepeople of New Guinea were chosen as subjects for one such survey. The studyconsisted of 189 adults and 130 children from among a very isolated population,as well as twenty three members of the culture who lived a less isolatedlifestyle as a control group. Participants were told a story that described oneparticular emotion; they were then shown three pictures (two for children) offacial expressions and asked to match the picture which expressed the storys emotion.
While the isolated South Fore people couldidentify emotions with the same accuracy as the non-isolated control group,problems associated with the study include the fact that both fear and surprisewere constantly misidentified. The study concluded that certain facialexpressions correspond to particular emotions and can not be covered,regardless of cultural background, and
regardless of whether or not the culturehas been isolated or exposed to the mainstream.
Expressions Ekman found to be universalincluded those indicating anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness, and surprise(note that none of these emotions has a definitive social component, such asshame, pride, or schadenfreude). Findings on contempt (which is social) areless clear, though there is at least some preliminary evidence that thisemotion and its expression are universally
recognized. This may suggest that the facialexpressions are largely related to the mind and each parts on the face canexpress specific emotion.
Questions 28-32 .............................................................................
Complete the Summary paragraph described below. In boxes 28-33 on your answer sheet, write the correct answer with NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS
The result of Ekman’s study demonstrates that fear and surprise are persistently 28          and made a conclusion that some facial expressions have something to do with certain 29        which is impossible covered, despite of 29       and whether the culture has been 30       or 31       to the mainstream.

Questions 33-38 .............................................................................
The reading Passage has seven paragraphs A-H.
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letter J-J^ in boxes 34-38 on your answer sheet.
NB You may use any letter more than once.
33 the difficulty identifying the actual meaning of facial expressions
34 the importance of culture on facial expressions
35 collected data for the research on the relation between blink and the success in elections
36 impossible to differentiate some closely related expressions
37 an indicator to reflect one’s extent of nervousness
38 the relation between emotion and facial expressions

Questions 39-40 .............................................................................
Choose two letters from the A-E
Write your answers in boxes 39-40 on your answer sheet.
Which Two of the following statements are true according to Ekman’s theory?
A No evidence shows animals have their own facial expressions.
B Mind controls man’s facial expressions.
C Facial expressions are concerning different cultures.
D Different spots on face convey certain state of mind.
E The definite relationship between facial expressions and state of mind exists
28 misidentified
【原文参考依据-G段】While the isolated South Forepeople could identify emotions with the sme accuracy as the non-isolatedcontrol group, problems associated with the study include the fact that bothfear and surprise were constantly misidentifield. The study concluded thatcertain facial expressions correspond to particular emostions and can not beconvered, regardless ofcultural backgroud, and regardless of wether or not theculture has beenisolated or exposed to the mainstream.
29 emotions
【原文参考依据-G段】While the isolated South Forepeople could identify emotions with the sme accuracy as the non-isolatedcontrol group, problems associated with the study include the fact that bothfear and surprise were constantly misidentifield. The study concluded thatcertain facial expressions correspond to particular emostions and can not beconvered, regardless ofcultural backgroud, and regardless of wether or not theculture has beenisolated or exposed to the mainstream.
30 cultural background
【原文参考依据-G段】While the isolated South Forepeople could identify emotions with the sme accuracy as the non-isolatedcontrol group, problems associated with the study include the fact that bothfear and surprise were constantly misidentifield. The study concluded thatcertain facial expressions correspond to particular emostions and can not beconvered, regardless ofcultural backgroud, and regardless of wether or not theculture has beenisolated or exposed to the mainstream.
31 isolated
【原文参考依据-G段】While the isolated South Forepeople could identify emotions with the sme accuracy as the non-isolatedcontrol group, problems associated with the study include the fact that bothfear and surprise were constantly misidentifield. The study concluded thatcertain facial expressions correspond to particular emostions and can not beconvered, regardless ofcultural backgroud, and regardless of wether or not theculture has beenisolated or exposed to the mainstream.
32 exposed
【原文参考依据-G段】While the isolated South Forepeople could identify emotions with the sme accuracy as the non-isolatedcontrol group, problems associated with the study include the fact that bothfear and surprise were constantly misidentifield. The study concluded thatcertain facial expressions correspond to particular emostions and can not beconvered, regardless ofcultural backgroud, and regardless of wether or not theculture has beenisolated or exposed to the mainstream.
33 C
【原文参考依据-C段第二句】Others, however, are difficultto interpret even in familiar individuals
【原文参考依据-C段末句】Some faces are often falselyread as expressing some emotion, even when they are neutral, because theirproportions naturally resemble those another face would temporarily assume whenemoting.
34. A
【原文参考依据-A段末尾】Facial expressions are a form fononverbal communication. They are a primary means of conveying social informationamong aliens, but also occur in most other mammals and some other animalspecies. Facial expressions and their significance in the perceiver can, tosome extent, vary between cultures with evidence from descriptions in the worksof Charles Darwin.
35 D
【原文参考依据-D段】Research by Boston Collegeprofessor Joe Tecce suggests that stress levels are revealed by blink rates. Hesupports his datawith statistics on the relation between the blink rates ofpresidential cnadidates and their success in their races. Tecce claims that thefaster blinker in the presidential debates has lost every election since 1980.
题目为:thesociality of several facial expressions
【原文参考依据-H段首句】Expressions Ekman found to beuniversal included those indicating anger, disgust, fear, joy sadness, andsurprise(note that none of these emotions has a definitive social component,such as shame, pride, or schadenfreude).
37 D
【原文参考依据-D段第二句】Blink rate can reveal hownervous or at ease a person may be.
38 B
【原文参考依据-B段第二句】However, because expressionsare closely tied to emotion, they are more often involuntary.
39-40 BD
【原文参考依据-H段末句】This may suggest that the facialexpressions are largely related to the mind and each parts on the face canexpress specific emotion.
H最后一句 这句话的翻译为:这可能说明面部表情在很大程度上是和想法密切相关的,并且在脸上的每个部位都表达特定的某种情感。因此选BD
task 1 图表题


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