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[国内外] 2019年6月13日中国大陆考区雅思A类笔试真题回忆+答案汇总









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小作文:第一个一个柱状图 五个国家买杂志的 2000年和2010 以及2020预期 第二个是个人在环保上啥也干不了 得政府和大公司搞 你觉得呢
大作文:Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment, only governments and large companies can make effors to it.记不全了。
第一个是幸福(how to achieve happiness)
You should spend about 20 minutes on Question 1-13 which are based on Reading Passage below.
Throughout the whole period of one’s lifetime, the achieving of happiness can be seen as our ultimate and everlasting goal. Happiness is far more than a strong body, a magnificent villa or an around-the-world tour; it is something we need from our heart. However, we can investigate happiness through scientific methods.
When we are asked the question "Where can we find happiness", it is a puzzle difficult to answer accurately. We can find happiness right in our own home, in our workplace, in school, in the company of our friends, etc. It is up to us to find the ways and means to achieve that happiness each of us seek and long for. However, it is essential to recognize that there is no one absolute way to achieve happiness. People may have different ideas with regard to the ways of achieving happiness. The following five classifications are perceived by many people as sources of happiness: family and friends, wealth, position, educational achievement and fame.
To give it a comprehensive definition, happiness is a mental state of well-being characterized by positive or pleasant emotions ranging from contentment to intense joy. A variety of biological, psychological, religious, and philosophical approaches have striven to define happiness and identify its sources. Various research groups, including Positive Psychology, endeavor to apply the scientific method to answer questions about what "happiness" is, and how we might attain it. While philosophers and religious thinkers often define happiness in terms of living a good life, or flourishing, rather than simply as an emotion. Happiness in this sense was used to translate the Greek Eudaimonia, and is still used in virtue ethics.
While the level of physical healthiness is the biggest determinant of happiness, comparison of financial success with others of the same age group is the second largest source of happiness and unhappiness. Financially richer people tend to be happier than poorer people, according to sociological researcher Glenn Firebaugh of Pennsylvania State University. Their research is focused on whether the income effect on happiness results largely from the things money can buy (absolute income effect) or from comparing one's income to the income of others (relative income effect). They present their research in a session paper, tided "Relative Income and Happiness: Arc Americans on a Hedonk Treadmill?" Firebaugh argues that, in evaluating their own incomes, individuals compare themselves to their peers of the same age. Therefore, a persons reported level of happiness depends on how his or her income compares to others in the same age group. Using comparison groups on the basis of age, the researchers find evidence of both relative and absolute effects, but relative income is more important than absolute income in determining the happiness of individuals in the United States. This may result in a self-indulgent treadmill, because incomes in the United States rise over most of the adult lifespan. They always dissatisfy with the salary. For example, the survey indicates that the students studied in Harvard University expect to earn much more money than their classmates rather than care about the exact amount of the salary.
We have long been aware that elements from various perspectives of We could contribute to realizing happiness. The Minnesota Study of Twins Reared Apart (MISTRA) has recently conducted a research project, choosing 120 pairs of reared-apart twins as subjects to test their perception of happiness. In an early report of results it was found that, on most measurable psychological traits, the level of welfare between the twins in a set felt is varied instead of being the same or similar. Thus environmental factors may not be the only factor that affects the feeling of happiness significantly. In another investigation, among persons of European ancestry, for psychological features that can be measured, heritability range from about 25 percent to 80 percent. Or, to put it more concretely, from one-fourth to four-fifths of the variation from person to person in such features as IQ, creativity and happiness, is associated with genetic differences between those persons. That indicates that genetic difference may also affect the happiness. Furthermore, neurobiological evidence shows that left and right frontal lobes play different roles in the emotion (MC) (M). Happiness is a type of emotion, a positive one. From the experiments, happiness and the left prefrontal lobe are combined together. The more active it is, the more positive emotion you sense.
At the outset of new millennium, a global research had a result that the people living in the modern world were even unhappier. With crises being on the rise these days, finding happiness can be a bit challenging. Despite of all the stresses associated with life, we still do our best to be happy — because being happy is the only way to keep us afloat. Happiness is considered a very important therapy, both physically and mentally. With it, we are inspired to accomplish whatever goals we want to achieve. It's a strong drive that keeps us going and helps us live our life every single day.
There are many ways to be happy. Spend time with individuals who are dear to you. There is nothing more joyful than to be with the people you love. During the weekends, try to schedule a fun trip for you and your partner, or one for your whole family. Just go somewhere else for a change and enjoy the change of scenery. Do something nice for others. Helping others is a very honorable way to find happiness. If your schedule is too tight for volunteer work, you can just donate a small sum of money or some old clothes or toys to charity. When you eat out, try to be a good tipper to the waiters or the valet who safely parked your car. All these simple things will not only make you happy, but other people as well. Start and end your day with a smile. Smiling is a very powerful gesture. There's no need for words to describe how pleasant it is. If you have a lousy day, smile your way out of the office. When people smile back at you, it will uplift your mood and make you feel better. Spending some time with your friends. A close circle of friends is one of the most important sources of happiness.

Questions 1-5
The reading Passage has six paragraphs A-F
Choose the correct heading for paragraphs A-E from the list of headings below.
Write the appropriate number, i-ix. in boxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.
List of Headings
i. Solutions of acquiring happiness
ii. Happiness helps to ease pressure from modem life
iii. Smile can make you happy
iv. The wealthier, the happier
v. The influence of environment
vi. Sources of happiness
vii. How to define happiness
viii. The comparison of old times and modem life
ix. Factors that affect the happiness
1. Paragraph A
2. Paragraph B
3. Paragraph C
4. Paragraph D
5. Paragraph E
Paragraph F i
Questions 6-10
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C, or D.
Write your answers in boxes 6-10 on your answer sheet
6 Which of the following items is NOT the source of happiness?
A. company of wife and children
B. experience of having a big feast
C. obtaining higher education
D. high social status
7 What is the decisive step of achieving happiness?
A. having a positive mind
B. strong in social activities
C. lots of belongings and properties
D. a healthy body
8 Which is NOT mentioned in this passage for affecting the happiness?
A. personal character
B. the reflection of frontal lobes
C. genetic differences
D. environmental factors
9 A worldwide research in the 21st century indicates that
A. Male feels more stressful than female.
B. People are leading a happy life.
C. Modem life makes people upset.
D. Most people are not satisfied with current situation.
10 Which suggestion is NOT mentioned in the last paragraph for achieving happiness?
A. go out for a picnic during weekends
B. to consult a psychologist
C. make donations to charities
D. a beautiful smile
Questions 11-13
Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-G, below.
Write the correct letter, A-G, in boxes 11-13 on your answer sheet.
11 A study of reared-apart twins
12 The left prefrontal lobe of human
13 People living in modern city
A. have no method to escape from pressure.
B. may cam more sense of happiness by a circle of close friends.
C. encouraged people to make further investigation.
D. demonstrates that environment is not the sole factor that affects happiness.
E. suggests that people have no control on their welfare.
F. has affirmative connection with the feeling of happiness.
G. are not sure about what is happiness.


1.vi    2.vii   3.iv    4.ix    5.ii    6.B   7.D  
8.A    9.D    10.B    11.D    12.F  13.B

s1 post  bed heater microwave  39 (我忘了多少钱)49岁?我忘了。 australia 都在澳大利亚拿的驾照? s4 foundation sand clay labor roof strength insulation convenient fire(我瞎写的最后一个) s3我写的是虫子跟着蜜蜂进入了hive,然后入侵queen bee成了新寄主,然后用蜂蜜掩盖气味,传播病毒。
小作文:柱状图 the magazines from five countries sold by per person;
大作文:环境类 some people say individuals can do nothing to improve the environment,only government and large companies can make a difference. Agree or disagree?
Section 1美国家庭旅游租用接车和住宿
1.Telephone No.0419657156
Written quote:
2. Send things by mail
3. Price for renting: $39 per day
Special requirement for room:
4. An extra bed
5. Equipment: kitchen on the top   
6. Need to have a  heater
7. Microwave
8. Pick them up back from the airport  
9. Insurance: the youngest driver’s age Caroline: 49 years old
10. License issued in Australia

Section2  Fitness Center运动中心
11-16) Multiple choice questions         
11. What was newly established?         
Dance studio
12. When is the busiest time?  
A. Weekdays         
B. Weekday evening
C. Weekends
13. How to get discount?  
A. Cash  
B. Book in advance
C. Credit card      
14. What benefit new customer can get?            
A,free training for today only
15. Why did the gym win an award?                  
Offering professional advisers
16. Why most people give up half a way?         
C. No companion
17-20) Matching     
17. general training:    B. the leg strength
18. ..training:             D. better concentration
19. Aerobic training:    F. release stress
20. squash               A. react time

Section 3 蜜蜂与螨虫的寄生关系 Bees And Mites      
21-26) Flow Chart Matching
Honeycomb: queen bee;
Honey: brood cell; hive; virus, blood
21. Varroa mites have been found on flowers
22. Then the carried by bees and hide under the hive
23. Cover their smell by honey
24. The adults suck the “blood” of adult honey bees
25. the female mite enters a honey bee brood cell
26. The compromised adult bees are more prone to infections cause by virus
27-30) Matching (Multiple choice)
A. Adapt to warm climate   B. Too few to help farmers   
C. Too aggressive
D. Unable to produce honey
27. Europe bumble bee —— spread weeds  
28.Italian bee --- warm climate  
29. Africanized honeybees are ---- very aggressive
30. Rare Carniolan bees --- too few to help farmers

Section 4 建筑材料
31.the foundation is constructed of natural materials
32. use the best soil and sand
33. the bricks contain a lot of high quality clay
34.advantages: cheap and convenient
35.the process of brick making takes a good training
36.it needs water, time and labor
37.firstly, the roof need to be set up
38. it is covered with plaster to prevent insects
39. the shape of of the xxxxxxxxxx
40. it has a risk of fire
Task 1: 动态柱图
Task 2(重复2014年7月26日大陆卷考题):
Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment; only governments and large companies can make a difference. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Section 1
Address: 14 Grey Street, Forest Hill
Telephone number:1.0491570156
Email address: caroline@easymail.com
Prefered quote sent by: 2.post
Type of camp van: explorer
An extra 3. bed is provided
Rental price 4.$39
The cost of 5.petrol is not included
Questions 6-10
Requirements of the client:
Need a 6. heater
A 7. microwave is preferable
Want to be picked up from the 8. airport
Insurance requirements:
Age of the youngest driver:9. 49
License issued in 10. Australia

Section 2 Fitness Center
11-16) Multiple choice questions
11. What was newly established?
Dance studio
12. When is the busiest time?
A Weekdays
B Weekday evening
C Weekends
13. How to get discount?
A Cash
B Book in advance
C Credit card
14. What benefit new customer can get?
A free training for today only
15. Why did the gym win an award?
Offering professional advisers
16. Why most people give up half a way?
C No companion
17-20) Matching
17.general training
B the leg strength
D better concentration
19. Aerobic training
F release stress
20. Squash
A react time

Section 3
Bees And Mites 蜜蜂与螨虫的寄生关系
21-26)Flow Chart Matching
21.Varroa mites have been found on flowers
22.Then the carried by bees and hide under the hive
23.Cover their smell by honey
24.The adults suck the“blood” of adult honey bees
25.the female mite enters a honey bee brood cell
26.The compromised adult bees are more prone to infections cause by virus
27.Europe bumble bee--spread weeds
28.Italian bee--warm climate
29.Africanized honeybees are--very aggressive
30.Rare Carniolan bees--too few to help farmers

Section 4
31-40 填空
31.the foundation is constructed of natural materials
32. use the best soil and sand
33. the bricks contain a lot of high-quality clay
34. advantages: cheap and convenient
35. the process of brick making takes a good training
36. it needs water, time and labor
37. firstly, the roof needs to be set up
38. it is covered with plaster to prevent insects
39. has good strength
40. it has a risk of fire

The psychology in Happiness(幸福心理学)
In the late 1990s, psychologist MartinSeligman of the University of Pennsylvania urged colleagues to observe optimalmoods with the same kind of focus with which they had for so long studiedillnesses: we would never learn about the full range of human functions unlesswe knew as much about mental wellness as we do about mental illness. A newgeneration of psychologists built up a respectable body of research on positivecharacter traits and happinessboosting practices. At the same time,developments in neuroscience provided new clues to what makes us happy and whatthat looks like in the brain. Selfappointed experts took advantage of the trendwith guarantees to eliminate worry, stress, dejection and even boredom. Thishappiness movement has
provoked a great deal of opposition amongpsychologists who observe that the reoccupation with happiness has come at thecost of sadness, an important eeling that people have tried to banish fromtheir emotional repertoire. Allan Horwitz of Rutgers laments ( 哀悼)that young people who arenaturally weepy after breakups are often urged to medicate themselves insteadof working through their sadness. Wake Forest Universitys Eric Wilson fumes that the obsessionwith happiness amounts to a craven ( 懦夫)disregard for the melancholic ( 忧郁的)perspective that has given rise to the greatest works of art. The happy man he writes, is a hollow man.
After all people are remarkably adaptable.Following a variable period of adjustment, we bounce back to our previous levelof happiness, no matter what happens to us. (There are some scientificallyproven exceptions, notably suffering the unexpected loss of a job or the lossof a spouse. Both events tend to permanently knock people back a step.) Ouradaptability works in two directions. Because we are so adaptable, points outProfessor Sonja Lyubomirsky of the University of California, we quickly getused to many of the accomplishments we strive for in life, such as landing thebig job or getting married. Soon after we reach a milestone, we start to feelthat something is missing. We begin coveting another worldly possession oreyeing a social advancement. But such an approach keeps us tethered to atreadmill where happiness is always just out of reach, one toy or one stepaway. Its possible toget off the treadmill entirely by focusing on activities that are dynamic surprising,and attention- absorbing, and thus less likely to bore us than, say, acquiringshiny new toys.
Moreover, happiness is not a reward forescaping pain. Russ Harris, the author of The Happiness Trap, calls popularconceptions of happiness dangerous because they set people up for a struggle against reality. They dont acknowledge that real life isfull of disappointments, loss, and inconveniences. If youre going to live a rich andmeaningful life, Harris says,youre going
to feel a full range of emotions. Action toward goals other thanhappiness makes people happy. It is not crossing the finish line that is mostrewarding, it is anticipating achieving the goal. University of Wisconsinneuroscientist Richard Davidson has found that working hard toward a goal, andmaking progress to the point of expecting a goal to be realised, not onlyactivates positive feelings but also suppresses negative emotions such as fearand depression.
We are constantly making decisions, rangingfrom what clothes to put on, to whom we should marry, not to mention all thoseflavors of ice cream. We base  many ofour decisions on whether we think a particular preference will increase ourwell-being. Intuitively, we seem convinced that the more choices we have, thebetter off we will ultimately be. But our world of unlimited opportunity imprisonsus more than it makes us happy. In what Swarthmore psychologist Barry Schwartzcalls the paradoxof choice/ facing many possibilities leaves us stressed out and less satisfied with whateverwe do decide. Having too many choices keeps us wondering about all theopportunities missed.
Besides, not everyone can put on a happyface. Barbara Held, a professor of psychology at Bowdoin College, rails againstthe tyrannyof the positive attitude. Looking onthe bright side isnt possible for some people and is even counterproductive she insists. When you put pressure on people to copein a way that doesnt fit them, it not only doesnt work, it makes them
feel like a failure on top of alreadyfeeling bad. Theone-size-fits-all approach to managing emotional life is misguided, agreesProfessor Julie Norem, author of The Positive Power of Negative Thinking. Inher research, she has shown that the defensive pessimism that anxious peoplefeel can be harnessed to help them get things done, which in turn makes them happier.A naturally pessimistic architect, for example, can set low expectations for anupcoming presentation and review all of the bad outcomes that shes imagining, so that she canprepare carefully and increase her chances of success.
By contrast, an individual who is notliving according to their values, will not be happy, no matter how much theyachieve. Some people, however, are not sure what their values are. In that caseHarris has a great question: Imagine I could wave a magic wand to ensure that you would have theapproval and admiration of everyone on the planet, forever. What, in that case,would you choose to do with your life? Once this has been answered honestly, you can start taking stepstoward your ideal vision of yourself. The actual answer is unimportant, as longas youre livingconsciously. The state of happiness is not really a state at all. Its an ongoing personal experiment.
1. F
【原文参考依据——F段末尾】The state of happiness is not really a state at all. It's an ongoing personal experiment.
  2. D
……facing many possibilities leaves us stressed out
  3. C
……working hard toward to a goal, and making progress to the point of expecting a goal to be realised, not only activates positive feelings but also suppresses negative emotions such as fear and depression. suppress = overcome
  4. A
Self-appointed experts took advantage of the trend with guarantees to…… self-appointed expects = people who call themselves specialists
  5. B
【原文参考依据——B段前两句】After all people are remarkably adaptable. Following a variable period of adjustment, we bounce back to our previous level of happiness, no matter what happens to us.
  6. B
【原文参考依据——B段末尾】But such an approach keeps us tethered to a treadmill where happiness is always just out of reach, one toy or one step away. It's possible to get off the treadmill entirely by focusing on activities that are dynamic surprising, and attention-absorbing, and thus less likely to bore us than, say, acquiring shiny new toys.
  7. B/D
  8. D/B
【原文参考依据——A段末尾】Wake Forest University's Eric Wilson fumes that the obsession with happiness amounts to a "cracen(懦夫)disregard" for the melancholic(忧郁的)perspective that has given rise to the greatest works of art." The happy man" he writes, "is a hollow man". obsession with happiness对幸福的沉迷。
【原文参考依据——C段第二句和第三句】Russ Harris, the author of The Happiness Trap, calls popular conceptions of happiness dangerous because they set people up for a "struggle against reality". They don't acknowledge that real life is full of disappointments, loss, and inconveniences.
  9. C/D
  10. D/C
【原文参考依据——C段第六行至第九行】“If you're going to live a rich and meaningful life," Harries says, "you're going to feel a full range of emotions".
Barbara Held,……rails against "the tyranny(专横) of the positive attitude". "Looking on the bright side isn't possible for some people and is even counterproductive(产生相反结果的)" she insists. "When you put pressure on people to cope in a way that doesn't fit them, it not only doesn't work, it makes them feel like a failure on top of already feeling bad."
  11. moods
【原文参考依据——A段首句】In the late 1990s, psychologist Martin Seligman of the University of Pennsylvania urged colleagues to observe optimal moods with the same kind of focus with which they had for so long studied illnesses: we would never learn about the full range of human functions unless we knew as much about mental wellness as we do about mental illness. observe=examine, optimal = positive
  12. milestone
【原文参考依据——B段第九行至第十行】Soon after we reach a milestone, we start to feel that something is missing.
  13. pessimistic
【原文参考依据——E段末句】A naturally pessimistic architect, for example, can set low expectations for an upcoming presentation and review all of the bad outcomes that she's imagining, so that she can prepare carefully and increase her chances of success.


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