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[国内外] 2019年5月18日中国大陆考区雅思A类笔试真题回忆+答案汇总









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The nameambergris is derived from the Spanish “ambar gris”, ambar meaning amber (琥珀) and grismeaning grey, thus the name signifies grey amber. Theuse of ambergris in Europeis now entirely confined to perfumery-as a material of perfumery. Its highprice varies from$15 to$25 an ounce, though it formerlyoccupied oninconsiderable place in medicine. Ambergris was also decoratedandworn asjewelry, particularly during the RenaissanceIt occupies a veryimportant place in the perfumery of the East, and there it is also used inpharmacy(药物)and as a flavouring material in cookery.
Amber, however, is quite adifferent substance from ambergris and thisdiscrepancy (矛盾)  haspuzzled some people. Amber is the fossilized resin from trees that was quitefamiliar to Europeans long before the discovery of the New World, and prizedfor jewelry. Although considered a gem, amber is a hard, transparent andwholly-organic material derived from the resin of extinct species of trees. Inthe dense forests of the Middle Cretaceous and Tertiary periods, between 10 and100 million years ago, these resin-bearing trees fell and were carried byrivers to coastal regions. There, the trees and their resins became coveredwith sediment (沉淀物), and over millions of years the resinhardened into amber.
Ambergris and amber are related bythe fact that both wash up on beaches. Ambergris is a solid, waxy and flammablesubstance of a dull 2rey or blackish color, with the shades being variegated1ike marble. It possesses a peculiar sweetearthy odour notunlike isopropyl alcohol (异丙醇). It is now known to be a morbidsecretion formed in the intestines of the sperm whale, found in the Atlanticand Pacific oceans. Being a very lightweight material, ambergris is foundfloating upon the sea, on the sea coast, or in the sand near the sea coastIt is metwith in the Atlantic Ocean, on the coasts Of Brazil and Madagascar; also on thecoast Of Africa, of the East Indies, China, Japan, and the Molucca Islands; butmost of the ambergris which is brought to England comes from the BahamaIslands. It is also sometimes found in the abdomen of whales; it is always inlumps in various shapes and sizes, weighing from 1/ 2 oz. to 100 or more lb. Apiece which the Dutch East India Company bought from the King of Tydore weighed182 lb. An American fisherman from Antigua found, Inside a whale, about 521eagues south-east from the Windward Islands, a piece of ambergris which weighedabout l 30 lb, and sold for 500 sterling.
Like many other substancesregarding the origin of which there existed some obscurity or mystery,ambergris in former times possessed a value, and had properties attributed toit, more on account of the source from which it was drawn than from itsinherent qualities. Many ridiculous hypotheses were started to account for itsorigin, and among others it was conjectured(推测)to be the solidifiedfoam of the sea, a fungous growth in the ocean similar to the fungi which formon trees.
The true source and character ofambergris was first satisfactorily established by Dr. Swediaur in acommunication to the Royal Society. It was found by Dr. Swediaur that ambergrisvery frequently contained the horny mandibles (下颌 )or beaksof the squid, on which the sperm whales are known to feed. That observation, inconnection with the fact of ambergris being frequently taken from theintestines ()of the sperm whale, sufficiently proved thatthe substance is produced by the whale’s intestine as a means of facilitatingthe passage of undigested hard, sharp beaks of squid that the whale has eaten.
It was further observed that thewhales in which ambergris was found were either dead or much wasted andevidently in a sickly condition. From this it was inferred that ambergris is insome way connected with a morbid ( 态的)conditionof the sperm whale. Often expelled by vomiting, ambergris floats in chunks onthe water and is of a deep grey colour, soft consistence, and an offensive, disagreeablesmell. Following months to years of photo-degradation andoxidation in theocean, this precursor gradually hardens, developing a dark grey or blackcolour, a crusty and waxy texture, and a peculiar odour that is at once sweet,earthy, marine, and animalist. Its smell has been described by many as a vastlyricher and smoother version of isopropanol without its
stinging harshness.
In that condition its specificgravity ranges from 0.780 to 0.926. It melts at a temperature of about 145 Finto a fatty yellow resin-like liquidIt is soluble inether, volatile and fixed oils, but only feebly acted on by acids. By digestingin hot alcohol, a peculiar substance termed ambrein is obtained. In chemicalconstitution ambrein very closely resembles cholesterin (胆固醇), aprinciple found abundantly in biliary calculi ( 道结石) . It istherefore more than probable that ambergris, from the position in which it isfound and its chemical constitution, is a biliary concretion analogous to whatis formed in other mammals.
The industries founded onambergris resulted in the slaughter of sperm whales ( 香鲸) almost to extinction. Sperm whales were killed in two massive hunts, the MobyDick whalers who worked mainly between 1740-1 880, and themodem whalers whoseoperations peaked in 1 964, when 29,255 were killed. Most recent estimatessuggest a global population of about 360,000 animals down from about 1,100,000before whaling. In the 20th century, 90% of ambergris was derived in theprocessing of killing sperm whales. To this day, ambergris is still the mostexpensive product in the whole body of sperm whale. Depending on its quality,raw ambergris fetches approximately 20 USD per gram. In the United States,possession of any part of an endangered species-including ambergris that haswashed ashore-is a violation of the Endangered Species Act of 1978.
Historically, the primarycommercial use of ambergris has been in fragrancechemistry. However, it isdifficult to get a consistent and reliable supply of high quality ambergris.Due to demand for ambergris and its high price, replacement compounds have beensought out by the fragrance industry and chemically synthesized. The mostimportant of these is Ambrox (降龙涎醚), which has taken its place as themost widely used amber odorant in perfume manufacture. Procedures for themicrobial production of Ambrox have also been devised.
Questions 1-5
Classify the following statement as applying to
A Ambergris only
B Amber only
C Both amber and ambergris
D Neither amber nor ambergris
1  very expensive
2 food flavor
3 used as currency
4 referred to in a communication
5 could be seen through
Questions 6-9
Complete the Summary paragraph described below in boxes 6—9 on your answer
sheet. Write the correct answer with one word.
The formation of ambergris experiences several stages. First, when sperm whaleeats thehard and sharp 6 of squid, its intestine will produce ambergris tofacilitate the 7 Then, ambergris can be 8 up by sperm whale and float on thewater. After months of exposure on air, it 9 and the color turns dark grey orblack.
Question 10-13
Do the following statements agree with the information given in the passage?
In boxes 10-13 on your sheet, write
TRUE  if the sataement agrees with the information
FALSE  if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN  if there is no information on this
10 In the 20th century, most ambergris was made in the process of killing sperm
11  Ambergris’s cost increased recently.
12  Ambergris still remains in the perfume making.
13 Ambergris is still the most important amber odorant in perfume manufacture.

1. C     2. A    3. D     4. A     5. B
6. beaks     7. passage     8. vomited    9. hardens  10. TRUE
11. NOT GIVEN   12. NOT GIVEN    13. FALSE

第二篇讲鸟的迁徙飞行方向问题(Bird migration
Birds have many unique design features thatenable them to perform such amazing feats of endurance. They are equipped withlightweight, hollow bones, intricately designed feathers providing both liftand thrust for rapid flight, navigation systems superior to any that man hasdeveloped, and an ingenious heat conserving design that, among other things,concentrates all blood circulation beneath layers of warm, waterproof plumage,leaving them fit to face life in the harshest of climates. Their respiratorysystems have to perform efficientlyduring sustained flights at altitude, so they have a system of extractingoxygen from their lungs that far exceeds that of any other animal. During thelater stages of the summer breeding season, when food is plentiful their bodiesare able to accumulate considerable layers of fat, in order to provide sufficient energyfor their long migratory flights.
The fundamental reasonthat birds migrate is to find adequate food during the winter months when it isin short supply. This particularly applies to birds that breed in the temperateand Arctic regions of the Northern hemisphere,where food is abundant during the short growing season. Many species cantolerate cold temperatures if food is plentiful, but when food is not availablethey must migrate. However, intriguing questions remain.
One puzzling fact is that many birdsjourney much further than would be necessary just to find food and goodweather. Nobody knows, for instance, why British swallows, which couldpresumably survive equally well if they spent the winter in equatorial Africa,instead fly several thousands of miles further to their preferred winter homein South Africa Cape Province. Another mystery involves the huge migrationsperformed by arctic terns and mud flat-feeding shorebirds that breed close toPolar Regions. In general, the further north a migrant species breeds, thefarther south it spends the winter. For arctic terns this necessitates anannual round trip of 25,000 miles. Yet, en route to their final destination infar-flung southern latitudes, all these individuals overfly other areas ofseemingly suitable habitat spanning two hemispheres. While we may not fullyunderstand birds' reasons for going to particular places, we can marvel attheir feats.
One of the greatest mysteries is how youngbirds know how to find the traditional wintering areas without parentalguidance. Very few adults migrate with juveniles in tow, and youngsters mayeven have little or no inkling of their parents' appearance. A familiar exampleis that of the cuckoo, which lays its eggs in another species nest and neverencounters its young again. It is mind boggling to consider that, once raisedby its host species, the young cuckoo makes its own way to ancestral winteringgrounds in the tropics before returning single-handed to northern Europe thenext season to seek out a mate among its own kind. The obvious implication isthat it inherits from its parents an inbuilt route map and direction-findingcapability, as well as a mental image of what another cuckoo looks like. Yetnobody has the slightest idea as to how this is possible.
Mounting evidence has confirmed that birdsuse the positions of the sun and stars to obtain compass directions. They seemalso to be able to detect the earth's magnetic field, probably due to havingminute crystals of magnetite in the region of their brains. However, truenavigation also requires an awareness of position and time, especially whenlost. Experiments have shown that after being taken thousands of miles over anunfamiliar landmass, birds are still capable of returning rapidly to nestsites. Such phenomenal powers arc the product of computing a number ofsophisticated cues, including an inborn map of the night sky and the pull ofthe earth's magnetic field. How the birds use their 'instruments’ remains unknown, but one thing isclear: they see the world with a superior sensory perception to ours. Mostsmall birds migrate at night and take their direction from the position of thesetting sun. However, as well as seeing the sun go down, they also seem to secthe plane of polarized light caused by it, which calibrates their compass.Traveling at night provides other benefits. Daytime predators are avoided andthe danger of dehydration due to flying for long periods in warm, sunlit skiesis reduced. Furthermore, at night the air is generally cool and less turbulentand so conducive to sustained, stable flight.
Nevertheless, all journeys involveconsiderable risk, and part of the skill in arriving safely is setting off atthe right time. This means accurate weather forecasting, and utilizingfavorable winds. Birds are adept at both, and, in laboratory tests, some havebeen shown to detect the minute difference in barometric pressure between thefloor and ceiling of a room. Often birds react to weather changes before thereis any visible sign of them. Lapwings, which feed on grassland, flee west fromthe Netherlands to the British Isles, France and Spain at the onset of a coldsnap. When the ground surface freezes the birds could starve. Yet they returnto Holland ahead of a thaw, their arrival linked to a pressure change presagingan improvement in the weather.
In one instance a Welsh Manx shearwatercarried to America and released was back in its burrow on Skokholm Island, offthe Pembrokeshire coast, one clay before a letter announcing its release!Conversely, each autumn a small number of North American birds arc blown acrossthe Atlantic by fast-moving westerly tail winds. Not only do they arrive safelyin Europe, but, based on ringing evidence, some make it back to North Americathe following spring, after probably spending the winter with European migrantsin sunny African climes.
Questions 14-20
Reading passage 2 has seven paragraphs, A-G
Choose the correct heading for eachparagraph from the list of headings below. Write
the correct number, i-x, in boxes 14-20 onyour answer sheet.
List of headings
i. The best moment to migrate
ii. The unexplained rejection of closerfeeding ground
iii. The influence of weather on themigration route
iv. Physical characteristics that allowbirds to migrate
v. The main reason why birds migrate
vi. The best wintering grounds for birds
vii. Research findings on how birds migrate
viii. Successful migration despite troubleof wind
ix. Contrast between long-distancemigration and short-distance migration
x. Mysterious migration despite lack ofteaching
14 Paragraph A
15 Paragraph B
16 Paragraph C
17 Paragraph D
18 Paragraph E
19 Paragraph F
20 Paragraph G
Questions 21-22
Choose TWO letters, A-E.
Write the correct letters in boxes 21 and22 on your answer sheet.
Which TWO of the following statements aretrue of bird migration?
A Birds often fly further than they needto.
B Birds traveling in family groups aresafe.
C Birds flying at night need less water.
D Birds have much sharper eye-sight thanhumans.
E Only shorebirds are resistant to strongwinds.
Questions 23-26
Complete the sentences below using NO MORETHAN TWO WORDS from the
Write your answers in boxes 23-26 on youranswer sheet.
23 It is a great mystery that young birdslike cuckoos can find their wintering grounds without ________.
24 Evidence shows birds can tell directionslike a ________by observing the sun and the stars.
25 One advantage for birds flying at nightis that they can avoid contact with ______.
26 Laboratory tests show that birds candetect weather without ________signs.

14. iv
15. v
【原文参考依据——B段首句】The fundamental reason thatbirds migrate is to find adequate food during…….迁徙的基本目的是为了食物。
16. ii
【原文参考依据——C段首句】One puzzling fact is that manybirds journey much further than would be necessary just to find food and goodweather. 鸟类的旅程距离远远长于它们寻找食物和好天气所必须飞行的距离,说的就是"rejection of closer feeding ground","puzzling"和"unplained"是同义表达。
17. x
【原文参考依据——D段首句】One of the greatest mysteries ishow young birds know how to find the traditional wintering areas withoutparental guidance. 鸟类不需要 parent guidence,"without"和"lack of"是同义表达。
18. vii
【原文参考依据——E段首句】Mouting evidence has confirmedthat birds use the positions of the sun and stars to obtain compass directions.大量的证据显示鸟类能够利用太阳和星星的方向来辨别方向,后面又例举了一些研究发现,说的正是对鸟如何迁徙的研究。
19. i
【原文参考依据——F段首句】Neverheless, all journeysinvolve considerable risk, and part of the skill in arriving safely is settingoff at the right time. “set off"与"migrate"是同义表达,the right time = the best moment。
20. viii
21-22 选择题(in any order)
21、 A
【原文参考依据——C段首句】 ......journey much further than...... necessary
22、 C
【原文参考依据——E段倒数第二句】E段的倒数第二句说,鸟类在温暖日照下长时间飞行会有脱水危险,dangerof dehydration (脱水,缺水),反过来的意思就是鸟类夜间飞行所需要的水比较少。
23、 parental guidance
【原文参考依据——D段第一句话】根据"cuckoos"定位到D段。One of the greatest mysteries is how young birds know how to findthe traditional wintering areas without parental guidance.
24、 compass
【原文参考依据——E段第一句话】根据"observing the sun andthe stars"定位到E段第一句话。Mouting evidence has confirmedthat birds use the positions of the sun and stars to obtain compass directions.
25、 predators
【原文参考依据——E段倒数第三行】E段倒数第四行提到,夜间飞行可以带来其他的好处——Daytimepredators are avoided(倒三行)。
26、 visible
【原文参考依据——F段第七行】Birds are adept at both, inlaboratory tests, some have been shown to detect the minute difference in barometricpressure between the floor and ceiling of a room. Often birds react to weatherchages before there is any visible sign of them.

小作文 曲线图 population of living towns and cities in four countries   
大作文 longer holidays will let employees do better at their jobs
3 星球形成黑洞

小作文是折线图the percentage of population living in towns and cities in four countries;
大作文是 a longer holiday can make employees better at job.  agree/disagree
s1,15th Oct. hotel 175 sailing class fishing massage
s2 screen locker helmet rack
S4. gender, attitude, culture, industry, connection, large, benefits, attendency 有一些空不记得了
小作文:柱图 Thegraph shows percetanges of urben population in four different countries between1970 and 2030
大作文:Thatemployersoffer at least 4-week holiday to the staff can make them better atwork. Towhat extent do you agree or disagree?
1. 让步段:健康;
2. 支持段:效率
Section1 和家人去度假
1-10 填空(答案不太完整,欢迎补充)
1. October 15 日期
2. hotel 宾馆
3. fishing 钓鱼
4. sailing 航海
5. massage 按摩
6. caravan 拖车,房车
7. 175 数字
8. menu 菜单

Section2 自行车租赁(地图题)
Section3 关于新能源的小组讨论,主题是美国德国和南非三个国家对于新能源的利用情况
21.weather conditions, to reduce the emission of toxic gas Vehiclesin America 美国采取电能车
22.electricity is power  
ovenin South Africa 南非高效能炉   Kites in Germany 德国风筝发电
Couldeffectively reduce the chances to  23. explode
C.local residence
E. universitystudent
26.most people know little about renewed energy
27.should carefully choosing location
28.a few people think they are unsafe
29.newenergy ,very expensive

30.C.benefit overweight the high cost

Section4 员工缺勤研究
Section  1 旅游住宿场景
1. 到达日期:October 15
2. 第一周住的地方:hotel
3. 价钱:175
4. 孩子要做的项目:sailing
5. 中介提出要安排:class
6. 男士的妈妈和妻子想要的项目:golf
7. 男士自己想做的项目:fishing
8. 第二周要住的地方:caravan
9. 妻子生日安排:massage
10. 男士想看餐厅的:menu

Section 2 自行车租赁
11-15 填空
11. go to the station and touch in the screen
12. you input the password number button
13. and ease the locker
14. put on the helmet before setting off
15. after usage, put the bike back in the rack when lights on
16. coffee bar: C
17. security place: D
18. workshop: I
19. locker room: A
20. hair dryer: E

Section 3 新能源应用
21. in different weather conditions, to reduce the emission of toxic gas
22. electricity is power
23. could effectively reduce the chances to explode
24-25. 参加调查的访问对象有?
B. local residents
E. university students

26. what does Syria think about public knowledge about renewable energy?
A. most people know little about renewable energy
27. what do they say about the modern windmill
B. the location should be carefully chosen
28. a few people think nuclear plants are
C. unsafe
29. 询问传统资源的什么问题:
B. possible future of traditional resource
30. the evaluation of new energy resource of hydrogen
C. benefits overweight the high cost

Section 4 员工缺席
31. absence is sometimes caused by factors in gender
32. it is also a result of employees' attitude
33. the culture of certain companies leads to a high absence rate
34. sometimes it is also caused by external factors
35. absenteeism phenomenon is detrimental to the whole industry
36. a larger size of the workforce is needed to make up the missed work.
37. it also reduces groups' efficiency at work
38. key employees' absence may result in a big financial loss
39. it brings more benefits to both the individuals and organizations absence rate is controlled
40. companies can dismiss the people who have a high absence rate

Task 2:  (重复2014.05.04/2019年3月2日考题)
Employers should give their staff at least 4 weeks' holiday every year to make them work better at their jobs. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

折线图,1970-2030, the percentage of population living in towns and cities in four countries (美国、印度、韩国、中国).   
Employers should give their staff at least a 4-week holiday a year to make employees better at their jobs. To what extend do you agree or disagree?【完全重复2019年3月2日大陆写作考题】


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