2018年3月24日雅思阅读命中多篇原文原题文章: Passage one: Mungo Man and Mungo Lady 文章大意:关于澳洲考古Mungo项目的不同流派对抗与统一 A Jim Bowler B Alan Thorne C Tim Flannery D Rainer Grun, u上面有2个点儿 E Richard Roberts and TimFlannery F Judith Field andRichard Fullager 1.human didn't originatein one place B 2.extinction of megafaunahappened in abrief period E 3.extinction is becausehuman activity C 4.same results don'tguaranteevalidity D 5.how old the Mungo manis notimportant B 6.evidence disproves theextinctiontheory F 7.an drasticenvironmental change happenedat the same time humans arrived inAustralis A 8.evidence of earliesthuman culture inAustralia A 判断: 9.objects were used todate the Mungoman TURE 10. weapons werefound NOT GIVEN 11.scientists agree onthe age FLASE 12.Thorne studies more thanonematerial TRUE 13.Bowler criticizedThorne's mathod TRUE Passage two:ice forstoring food 文章大意:WenhamIce 的发展和美国冰公司 List of Headings 14. iv eye-catchingdisplay 15. vii unjustified fame 16. iii createbasic requirement for ice trasport 17. ii doubts about transporting ice 18.vi hard won success of an ice company 19.ix Wenham ice's insignificance in economy 20. V new use of ice 多选21&22 Two things mentionedabout the TutorCompany C one cargo failed to movebeyond the dockat first E it required a lot of timeand money atfirst 填空: 23. unstable ships 24.two thirds of icetransported to india 25.Norway renamed a lake 26.ice is invaluable instoring food firsttransported by railway Passage three: Termites 文章大意:termites 习性研究 27.shape? hugechisel blades 28. nickname ofAustralian termites?magnetic termites 29.which part of nestduring the hottersthour? eastern flank 30.require which due toskin feature? humidatmosphere 图片填空,字数要求3个 31.insulating 32 hollowbuttresses 33gaseous exchange 34 chimneys and flues 35 permanent water table、 总结填空:字数要求1个 36.antennae to locate next brick. Expelleda small amount of 37 fluid to serve as 38 cement. usejasw to lift 39 moist mudand use 40 head to press 国内外雅思口语真题蹲点回忆2018年3月19日-23日、24日汇总请进入