2.时间:Thursday morning
4.出发日期:22 Nov
5.特殊要求:不吃 cheese
6.旅游目的:wedding或者是Holiday 注:这道题两种答案现在平分秋色
7.最近去过的国家:India 注:埃及不是最近去的
9.The comment on the website: too slow
SECTION 2 关于公司对新求职者工作规则和地点介绍
11. Finishing time
12. Youhave to leave at some fixed time
13. Your place
14. Bathroom – I
15. Lockerroom – J
16. Loaddock – G
17. B
18. Mediaroom – E/D
19. Productionmanager’s office – C
20. Cafeteria- H
SECTION 3 主题:讲述一个学生和他的老师对于论文的一个讨论
参考答案: is very smooth 因为not rough in mud
33.come from streams
34.high level of salt
35.half size smaller than female ones
36.use smell to locate food
37.use legs to assist stomach
38.experiment for protection 注:slippery film薄膜起保护作用 viewed as pest
40. Autispetic use
Passage 1:纳斯卡线条
Passage 2:森林里的两个部落
Passage 3:the significance of mother tongue in education(加拿大双语教学)
One consequence of population mobilityis an increasing diversity withinschools .To illustrate, in the city of Toronto in Canada,58% of kindergartenpupils come from homes where English is not the usual language of communication.schools in Europe and North America have experienced this diversity for years,and educational policies and practices vary widely between countries and evenwithin countries .some political parties and groups search for ways to solvethe problem of diverse communities and their integration in schools and society.however ,they see few positive consequences for the host society and worrythat this diversity threatens the identity of the host society .consequently,they promote unfortunate educational policies that will make the “problem”disappear . if students retain their culture and language, they are viewed asless capable of identifying with the mainstream culture and learning themainstream language of the society.
The challenge for educators andpolicy-makers is to shape the evolution of national identity in such a way thatthe rights of all citizens (including school children) are respected, and thecultural, linguistic, and economic resources of the nation are maximized. towaste he resources of the nation by discouraging children from developing theirmother tongues is quite simply unintelligent from the point of view of nationalself-interest. A first step in providing an appropriate education for culturaland linguistically diverse children is to examine what the existing researchsays about the role of children’s mother tongue is their educationaldevelopment.
In fact ,the reach is very clear .whenchildren continue to develop their abilities in two or more languagesthroughout their primary school ,they gain a deeper understanding of languageand how to use it effectively .they have more practice in processing language,especially when they develop literacy in both .more than 150 research studiesconducted during the past 35 years strongly support what Goethe ,the famouseighteenth-century German philosophy ,once said :the person who knows only onelanguage does not truly know that language .Research suggests that bilingualchildren may also develop more flexibility in their thinking as a result ofprocessing information through two different languages.
The level of development of children’smother tongue is a strong predictor of their second language development.Children who come to school with a solid foundation in their mother tonguedevelop stronger literacy abilities in the school language. when parents and other caregivers (e.g.grand- parents) are able to spend time with their children and tell stories ordiscuss issues with them in a way that develop their mother tongue, childrencome to school well-prepared to learn the school language and succeeded ineducationally. Children’s knowledge and skills transfer across languages fromthe mother tongue to the school language. Transfer across languages can be twoways: both languages nurture each other when the educational environmentpermits children access to both languages.
Some educators and parents aresuspicious of mother tongue-based teaching programs because they worry thatthey take time away from the majority language. For example, in a bilingualprogram where 50% of the time is spent through children’s home language and 50%through the majority language, surly children won’t progress as far in thelatter? One of the most strongly established findings of educational research,however, is that well-implemented bilingual programs can promote literacy andsubject-matter knowledge in a majority language. Within Europe, the Foyerprogram in Belgium, which develops children ‘s speaking and literacy abilitiesin three languages (their mother tongue, Dutch and French), most clearlyillustrates the benefits of bilingual and trilingual education (see Cummins,2000).
It’s easy to understand how this happens.When children are learning through a minority language ,they are learningconcepts and intellectual skills too .Pupils who know how to tell the time intheir mother tongue understand the concept of telling time .In order to telltime in the majority language ,they do not need to re-learn the concept .Similarly,at more advanced stages ,there is a transfer across languages in other skillssuch as knowing how to distinguish the main idea from the supporting details ofa written passage or a story ,and distinguishing fact from opinion .Studies ofsecondary school pupils are providing interesting findings in this area ,and itwould be worth extending this research.
Many people marvel at how quicklybilingual children seem to “pick up ”conversation skills in the majoritylanguage at school (also it takes much longer for them to catch up with nativespeakers in academic language skills ).However, educators are often much lessaware of how quickly children can loss their ability to use their mother tongue,even in the home context .The extent and rapidity of language loss will varyaccording to the concentration of families from a particular linguistic groupin their neighborhood. Where the mother tongue idea used extensively in thecommunities are not concentrated in particular neighborhoods , children canlose their ability to communicate in their mother tongue within 2-3 years ofstarting school .They may retain receptive skills in the language but they willuse the majority language in speaking with their peers and siblings and inresponding to their parents .By the time children become adolescents, helinguistic division between parents and children has become an emotional chasm.pupils frequently become alienated from the cultures of both home and schoolwith predictable results.
1. C 双语学生是国家的财富
2. A to lend weight to his arguement
3. B 母语能让学生在学校表现更好
4. D 害怕浪费在校时间
5. I ability
6. D rate
7. J area
8. F family
9. C dislocation
10. YES
12. NO
14. YES
The table below shows the percentages of government spendings and of participants between 18 and 24 years old for education and training in 2010.
As countries developed, more and more people buy and use their own cars. Do you think the advantages of this trend for individuals outweigh its disadvantages for environment?