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[国内外] 2017年4月8日国内外雅思A类笔试真题答案回忆蹲点汇总









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网络授课:对于长期困扰和急于提高雅思成绩总分1-4分的全球各地烤鸭们,Edward 艾华师提供全球性网络一对一雅思专家型授课, 无数在国内外读语言/预科,硕士博士(需要4个7,4个8移民)的学员的心声:花8-10万,几十万甚至上百万在国外学英语,还不如上Edward的几次课,具体安排和说明请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-33-1-1.html


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澳洲 写作小作文饼图,对比2004年和2009年人们去一个大学的旅行方式,car,bus,train等等,大作文report是广告对人们的影响和解决办法。
澳洲 听力 1是children camp 4是关于 amphibians  思A类小作文饼图,大作文广告对人们生活的影响和解决办法
国内 小作业的饼图 大作文 晚育孩子的原因 以及你认为advantages of this development outweigh disadvantages ?
小作文表格,澳大利亚某大学不同专业毕业生的就业率和工资水平,大作文having children later in life(advantages outweigh disadvantages)
阅读 互联网 媒体影响 减肥 小作文 表格 毕业率 就业率 大作文 很多人选择晚育 为什么 好处多 还是坏处
阅读第一篇关于电子设备,第二篇关于肥胖的原因,第三篇关于数据保护 小作文是不同专业学生的就业率和工资比较,大作文是晚育的原因和ad&disad
1.女孩学跳舞,老师电话给爸爸,课程改时间。2.SPA,还有地图。4,技术的进步,盗窃更严重,新发明克制这个问题。小table chat 澳大利亚不同专业学生的就业率和年工资。大more people tend to have children at a later age than the last. Why, the advantage and disadvantage of this development
第一篇 一个女人咨询孩子的兴趣班

第二篇 介绍什么festival,有地图题

第三篇 跟老师讨论presentation

第四篇 是对什么amphibians分析

第一篇 狄更斯

第二篇 面部表情
Facial expression
A facial expression is one or moremotions or positions of the muscles in
the skin. These movements convey theemotional state of the individual to observers. Facial expressions are a formof nonverbal communication. They are a primary means of conveying socialinformation among aliens, but also occur in most other mammals ( 哺乳动物) and some other animal species. Facial expressions andtheir significance in the perceiver can, to some extent, vary between cultureswith evidence from descriptions in the works of Charles Darwin.
Humans can adopt a facial expressionto read as a voluntary action. However, cause expressions are closely tied toemotion, they are more often involuntary( 不知不觉的). It can be nearlyimpossible to avoid expressions for certain emotions, even when it would bestrongly desirable to do so; a person who is trying to avoid insulting anindividual he or she finds highly unattractive might , nevertheless, show abrief expression of disgust before being able to reassume a neutral expression.Microexpressions( 微表情)are one example ofthis phenomenon. The close link between emotion and expression can also work inthe other direction; it has been observed that voluntarily assuming an expressioncan actually cause the associated emotion.
Some expressions can be accuratelyinterpreted even between members of different species- anger and extremecontentment ( 满足, 满意) being the primary examples . Others , however, aredifficult to interpret even in familiar individuals. For instance, disgust andfear can be tough to tell apart. Because faces have only a limited range ofmovement, expressions rely upon fairly minuscule differences in the proportionand relative position of facial features, and reading them requiresconsiderable sensitivity to same. Some faces are often falsely read asexpressing some emotion, even when they are neutral, because their proportionsnaturally resemble those another face would temporarily assume.
Also, a person 1s eyes reveal muchabout how they are feeling, or what they are thinking. Blink rate( 眨眼率)can reveal how nervous or at ease a person may be.Research by Boston College professor Joe Tecce suggests that stress levels arerevealed by blink rates. He- supports his data with statistics on the relationbetween the blink rates of presidential candidates and their success in theirraces. Tecce claims that the faster blinker in the presidential debates haslost every election since 1980. Though Tecce 1 s data is interesting, it is importantto recognize that non-verbal communication is multi-channeled, and focusing ononly one aspect is reckless. Nervousness can also be measured by examining eachcandidates perspiration, eye contact and stiffness.
As Charles Darwin noted in his bookThe Expression of the Emotions in Man and Animals:the young and the old ofwidely different races, both with man and animals, express the same state ofmind by the same movements. Still, up to the mid20th century mostanthropologists ( 人类学家)believed that facialexpressions were entirely learned and could therefore differ among cultures.Studies conducted in the 1960s by Paul Ekman eventually supported Darwins belief to a large degree.
Ekmans work on facial expressions had its starting point in thework of
psychologist Silvan Tomkins. Ekmanshowed that contrary to the belief of some anthropologists including MargaretMead, facial expressions of emotion are not culturally determined, butuniversal across human cultures. The South Fore people of New Guinea werechosen as subjects for one such survey. The study consisted of 189 adults and130 children from among a very isolated population, as well as twenty threemembers of the culture who lived a less isolated lifestyle as a control group.Participants were told a story that described one particular emotion; they werethen shown three pictures (two for children) of facial expressions and asked tomatch the picture which expressed the storys emotion.
While the isolated South Fore peoplecould identify emotions with the same accuracy as the non-isolated controlgroup, problems associated with the study include the fact that both fear andsurprise were constantly misidentified. The study concluded that certain facialexpressions correspond to particular emotions and can not be covered,regardless of cultural background, and regardless of whether or not the culturehas been isolated or exposed to the mainstream.
Expressions Ekman found to beuniversal included those indicating anger,
disgust, fear, joy, sadness, andsurprise (note that none of these emotions has a definitive social component,such as shame, pride, or schadenfreude). Findings on contempt (which is social)are less clear, though there is at least some preliminary evidence that thisemotion and its expression are universally recognized. This may suggest thatthe facial expressions are largely related to the mind and each parts on theface can express specific emotion.
A:Ekman的观点: relation between facial expression and emotions, certain physical
responses, HBP, heart rate
B:Fridlund的观点,部分反对E,同时认为the relation between facial expression to
D:Russel 部分认同E的观点
14.E  15.B    16.A   17.C  18.F
19.A   20.B  21.E   22.D  23.C
Fridlund认为面部表情跟行为是有关系的,比如24. smile表示接近;同时,即便是人们独处的
时候,也会与自己25. dialog。面部表情是交流的26. tools

第三篇 考古
大作文:广告对人们的影响和解决办法G类大作文 讨论孩子应该在city成长还是country
小作文: 表格图
The table below shows the employment rate and the salary of graduates studying in six different courses in a particular country in 2009.

大作文: In somecountries around the world, men and women are having babies late in life. Whatare the reasons? Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages


Section3:教授和学生对话,讲关于group study的调查报告(选择+填空)

Section4:designs to prevent crime 防盗的两种方式:产品和环境(填空)

1-7填空 答案暂无
8.True   9. False    10.Not Given    11.True    12.False    13.True

Stealth Forces in Weight Loss
  The field of weight loss is like the ancient fable about the blind men and the elephant. Each man investigates a different part of the animal and reports back, only to discover their findings are bafflingly incompatible.
  A The various findings by public-health experts, physicians, psychologists, geneticists, molecular biologists, and nutritionists are about as similar as an elephant's tusk is to its tail Some say obesity is largely predetermined by our genes and biology; others attribute it to an overabundance of fries, soda, and screen-sucking; still others think we're fat because of viral infection, insulin, or the metabolic conditions we encountered in the womb. "Everyone subscribes to their own little theory," says Robert Berkowitz, medical director of the Center for Weight and Eating Disorders at the University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine. We're programmed to hang onto the fat we have, and some people are predisposed to create and carry more fat than others. Diet and exercise help, but in the end the solution will inevitably be more complicated than pushing away the plate and going for a walk. "It's not as simple as 'You‘re fat because you're lazy" says Nikhil Dhurandhar, an associate professor at Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Baton Rouge. "Willpower is not a prerogative of thin people. It's distributed equally."
  B  Science may still be years away from giving us a miracle formula for fat-loss. Hormone leptin is a crucial player in the brain's weight-management circuitry. Some people produce too little leptin; others become desensitized to it. And when obese people lose weight, their leptin levels plummet along with their metabolism. The body becomes more efficient at using fuel and conserving fat, which makes it tough to keep the weight off. Obese dieters' bodies go into a state of chronic hunger, a feeling Rudolph Leibel, an obesity researcher at Columbia University, compares to thirst. "Some people might be able to tolerate chronic thirst, but the majority couldn't stand it,” says Leibel. "Is that a behavioral problem—a lack of willpower? I don't think so."
  C  The government has long espoused moderate daily exercise of the evening-walk or take-the-stairs variety—but that may not do much to budge the needle on the scale. A 150-pound person bums only 150 calories on a half-hour walk, the equivalent of two apples. It's good for the heart, less so for the gut. "Radical changes are necessary," says Deirdre Barrett, a psychologist at Harvard Medical School and author of Waistland "People don’t lose weight by choosing the small fries or taking a little walk every other day." Barrett suggests taking a cue from the members of the National Weight Control Registry (NWCR), a self-selected group of more than 5,000 successful weight-losers who have shed an average of 66 pounds and kept it off 5.5 years. Some registry members lost weight using low-carb diets; some went low-fat; others eliminated refined foods. Some did it on their own; others relied on counseling. That said, not everyone can lose 66 pounds and not everyone needs to. The goal shouldn't be getting thin, but getting healthy. It's enough to whittle your weight down to the low end of your set range, says Jeffrey Friedman, a geneticist at Rockefeller University. Losing even 10 pounds vastly decreases your risk of diabetes, heart disease, and high blood pressure. The point is to not give up just because you don't look like a swimsuit model.
  D  The negotiation between your genes and the environment begins on day one. Your optimal weight, writ by genes, appears to get edited early on by conditions even before birth, inside the womb. If a woman has high blood-sugar levels while she's pregnant, her children are more likely to be overweight or obese, according to a study of almost 10,000 mother-child pairs. Maternal diabetes may influence a child's obesity risk through a process called metabolic imprinting, says Teresa Hillier, an endocrinologist with Kaiser Permanente's Center for Health Research and the study's lead author. The implication is clear: Weight may be established very early on, and obesity largely passed from mother to child. Numerous studies in both animals and humans have shown that a mother's obesity directly increases her child's risk for weight gain. The best advice for moms-to-be: Get fit before you get pregnant. You'll reduce your risk of complications during pregnancy and increase your chances of having a normal-weight child.
  E  It’s the $64,000 question: Which diets work? It got people wondering: Isn't there a better way to diet? A study seemed to offer an answer. The paper compared two groups of adults: those who, after eating, secreted high levels of insulin, a hormone that sweeps blood sugar out of the bloodstream and promotes its storage as fat, and those who secreted less. Within each group, were put on a low-fat diet and half on a tow-glycemic-toad diet. On average, the low-insulin-secreting group fared the same on both diets, losing nearly 10 pounds in the first six months — but they gained about half of it back by the end of the 18-month study. The high-insulin group didn't do as well on the low-fat plan, losing about 4.5 pounds, and gaining back more than half by the end. But the most successful were the high- insulin-secretors on the low-glycemic-load diet. They lost nearly 13 pounds and kept it off.
  F  What if your fat is caused not by diet or genes, but by germs—say, a virus? It sounds like a sci-fi horror movie, but research suggests some dimension of the obesity epidemic may be attributable to infection by common viruses, says Dhurandhar. The idea of "infect obesity" came to him 20 years ago when he was a young doctor treating obesity in Bombay. He discovered that a local avian virus, SMAM-1, caused chickens to die, sickened with organ damage but also, strangely, with lots of abdominal fat. In experiments, Dhurandhar found that SMAM-l-infected chickens became obese on the same diet as uninfected ones, which stayed svelte.
  G  He later moved to the U.S. and onto a bona fide human virus, adenovirus 36 (AD-36). In the lab, every species of animal Dhurandhar infected with the virus became obese—chickens got fat, mice got fat, even rhesus monkeys at the zoo that picked up the virus from the environment suddenly gained 15 percent of their body weight upon exposure. In his latest studies, Dhurandhar has isolated a gene that, when blocked from expressing itself, seems to turn off the virus's fattening power. Stem cells extracted from fat cells and then exposed to AD-36 reliably blossom into fat cells—but when stem cells are exposed to an AD-36 virus with the key gene inhibited, the stems cells don't differentiate. The gene appears to be necessary and sufficient to trigger AD-36-related obesity, and the goal is to use the research to create a sort of obesity vaccine.
  Researchers have discovered 10 microbes so far that trigger obesity— seven of them viruses. It may be a long shot, but for people struggling desperately to be thin, even the possibility of an alternative cause of obesity offers some solace. "They feel better knowing there may be something beyond them that could be responsible," says Dhurandhar. "The thought that there could be something besides what they've heard all their lives that they are greedy and lazy— helps."

14. 各种各样的减肥方式E
15. 测试了母亲和孩子的体重关系,发现母亲如果高血糖的话,孩子就更容易肥胖,但是这是可以治疗的,在孕期保持比较低的血糖就可以D
16. Relative Group的实验 C
17. 有人在减肥的过程中经过了illusion觉得饿B
18. G     19. C      20. F
21. 减肥没用,因为基因当中规定了体重范围C
22. 每天少量的运动没有用D
23. 减肥的目的不是更瘦,而是更健康。E
24. 主流的减肥方法都是more or less the same没有大的不同F
25. 关于减肥每个人都有自己的观点A-Robert Berkowitz
  第六个专家认为肥胖是由一种病毒造成,他之前在一个M打头的地方,对chickens 身上进行第一个实验。后来他搬家到美国,在那里他实验了一种新的病毒名字为 AD-36o他们的实验发现这种病毒没有办法杀死,但是可以让一种gene可以block病 毒的发展。他将来的研究方向是发明一种vaccine来抑制这种病毒。

Passage3:过去和未来保存信息的方法(细节配对+选择题+选词填空) 3.25UKVI机考题目

Task2:In some countries around the world men and women are having babies late in life. What are the reasons?/Why? Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?很多国家的男女都比较晚生孩子,为什么,优点是否大于缺点?
section1听的特别自信求不打脸!1.emma has been a role model选B。
2. the class size变大了选B。3.a quarter to5选C。4.dance class人满为患。 5.singing class emma在 that evening有课了。6.voice class一对一的老爸嫌expensive。7.write music 8.85。 9.14 Septemper。10.Curtis
Task 1:     
Pie chart. 对比2004和2009年人们去大学的方式 category有car,bus,train等等
Task 2:
Consumers are faced with increasing numbers of advertisements from competing companies. To what extent do you think consumers are influenced by advertisements? What measures can be taken to protect them?  



1.2017年3月30日雅思听力再次四部份全命中S1= V110305S1
S2=V130615S2,S3=V100904S3=09126S3,S4=V120901S4这四部分全部都是原题真题(旧题目)http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-234280-1-1.html,都在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面, IP资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!
2017年3月25日雅思听力四部份全命中S1=V110917S1=V09138S1,S2=V09105S2,S3=V120526S3=V30044S3 ,S4= V120428S4=V09134S4这四部分全部都是原题真题(旧题目,中国大陆等亚太考区)
http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-234242-1-1.html,都在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面, IP资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!
2017年3月25日澳洲新西兰港澳台新加坡等亚太雅思考区听力命中一半S2= V130223S2,S3= V130928S3这两部分听力都是原题真题(旧题目)http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-234242-1-1.html,都在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面, IP资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!
2.2017年3月30日雅思命中A类大作文原题In the past, peoplestore knowledge in the books .Nowadays , people store knowledge on the internet.Do you think the advantage of this development outweigh the disadvantage? Edward老师IPN资料A类大作文原题命中,这是Edward全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,Edward IPN资料最重点第2题,第4题有多篇该题目的范文素材论据可以完全使用;再次在最重点预测命中到课堂中多次讲练过A类小作文是bar chart柱图,比较英国2006年男女不同年龄组的摄取5种以上营养的比例。这是全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,IPN会员A类小作文资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的该图型写法和地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,恭喜全球网络一对一学员,IPN会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得很不错。
3.2017年3月30日雅思一发命中澳洲A类大作文原题-广告利弊-argument,社会会不会因为全面禁止广告而得利?(澳洲新西兰港澳台新加坡等亚太雅思)Edward老师IPN资料A类大作文预测第1题原题命中,这是Edward全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,Edward IPN资料最重点第1题有多篇该题目的范文素材论据可以完全使用;再次在最重点预测命中到课堂中多次讲练过A类小作文是线图-条形图(柱状图),1998年和2008年结婚的趋势图。这是全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,IPN会员A类小作文资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的该图型写法和地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,恭喜全球网络一对一学员,IPN会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得很不错。
4.2017年3月30日雅思阅读最重点命中两篇原文原题文章: passage2: 英国戏剧和歌剧的发展(匹配题),passage3:两个地理学家以及他们的发现,另外一篇是新题passage1:讲科学家种豆子的一个杂交试验
2017年3月25日雅思阅读最重点命中两篇原文原题文章:Passage2 指纹与艺术,Passage 3 Optimism乐观与健康,另外一篇-南极考察是新题,详细文章回忆和答案请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-234242-1-1.html(IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才)
2017年3月18日雅思阅读命中两篇原文原题文章:Passage1仿生科学Biomimetic Design,Passage2 碳素球官司CarlillvCarbolicSmoke Ball Company。另外一篇-海上风暴是新题,详细文章回忆和答案请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-234183-1-1.html(IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才)……
2017年3月4日雅思阅读命中两篇原文原题文章:Whenthe Tulip Bubble Burst郁金香泡沫,电视广告儿童。详细文章回忆和答案请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-234038-1-1.html(IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才)。
2017年2月25日雅思阅读命中两篇原文原题文章:ANew Ice Age可能到来的冰川,基因性格对工作的影响。详细文章回忆和答案请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-234038-1-1.html(IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才)。
2017年2月18日雅思阅读命中两篇原文原题文章:嗅觉与记忆Smell and Memory,睡眠研究Hypnotism it real orjust a circus trip,详细文章回忆和答案请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-233955-1-1.html(IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才)。
2017年2月16日雅思阅读命中两篇原文原题文章passage2:教育的量化研究QuantitativeResearch in Education,passage3:Flavour味觉,详细文章回忆和答案请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-233954-1-1.html(IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才), passage1Thefunctionof Parks可能是新题:介绍了关于公园的作用,现代公园应该如何改进,比较简单,具体题目、题型和内容还在不断更新确认中……实际上一直以来雅思历次大部分阅读考试都是旧题目,都在我们预测中命中,接下来的考试肯定是二到三旧居多。我们IPN资料里面的阅读预测机经都有完整准确的答案,2012-2016年以来Edward 预测几乎每场平均中70-100%阅读文章和题目(每场考试平均1-3篇旧题),恭喜购买我们整理好的预测阅读机经的烤鸭和IPN会员,应该是受益非浅。
1.Part 2 Describe a well paid job/aperfectjob you would like to have in the future.
2.Part 2 Describe your favoritepark/garden/ a place torelax
3.Part 2 Describe an interesting or unusualthing you do inyour spare time.
4.Part2 Describe a useful websitethat youlike to visit. (Or, that you have visited)
5.Part2 Describe a place where you often goswimimg/Describe a place near water/ Describe a historical attraction/Describeatourist attraction/Describe a seaside place you want to visit /Describeaninteresting place you would like to visit
6.Part 2 Describe an important eventinhistory in your country
7.Part 2 Describe a plan in your life
8.Part 2 Describe a good service providedby a restaurantor a company.
9.Part 2 Describe a special/difficult thingyou did well.
10.Part2 Describe acafé you like togo/Describe your favorite cafe or restaurant.
11.Part 2 Describe a gift that takesa longtime to prepare/describe a gift that you want to give to someone.

12.Part 2 Describea happy event from your childhood that you remember well
Whatthe event was
13.Part2Describe a kind of food you firstate/An occasion when you ate something for thefirst time /A meal you like
14.Part 2 Describe a shop you like to go to
15.Part2 describean interesting neighbour
16.Part2 Describe a song/describe yourfavorite song /Describea song that has a special meaning to you.
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