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[国内外] 2016年12月3日国内外雅思A类笔试真题答案回忆蹲点汇总









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网络授课:对于长期困扰和急于提高雅思成绩总分1-4分的全球各地烤鸭们,Edward 艾华师提供全球性网络一对一雅思专家型授课, 无数在国内外读语言/预科,硕士博士(需要4个7,4个8移民)的学员的心声:花8-10万,几十万甚至上百万在国外学英语,还不如上Edward的几次课,具体安排和说明请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-33-1-1.html


快速提高1到3分:IPN雅思考试题库答案-提供2016年12月至2017年1月2月3月每一场雅思预测所有口语,写作,听力,阅读等题目详细原创答案范文,整理好的更新型听力和阅读预测机经等说明请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-32-1-1.html或请加QQ504918228,QQ26346059;或公共微信号:ieltstofel 或个人微信:ielts2013,504918228咨询。






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澳洲 小作文柱图,讲加拿大人口在top ten sports 占的比重在两个年份的变化 大作文考国际旅游的好处与危害
澳洲 小作文柱状图,对比加拿大各种运动受欢迎度的变化。大作是关于国际旅游业发展给被参观国家带来的利弊。
澳洲 小作文柱状图 1998年和2005年加拿大10项运动的人数比。大作文 海外旅游对当地带来的好处和坏处。
Fishbourne Roman Palace  罗马宫殿
Fishbourne RomanPalace is in the village of Fishbourne, Chichester in West Sussex. The largepalace was built in the 1st century AD, around thirty years after the Romanconquest of Britain on the site of a Roman army supply base established at theClaudian invasion in 43 AD. The rectangular palace surrounded formal gardens,the northern half of which have been reconstructed. There were extensivealterations in the 2nd and 3rd centuries, with many of the original black andwhite mosaics being overlaid with more sophisticated coloured work, includingthe perfectly preserved dolphin mosaic in the north wing. More alterations werein progress when the palace burnt down in around 270, after which it wasabandoned.
Although localpeople had known of the existence of Roman remains in the area, it was notuntil 1960 that the archaeologist Barry Cunliffe first systematically excavatedthe site, which had been accidentally uncovered by Aubrey Barrett an engineerworking for Portsmouth Water Company who was laying a new water main across afield. The Roman villa excavated by Cunliffe's team was so large that it becameknown as Fishbourne Roman Palace, and a museum was erected to protect and preservesome of the remains in situ. This is administered by the Sussex ArchaeologicalSociety.
In size, it isapproximately equivalent to Nero's Golden House in Rome or to the Roman villaat Piazza Armerina in Sicily, and in plan it closely mirrors the basicorganisation of the emperor Domitian's palace, the Domus Flavia, completed inAD 92 upon the Palatine Hill in Rome. Fishbourne is by far the largest Romanresidence known north of the Alps. At about 500 feet (150 m) square, it islarger in size than Buckingham Palace.
A modern museumhas been built by the Sussex Archaeological Society, incorporating most of thevisible remains including one wing of the palace. The gardens have beenre-planted using authentic plants from the Roman period. A team of volunteersand professional archaeologists are involved in a continuing researcharchaeological excavation on the site of nearby, possibly military, buildings.The last dig was in 2002.
The firstbuildings on the site were granaries, apparently a supply base for the Romanarmy, constructed in the early part of the conquest in 43 AD. Later, twotimber-frame buildings were constructed, one with clay and mortar floors andplaster walls which appears to have been a dwelling house of some comfort.These buildings were demolished in the AD 90s and replaced by a substantialstone-walled house, which included a courtyard garden with colonnades and abath suite. It has been suggested [4] that the palace itself, incorporating theprevious house in its south-east corner, was built in around c 73-75 AD. Areinterpretation of the ground plan and finds assemblage by Dr Miles Russell ofBournemouth University has suggested that, given the extremely close parallelswith Domitian's imperial palace in Rome, its construction may more plausiblydate to after AD 92.
With regard to wholived in the Fishbourne palace, the accepted theory, first proposed by BarryCunliffe, is that the early phase of the palace was the residence of TiberiusClaudius Cogidubnus (or Togidubnus), a pro-Roman local chieftain who wasinstalled as king of a number of territories following the first stage of theconquest. Cogidubnus / Togidubnus is known from a reference to his loyalty inTacitus's Agricola,[5] and from an inscription commemorating a temple dedicatedto Neptune and Minerva found in nearby Chichester. Another theory is that itwas built for another native, Sallustius Lucullus, a Roman governor of Britainof the late 1st century who may have been the son of the British princeAdminius.[7] Two inscriptions recording the presence of Lucullus have beenfound in nearby Chichester and the redating, by Miles Russell, of the palace tothe early AD 90s, would fit far more securely with such an interpretation. Ifthe palace were designed for Lucullus, then it may have only been in use for afew years, for the Roman historian Suetonius records that Lucullus was executedby the delusional emperor Domitian in or shortly after AD 93.[8]
Additionaltheories suggest that either Verica, a British client king of the Roman Empirein the years preceding the Claudian invasion was owner of the palace, or evenone Tiberius Claudius Catuarus, whose gold signet ring was recentlydiscovered.[2]
The palaceoutlasted the original owner and was extensively re-planned early in the 2ndcentury, being subdivided up into a series of lesser apartments. Furtherredevelopment was begun in the late 3rd century, but these alterations wereincomplete when the north wing was destroyed in a fire c. 270 AD. The damagewas too great to repair, and the palace was abandoned and later dismantled. Itis not known whether the fire was accidental, set by coastal raiders or part ofa more widespread period of disruption caused by the revolt of the 'British'emperor Carausius in the 280s AD.
The final phasepalace comprised four large wings with colonnaded fronts, forming a squarearound a formal garden. The north and east wings each consisted of suites ofrooms built around courtyards, with a monumental entrance in the middle of theeast wing. In the north-east corner was an aisled assembly hall. The west wingcontained state rooms, a large ceremonial reception room, and a gallery. Thesouth wing contained the owner's private apartments. The palace also includedas many as 50 mosaic floors, under-floor central heating and an integralbathhouse.


  • Save food for the army
  • Surrounded by formal gardens
  • Colors are added     to mosaic floors

  • The Fishbourne Roman     Palace was the first building built on the site. NOT GIVEN
  • Research is going on     in this area. TRUE
  • TRUE
  • Scientists have     reached agreement on whom the palace was built for. FALSE
  • The palace was burnt     down by local people. NOT     GIVEN
10. The first part found was part of a wall.
11. One of the kings lived there until 93 AD.
12. His gold ring was foundthere.
13. A modern museum was builtto protect it.

2 气候四季研究  

3 人们做决定的研究
听力最后一篇是关于puffins nest的地点,ground level与slope 的比较

section 2是一个叫Tony的人介绍一个skiing的活动,类似于广告宣传

section 3是关于Pacific language的保护

澳洲!小作文图标,加拿大top 10 sports 的人群比例变化,大作文:international travel 的drawback overweight benefit?
澳洲 小作文 top ten sports in Canada 大作文 international travel 利弊
大陆 小作文表格关于欧洲一个城市五个sectors的最高最低平均工资,大作文,建造sports facilities only for training top athletes是positive development还是negative
大陆 大作文:some countries achieve imternation sporting successs by building specialized facilities to train top athletes instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use. Do you think it is a positive or negative development?  小作文 5种职业的工资高低 表格
小作文表格 无时间和变化趋势的 大作文优缺点 体育设施只给顶尖运动员 还是给所有人开放。
小作文表格:月工资。大作文:some countrie achieve international sporting success by building specialized facilitis that can be only used to train top athletes , instead of providing facilitis that everyone can use. Is this a positive or negative development?
阅读1.社会聚落的发展演变,2.发现了一个什么生物(单词不认识),3.新能源车,小作文table,比较一个国家五个行业的薪水,然鹅写完发现自己只写了一丢丢数据,大作文有的国家只给顶尖运动员提供专业训练设备,instead of providing sports facilities that everyone can use什么的
阅读第一篇是古代的四种社会群居还是社会团体类型,第二篇是是猛犸象 第三篇leading,环保类的什么新型能源的使用。
classifying society
lthough humans have established manytypes of societies throughout history, sociologists and anthropologists tend toclassify different societies according to the degree to which different groupswithin a society have unequal access to advantages such as resources, prestigeor power, and usually refer to four basic types of societies. From least tomost socially complex they are clans, tribes, chiefdoms and states.
These are small-scale societies ofhunters and gatherers, generally of fewer than 100 people, who move seasonallyto exploit wild (undomesticated) food resources. Most surviving hunter-gatherer groups are of this kind, such as the Hadza of Tanzania or the San ofsouthern Africa. Clan members are generally kinsfolk, related by descent ormarriage. Clans lack formal leaders, so there are no marked economicdifferences or disparities in status among their members.
Because clans are composed of mobilegroups of hunter-gatherers, their sites consist mainly of seasonally occupiedcamps, and other smaller and more specialised sites. Among the latter are killor butchery sitesocationswhere large mammals are killed and sometimes butchered?and work sites, wheretools are made or other specific activities carried out. The base camp of sucha group may give evidence of rather insubstantial dwellings or temporaryshelters, along with the debris of residential occupation.
These are generally larger than mobilehunter-gatherer groups, but rarely number more than a few thousand, and theirdiet or subsistence is based largely on cultivated plants and domesticatedanimals. Typically, they are settled farmers, but they may be nomadic with avery different, mobile economy based on the intensive exploitation oflivestock. These are generally multi-community societies, with the individualcommunities integrated into the larger society through kinship ties. Althoughsome tribes have officials and even a wcapitalw or seat of government, suchofficials lack the economic base necessary for effective use of power.
TTie typical settlement pattern fortribes is one of settled agricultural homesteads or villages.Characteristically, no one settlement dominates any of the others in theregion. Instead, the archaeologist finds evidence for isolated, permanently occupiedhouses or for permanent villages. Such villages may be made up of a collectionof free-standing houses, like those of the first farms of the Danube valley inEurope. Or they may be clusters of buildings grouped together, for example, thepueblos of the American Southwest, and the early farming village or small townof (^atalhoyiik in modem Turkey.
These operate on the principle ofranking—differences in social status between people. Different lineages (alineage is a group claiming descent from a common ancestor) are graded on ascale of prestige, and the senior lineage, and hence the society as a whole, isgoverned by a chief. Prestige and rank are determined by how closely relatedone is to the chief, and there is no true stratification into classes. The roleof the chief is crucial.
Often, there is local specialisation incraft products, and surpluses of these and of foodstuffs are periodically paidas obligation to the chief. He uses these to maintain his retainers, and mayuse them for redistribution to his subjects. The chiefdom generally has acenter of power, often with temples, residences of the chief and his retainers,and craft specialists. Chiefdoms vary greatly in size, but the range isgenerally between about 5000 and 20,000 persons.
Early State
These preserve many of the features ofchiefdoms, but the ruler (perhaps a king or sometimes a queen) has explicitauthority to establish laws and also to enforce them by the use of a standingarmy. Society no longer depends totally upon kin relationships it is now stratified into differentclasses. Agricultural workers and the poorer urban dwellers form the lowestclasses, with the craft specialists above, and the priests and kinsfolk of theruler higher still. The functions of the ruler are often separated from thoseof the priestpalace is distinguished from temple. The society is viewed as a territory ownedby the ruling lineage and populated by tenants who have an obligation to paytaxes. The central capital houses a bureaucratic administration of officials;one oi their principal purposes is to collect revenue (often in the form oftaxes and tolls) and distribute it to government, army and craft specialists.Many early states developed complex redistribution systems to support these essentialservices.
This rather simple social typology, setout by Elman Service and elaborated by William Sanders and Joseph Marino, canbe criticised, and it should not be used unthinkingly. Nevertheless, if we areseeking to talk about early societies, we must use words and hence concepts todo so. Service's categories provide a good framework to help organise ourthoughts.
Questions 1-7
Do the following statements agree withthe information given in Reading Passage 1? In boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet, write
True if the statement agrees with theinformation
False if the statement contradicts theinformation
Not Given if there is no information onthis
1 There's little economic differencebetween members of a clan.
2 The farmers of a tribe grow a wide rangeof plants.
3 One settlement is more important thanany other settlements in a tribe.
4 A member's status in a chiefdom isdetermined by how much land he owns.
5 There are people who craft goods inchiefdoms.
6 The king keeps the order of a state byusing an army.
7 Bureaucratic officers receive highersalaries than other members.
Questions 8-13
Answer the questions below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from thepassage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 8-13 on youranswer sheet.
8 What are made at the clan work sites?
9 What is the other way of life fortribes besides settled farming?
10 How are Qatalhoyuk^s housing unitsarranged?
11 What does a chief give to hissubjects as rewards besides crafted goods?
12 What is the largest possible populationof a chiefdom?
13 Which group of people is at thebottom of an early state but higher than the
1. Ttue   2. Not Given   3. False    4.False   5.True
6.True   7.Not Given  8.Spocific  activities   9. nomadic
10.grouped / groupedtogether    11.foodstuffs    12.5000   最大人数20000
13.craft  specialists

Mammoth Kill
Mammoth is anyspecies of the extinct genus Mammuthus, proboscideans commonly
equipped withlong, curved tusks and in northern species, a covering of long hair. They
lived from thePtiocene epoch from around 5 million years ago, into the Hotocene at
about 4,500 yearsago, and were members of the family Elephantidae, which contains,
along withmammoths, the two genera of modern elephants and their ancestors.
Like their modernrelatives, mammoths were quite large. The largest known
species reachedheights in the region of 4m at the shoulder and weights up
t0 8 tonnes, whileexceptionally large males may have exceeded 12 tonnes.
However, mostspecies of mammoth were only about as large as a modern
Asian elephant.Both sexes bore tusks. A first, small set appeared at about
the age of sixmonths and these were replaced at about 18 months by the
permanent set.Growth of the permanent set was at a rate of about l t0 6 inches
per year. Based onstudies of their close relatives, the modem elephants,
mammoths probablyhad a gestation period of 22 months, resulting in a single
calf being born.Their social structure was probably the same as that of African
and Asianelephants, with females living in herds headed by a matriarch, whilst
hulls livedsolitary lives or formed loose groups after sexual maturity.
MEXICOCITY-Although its hard to imagine in this age of urbansprawl and
automobiles, NorthAmerica once belonged to mammoths, camels, ground
sloths as large ascows, bear-size beavers and other formidable beasts. Some
11,000 years ago,however, these large bodied mammals and others-about 70
species inall-disappeared. Their demise coincided roughly with the arrival
of humans in theNew World and dramatic climatic change-factors that have
inspired severaltheories about the die-off. Yet despite decades of scientific
investigation, theexact cause remains a mystery. Now new findings offer
support to one ofthese controversial hypotheses: that human hunting drove
this megafaunalmenagerie ( 巨型动物兽群)to extinction. The overkill model
emerged in the1960s, when it was put forth by Paul S. Martin of the
University ofArizona. Since then, critics have charged that no evidence exists
to support theidea that the first Americans hunted to the extent necessary to
cause theseextinctions. But at the annual meeting of the Society of Vertebrate
Paleontology inMexico City last October, paleoecologist John Alroy of the
University ofCalifornia at Santa Barbara argued that, in fact, hunting-driven
extinction is notonly plausible, it was unavoidable. He has determined, using
a computersimulation that even a very modest amount of hunting would have
wiped theseanimals out.
Assuming aninitial human population of 100 people that grew no more than 2
percent annually, Alroydetermined that if each band of, say, 50 people killed
15 to 20 largemammals a year, humans could have eliminated the animal
populations within1,000 years. Large mammals in particular would have been
vulnerable to thepressure because they have longer gestation periods than
smaller mammalsand their young require extended care.
Not everyoneagrees with Alroys assessment. For one, the results dependin
part onpopulation-size estimates for the extinct animals-figures that are not
necessarily reliable.But a more specific criticism comes from mammalogist
Ross D. E. MacPheeof the American Museum of Natural History in New York
City, who pointsout that the relevant archaeological record contains barely a dozen examples ofstone points embedded in mammoth bones (and none, it should be noted, are knownfrom other megafaunal remains)-hardly what one might expect if hunting drovethese animals to extinction. Furthermore, some of these species had huge rangesthe giant Jeffersons ground sloth, for example, lived as farnorth as the Yukon and as far south as Mexicowhich would have made slaughteringthem in numbers sufficient to cause their extinction rather implausible, he says.
MacPhee agreesthat humans most likely brought about these extinctions (as well as othersaround the world that coincided with human arrival), but not directly. Rather
he suggests thatpeople may have introduced hyperlethal disease, perhaps through their dogs orhitchhiking vermin, which then spread wildly among the immunologically naivespecies of the New World. As in the overkill model, populations of largemammals would have a harder time recovering. Repeated outbreaks of ahyperdisease could thus quickly drive them to the point of no return. So farMacPhee does not have empirical evidence for the hyperdisease hypothesis, andit wont be easy to come by: hyperlethal diseasewould kill far too quickly to leave its signature on the bones themselves. Buthe hopes that analyses of tissue and DNA from the last mammoths to perish willeventually reveal murderous microbes.
The thirdexplanation for what brought on this North American extinction does not involvehuman beings. Instead, its proponents blame the loss on the weather. ThePleistocene epoch witnessed considerable climatic instability, explainspaleontologist Russell W. Graham of the Denver Museum of Nature and Science. Asa result, certain habitats disappeared, and species that had once formedcommunities split apart. For some animals, this change brought opportunity. Formuch of the megafauna, however, the increasingly homogeneous environment leftthem with shrinking geographical ranges-a death sentence for large animals,which need large ranges. Although these
creatures managedto maintain viable populations through most of the Pleistocene, the final majorfluctuation-the so-called Younger Dryas eventpushed them over the edge, Grahamsays. For his part, Alroy is convinced that human hunters demolished the titansof the Ice Age. The overkill model explains everything the disease and climatescenarios explain, he asserts, and makes accurate predictions about whichspecies would eventually go extinct.Personally,Im a vegetarian, he remarks, and I findall of this kind of gross but believable.

14. Mammoth inhabited North America some11,000 years ago.
15. Mammoth died out due to human hunting. (theory one)
16. An overkill modelwasraised.
17. A deadly disease wasintroduced by human. (theory two)
18. There is little empirical evidence.
19. The extinction was caused by considerable climateinstability. (theory three)
20. Their habitats were ruined.
Professor A
Professor B
Professor C
21. Hunting is not the reason why mammoth died out. A
22. The bigger the animals are, the more room they need.B
23. Human was an indirect cause of their extinction. B
24. Climate changes destroyed their habitats. C
25. Calculation estimate of the population could help the control ofanimal species. C
26. B

A小作文表格.欧洲某个国家五类工作做好最低平均工资.大作文有些国家建造专门的运动设施只给顶级运动员用.而不给所有人用.你认为积极还是消极.(Some countries achieve success by building sports facilities that are only to train the top athlete,rather than providing sports facilities that everyone can use
听力section1关于跳水课程,问了课程在哪个月开始、一般是周几开始。section2一个野生动物园,选择和填空,填空题感觉很难匹配成功.. section3是一个女生的作业完成情况,找出3个失分的原因以及一些关于作业内容的选择题,然后根据老师的建议填一些空。section4是关于一门和engineering合作的课程
大陆 听力:
section1: 关于跳水课程,问了课程在哪个月开始、一般是周几开始。
1. 一女子要报游泳班,男子劝她先上level of thebeginning/ basic or forbeginners
2. The month on July
3. On a Saturday
4. Initially they will have indoortraining
5. 等学完课程,they will be diving in a lakeat a mountain
6. Equipment: only need to buy diving mask潜水镜
7. We also give homework everyday
8. Cost total: 350 or 375 (notsure)
9. 问要填表的时候registration(注册) writing the health information on the form
10. 如果需要更多信息 if need more information,visitwebsite

21.working style,
22. late submission,
23. lack of research
24. Just coffee公司在增进communication方面提供:
A. technical support  B. financial aids  C.XXX   B
25. 数据增长:选 triple(老师提出数据增长不止2倍,而是triple)
26. 老师说她还应该包括:A
A. Farming method B.market expansion  C. producer countries
27. 老师让学生写个reference document
28. products need to be mentioned
29. 有什么equipment, like computers
30. 有个so called项目叫做Knowledge Sharing

31. In the first year: subject: engineering
32. globalmarket
33. Goal: the printed
34. global market in the second year:
35. Demonstration, documentation and suggestions
36. Tutorial helps students make decisions.
37. reflective practice in the third year
38 journalism In the fourth year
39. In the fourth year there is a computer program. if anyone interested in it, please contact us.
40 At last there willbe a short interview.


小作文: 表格题,关于欧洲一个城市五个sectors的最高最低平均工资
大作文: 建造sports facilities only for training top athletes是positive development还是negative



1.2016年11月26日雅思命中澳洲新西兰A类大作文原题-广告利弊Advertising is all around us, it is anunavoidable part of everyone‘s life. Some people say that advertising is a positivepart of our lives while others say it is negative. Discuss both views and giveyour own opinion.(澳洲、新西兰、香港、澳门、台湾、越南、泰国、日韩等亚太雅思考区),Edward老师IPN资料再次原题命中,这是Edward全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,Edward IPN资料最重点第5题有多篇该题目的范文素材论据可以完全使用;再次在最重点预测命中到课堂中多次讲练过A类小作文是一个折线图 3个线,英国1960 -2000 家庭拥有车数量 一个是无车 一个是有一辆车一个是2辆及以上 有变化。这是全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,IPN会员A类小作文资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的该图型写法和地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,恭喜全球网络一对一学员,IPN会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得很不错。
2.2016年11月26日雅思命中A类大作文原题一模一样-Do you  agree or disagree?people believe that  using mobile phonesand computers to communicate make us lose ability to communicate with eachother face-to-face.(中国大陆等等亚太雅思考区),Edward老师IPN资料再次原题命中,这是Edward全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,Edward IPN资料最重点第4题有多篇该题目的范文素材论据可以完全使用;再次在最重点预测命中到课堂中多次讲练过A类小作文是两个流程图The diagrams below show the amount of energy lost in 100 units when it is generated from black coal and when it is generated from brown coal.煤在发电过程中的损耗。这是全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,IPN会员A类小作文资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的该图型写法和地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,恭喜全球网络一对一学员,IPN会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得很不错。
3.2016年11月26日雅思听力四旧全部命中:S1= V120218S1,S2=30080S2,S3=V110519S3=V08140S3,S4=V30090S4都是旧题目,都在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!(中国大陆等亚太考区)2016年11月26日澳洲新西兰等亚太雅思听力命中至少一半S4= V140118S4,S1= V111203S1=V100114S1都是旧题目,都在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!(澳洲、新西兰、香港、澳门、台湾、越南、泰国、日韩等亚太雅思考区)。2016年11月19日雅思听力四旧全部命中:S1= V130713S1=V09108S1,S2=V111029S2=V09137S2,S3= V120825S3,S4=V140927S4都是旧题目,都在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!(中国大陆等亚太考区)。2016年11月19日澳洲等亚太考区雅思听力命中至少一半S1=V121124S1=V110312 S1 ,S2=V121124S2都是旧题目,都在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!((澳洲、新西兰、香港、澳门、台湾、越南、泰国、日韩等亚太雅思考区)。2016年11月5日雅思听力命中原题三部分S1S3S4,S1=V110108S1S3=V130803S3=V08136S3,S4=V131212S4这三部分听力都是旧题目,都在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!(中国大陆等亚太考区)。2016年11月5日雅思听力命中三部分S1S3S4原题, S1=V130511S1,S3=V120421S3,S4=V11008S4=V100424S4这三部分听力都是旧题目,都在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!(澳洲、新西兰、香港、澳门、台湾、越南、泰国、马来西亚、迪拜、日本、韩国等亚太考区)。2016年11月3日雅思听力命中三部分S1S2S3原题, S1=V110716S1,S2=V140125S2=V111201S2,S4=V120906S4 = V30042S4这三部分听力都是旧题目,都在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!2016年10月29日雅思听力命中至少一半以上,都在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最重点里面:S2=V110730S2,S3=V110903S3,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案(中国、澳洲、新西兰、香港、澳门、台湾、越南、泰国、马来西亚、迪拜等亚太考区),祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!
一直以来Edward 预测听力几乎每场平均中两个到四个部分的旧题目,有购买我们整理好的预测听力机经的烤鸭和IPN会员应该是受益非浅。
1.Part 2 Describe aninteresting tradition in your country.
2.Part 2 Describea wedding you attended

3.Part 2 Describe a program or app in your computer or phonethat you think is useful.
4.Part2 Describean interesting wild animal in your country.
5.Part2 Describe an advertisement that persuadedyou to buy a product.
Part3 what are the pros and cons of advertising?
What are the different ways that productsand services are advertised in society today?
What’s the most frequently used method ofadvertising?
Do you think there should be some controlsor restrictions placed on the advertising industry?
What impact on people does music in advertisementshave?
What effects can advertisements have onyoung children?
6.Part 2 Describe amistake you once make
Part3 What shouldteachers do when students make mistakes?
What can people learn from mistakes? Do you often make mistakes?
Can mistakes help people to be more successful? How to avoidmaking mistakes?
7.Part 2 Describe apositive change in your life.
8.Part2 Describea kind of food you first ate/An occasion when you ate something for the firsttime /A meal you like
9.Part2 Describesome one or something that made you laugh.
10.Part 2 Describe a leader whoyou admire/Describe a famous person (for example, in sport, business orpolitics)
part3 What are the abilities of a good leader?
Would you like to be a leader?Would you like to be a leader?
11.Part2 Describe a course you would like to join
12.Describe an equipment in the house/an electronicmachine you want to buy
13.Part 2 Describean occasion you got up extremely early.
14.Part 2 Describe  a place to relax/describe your favoritepark/garden.
5.2016年11月26日雅思阅读命中两篇文章原题Passage1Newzealand fish新西兰水产鱼,Passage2  The Discovery of Gobekib Tepe失落的城市(IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才),另外一篇是Passage3  Linguistics 语言学类,具体题目、题型和内容还在不断更新确认中……2016年11月19日雅思阅读原题命中两篇文章Passage1timekeeper,Passage3关于大象感知声音Elephant communication (IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才),另外一篇是Passage2Activities for children英国学生健康运动问题,具体题目、题型和内容还在不断更新确认中……2016年11月5日雅思阅读至少命中原题命中两篇文章Passage2:中国蚂蚁, Passage3:商场营销策略 (IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才)。2016年10月29日雅思阅读至少命中两篇文章Passage 1 英国鱼鹰保护Passage2:早期人类航海,第3篇蚂蚁 (不确定)(IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才)。2016年10月22日雅思阅读至少命中两篇文章Passage 1 沙丘沙漠food desert,Passage2:ancinet city/lost city,passage3:新西兰一种保护动物(不确定)(IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才)。震撼2016年10月13日雅思阅读文章三篇全部命中Passage1恐龙Passage2:情感和面部表情,passage3:生物钟(IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案,祝贺IPN会员将出现不少阅读8分9分的天才)。2016年10月8日雅思阅读命中文章Passage2:家长对教育的参与度 (IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案)。2016年2016年9月24日雅思阅读文章命中Passage2:仿生科技,passage3:18世纪文化科技化学发展 (IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案)。2016年9月10日雅思阅读命中文章Passage1: 澳洲海滩, Passage3: 古人御寒 (IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案)。2016年9月3日雅思阅读命中文章:蝴蝶拟态,微表情测谎。9月3日雅思考试阅读第一篇,蝴蝶拟态及其他昆虫对其模仿形成的。阅读第二篇,英国1991年一次因4天无风导致尾气堆积致居民死亡事件相关研究。阅读第三篇,微表情测谎,lie to me的lightman原型……具体题型题目反馈还在不断等待更新中(IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案)。2016年8月20日雅思阅读全部命中文章:大猩猩,古代战车,英国影院建筑 (IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案)。……………实际上一直以来雅思历次大部分阅读考试都是旧题目,都在我们预测中命中,接下来的考试肯定是二到三旧居多。我们IPN资料里面的阅读预测机经都有完整准确的答案,2012-2016年以来Edward 预测几乎每场平均中70-100%阅读文章和题目(每场考试平均1-3篇旧题),恭喜购买我们整理好的预测阅读机经的烤鸭和IPN会员,应该是受益非浅。

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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

 楼主| 发表于 2016-12-3 12:06:55 | 只看该作者
听力 关于参加一个diving的course,想问第二空begin on a ??
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 楼主| 发表于 2016-12-3 12:25:47 | 只看该作者
A类大作文:International travel has many advantages to both travellers and the country visited. Do you think the advantages outweigh disadvantages?
A类小作文:Bar chart
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Rank: 9Rank: 9Rank: 9

 楼主| 发表于 2016-12-3 12:37:56 | 只看该作者
A类小作文图表题,根据五种工作种类分析某欧洲国家最大最小平均工资。大作文,specialised faculty应该只针对top运动员还是全民讨论positive或negative。 阅读:第一篇:考古:社会组织形式。第二篇:婴儿哺乳动物还是什么。第三篇:忘了
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