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托福真题预测2016年8月20日,8月21日,8月27日托福听说读写答案范文详解精准冲刺更新版【托福全球网IPN快速提高分数20-60分,tofel global】
2016年7月3日托福听说读写真题答案回忆蹲点汇总 回忆1: 独立写作
People who have learned many different skills are more likely to success those who focus on learning only one skill.
Task 1:
Your foreign friend is visiting China, who is pretty concerned bout the cost, so what would you say to him?
Task 2:
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It’s impolite to make calls or send text messages on a diner table. Explain in details. 回忆2: 独立口语解析
Task 1参考答案:
I would convince her to forgo the worries; first, compared with western countries, living cost in most cities of China is negligible, like if he doesn't have a big purchase plan, around 10,000 yuan is sufficient for living in BJ comfortably for a whole month, so it wouldn't be a huge financial burden; second, if my friend is really suffering from a tight budget, I will offer my help, like provide accommodation and meals for her, if she is interested in staying in China for a longer period of time, I would suggest her to keep eyes open on some part time jobs, like teaching English to Chinese students, in that case, she will definitely make enough bucks to afford this trip.
Task 2参考答案:
I think it’s indeed impolite to make calls or send text messages on a diner table. Last Friday, my friend Daniel asked me out to dinner together, after we sat down, he kept answering phone calls like a hundred times and was busy staring at his phone and sending numerous text messages, I felt awful, sitting there like an idiot! That was how I felt, totally ignored, disrespected and belittled. I thought he just didn't respect my feelings and time!! What is the purpose of asking me out, while keeping answering phone calls? I will never ever go outside to dinner with him again! 回忆3: 口语部分
原题:Your friend is coming to your country for studying, but he or she is worried about the cost, what are the advices you can offer?
原题:Some people answer mobile phones and reply text messages when they are meeting friends in person, others think it is not a polite thing to do when they are already having a face to face conversation, what is your opinion on this matter?
标题:University to Build New Auditorium
改变: The university is planning to build a new auditorium to replace the old one.
阅读理由: Firstly, the old auditorium is old-fashioned, the decorations have been outdated; having a new, clean, modern auditorium is a better option. In addition, the old one is too small to accommodate all students.
听力理由:Firstly, old auditorium is the first thing the university ever built, it is part of the history, it represents the history. Secondly, in terms of the space of the old auditorium, barely there are any events that require all students to participate in the auditorium, often there is small group of people come to see a play or concert, so space is no concern. T4:
定义:In the really harsh natural environment, some animals will use dormancy to protect themselves from the nature. In a word, they will avoid exposure to certain elements in the environment and use slow metabolism to preserve energy.
听力:Professor used an example of the lungfish to demonstrate the term, lungfish lives in the shallow lakes that faces the possible consequences of drying up. If the lake dries up, then the lungfish is cooked, so they will explore certain method to prevent that from happening. So basically what the lungfish do is to dig a hole through the mud at the bottom of the lake, its body will be curled up and berried in the mud, so the covered mud could be a proactive coat for the lungfish that keeps them away from the heat and also keep the moisture inside the body. The lungfish will keep the body still and breathe really slow, the heart beat is slowing down as well. Usually the lungfish relies on eating crabs and small fish to survive but since it lives in the shelter, it doesn’t need to eat anything at all. They can survive in this shelter for months, or even years until the lake returns.T5:
问题:The woman wants to take the guitar lesson but the guitar lesson got canceled because there was not much people signing up for it this semester.
解决方法1:Her professor offered the first solution in which she can seek for a professor at school for private lessons.
优点1:They will meet up once a week, she can be committed to several lessons altogether until she can play very well.
缺点1:She is concerned about the expanse since private lessons usually are not cheap, not to mention she has to take several courses.
解决方法2:She can buy a book online to teach herself how to play guitar, there also comes with a cd that she can listen to.
优点2:There is no need to worry about the cost.
缺点2:If she want to study fast and to learn more, she has to be really committed, disciplined and stick to it.
话题:In a mass media class, professor talks about certain techniques in advertising to persuade consumers.
小标题1:Direct route.
案例1:If a car is really energy efficient that it runs on electricity or small amount of gasoline, in advertisement, they will use facts and statistics to compare themselves with other cars, the consumers can have a pretty good sense on the functions. This is direct approach or direct route.
小标题2:Indirect route
案例2:If a car is ordinary in functions, has no other obvious advantages, in advertisement it will be showing a group of people smiling and laughing, driving themselves to the beach, this is a technique that relates the car with happiness. Using associations and connections other than facts and hard evidence, is indirect route.
回忆4: 口语
➤Task 1
➤Task 2
➤Task 3
原因:1.Auditorium是学校里的oldest and first building,已经是学校里的一个地标性建筑,应该保护;
➤Task 4
【术语】inactive state
【举例】澳大利亚和非洲有一种生活在浅水湖的鱼,在夏天到来之前会躲到河底的洞里,心跳减缓,不需要太多水也可以或几个月甚至一年,而且不需要食物 ➤Task 5
➤Task 6
1. Direct way:抓住产品的突出特点做广告,介绍产品的outstanding features and special features than others. 举例:车子更加节能方便
2. Indirect way:某产品没有明显优点,但销售者将其和happiness联系到一起,购买者就会很开心。举例:销售车
回忆5: 写作
➤Writing 1
【阅读】不推荐prescribed burning
1. 燃烧时会伤害到野生动物,因为它们来不及跑掉会被困住因此失去生命
2. 燃烧时会产生二氧化碳,有毒气体,产生酸雨并污染大气
3. 就算这种人工burning发生后,natural fire依然会发生,所以其实这种行为很浪费人力财力
1. 在美国和加拿大,在某一段时间内,动物不会繁衍,所以这个时间进行prescribed burning时一般不会有动物出生,而年轻的动物也可以逃走,因为火势蔓延速度很慢
2. 确实会产生二氧化碳,但有一种植物可以吸收这些气体
3. natural fire所造成的伤害更大,而且因为大家提前已经知道要有burning,所以不会造成更大的影响
➤Writing 2
Agree or disagree:people who develop different skills are more successful than those who only focus on one skill.
回忆6: 听力
Ø 大意: 女生去找professor,先说起考试成绩,professor夸奖这个女生考的很好,用了好的material。 然后说到重点是女生比较感兴趣的历史课,和要写的history paper. 女生想写Daly hullange,与professor探讨了一些他的历史成就,也提醒学生要针对历史题材来选择他的topic来写。
Ø 大意:关于Art history,先提到了realism 在Europe的发展。后面重点讲regionalism在US的发展。 说了在1920s-1930s这个时期。Regionalism是关于一些small town 和city life的。又单独说了1920s一些urban life的影响。 1930s的糟糕的economic condition.
Ø 大意:关于 Astronomy. 讲了Venus的一些特征,尤其是它的dense有跟其他星体比较。讲了特定的一种Venus跟mellange相关的情况.
Ø 大意:女生想找tutor的工作,说了之前工作的不好。Professor 说了tutor的要求和薪资报酬,也说了作为tutor不可以做的事。
Ø 大意: 关于ecology. 讲了global warming affect animal species. 举例 lizards. 讲了一种具体的lizard受气候影响的变化。
Ø 大意:关于Archaeology. 以前的cave painting 跟horses相关的。有几种具体horses的类型可以去探索与color的关系。 Horses类型有一些spotted \black之类的,还有跟domesticates or predomesticated的关系。
Ø 大意:学生ID卡丢了,wallet也丢了,要补办。以及其他相关证件,要不然不能进入教学楼和宿舍。
L5 :
Ø 大意:关于biology . 讲了neurons与glial cell之间的一些关联和区别。Glial cell比neurons多很多,还有一些具体的作用。
L6 :
Ø 大意:关于literature,讲了英国浪漫主义诗人Wordsworth以及他代表的Romanticism的诗歌的一些特点。 回忆7: 写作
Ø Topic: prescribed burns会带来3种danger
Ø 阅读1: threat the wildlife especially the young ones.
Ø 阅读2: pollute the atmosphere
Ø 阅读3: natural fires will also happen
Ø 听力1:prescribed burns 有time plan, 在animals不是reproduce是时候进行,就没有young的会受威胁。不在reproduction期间的话,就本身没有young ones,mature ones会remove 很快。
Ø 听力2:forest growth will absorb CO2 quickly, forests grow fast to absorb
Ø 听力3:natural fires确实有,但是没有那么大的威力。
T2: Ø 原题:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
People who develop many different skills are more successful than people who just focus on one skill only. 回忆8: 阅读
标题:Early Farming in the Colorado Plateau
Ø 大意:早期的Anasazi人,具备很强的农耕实力,早期借力于indigenous plant resources, 同时由于他们的居住地拥有的动植物种类和数量都非常庞大,他们的饮食结构非常多样化。
Ø 形成的因素是:Anasazi人很早就懂得利用高新技术研发出了一种农作物,叫做 maiz de ocho,这种农作物比起其他农产品,是有一种基因突变,使得它们抗旱,更好存活。
Ø 于是,后期Anasazi人的居住家园农产品产量增大,人口增加,即便是干旱的季节,他们同样可以保持耕种,唯一的缺憾是,他们没有尝试研发出新的农作物品种。
Ø 词汇题:exploiting, strenuous, implements, justifiably
标题:The Mycenaean Collapse
Ø 大意:早期的Mycenaean culture是源于古代希腊,当年由于古希腊经济很好,城市不断扩张,贸易加剧,呈现出一份祥和繁荣景象,但是后期的Mycenaean culture突然消失,引得大家猜测原因究竟为何?
Ø 第一种猜测理论是,由于火山喷发,岩浆喷涌而出,损毁了宫殿和大部分文明古迹,人类活动也就因此中断,不过,也有人猜测火山喷发后,岩浆并没有一次性损毁所有文明遗迹,而是一点点销毁,后期的人类就搬离家园到附近的国土建造新的居住地。一些学者反而认为,是Dorian民族一开始侵略了古希腊的南部,后面慢慢攻下更多城池,直到一百年后完全取得对土地的所有权才导致文明失传。从考古学的角度来看,并没有实实在在的物证表明Dorian侵略使得Mycenaean文明失传,但是社会猜测是在一次次的部落争端中,Mycenaean 文明不具备优势,因为他们采取对于军事农业都有中央集权的管理政策,这样的制度非常死板不灵活,导致内部权利受损,直到文明陷落。
Ø 此外可以肯定的是,Dorian的侵略是具有毁灭性的,他们废除国王,官僚,夺下宫殿,并把财务和权利交给了并没有任何统治经验的人来管理。
Ø 此后,古希腊人四处流亡,文明就此失传。
Ø 词汇题:continuous, vulnerable, perished, was repulsed
P3: 标题:The Insect Senses
Ø 大意:昆虫感知世界的方式有很多种,本文讨论了视觉和触觉两种方式。首先,昆虫的视觉,不像鸟类一样能感知到全景和多层细节,不过,昆虫的视觉在捕捉周围动态,各种movements时是非常快速敏感的。其次,昆虫的视觉,跟人类,鸟类一样,能分辨出颜色,不过他们会被鲜明的颜色吸引,例如蓝色和黄色。对于很多带有翅膀的昆虫而言,它们的眼睛分为两种:simple eyes和compound eyes,往往simple eyes更加敏感一些。
Ø 从触觉角度来看,所有的昆虫,不论成熟与否,都具备一对触觉,它们的作用是:touch,taste,smell and perceive information.
Ø 举例而言:雄性飞蛾会利用触觉捕捉雌性飞蛾的荷尔蒙,发现磁性后就会展翅飞翔,直到找到对方为止;对于蚊子而言,雄性蚊子会利用触觉定位雌性。
Ø 词汇题:aggregate, transparent, cluster, many-segmented 回忆9:
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