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[国内外] 2016年7月9日雅思A类笔试真题答案回忆蹲点汇总









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澳洲 小作文线图、五个国家男女收入不同的百分比。大作文孩子们花很多时间看电视、很少的时间做有创造性的事,原因和解决办法。
阅读第一篇是介绍某个非洲民族还是部落的历史 第二篇是关于运动比赛的公平性 主要就是有些生活在海拔高的运动员 游泳衣的特殊材料能使运动员有更好成绩 第三篇是科普文章 关于视听能力的协同作用
澳洲 大作文:研究表明孩子花更多的时间看电视,花更少的时间参加活动OR有创造性的事。你认为体现在哪些方面,如何解决?
大陆:写作:小作文:表格:一个国家在2003.2004年四个行业雇主发现不好找雇员的百分比; 大作文:在一些国家针对小孩广告增多,家长反对因为孩子会说服他们买一些玩具,广告商支持因为提供了有效信息。讨论双方并给自己观点
国内写作:There are many advertisements directed at children, such as snacks, toys and other goods. Parents  argue that children are under pressure. Advertisers claim that the advertisements provide useful information.  Discuss the both sides and give your own opinion.
阅读第一篇是otter水獭,第二篇摇摆的桥。第三篇是一个什么实验记不太清了…小作文是四个sectors的雇主找不到skill work,unskill work,technical work的百分比,大作文是家长认为广告有意引导孩子买那些商品,广告商说除了那些还加了一些有用信息讨论双方观点
task1 表格题,4个sector(manufactory还有啥啥的...)的employer had difficulties in finding employees(skilled、unskilled、professional三种)in 2003 and 2004
P1,elementary school. P2一个帮助残疾人的弼马温? P3tv's affect on children P4'how buttefly survive 阅读1otter 2bridge swayed 3pursuasion Writing 1table 2advertiser and parents
大作文:In recent years there is an increasing amount of advertising aimed at children to try to persuade them to buy snacks,toys and other goods. Parents object to the pressure from those advertisements, but advertisers claim that they also give useful information in advertisements
大作文:an increasing amount of advertising directed at children which encourages them to buy goods such as toys and snacks. Many parents are worried that these advertisements put too much pressure on children, while some advertisers claim that they provide useful information to children
听力S1 第一个是M开头的什么(地名)… library, 19 August, No ____service is provided( 我没听见,蒙的pickup), 2.05 ( 他说的two o five...) teacher, mail, parents ...,S2 那个女人通常啥时候起床… 我选的5:30… 女人起床之后干啥… (ABC都有提到,我选的他take care 她儿子) 然后: 1、coorespondance 2 rasing funding 3 call riders 4整理 account 这几个事情她是: dislike like or don't give a shit...,S3 John 和Lisa 讨论孩子们看电视的影响:第三个是: John 认为research 是Amajor impact 还是B 影响超过了父母。 最后一题是… 什么样工作的人孩子看电视最多… Manual professional or unemployed people  
S1 library,mail,transportation,teacher,2.05,19 August,M...., s2,5.30 洗马两个是第一句话连着出现的好像……40,不知道, call rider 他不喜欢,s3,一是影响成绩,而是父母和孩子一起看,三是非常坏的影响(我知道我错了)四是manual workers4,egg,antifreeze,sun,river,tourists,
阅读第一篇otter 第二篇swaying bridge 第三篇关于说服能力的实验。
6.19 August


版本二  男人打电话给幼儿园咨询情况
Stae 1 HIbernating

5.north America
7.six months/6 months
9.the sun
第一篇 :水獭

讲的是水獭的文章。9道段落信息题,下面是四道简答题:1 一种Asian 的什 么种类的水獭没有什么能力 swimming speed;

2 什么影响水獭的体温还是什么的 salt water;

3 什么种类的水獭占据很小的活动范 围吧 costal otters

4 他们偶尔吃什么mammal moles。

第二篇:London Swaying Footbridge 伦敦晃桥
A In September 1996 a competition wasorganized by the Financial Times inassociation with the London Borough ofSouthwark to design a new footbridge across the Thames. The competitionattracted over 200 entries and was won by a team comprising Arup (engineers),Foster and Partners (architects) and the sculptor Sir Anthony Caro.
B The bridge opened to the public on 10 June 2000. Up to 100,000 peoplecrossedit that day with up to 2000 people on the bridge at any one time. At first, thebridge was still. Then it began to sway (n.摇晃)justslightly. Then, almost from one moment to the next, when large groups of peoplewere crossing, the wobble (n. 晃) intensified (v. ).This movement became sufficiently large for people to stop walkingto retain their balance and sometimes to hold onto the hand rails for support.It was decided immediately to limit the number of people on the bridgebut even so the deck movementwassufficient to be uncomfortable and to raise concern for public safety sothat on 12 June the bridge was closed until the problem could be solved.
C The embarrassed engineers found the videotape that day which showed thecenter span (n.跨度)swayingabout 3 inches side to side every second. The engineers first thought thatwinds might be exerting (v. 施以影响)excessive force on the many large flags and banners bedecking thebridge for its gala premiere. What’s more, they also discovered that thepedestrians also played a key role. Human activities, such as walking, running,jumping, swaying, etc. could cause horizontal forces (n.水平力、横向力)which in turn could causeexcessive dynamic vibration (n. 震动)in the lateral (adj.侧面的、横向的)direction in the bridge. As the structure began moving, pedestriansadjusted (v.调整)their gait(n. 步法)to the samelateral rhythm (n.节奏)as the bridge. The adjusted footsteps magnified (v. 放大)the motion-just like when fourpeople all stand up in a small boat at the same time. As more pedestrianslocked into the same rhythm, the increasing oscillations (n.振荡)led to the dramatic swayingcaptured on film.
D In order to design a method of reducing the movements, the force exerted bythe pedestrians had to be quantified and related to the motion of the bridge.Although there are some descriptions of this phenomenon in existing literature,none of these actually quantifies the force. So there was no quantitativeanalytical way to design the bridge against this effect. An immediate researchprogram was launched by the bridge’s engineering designers Ove Arup, supportedby a number of universities and research organizations.
E   The tests at the University of Southampton involved a personwalking ‘on the spot’on a small shake table. The tests at Imperial Collegeinvolved persons walking along a specially built, 7.2m-long platform whichcould be driven laterally at different frequencies (n.频率)and amplitudes (n. ).Each type of tdst had its limitations. The Imperial College testswere only able to capture 7-8 footsteps, and the ’walking on the spot’tests,although monitoring many footsteps, could not investigate (v.调查研究)normal forward walking. Neithertest could investigate any influence of other people in a crowd on the behaviorof the individual being tested.
F The results of the laboratory tests provided information which enabled theinitial design
of a retro-fit to be progressed. However, the limitations of these tests wasclear and it was felt that the only way to replicate (v.   properly the precise conditions ofthe Millennium Bridge was to carry out crowd tests on the bridge deck itself.These tests done by the Arup engineers could incorporate factors not possiblein the laboratory tests. The first of these was carried out with 100 people inJuly 2000. The results of these tests were used to refine the load model forthe pedestrians. A second series of crowd tests was carried out on the bridgein December 2000. The purpose of these tests was to further validate (v.证实)the design assumptions and toload test a prototype damper installation (n.安装). The test was carried out with 275 people.
G  Unless the usage of the bridge was to be greatly restricted (v.限制)only two generic options (n.选择)to improve its performance were considered feasible (adj. 可行的).The first was to increase thestiffness of the bridge to move allits lateral natural frequencies out of therange that could be excited by the lateral footfall forces, and the second wasto increase the damping of the bridge to reduce the resonant response.
Questions 14-17
Choose FOUR letters, A-H.
Write the correct letters in boxes 14-17 on your answer sheet.
Which FOUR of the following situation were witnessed on the opening ceremony of
the bridge?
A  The frequency of oscillation increased after some time.
B  All the engineers went to see the ceremony that day.
C  The design of the bridge astonished the people.
D  Unexpected sideway movement of the bridge occurred.
E  Pedestrians had difficulty in walking on the deck.
F  The bridge fell down when people tried to retain their balance.
G  Vibration could be detected on the deck by the pedestrians.
H  It was raining when the ceremony began.
Questions 18-22
Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage 2, using NO
MORE THAN THREE WORDSfrom the Reading Passage for each answer. Write your answersin boxes 18-22 on your answer sheet.
After the opening ceremony, the embarrassed engineers tried to find out thereason of the bridge’s wobbling. Judged from the videotape, they thought that18 and 19 might create excessive force on the bridge. The distribution of20resulted from human activities could cause 21 throughout the structure. Thisswaying prompted people to start adjusting the way they walkwhich in turn reinforced the 22.
14-17 A D E G 定位第二段
18.winds  定位第三段
19.pedestrians  定位第三段第三句,also= and 并列关系匹配
20. horizontal forces
21.(excessive dynamic) vibration
22. motion
23. Imperial College  定位第五段
24.normal forward walking
25. Arup engineers 定位第六段第三句
26/ (the) design assumptions (定位第六段倒二句)

第三篇 说服 The Secrets of Persuasion
Our mother may have told you the secret togetting what you ask for was to say please. The reality is rather moresurprising. Adam Dudding talks to a psychologist who has made a lifes work from the science ofpersuasion. Some scientists peer at things through high-powered microscopes.Others goad ( 驱赶)ratsthrough mazes ( 迷宫),or mixbubbling fluids in glass beakers (
璃烧杯). RobertCialdini, for his part, does curious things with towels, and believes that bydoing so he is discovering important insights into how society works.
Cialdinis towel experiments (more of them later), are part of his researchinto how we persuade others to say yes. He wants to know why some people have aknack ( 熟练手法)forbending the will of others, be it a telephone cold-caller talking to you abouttimeshares, or a parent whose children are compliant even without threats ofextreme violence.
While hes anxious not to be seen as the man whos written the bible for snake-oilsalesmen, for decades the Arizona State University social psychology professorhas been creating systems for the principles and methods of persuasion, andwriting bestsellers about them. Some people seem to be born with the skills;Cialdinis claim isthat by applying a little science, even those of us who arent should be able to get our own waymore often. All my life Ive been an easy mark for theblandishment ( 奉承)ofsalespeople and fundraisers and Id always wondered why they could get me to buy things I didnt want and give to causes I hadnt heard of, says Cialdini on the phone fromLondon, where he is plugging his latest book.
He found that laboratory experiments on thepsychology of persuasion were telling only part of the story, so he began toresearch influence in the real world, enrolling in sales-training programmes: I learnt how to sell automobilesfrom a lot, how to sell insurance from an office, how to sell encyclopediasdoor to door. He concludedthere were six general principles of influence and has, since put them to the test under slightly more scientificconditions. Most
recently, that has meant messing about withtowels. Many hotels leave a little card in each bathroom asking guests to reusetowels and thus conserve water and electricity and reduce pollution. Cialdiniand his colleagues wanted to test the relative effectiveness of different wordson those cards. Would guests be motivated to co-operate simply because it wouldhelp save the planet, or were other factors more compelling? To test this, theresearchers changed the cards message from an environmental one to the simple (and truthful)statement that the majority of guests at the hotel had reused their towel atleast once. Guests given this message were 26% more likely to reuse theirtowels than those given the old message. In Cialdinis book Yes! 50 Secrets from the Science ofPersuasion, co-writtenwith another social scientist and a business consultant, he explains thatguests were responding to the persuasive force of social proof, the idea that our decisions arestrongly influenced by what we believe other people like us are doing.
So much for towels. Cialdini has alsolearnt a lot from confectionery ( 糖果).Yes! cites the work of New Jerseybehavioural scientist David Strohmetz, who wanted to see how restaurant patrons( 老顾客)wouldrespond to a ridiculously small favour from their food server, in the form ofan afterdinner chocolate for each diner. The secret, it seems, is in how yougive the chocolate. When the chocolates arrived in a heap with the bill, tips wentup a miserly 3% compared to when no chocolate was given. But when thechocolates were dropped individually in front of each diner, tips went up 14%.The scientific breakthrough, though, came when the waitress gave each diner onechocolate, headed away from the table then doubled back to give them one moreeach, as if such generosity( 慷慨)had only just occurred to her. Tips went up 23%. This is reciprocity in action: we want to return favoursdone to us, often without bothering to calculate the relative value of what isbeing received and given.
Geeling Ng, operations manager at Aucklands Soul Bar, says shes never heard of Kiwi waiting staffusing such a cynical ( 愤世嫉俗的)trick, not least because New Zealand tipping culture is so differentfrom that of the US: If you did that in New Zealand, as diners were leaving theyd say can we have some more? But she certainly understands the general principle of reciprocity( 互惠原则) . Theway to a diners heart is to give them something theyre not expecting in the way ofservice. It might be something as small as leaving a mint on their plate, or itmight be remembering that last time they were in they wanted their water withno ice and no lemon. In America it would translate into an instant tip. In New Zealand ittranslates into a huge smile and thank you. And no doubt, return visits. THE FIVE PRINCIPLES OF PERSUASION
Reciprocity: People want to give back tothose who have given to them. The trick here is to get in first. Thats why charities put a crummy peninside a mailout, and why smiling women in supermarkets hand out dollops offree food. Scarcity: ( 缺乏)People want more of things they can have less of. Advertisersruthlessly exploit scarcity (limit four per customer, sale must
end soon), and Cialdini suggests parents do too: Kids want things that are lessavailable, so say this is an unusual opportunity; you can only have this for a certaintime.
Authority: We trust people who know whattheyre talkingabout. So inform people honestly of your credentials ( 证书) before you set out to influence them.Youd be surprised how many people failto do that, says Cialdini.They feel its impolite to talk about theirexpertise. In onestudy, therapists whose patients wouldnt do their exercises were advised to display their qualificationcertificates prominently. They did, and experienced an immediate leap in patientcompliance.
Commitment/consistency: We want to act in away that is consistent with the commitments we have already made. Exploit thisto get a higher sign-up rate when soliciting ( 征求)charitable donations. First ask workmates if they think they will sponsoryou on your egg-and-spoon marathon. Later, return with the sponsorship form tothose who said yes and remind them of their earlier commitment.
Liking: We say yes more often to people welike. Obvious enough, but reasons for liking can beweird. In one study, people were sent survey forms and asked to return them toa named researcher. When the researcher gave a fake name resembling that of thesubject (eg, Cynthia Johnson is sent a survey by Cindy Johansen), surveys were twice as likely to be completed. We favour peoplewho resemble us, even if the resemblance is as minor as the sound of theirname.
Social proof: We decide what to do bylooking around to see what others just like us are doing. Useful for parents,says Cialdini. Find groupsof children who are behaving in a way that you would like your child to,because the child looks to the side, rather than at you. More perniciously ( 有害的),social proof is the forceunderpinning ( 打基础) thecompetitive materialism of keeping up with the Joneses( 攀比)
  Choose thecorrect letter, A, B, C or D.
  Write youranswers in boxes 37-40 on your answer sheet.
  28 The mainpurpose of Ciadini’s research of writing is to
  A explainthe reason way researcher should investigate in person
  B explorethe secret that why some people become the famoussales person
  C helppeople to sale products
  D prove maybe there is a science in the psychology ofpersuasion
  29 Which ofstatement is CORRECT according to Ciadini’s research methodology
  A he checkeddata in a lot of latest books
  B heconducted this experiment in laboratory
  C he interviewed and contact with many sales people
  D he made lot phone calls collecting what he wants to know
  30 Which ofthe followings is CORRECT according to towel experiment in the passage?
  A Differenthotel guests act in a different response
  B Mostguests act by idea of environment preservation
  C requires than simply act environmentallymorecustomers tend to cooperate as the message
  D peopletend to follow the hotel’s original message more
  31 Which ofthe followings is CORRECT according to the candy shop experiment in thepassage?
  A Presenting way affects diner’s tips
  B Regularcustomer gives tips more than irregulars
  C Peoplegive tips only when offered chocolate
  D Chocolatewith bill got higher tips
Questions 32-35
  Do thefollowing statements agree with the information given inReading Passage 3?
  In boxes32-35 on your answer sheet, write
  TRUE if thestatement is true
  FALSE if thestatement is false
  NOT GIVEN ifthe information is not given in the passage
  32 RobertCialdini experienced "principles of influence" himself in realisticlife.- TRUE
  33 Principleof persuasion has different types in different countries. –NOT GIVEN
  34 In NewZealand, people tend to give tips to attendants after being served a chocolate.-NO
  35 Eldergeneration of New Zealand is easily attracted by extra service of restaurantsby principle of reciprocity. -NOT GIVEN
  Use theinformation in the passage to match the category (listed A-E) with correctdescription below. Write the appropriate letters A-E in boxes 32-37 on answersheet.
  NB Youmay use any letter more than once.
  AReciprocity of scarcity
  B Authority
  C previouscomment
  D Liking
  E Socialproof
  36 Someexpert may reveal qualification in front of clients. -B
  37 Parentstend to say something that other kids are doing the same. -E
  38Advertisers ruthlessly exploit the limitation of chances -A
  39 Use afamiliar name in a survey. -D
  40 Askcolleagues to offer a helping hand –C




最新提醒1:2014-2016年以来的雅思旧题更多,考官越来越懒,听力旧题目经常连着考同一个号的S1,S2,S3,S4,不断出现四旧,三旧的局面(比如2016年6月25日、6月16日、5月28日、5月21日、5月7日、4月16日、4月2日中国澳洲亚太、欧洲等雅思听力四部分连号全命中!北美雅思5月7日、4月30日、3月5日听力四部分连号全命中!中国澳洲等2016年2月20日,1月23日,1月9日,2015年11月19日,11月14日,11月7日,9月19日,3月12日听力四部分全部旧题目;2016年6月18日,6月4日,3月31日,2月27日, 12月12日,12月5日,11月21日,9月3日,8月29日8月1日,7月11日,6月27日,6月6日,4月11日,3月14日听力三部分旧题,1月31日听力三部分旧题,2014年4月24日听力四个部分全部都是四旧,4月5日,2月13日,2月15日,1月25日,1月11日都是同一个号的S1,S2,S3,S4,全部四旧,都在IPN资料里面),听力考过的旧题还会再考
最新提醒3: 2014-2016年以来小作文地图题和流程图的频率增加了,大作文考旧题目的周期变短了,烤鸭们备考要注意!(2016年5月28日,3月5日,2015年12月5日,5月16日,2月14日,1月31日,2014年10月18日,7月19日,7月10日,5月10日,3月8日,1月11日考了流程图;2016年1月30日,2015年12月3日,11月14日,10月8日,8月1日,6月6日,5月9日,3月21日,2014年10月25日,9月20日,8月16日,6月21日,5月17日,3月1日考了地图)
1.震撼2016年6月25日雅思听力四旧全命中!再次四部分听力旧题连号在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最靠前的第三个编号:S1=V131019S1,S2=V131019S2=V07116S2,S3=V131019S3,S4=V131019S4=V101218S4,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,祝贺IPN将缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,,8分听力人才了!(中国亚太考区);625澳洲新西兰等亚太雅思考区命中一半听力V110728S3=V09112S3V100717S4=V09128S4 ;震惊2016年6月18日雅思听力三部分旧题全命中!S2=V130302S2,S3=V130302S3=V101106S3,S4=V130302S4=V50233S4我们最重点最前面完全预测命中,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案, IPN听力高分会员要一大片了;2016年6月16日雅思听力又四旧全中!616中国亚太雅思考区再次4旧连号S1=V131121S1=V08145S1,S2=V131121S2,S3=V131121S3
S4=V130112S4我们最重点完全预测命中,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案;无比震撼2016年5月21日雅思听力又四部分全命中!中国亚太雅思考区再次4旧连号S1=V130817S1,S2=V130817S2,S3=V130817S3,S4=V130817S4都在我们最重点完全预测命中,欧洲考区也是四旧连号全中,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案;超级震撼2016年5月7日亚太、北美雅思听力四部分全命中!中国亚太雅思考区再次4旧连号S1=V130907S1,S2=V130907S2=V06125S2,S3=V130907S3=V30020S3,S4=V130907S4 Edward都在最重点完全预测命中,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案。
震撼2016年4月16日雅思听力四部分全命中!中国亚太雅思考区4旧连号S1=V130105S1,S2=V130105S2=V100327S2=V06110S2,S3=V130105S3,S4=V130105S4=V100715S4;2016年4月2日雅思听力四部分全命中!S1=V120526S1,S2=V120526S2,S3= V120526S3= V30044S3,S4=V120526S4=V30062S4(中国等亚太考区);4月2日澳洲香港台湾等亚太考区听力命中三部分V120707S1,S2=V130418S2,S4=V100626S4=V08134S4;2016年3月31日雅思考试听力命中三部分S1=V120811S1,S2=V120811S2=V30059S2,S3=V120811S3(中国等亚太考区);2016年3月19日雅思听力命中一半以上旧题目S1=V130202S1,S2=V120707S2=V110430S2(澳洲亚太地区),S4=V110924S4=V09141S4,S3=30072S3(中国亚太地区)其他旧题目还在等待确认更新中……北美雅思2016年3月5日听力四部分全命中!听力四部分的对应号分别是 V130428S1V130428S2V130428S3 V130428S4,4个部分连号全部在Edward预测IPN听力机经最重点最前面!2016年3月5日中国亚太雅思听力命中S3=V120922S3=V100520S3,S2= V121108S2; 2月27日雅思命中听力三部分,S1=V120512S1,S2=V1301010S2,S4=V120712S4=V100617S4(澳洲、中国,亚太考区);震撼北美雅思2月20日听力命中三部分!S1=V09109S1,S3=V101204S3,S4=V130829S4,Edward神准全部预测命中所有听力三部分旧题。震撼2月20日中国亚太雅思听力四部分全中!S1=V110625S1=V09113S1,S2=V110625S2=V09147S2,S3=V110625S3,S4=V110625S4,Edward神准全部预测命中所有听力考题。以上历次考试题目,Edward都在最重点完全预测命中,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,历年来Edward预测听力几乎每场平均中2-4个旧题目(每场考试平均2-4个旧题),恭喜购买我们整理好的预测听力机经的烤鸭和IPN会员,应该是受益非浅,不同凡响。
2.2016年6月25日再次完全命中雅思A类大作文原题目:食品生产方式和安全问题Food can be produced cheaper if we useimproved fertilizers and better machinery. However some of methods may bedangerous for human health, and have negative effects for local communities.What is your opinion?.(中国、港澳台、迪拜等亚太考区)Edward老师再次命中,这是Edward全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,EdwardA类预测IPN资料第8题有多篇该题目的范文素材论据可以完全使用; 再次在最重点预测到课堂中多次讲练过A类小作文是-柱状图,表格The average number of hours of teaching using by eachteacher in different type of school in four countries in 2001.(Japan,Spain,Iceland USA) (primary,upper secondary.这是全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,IPN会员A类小作文资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的该图型写法和地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,恭喜全球网络一对一学员,IPN会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得很不错。
3.2016年6月25日雅思阅读命中文章:History of Sahara撒哈拉历史(IPN阅读预测最前面第6篇命中,IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案),其他两篇内容回忆还在不断等确认更新中……2016年6月16日雅思阅读一发命中两篇文章:纹身(IPN阅读预测第一篇命中),猩猩;2016年5月28日雅思阅读命中两篇文章:1.novice journeyman &expert 新手和专家 2.鳄鱼 crocodile(全部在我们528阅读预测最重点部分) ---第3篇讲音乐的起源,提到一个学者对于音乐的研究。 2016年5月21日雅思阅读命中文章:左右撇子成因…第一篇是-找船员全体遇难原因及下落 第二篇左右撇子成因 第三篇谷物合成plastic用于包装和衣服;2016年4月2日雅思阅读命中:鸟类的智慧(澳洲亚太考区),澳洲其他两篇阅读是- tf公司的失败的例子还有别的公司怎么做的,和artist commission;4月2日雅思阅读命中:植物净水系统(中国亚太考区),其他两篇Passage1 让顾客自己买单的商店,Passage3 游戏对人非但没有坏影响反而可以促进脑…具体内容回忆还在不断等待确认更新中……震惊2月27日雅思阅读命中两篇A类文章butteflyfarms in UK和rainmaker,另外一篇是multitasking……2月13日命中阅读文章:双胞胎的基因研究。第一篇是关于slow food的理念的推广,第二篇是关于双胞胎的基因研究,第三篇是古典希腊文的教学方式探讨(澳洲亚太考区)…2015年12月12日雅思阅读命中:乐观与健康(最重点前面),农民公司,儿童行为研究;11月21日雅思命中A类阅读第三篇-英国建筑,三篇文章分别是:象形文字,英国诸岛,英国建筑 (中国、亚太考区,Edward命中),11月21日雅思阅读一发命中澳洲A类文章-龙涎香,三篇文章分别为:1.龙涎香(Edward11月21日阅读预测第一题命中!) 2.艺术品 3.社交软件(澳洲亚太考区),11月21日雅思G类阅读Section3 -双胞胎研究(澳洲、亚太考区,Edward命中);11月14日雅思考试命中阅读两篇:人类历史,鸟类利用工具(鸟类智慧-命中),潮汐发电(海洋发电-命中)……实际上雅思历次大部分阅读考试都是旧题目,都在我们预测中命中,比如2015年3月14日雅思阅读三旧:第一篇:茶叶历史,第二篇:智能体贴管理是否接还是挂电话,第三篇:厨艺和科学的结合;2015年2月14号雅思阅读两旧:古头骨容貌重现,团队合作心理;2015年 2月7日阅读两旧: 植物纯净水,撒哈拉沙漠遗骸; 2015年1月17日阅读三旧:铅笔的历史,新冰河时代,新西兰一个作家和她的书的故事…..接下来的考试肯定是二到三旧居多。我们IPN资料里面的阅读预测机经都有完整准确的答案,2012-2016年以来Edward 预测几乎每场平均中60-80%阅读文章和题目(每场考试平均1-3篇旧题),恭喜购买我们整理好的预测阅读机经的烤鸭和IPN会员,应该是受益非浅。
1.Part2Describe a favorite part of your city/Describe an interesting public place youwould like to visit
Describe a place nearwater/ Describe a historical ttraction/Describe a tourist attraction/Describe aseaside place you want to visit
2.Part 2 Describe a happyevent from your childhood that you remember well
3.Part2 Describe an antique or an old object that yourfamily has kept for a long time.
4.Part 1 Describe aninteresting tradition in your country.
5.Part 2 Describe a novel or a story you thoughtparticularly interesting.
6.Part 2 Describe anarticle you read from the internet or books about healthy life /Describesomething to keep fit
7.Part 2 Describe somethingexpensive you sayed money for
Part 3 How do you think people can say money? Part 3 How do you think people can say money?
8.Part 2 Describe an itemof clothing that someone sent to you/that was bought for you.
9.Part2 Describe aninteresting wild animal in your country.
10.Part2 Describea leader who you admire/Describe a famous person (for example, in sport,business or politics)
part3 What are the abilities of a good leader?
Would you like to be a leader?Would you like to be a leader?
11.Part 2 Describe aperson with good personality/Describe your best friend/Describe a person whobecame your good friend at the first meeting.
12.Part2 Describe a situation that you got angry.
13.Part2 Describea kind of food you first ate/An occasion when you ate something for the firsttime /A meal you like
14.Part 2 Describe aperson you like to stay with/Describe an old person you respect/Describe an oldperson who you like to talk to.
Part3 How important is it to be patient? Do youthink that Chinese people are very patient?
15.Part 2 Describe aphoto you like/ Describe your favorite photograph
16.Part 2 Describea difficult decision/an important decision that you have made.
18.Describe a program or app in your computer or phonethat you think is useful.
19.Part2 Describe a person who has apologized to you
20.Part2 Describe an old person you respect/a family member/a family member you spendmuch time with/you want to work with
21.Part 2 Describe ancreative person
5.2016年6月25日再次命中雅思A类大作文题目素材:健康医疗类It is important to spend public money on promoting a healthylifestyle than spending on treatment , do u agree or not?(澳洲新西兰、港澳台等亚太考区)Edward老师再次命中,这是Edward全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,Edward A类预测IPN资料第1题(现代生活压力大,休闲运动、音乐、休假减压),第13题(政府投资医疗)有多篇该题目的范文素材论据可以完全使用; 再次在最重点预测到课堂中多次讲练过A类小作文是-线图 澳洲男女就业比率。这是全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,IPN会员A类小作文资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的该图型写法和地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,恭喜全球网络一对一学员,IPN会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得很不错。
6.2016年6月25日再次命中雅思G类大作文题目和素材-住在城市高楼大厦公寓的利弊(澳洲、新西兰、中国、港澳台等亚太雅思考区)Edward老师再次命中,这是Edward全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,Edward G类预测IPN资料里面有有多篇范文素材论据可以完全使用As country develops, a large population chooses to live individuallyor live in a small family unit. Discuss the causes and its effects on society. 或者City dwellers seldom socialize with their neighbors today and thesense of community has been lost. Why has this happened and how to solve thisproblem?; 再次在最重点预测到课堂中多次讲练过G类小作文书信:投诉信 丢了东西在公车上。这是全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,IPN会员G类小作文资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的该图型写法和地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,恭喜全球网络一对一学员,IPN会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得很不错。

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 楼主| 发表于 2016-7-9 10:44:06 | 只看该作者
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