
标题: 2016年7月16日、14日雅思A类笔试真题答案回忆蹲点汇总 [打印本页]

作者: 雅思NO1    时间: 2016-7-11 17:16
标题: 2016年7月16日、14日雅思A类笔试真题答案回忆蹲点汇总

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小作文表格题,cocoa bean production in six regions between 1992 and 1998, 有四年:1992,1994,1996 and 1998。
大作文: government is spending a lot of money in improving internet access, why might this is happening? Is it a proporiate way for government to spend the money?
国内考完了 小作文表格 大作文是人们应该prevent climate 还是live with it

task1: you are away for a week and write an letter to your neighbour to ask for help keep your house safe . List why you are away, describe what do you want your neighbour do
Task 2 many people argue that many people spend a lot of money on wedding parties, birthday parties, and other celebration and it is a waste of money. Others think it is important to have those parties for individuals and for society
阅读1美国一个非官方培育种子维护种子多样性的地方 2记忆力 年老年少 3水里加什么物质引出scientist sociologist支持和反对
听力section4 大猩猩行为;
section 2 地图;1 旅行
小作文survey results of different age groups  in a european country in2012 for their favorate tv programmes,大作文,some people think we should prevent climate change while others consider that we need to find ways to live with it. agree or disagree.
阅读 第一篇有关一个收集多种珍稀农作物种子的农场(判断+填词)  第二篇 医学类 有关记忆力的文章 (填词 单选)第三篇 科技类 从Water fluoridation氟化水引起的科学与社会学的争论的文章 (填词 单选 匹配科学家与他们的观点)
听力 section 1 旅行团形成及各团优缺点 (10个填词) 2 有关一个展会的题 三个选择+地图标号 3 学生小组讨论 口述史活动 填词+匹配 4 lecture 大猩猩的“文化发展” 填词+2单
国内 大作文:Some people think that instead of preventing climate change,we need to find a way to live with it. Do you agree or disagree?
小作文是个表格 a survey in one European country in 2012对不同的age group最喜爱的电视节目的调查 分别是11-15岁,16-20岁,21-25岁,数字是%,TV programme有什么sports,cartoon,news,soap opera等六个
阅读第一篇 关于ambergris龙涎香和amber琥珀
The name ambergris is derived from theSpanish ambar gris, ambar meaning amber ( 琥珀) and grismeaning grey, thus the name signifies grey amber. The use of ambergris inEurope is now entirely confined to perfumery-as a material ofperfumery. Its high price varies from$15 to$25 an ounce, though itformerlyoccupied on inconsiderable place in medicine. Ambergris was also decorated and wornas jewelry, particularly during the RenaissanceIt occupiesa very important place in the perfumery of the East, and there it isalso used in pharmacy( 药物)and as a flavouring material in cookery.
Amber, however, is quite a differentsubstance from ambergris and this discrepancy ( 矛盾) haspuzzled some people. Amber is the fossilized resin from trees that wasquite familiar to Europeans long before the discovery of the NewWorld, and prized for jewelry. Although considered a gem, amber is a hard,transparent and wholly-organic material derived from the resin of extinct speciesof trees. In the dense forests of the Middle Cretaceous and Tertiary periods,between 10 and 100 million years ago, these resin-bearing trees fell and werecarried by rivers to coastal regions. There, the trees and their resins becamecovered with sediment ( 沉淀物), and overmillions of years the resin hardened into amber.
Ambergris and amber are related by the factthat both wash up on beaches. Ambergris is a solid, waxy and flammablesubstance of a dull 2rey or blackish color, with the shades being variegated 1ikemarble. It possesses a peculiar sweetearthy odour notunlike isopropyl alcohol ( 异丙醇). It is now known to be amorbid secretion formed in the intestines of the sperm whale, found in
the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Being avery lightweight material, ambergris is found floating uponthe sea, on the sea coast, or in the sand near the sea coast It ismet with in the Atlantic Ocean, on the coasts Of Brazil and Madagascar; also onthe coast Of Africa, of the East Indies, China, Japan, andthe Molucca Islands; but most of the ambergris which is brought to England comesfrom the Bahama Islands. It is also sometimes found in the abdomen ofwhales; it is always in lumps in various shapes and sizes, weighing from 1/ 2 oz. to100 or more lb. A piece which the Dutch East India Company bought from theKing of Tydore weighed 182 lb. An American fisherman from Antigua
found, Inside a whale, about 52 1eaguessouth-east from the Windward Islands, a piece of ambergris which weighed about l 30lb, and sold for 500 sterling.
Likemany other substances regarding the origin of which there existed some obscurityor mystery, ambergris in former times possessed a value, and had propertiesattributed to it, more on account of the source from which it was drawnthan from its inherent qualities. Many ridiculous hypotheses were startedto account for its origin, and among others it was conjectured( 推测)to be the solidified foam of the sea, a fungous growth in the oceansimilar to the fungi which form on trees.
The true source and character of ambergriswas first satisfactorily established by Dr. Swediaur in a communication to the RoyalSociety. It was found by Dr. Swediaur that ambergris very frequentlycontained the horny mandibles ( 颌骨)or beaks of the squid, on which the sperm whales are known to feed. Thatobservation, in connection with the fact of ambergris being frequently takenfrom the intestines ( )of the sperm whale, sufficiently proved that the substanceis produced by the whales intestine as ameans of facilitating the passage of undigested hard, sharp beaks ofsquid that the whale has eaten.
It was further observed that the whales inwhich ambergris was found were either dead or much wasted and evidently in asickly condition. From this it was inferred that ambergris is in some wayconnected with a morbid ( 病态 )condition of the sperm whale. Often expelled by vomiting, ambergrisfloats in chunks on the water and is of a deep grey colour, softconsistence, and an offensive, disagreeable smell. Following months to years ofphoto-degradation and oxidation in the ocean, this precursor gradually hardens,developing a dark grey or black colour, a crusty and waxy texture, and a peculiarodour that is at once sweet, earthy, marine, and animalist. Its smell has beendescribed by many as a vastly richer and smoother version of isopropanolwithout its stinging harshness.
In that condition its specific gravityranges from 0.780 to 0.926. It melts at a temperature ofabout 145 F into a fatty yellow resin-like liquidIt issoluble in ether, volatile and fixed oils, but only feebly acted on byacids. By digesting in hot alcohol, a peculiar substance termed ambrein is obtained. Inchemical constitution ambrein very closely resembles cholesterin ( 胆固醇), a principle
found abundantly in biliary calculi ( 胆道结石) . It is therefore more than probable thatambergris, from the position in which it is found and its chemical constitution,is a biliary concretion analogous to what is formed in othermammals.
The industries founded on ambergrisresulted in the slaughter of sperm whales ( 抹香鲸) almost to extinction. Sperm whales were killed in two massive hunts,the Moby Dick whalers who worked mainly between 1740-1 880, and themodem whalers whose operations peaked in 1 964, when 29,255 were killed.Most recent estimates suggest a global population of about 360,000 animalsdown from about 1,100,000 before whaling. In the 20th century, 90% ofambergris was derived in the processing of killing sperm whales. To this day,ambergris is still the most expensive product in the whole body of sperm whale.Depending on its quality, raw ambergris fetches approximately 20
USD per gram. In the United States,possession of any part of an endangered species-including ambergristhat has washed ashore-is a violation of the Endangered SpeciesAct of 1978.
Historically, the primary commercial use ofambergris has been in fragrance chemistry. However, it is difficult to get aconsistent and reliable supply of high quality ambergris. Due to demand for ambergrisand its high price, replacement compounds have been sought out by the fragrance industryand chemically synthesized. The most important of these is Ambrox ( 降龙涎醚), which has taken its place as the most widely used amber odorant inperfume manufacture. Procedures for the microbial production of Ambrox havealso been devised.

第一段说 ambergris这个东西很久以前就有了,然后说ambergris的用途有 for medicine, spice,用来制作perfume 什么的等等(有题,matching) 然后说但是人们不知道它是从哪里来的,再就是说在古代it worth inweight in gold,当然是贵了。

第二段说 以前人们一直把ambergris和amber当作一种东西。但是有个叫Dick的作者 写了一本书 讲了这两个东西的区别(有题,matching)说ambergris 通常发现在海面或者shore,但是仍然不知道是从哪里来的。Amber是一种什么东西,与松树pine有关,然后说了amber的一些特性 hard,transparent,等等,用来做装饰品,头饰什么的,同样 very costly。(有题,matching)

第三段说ambergris是与sperm whale的intestine肠子里的消化digest 某种东西有关。以为intestine会有题,结果没有,提到了马可波罗,好像与这个发现有关(没题,当笑话好了)

第四段就是具体describe ambergris的产生过程了。(summary 题)大意是,sperm whale吃一种东西 叫 beaks of squalid,肠子就有助消化,但是不能完全消化,就转化成了另一种东西,应该是体内的垃圾。这种垃圾是soft的,会被sperm whale 呕吐出来 be vomited up。然后这种东西遇到空气就会变硬harden,于是就形成了 ambergris了,也解释了为什么ambergris总在海面和shore被发现。

第五段 说人们为了获得ambergris而捕杀sperm whale 导致了濒临灭绝。给了一个数据 说in 20thcentury, 90% ambergris was made in the processing of killing sperm whale。(有题,TFNG)ambergris was still the most expensive product in the whole body of sperm whale,大意是这样的。 于是人们就开始采取措施保护sperm whale, 在工业生产中采用了很多ambergris的替代品,例如香水制造业中就用了某种东西,代替了ambergris。

第六段 说 sperm whale的数量会有recover的那么一天,没题。

A only ambergris
B only amber
C both
D neither
·very expensive C
·use in medicine A
·use as currency D
·refers to in a Book written by Dick xxx C
·could be seen through B Summary填空
·sperm whale 吃下去 beaks of squalid,
·xxx be vomited up,
·hardens when exposure on air T/F/NG
·20th century most ambergris was made in the processing of killing of sperm whale. T
·Ambergris's cost increased recently. NG
·ambergris still remains in the perfume making. F
·关于保护鲸鱼的 F
S3 music and restaurants  1/ impact on customers  2/ uniform level 3/ first question is to disguise the true purpose 4/ competitors nearby, ordinary  5/ jazz :spend more money No music , food not worthy the price
S4 business expansion  3.3  , gardening products, support services, farming products , clothing, Southern Europe, South Africa , Southeast Asia, online shopping, corporate loans
Section1 :电话询问附近图书馆信息
Section2 :夜校课程咨询
Section3 :学生Report Assignment关于Listening to音乐对于人们进食的影响的研究
Section4 :一个公司的经营策略和产品营销项目
Passage1 :龙涎香
Passage3: 行为学家

Task1 :表格,关于不同年龄段的人喜欢看不同的电视节目
Task2 :Some people think that instead of preventing climate change,we need to find a way to live with it. Do you agree or disagree

section1 介绍drama club会员
section 2 讨论旅游的四个地方
section3 两个学生讨论材料 brisk什么
section4 叙述户外运动广告
passage1 海底发现
文章大意:介绍一种海喷现象,关于它的发现,形成过程和作用。海洋中的一种东西要经过cracks到达the earth's surface, 然后hot water会流出surface, 然后降温变冷。后面又说到细菌,就是细菌要把生物身体当住所,同时它们也是这些生物的食物,细菌很重要之类的。
1. B
5. minerals
6. temperature
7. chemistry
8. bacteria
9. B第一道选择题要选一个很多层的蘑菇样的图
10. / 第二道题为巨大的虫子之所以有意义是因为啥?选虫子依靠那个体内的供给的选项
11. D第三道题是因为研究的困难,科学家依然研究是因为选D

passage2 广告对小孩的影响
List of Heading
12. VII
13. V
14. VIII
15. VI
16. II
17. IV
18. I
19. role-play
passage3 assessing risks 研究评估风险
Assessing the risk
As a title for a supposedly unprejudiceddebate on scientific progress, Panic attack:interrogating our obsession with risk did not bode well.Held last week at the Royal Institution in London, the event brought togetherscientists from across the world to ask why society is so obsessed with riskand to call for a more rational approach. We seem to be organising society around the grandmotherlymaxim of better safe than sorry, exclaimed Spiked, the online publication that organised the event. What are the consequences of this overbearing concernwith risks?
The debate was preceded by a survey of 40scientists who were invited to describe how awful our lives would be if the precautionary principle had beenallowed to prevail in the past. Their response was: no heart surgery or antibiotics,and hardly any drugs at all; no aeroplanes, bicycles or high-voltage powergrids; no pasteurisation, pesticides or biotechnology; no quantum of America.In short, their message was:
They have absolutely missed the point. Theprecautionary principle is a subtle idea. It has various forms, but all of themgenerally include some notion of cost-effectiveness. Thus the point is notsimply to ban things that are not known to be absolutely safe.Rather, it says: Of course you can make no progress without risk. But if there is noobvious gain from taking the risk, then dont take it.
Clearly, all the technologies listed by the40 well-chosen savants were innately risky at their inception,as all technologies are. But all of them would have receivedthe green light under the precautionary principle because they all hadthe potential to offer tremendous benefits-the solutions
to very big problems-if only the snagscould be overcome.
If the precautionary principle had been in place,the scientists tell us, we would not have antibiotics. But of course we wouldif theversion of the principle that sensible people now understand had beenapplied. When penicillin was discovered in the 1920s, infectivebacteria were laying waste to the world. Children died fromdiphtheria and whooping cough, every open drain brought the threat of typhoid,and any wound could lead to septicaemia and even gangrene.
Penicillin was turned into a practical drugduring the Second World War, when the many pestilences that result from warthreatened to kill more people than the bombs. Of course antibiotics were apriority. Of course the risks, such as they could be perceived, were worth taking..
And so with the other items on thescientists list: electric light bulbs, blood transfusions, CATscans, knives, the measles vaccinethe precautionary principlewould have prevented all of them, they tell us. But this is just plainwrong. If the precautionary principle had been applied properly, all
these creations would have passed muster,because all offered incomparable advantages compared to the risks perceived atthe time.
Another issue is at stake here. Statisticsare not the only concept people use when weighing up risk. Human beings, subtle andevolved creatures thatwe are, do not survive to three-score years and tensimply by thinking like pocket calculators. A crucial issue is choice.In deciding whether to pursue the development of a new technology, the consumers right to choose should be considered alongside considerations of risk andbenefit. Clearly, skiing is more dangerous than genetically modified tomatoes.But people who ski choose to do so; they do not have skiing thrust upon themby portentous experts of the kind who now feel they have the right toreconstruct our crops. Even with skiing there is the matter of costeffectiveness to consider: skiing, I am told, is exhilarating. Whereis the exhilaration in GM soya?
Indeed, in contrast to all the other itemson Spikeds list, GM crops stand out as an example of a technology whose benefitsare far from clear. Some of the risks can at least be defined. But in thepresent economic climate, the benefits that might accrue from them seem dubious.Promoters of GM crops believe that the future population of the world cannotbe fed without them. That is untrue. The crops that really matter are wheatand rice, and there is no GM research in the pipeline that will seriouslyaffect the yield of either. GM is used to make production cheaper and hence moreprofitable, which is an extremely questionable ambition.
The precautionary principle provides theworld with a very important safeguard. If it had been in place in the pastit might, for example, have prevented insouciant miners from pollutingmajor rivers with mercury. We have come to a sorry pass when scientists,who should above all be dispassionate scholars, feel they shouldmisrepresent such a principle for the purposes of commercial and politicalpropaganda. People at large continue to mistrust science and the high technologiesit produces partly because they doubt the wisdom of scientists. On suchevidence as this, these doubts are fully justified.
柱状图 六个国家年轻人在大学2000年和2007年中的比例变化。比较六个国家两年里的不同数据,其中有三个国家上升,一个国家下降,两个维持不变
people still value artist in the age of advanced science and technology. Why u think this is? Are arts as important as science and technology
7.14雅思加试A类小作文  柱状图男女在不同年龄段in part-time employment 的百分比
大作文是 全世界每天都大量的食物被浪费 的 causes and solutions.
阅读:美国人肥胖问题,机器人探索宇宙,研究儿童对外界的情感反应。听力:打电话给搬家公司预定搬家,介绍新建成的mall,new production presentation about mo什么 net,special types of three languages


S2=V121206S2==V30018S2,S3=V121206S3=V100508S3 ,S4=V121206S4,祝贺IPN将再次缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,8分听力人才了!震撼2016年6月25日雅思听力四旧全命中!再次四部分听力旧题连号在我们IPN资料听力预测机经最靠前的第三个编号:S1=V131019S1,S2=V131019S2=V07116S2,S3=V131019S3,S4=V131019S4=V101218S4,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,祝贺IPN将缔造多位雅思9分,8.5,,8分听力人才了!
震惊2016年6月18日雅思听力三部分旧题全命中!S2=V130302S2,S3=V130302S3=V101106S3,S4=V130302S4=V50233S4我们最重点最前面完全预测命中,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案, IPN听力高分会员要一大片了;2016年6月16日雅思听力又四旧全中!616中国亚太雅思考区再次4旧连号S1=V131121S1=V08145S1,S2=V131121S2,S3=V131121S3
S4=V130112S4我们最重点完全预测命中,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案;无比震撼2016年5月21日雅思听力又四部分全命中!中国亚太雅思考区再次4旧连号S1=V130817S1,S2=V130817S2,S3=V130817S3,S4=V130817S4都在我们最重点完全预测命中,欧洲考区也是四旧连号全中,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案;超级震撼2016年5月7日亚太、北美雅思听力四部分全命中!中国亚太雅思考区再次4旧连号S1=V130907S1,S2=V130907S2=V06125S2,S3=V130907S3=V30020S3,S4=V130907S4 Edward都在最重点完全预测命中,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案。北美雅思2016年3月5日听力四部分全命中!听力四部分的对应号分别是 V130428S1V130428S2V130428S3 V130428S4,4个部分连号全部在Edward预测IPN听力机经最重点最前面!以上历次考试题目,Edward都在最重点完全预测命中,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,历年来Edward预测听力几乎每场平均中2-4个旧题目(每场考试平均2-4个旧题),恭喜购买我们整理好的预测听力机经的烤鸭和IPN会员,应该是受益非浅,不同凡响。
2.2016年7月9日再次命中澳洲雅思A类大作文题目-观看电视影响创新创造力Nowadays children spend much time watching TV instead ofparticipating in creative activities.What are the reasons?what solutions?(澳洲、新西兰、港澳台、迪拜等亚太考区)Edward老师再次命中,这是Edward全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目、题型和素材,EdwardA类预测IPN资料大作文最重点第4题有多篇该题目的范文素材论据可以完全使用; 再次在最重点预测到课堂中多次讲练过A类小作文是-线图、五个国家男女收入不同的百分比。这是全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,IPN会员A类小作文资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的该图型写法和地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,恭喜全球网络一对一学员,IPN会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得很不错。
3.2016年7月9日再次命中雅思A类大作文题目-广告对孩子的影响An increasing amount of advertising directed at children whichencourages them to buy goods such as toys and snacks. Many parents are worriedthat these advertisements put too much pressure on children, while someadvertisers claim that they provide useful information to children(中国、港澳台、迪拜等亚太考区)Edward老师再次命中,这是Edward全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,EdwardA类预测IPN资料第10题有多篇该题目的范文素材论据可以完全使用; 再次在最重点预测到课堂中多次讲练过A类小作文是-表格:一个国家在2003.2004年四个行业雇主发现不好找雇员的百分比。这是全球雅思网络一对一课堂透彻讲练过的题目题型和素材,IPN会员A类小作文资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的该图型写法和地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,恭喜全球网络一对一学员,IPN会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得很不错。
4.雅思口语7月7日8日至9日所有已经考完的话题,Edward 再次在最重点连续全部预测命中,绝大部分是旧题和旧题目改造,IPN资料里面都有详细答案或者可以互相套同的答案,出现的新题库新题目已经更新到IPN资料:
1.Part2Describe a favorite part of your city/Describean interesting public place youwould like to visit
Describe a place nearwater/ Describe a historicalttraction/Describe a tourist attraction/Describe aseaside place you want tovisit
2.Part 2 Describe a happyevent from your childhoodthat you remember well
3.Part2 Describe an antique or an old object thatyourfamily has kept for a long time.
4.Part 1 Describe aninteresting tradition in yourcountry.
5.Part 2 Describe a novel or a story youthoughtparticularly interesting.
6.Part 2 Describe anarticle you read from theinternet or books about healthy life /Describesomething to keep fit
7.Part 2 Describe somethingexpensive you sayed moneyfor
Part 3How do you think people can say money? Part 3 How do you think people can say money?
8.Part 2 Describe an itemof clothing that someonesent to you/that was bought for you.
9.Part2 Describe aninteresting wild animal in yourcountry.
10.Part2 Describea leader who you admire/Describe afamous person (for example, in sport,business or politics)
part3What are the abilities of a good leader?
Would you like to be a leader?Would you like to be aleader?
11.Part 2 Describe aperson with goodpersonality/Describe your best friend/ Describe a person whobecame your goodfriend at the first meeting.
12.Part2 Describe a situation that you got angry.
13.Part2 Describea kind of food you first ate/Anoccasion when you ate something for the firsttime /A meal you like
14.Part 2 Describe aperson you like to staywith/Describe an old person you respect/Describe an oldperson who you like totalk to.
Part3How important is it to be patient? Do youthink that Chinese people are verypatient?
15.Part 2 Describe aphoto you like/ Describe yourfavorite photograph
16.Part 2 Describea difficult decision/an importantdecision that you have made.
18.Describe a program or app in your computer orphonethat you think is useful.
19.Part2 Describea person who has apologized to you
20.Part2 Describe an old person you respect/a familymember/a family member you spendmuch time with/you want to work with
21.Part 2 Describe ancreative person
5.2016年7月9日雅思阅读三篇文章题目是:水獭、伦敦索桥、说服力,具体题型题目反馈还在不断等待更新中……2016年6月25日雅思阅读命中文章:History of Sahara撒哈拉历史(IPN阅读预测最前面第6篇命中,IPN资料有完整文章、题目、标准答案),其他两篇内容回忆还在不断等确认更新中……2016年6月16日雅思阅读一发命中两篇文章:纹身(IPN阅读预测第一篇命中),猩猩;2016年5月28日雅思阅读命中两篇文章:1.novice journeyman &expert 新手和专家 2.鳄鱼 crocodile(全部在我们528阅读预测最重点部分) ---第3篇讲音乐的起源,提到一个学者对于音乐的研究。 2016年5月21日雅思阅读命中文章:左右撇子成因…第一篇是-找船员全体遇难原因及下落 第二篇左右撇子成因 第三篇谷物合成plastic用于包装和衣服;2016年4月2日雅思阅读命中:鸟类的智慧(澳洲亚太考区),澳洲其他两篇阅读是- tf公司的失败的例子还有别的公司怎么做的,和artist commission;4月2日雅思阅读命中:植物净水系统(中国亚太考区),其他两篇Passage1 让顾客自己买单的商店,Passage3 游戏对人非但没有坏影响反而可以促进脑…具体内容回忆还在不断等待确认更新中……震惊2月27日雅思阅读命中两篇A类文章butteflyfarms in UK和rainmaker,另外一篇是multitasking……2月13日命中阅读文章:双胞胎的基因研究。第一篇是关于slow food的理念的推广,第二篇是关于双胞胎的基因研究,第三篇是古典希腊文的教学方式探讨(澳洲亚太考区)…2015年12月12日雅思阅读命中:乐观与健康(最重点前面),农民公司,儿童行为研究;11月21日雅思命中A类阅读第三篇-英国建筑,三篇文章分别是:象形文字,英国诸岛,英国建筑 (中国、亚太考区,Edward命中),11月21日雅思阅读一发命中澳洲A类文章-龙涎香,三篇文章分别为:1.龙涎香(Edward11月21日阅读预测第一题命中!) 2.艺术品 3.社交软件(澳洲亚太考区),11月21日雅思G类阅读Section3 -双胞胎研究(澳洲、亚太考区,Edward命中);11月14日雅思考试命中阅读两篇:人类历史,鸟类利用工具(鸟类智慧-命中),潮汐发电(海洋发电-命中)……实际上雅思历次大部分阅读考试都是旧题目,都在我们预测中命中,比如2015年3月14日雅思阅读三旧:第一篇:茶叶历史,第二篇:智能体贴管理是否接还是挂电话,第三篇:厨艺和科学的结合;2015年2月14号雅思阅读两旧:古头骨容貌重现,团队合作心理;2015年 2月7日阅读两旧: 植物纯净水,撒哈拉沙漠遗骸; 2015年1月17日阅读三旧:铅笔的历史,新冰河时代,新西兰一个作家和她的书的故事…..接下来的考试肯定是二到三旧居多。我们IPN资料里面的阅读预测机经都有完整准确的答案,2012-2016年以来Edward 预测几乎每场平均中60-80%阅读文章和题目(每场考试平均1-3篇旧题),恭喜购买我们整理好的预测阅读机经的烤鸭和IPN会员,应该是受益非浅。





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快速提高1到3分:IPN雅思考试题库答案-提供2016-2017年全球各雅思考区每一场雅思真题预测所有口语,写作,听力,阅读等题目及详细原创答案范文,整理好的更新型听力和阅读预测机经等,具体请看最下面说明或者进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-32-1-1.htmlhttp://yeyibin2001.blog.163.com/blog/static/12768618520125223550129/或请加QQ504918228,QQ26346059;或公共微信号ieltstofel或个人微信:ielts2013 ,504918228咨询

作者: 雅思高分冲锋    时间: 2016-7-15 21:34
小作文:柱状图 六个国家年轻人在大学2000年和2007年中的比例变化。比较六个国家两年里的不同数据,其中有三个国家上升,一个国家下降,两个维持不变
大作文:people still value artist in the age of advanced science and technology. Why u think this is? Are arts as important as science and technology

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