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Which quality do u think is the most important quality for the teachers of high school students(aged 15-18)?
1) the ability to help the students to plan for the future;
2) the ability to find the students in trouble on class and help them to solve it;
3) the ability to learn outside of the classroom


阅读:要不要在grate lakes建wind turbines
观点2:grate lakes的水是淡水,对turbine的伤害小

观点2:水容易结冰会crack turbine

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To truly know about a county, it is necessary to learn a major language of this country?Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

To understand acountry, it is necessary to learn amajor language of that country.


阅读:学校禁止学生把art books带出图书馆。


术语解释:undercover marketing,秘密行销。


1. 导师建议学生做田野调查的笔记放在方法论部分
2. 学生问气象站怎么收集降雨数据
3. 学生提问为什么有一家气象站的降雨数据比别的站多
4. 女生问老师能不能enlarge art collection
5. 一个学艺术的学生怕自己的选题被讨论过了,教授建议他写一个艺术家
6. 学生假期做field trip记了笔记,教授建议他把细节放在methodology里
7. 学考古专业的女学生去找教授,表示考古研究需要挖掘,所以需要投资。

1. 仿生学的3个分支
2. 恐龙化石
3. China decoration在工业革命后的美国流行
4. 讲解一个艺术流派,创始人叫KB,他的画作是五颜六色的各种形状组成的。他的创作灵感来自于当老师的时候,孩子们的画作~回忆4:阅读部分

1. 法国工业革命
2. 盲肠的作用
3. 黄蜂和蜜蜂
4. 二次城市化
5. bumble bee和honey bee
6. 阑尾的作用
7. second urbanization二次城市化
8. 在树木间滑翔的动物
9. 极端降雨导致农业减产
10. 恐龙灭绝的原因
11. 因为极端降雨导致农业减产从而导致的一系列问题
12. Mid East agriculture
13. 欧洲污水处理
14. 普遍的理论是生命需要一种compound,这种compound一旦和氧气在一起,就会分解。回忆5:写作Which one is the most important for teacher of high school:
  1 The ability to help students plan for their future;
  2 The ability to find the students who need help most and help them;
  3 Teach students how to learn outside the classroom.

立场:teach students how to learn outside the classroom is the most important thing for high school teachers

1.   知识:Teach students how to learn outside the classroom,在教授的过程中,学生可以了解到有关如何自主学习的知识,并且可以在课外应用这些知识。因此,通过不断地吸收知识不断地运用所学的知识,学生们在没有老师帮助的情况下也可以自主学习,他们的独立学习的能力也得以提升。
2.   效率:Teach students how to learn outside the classroom,在老师教学生们这种方法之后,在学生以后的课外生活中如遇到问题则不需要花多余的时间去问老师,可以自己通过老师教的方法去解决,这样一来不但能够减少彼此时间的浪费,还能提升学生的效率。
3. 对比段:从知识的角度来说,一个老师有the ability to help students plan for their future或the ability to find the students who need help most and help them都无法帮助学习以他们自己的能力在课外学习到新的知识。从效率的角度来说,如果一个老师有the ability to help students plan for their future或the ability to find the students who need help most and help them,虽然学生的时间会节省,但老师需要花费的时间变多了因为要费时费力帮助他们形成一个很好的未来规划以及花时间去寻找需要帮助的人并且不断地投入帮助。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
To truly know about a county, it is necessary to learn a major language of this country?
Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.

阅读:图书馆新出政策,不允许艺术类书记带出馆。因为还回来的书都是poor condition.现在的方案是在艺术类书籍边上放桌子供学生阅读。

阅读:undercover marketing在消费者没有留意的情况下,就发生了消费

C1:教授建议学生做field trip田野调查,并且把笔记放在论文中方法论部分
C3:学生问老师能不能enlarge art collection

1. 仿生学的3个分支
2. 判断恐龙化石
3. China decoration在工业革命后的美国流行回忆8:阅读:

树上的动物(疑似The GeographicalDistribution of Gliding Animals 2015年5月24日考题)


农业起源(农业的发展是人类史上的一大进步。农业出现之前的时代称为PaleolithicAge, 出现之后的时代称为Neolithic Age, 人们从以收集和打猎为生转变为开始驯化作物和野生动物。探讨农业产生的原因:在农业出现之前,人们一般是定期迁徙,当气候变化导致原来的地方食物不丰富以后就迁徙到另外食物丰富的地方生活。其中一个原因是可能当食物丰富的时候,再加上可能死亡率较低导致人口增长较多,当气候变暖食物不多的时候人们积存了一部分食物可以维持一段时间,同时人们懒得迁徙,就种植作物和畜养动物来扩大食物供给来源。同时,此前人们已经有一些农业技巧,食物的缺少促进了这些技巧的更加频繁和广泛的使用。农业的产生不是一个sudden event, 而是一个gradual 的过程,在这段时间内,农业和hunting & gathering 同时存在,目前现在有些地方仍然处在hunting& gathering 的阶段。)

蜜蜂:讨论了如何照顾幼蜂和应对重新建巢的困难。推荐阅读TPO32-3Distributions of Tropical Bee Colonies。

03.Honeybees vs Bumblebees

接下来讲到Bumblebee如何区分rewarding和unrewarding的花束,主要通过之前蜜蜂所留下的痕迹,除此之外还有气味(scent),flower size和形状的对称性(symmetry)。

04.Urban Development in the United States in the Nineteenth Century





Vocabulary Card

steadily = continually 稳定持续地
plague = cause trouble for 招致问题
abrupt = sudden 突然的

Urban Development in the United States
in the Nineteenth Century

In discussing the growth of cities in the United States in the nineteenth century, one cannot really use the term “urban planning,” as it suggests modern concerns for spatial and service organization which, in most instances, did not exist before the planning revolution called the City Beautiful Movement that began in the 1890s. While there certainly were urban areas that were “planned” in the comprehensive contemporary sense of the word before that date, most notably Washington, D.C., these were the exception. Most “planned” in the nineteenth century was limited to areas much smaller than a city and was closely associated with developers trying to make a profit from a piece of land. Even when these small-scale plans were well designed, the developers made only those improvements that were absolutely necessary to attract the wealthy segment of the market. Indeed, it was the absence of true urban planning that allowed other factors to play such an important role in shaping the nineteenth-century American city.

Three forces particularly affected the configuration of urban and suburban areas in the nineteenth century: economics, transportation technology, and demographics. Added to these was the characteristic American preference both for independent living, usually associated with having an individual, free-standing home for one’s family, and for rural living. Economics affected urbanization in two ways. First, economic considerations influenced location decisions for business and industry, which often preempted choice sites. Second, industrial growth generated higher incomes for large segments of the population, which in turn provided more money for larger homes and commuter transportation. Related to economics (since costs to individuals always played a role) were improvements in transportation, from the first horse-drawn buses of the 1820s to electrified street railways at the end of the century. Each transport innovation extended the distance that a person could reasonably travel as a commuter or shopper, while constant system improvements and increased ridership lessened costs.

Demographic patterns also affected urbanization in two ways: first, urban populations grew steadily throughout the century due to immigration from rural areas, principally by those seeking factory work, and emigration from abroad. Therefore cities expanded as new housing had to be provided. Secondly, at the same time that new residents were surging into cities, many urbanites, particularly those of the middle classes, began to leave. While a preference for rural living explained part of this exodus, it was also due to the perception that various urban problems were becoming worse.

Many nineteenth-century urban problems were those that continue to plague cities today—crime, pollution, noise—but others were the direct result of lack of planning and regulation, such as threat of fire, poor sanitation, and shoddy building construction. Fire was a significant problem in urban areas of North America from the time of the first European settlement. Construction with combustible materials coupled with close placement of buildings and the use of open flames in heating, cooking, and lighting meant that the potential for raging fires was ever present. Lack of sanitation, and the ensuring public health problems it created, was a more constant, if less dramatic, urban issue. It was not until the 1860s that any serious, concerted effort was made to develop proper systems for water delivery and sewage removal. In spite of remarkable strides made in the 1870s and 1880s by the newly established profession of sanitary engineering, the common nineteenth-century pattern of individual unprofessionally planned and installed cesspools (underground tanks for holding household sewage) continued. This led to water contamination and the spread of disease by rodents and insects.

Problems of fire and poor sanitation were inextricably linked with the last major urban problem of the nineteenth century—lack of coordination in the physical expansion of cities and their infrastructure systems (systems for providing services such as water, gas, electricity, and sewage). Typically, development was both unplanned and unrestricted, with landowners making all choices of lot size, services, and street arrangement based only on their individual needs in the marketplace. Distortions of streets and abrupt changes in the distance of houses from the street in urban areas, which so clearly delineate where one development ended and another began, were just the most obvious problems that this lack of coordination created.

05.The Geographical Distribution of Gliding Animals
第一段:讲到东南亚很大量可以glide的动物,glide—是逃生,二是save energy,但是只有这里有大量能glide的动物,就很奇怪(文章要讨论的问题)。

第二段:第一个理论说是因为这里的树木很高,有利于gliding animal起飞,有缓冲,且风速小(细节题,问哪个不是优点),但是这种理论的flaw在于,其他树木较低的地方也有gliding animal,且很多gliding animal起跳是在trunk中部,都没有到顶端。

第三段:第二种理论说一方面,这里的forest top没有vine,换言之动物去ground的话很危险,且树木高低错落,适合glide,但是科学家说这里也有canopy之间有大量的vine,在世界的其他tropical forest中,也有不少的forest top是没有vine的。

第四段:最后一个理论,是食物的匮乏,对于吃树叶的动物来说,因为这些tropical forest大部分是由一种树叶有毒的树组成(有题,问leaf-eating animal为什么要travel),所以animal需要travel来获取食物,而glide比较省力。


Vocabulary Card
scattered=wildly separated 分散的
speculates=puts forward as a possibility 假设
tremendous=enormous 大量的
Gliding and Soaring 滑翔与高飞

Gliding is gravity-powered flight where the movement of the glider has a downward tilt. But many birds are capable of ascending without flapping their wings, and this is called soaring.Birds usually soar by finding air that is rising as fast as or faster than the gliding bird's sinking speed. For example, a turkey vulture might glide with a sinking speed of about 0.8 meters per second. If the vulture can find a place where the air is rising at 0.8 meters per second, it will be able to maintain a constant altitude. If it finds air rising faster than that, it will be able to climb.

Two common processes produce updrafts, or rising air. When heated air rises, it is called a thermal, and when wind blows up a hill or over a large obstacle, it is called ridge lift or slope lift. Thermals occur when the Sun heats some parts of the ground more than others. For example, a freshly plowed field may heat up faster than an adjacent meadow. The warm ground heats the air above it, and the air starts to rise. As the warm air rises, it is replaced by cool air from the surrounding terrain, and this new air is heated until it rises. Thermals may be continuous chimneys of rising air, or a series of discrete, doughnut-shaped bubbles (ring thermals) formed at intervals by the warmed ground.

If they could be made visible, ring thermals would look like giant, rising smoke rings. Some airplane pilots and biologists disagree about the exact form of continuous thermal chimneys. Pilots have traditionally interpreted thermals as large, tall columns of rising air, usually with a cumulus (white, fluffy) cloud marking the top of the column. In contrast, observers of animal flight find only small, localized thermal chimneys, which usually take the form of dust devils, which are small columnar thermals with intense rotation. Colin Pennycuick, a prolific researcher on bird flight, discounts thermal chimneys and recognizes only ring thermals as sources of large-scale, long-lasting updrafts. In any case, thermals can rise 2 or 3 kilometers above the ground. Also, they tend to increase in size and intensity as they rise, sometimes reaching over 1,000 meters in diameter. Thermals are usually capped by a cloud, because the upper limit of a thermal is set by the altitude where the temperature is low enough to condense water vapor in the thermal, which cools the air and forms a cloud.

As long as the upward speed of the thermal is greater than the sinking speed of a glider, the glider will ascend in the thermal. Of course, the glider will quickly fly out of the thermal if it flies in a straight line, so it must circle to stay in the rising air. (A glider should stay on the inside of the ring, because the air on the outer edge of the ring is actually rolling downward.) Imagine a vulture ascending to 1,500 meters above the ground by circling in a ring thermal. From this height, it will be able to fly out of the thermal and glide for about 30 minutes (traveling over 23 kilometers) before it runs out of altitude and needs to either start flapping, find another thermal, or land. Many soaring birds use just this pattern: climbing up in a thermal, gliding a long distance, then finding another thermal in which to soar. This type of flight is an efficient way to cover long distances at a low energy cost, making it a handy way to migrate or search for food.

Slope soaring is useful when wind blows upward along a slope. The speed of the wind's upward motion can be calculated in the same manner that the sinking speed of a glider is calculated. If the upward speed of this wind is greater than or equal to the sinking speed of a glider, the glider will be able to maintain altitude. Such ridge lift has a characteristic that is both an advantage and a disadvantage: ridge lift is usually predictably tied to a particular slope, so it is easy to find. But it is usable only in that fixed, local area.
at intervals = periodically时不时地
discrete = separate不连续的
prolific = highly productive多产的
adjacent = nearby邻近的


09.Europe Sewage Crisis


Europe’s Sewage Crisis

As Western civilization made the transition from medieval to the modern era, the systems that had been developed to provide water and remove wastes struggled to keep up with increasing population densities. A new approach was needed if cities were going to continue their rapid growth. In response to the problems caused by inadequate and polluted water supplies, each city relied on its own ideas about public health, aesthetics, and the role ofthe state in civil affairs in order to develop urban water systems that were best suited for their particular climates and geographic features. The differences in the water infrastructures developed in carious European cities have diminished over time, but they can still be seen in the practices andattitudes of modern Europeans.

These differences are best understood by exploring the development of urban water infrastructure in the two largest cities of the period—London andParis. Both cities are located on the banks of major rivers (the Thames and the Seine, respectively), and both experienced rapid population growth starting inthe sixteenth century, with populations crossing the one million mark near the beginning of the nineteenth century. When demand for water exceeded its supplyand wastes from the densely populated cities started to foul the streets and polluted the water supply, London and Paris both started building up their water infrastructures.

Although the attempt by Paris’s leaders to reuse its citizens’ wastesfor agriculture was laudable, it was ultimately impractical, because continued growth meant that there was not enough land to spread all of the waste close tothe city. Attempts to apply more sewage than the crops could handle would inevitably lead to decreased crop yields and foul odors emanating from the “sewage sick” farms. If sewage farms were to succeed, more land would beneeded.37

In the 1920s, civic leaders proposed an ambitious plan to build apipeline to take the wastes of Paris to sites in the Champagne region 140 km (87 miles) west of the city.38 The project would permanently solve the city’ssewage problem by increasing the acreage of sewage farms tenfold. Ultimately, theproject was never built, because the price of fertilizer had dropped too muchto make the recycling of nutrients attractive.39 In addition, by this time agronomistshad realized that the mixture of nutrients in human waste contained lessphosphorus than plants needed. When the lower cost of imported fertilizer andthe need to supplement sewage with phosphorus were both factored into theanalysis, sewage farms became less attractive.

By the end of the nineteenth century, Paris and London had both givenup on the prospect of reusing human waste because other sources of fertilizerwere readily available. To protect public health, sewage was being dischargeddirectly into the Seine and Thames. The water intakes had either been moved upstream or water was being imported from less contaminated sources outside ofthe cities. The water supply was safe and secure. Problem solved—unless, ofcourse, you lived downstream.

Where Life Arouse
地球上的生物可能是火星金星上通过陨石带来的早期生物。从关于火星的一个现象引出关于microbes是否会从一个星球travel到另一个星球以及在此过程中是否能够存活的研究,有一个证据是关于salt crystal之类的一个微生物,有少量可以存活来支持这个假说,但是有个缺陷是被发现存活的这个微生物十分年轻;有人认为尽管这些微生物在宇宙中的生存环境比较恶劣(射线、真空加寒冷),但是这些微生物可以进入某些休眠状态并且附在某些太空碎片里面进行漂流(drifting),因此当某块陨石坠到地球上,很可能这个里面就有这种来自其他星球的微生物。
preponderance = majority 多数
isolated = separated 隔离的
harness = utilize 利用
vicinity = neighborhood 临近,周边地

The Dawn of Life
第一段:生命的起源一直都是科学家们探索的要点。目前最早的有生命痕迹的证据在southwestern Greenland澳大利亚的岩石上被发现。这个岩石距今有3.5billion年。(句子插入题说里面发现了fossilized bats)。但是更早的在荷兰发现的岩石里面的痕迹可能是生命痕迹,也可能不是生命痕迹。荷兰的岩石是4billion years之前,但是澳大利亚的岩石中是已经完全进化好的生命痕迹,所以可以推定生命起源于3.5——4billion年前。

第二段:关于生命起源有很多理论:达尔文的观点是:生命起源于a "warm little pond, with all sorts of chemical reactions." 另一些科学家的观点是:生命起源于海洋里;还有的认为生命起源于靠近海底火山的hot vents里面;另一些人认为生命可能来自于外太空,比如火星。


第四段:为什么是火星呢?因为火星比地球小,而且大概比地球形成的时间要早。火星刚形成的时候温度比现在高,地表大气比现在要更thicker, 而且火星上有少量的水。在最初形成的时候,火星和地球上都经历了很多行星撞击,而且很多时候有些行星撞击到地球上后的喷溅物可能又回到火星上。两个星球接受到的撞击物大概是类似的。但是地球上的水比较多,撞击到海洋里会形成很大的热量,海水温度会过高杀死一些微生物。但是火星上水比较少,就避免了这种问题。所以最初的生命可能在火星上形成然后通过行星撞击的方式来到地球。

第五段:但是这些都是假说,现在也没有发现证据表明这些理论。但是火星上因为撞击比较多,现在表层都是撞击的痕迹。所以如果有生命,可能在packed surface下面的深处。
upheaval = disorder 剧变,动荡
subtly = slightly 轻微地
contemplated = thought 计划,深思
vicinity = surrounding 临近

Three Theories about Origin of Life
首先讲了J和O提出的假说。他们认为,假如早期空气里的氧气含量要小于氢气含量,那么就会有大量的甲醛和氰化氢存在,那么生命应该是在海洋中出现的。然后提到第二种可能性,由于存在一种行星际尘埃粒子(interplanetary dust particles),所以也认为,有可能生命本身来自外太空。最后提到生命可能产生于海底热泉(hydrothermal vents),因为那里有很丰富的矿物质,但也指出过高的温度不太适合产生生命。

vigorous = strong 强健的
ceaseless = incessant 不停的
excessive = extreme 过度的,极其的
postulate = propose 假设
explicit = obvious 明确的
dense = thick 稠密的
scattered = widely separated 分散的
speculate = put forward as a possibility 猜测
tremendous = enormous 巨大的


2020年7月18日托福IBT考试总体反馈-重磅来袭!2020年7月18日托福命中多篇阅读真题原题(绝大部分都是阅读旧题原题),命中口语、听力各四到五部分,命中独立和综合大作文真题原题(都是旧题),总体稍难,CPU资料阅读、写作、听力、口语等全面大中,全面开花!7月18日的托福考试,依然是几套试卷组合,这种模式会一直持续下去。今年托福考试几大特点:(1)听力、口语、写作、阅读老题重复量巨大。(3)在大部分考试中,写作听力一直是四项难度最大,并且对话难度超过讲座)(4)阅读、独立和综合写作重复老题,是我们TOEFL CPU资料里面的。7月18日托福考试大部分题目都在我们CPU资料原题命中!祝贺CPU会员将出现不少100-110分以上托福天才!本次考试听力阅读里大多是老题,仍然大量重复2014-2019年的老题,尤其是我们CPU托福资料的真题。今天口语和写作也是老题居多。ETS今年虽然在考试形式上变化很多,但其实使用的新题非常少,大都是在重复2014-2019年大陆考过的新题。这一方面说明,ETS出题成本太高(80万美金一套),所以出题量小。另一方面说明,托福考试的整体趋势还是稳定的。形式上的变化(多套试卷,阅读加试,听力非经典加试),并不能改变这个考试的内在。今天听力,口语,阅读和写作都重复老题。总体反馈请复制链接进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-249885-1-1.html和http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-249873-1-1.html和http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/forum-133-1.html特别提醒:托福考试几十多年来,有非常严格的规律性和出题思路。全世界有6到10个托福大考区,而只有一个美国托福考试中心几个人在出题,每个考区每个月要出2-4份考卷,一个月出12-24份考卷,考官如何保证达到难度一样呢,如何保证新题难度、准确度和评价机制公平呢,所以只能是几十年来托福真题题库旧题目的有效组合,新题不能超出10%。事实上每份托福真题卷子都是80%-90%以上旧题原题真题。近年来,阅读几套卷里大多是老题,ETS今年虽然在考试形式上变化很多,但其实使用的新题非常少,大都是在重复2014-2019年大陆考过的老题。这一方面说明,ETS出题成本太高(80万美金一套),所以出新题量小。另一方面说明,托福考试的整体趋势还是稳定的。形式上的变化(多套试卷,阅读加试,听力非经典加试),并不能改变这个考试的内在。除了阅读之外,听力,口语和写作都大部分是重复老题。多年托福考官和专家Edward老师非常熟悉托福出题规律和听说读写题库出题组合卷子的秘诀, CPU资料因此而诞生,可以快速帮助考生提高20-60分!具体请阅读http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-231387-1-1.html
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查看完整版本: 2020年7月25日托福听说读写真题答案回忆蹲点汇总+解析
