雅思高分冲锋 发表于 2019-5-6 17:49:48


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2019年5月11日中国大陆考区雅思A类笔试真题回忆+答案汇总回忆1:听力s1.电影俱乐部,s2resort,s3 publications,s4仿生学,小作文三个饼图,三个国家的exports的destination,大作文do you think most of world's problems due to over-population回忆2:听力s1:holbrook。22。senior (错了https://img.t.sinajs.cn/t4/appstyle/expression/ext/normal/83/2018new_kuxiao_org.png) 明明听到了 student 。 parking。history。biography。teenagers。s4: hunting fishing hair steel(阅读有)sports pain   boots tunnel energy小作文是饼状图 三个饼 大作文是多大程度上支持或者不支持很多世界问题是由人口过多所导致的回忆3:听力S3   trade publication 对 precisely那个 email 对 intermediaries 那个magazine 对 环保那个 cinema 对captive audience那个 中间还有个啥记不得了 最后一个对updateA类小作文:饼图大作文:Most of world’s problems are caused by over-population.To what extent do you agree or disagree?回忆4:阅读 第一篇讲语言的第二篇 spider silk第三篇讲关于说服力的实验(The Secrets of Persuasion)A Our mother may have told you the secret to getting what you ask for was to say please. The reality is rather more surprising. Adam Dudding talks to a psychologist who has made a life’s work from the science of persuasion. Some scientists peer at things through high-powered microscopes. Others goad ( 驱赶)rats through mazes ( 迷宫),or mix bubbling fluids in glass beakers ( 玻璃烧杯). Robert Cialdini, for his part, does curious things with towels, and believes that by doing so he is discovering important insights into how society works.B Cialdini’s towel experiments (more of them later), are part of his research into how we persuade others to say yes. He wants to know why some people have a knack ( 熟练手法)for bending the will of others, be it a telephone cold-caller talking to you about timeshares, or a parent whose children are compliant even without threats of extreme violence.C While he’s anxious not to be seen as the man who’s written the bible for snake-oil salesmen, for decades the Arizona State University social psychology professor has been creating systems for the principles and methods of persuasion, and writing bestsellers about them. Some people seem to be born with the skills; Cialdini’s claim is that by applying a little science, even those of us who aren’t should be able to get our own way more often. “All my life I’ve been an easy mark for the blandishment ( 奉承)of salespeople and fundraisers and I’d always wondered why they could get me to buy things I didn’t want and give to causes I hadn’t heard of,” says Cialdini on the phone from London, where he is plugging his latest book.D He found that laboratory experiments on the psychology of persuasion were telling only part of the story, so he began to research influence in the real world, enrolling in sales-training programmes: “I learnt how to sell automobiles from a lot, how to sell insurance from an office, how to sell encyclopedias door to door.” He concluded there were six general “principles of influence” and has, since put them to the test under slightly more scientific conditions. Mostrecently, that has meant messing about with towels. Many hotels leave a little card in each bathroom asking guests to reuse towels and thus conserve water and electricity and reduce pollution. Cialdini and his colleagues wanted to test the relative effectiveness of different words on those cards. Would guests be motivated to co-operate simply because it would help save the planet, or were other factors more compelling? To test this, the researchers changed the card’s message from an environmental one to the simple (and truthful) statement that the majority of guests at the hotel had reused their towel at least once. Guests given this message were 26% more likely to reuse their towels than those given the old message. In Cialdini’s book “Yes! 50 Secrets from the Science of Persuasion”, co-written with another social scientist and a business consultant, he explains that guests were responding to the persuasive force of “social proof”, the idea that our decisions are strongly influenced by what we believe other people like us are doing.E So much for towels. Cialdini has also learnt a lot from confectionery ( 糖果店).Yes! cites the work of New Jersey behavioural scientist David Strohmetz, who wanted to see how restaurant patrons ( 老顾客)would respond to a ridiculously small favour from their food server, in the form of an afterdinner chocolate for each diner. The secret, it seems, is in how you give the chocolate. When the chocolates arrived in a heap with the bill, tips went up a miserly 3% compared to when no chocolate was given. But when the chocolates were dropped individually in front of each diner,tips went up 14%. The scientific breakthrough, though, came when the waitress gave each diner one chocolate, headed away from the table then doubled back to give them one more each, as if such generosity( 慷慨)had only just occurred to her. Tips went up 23%. This is “reciprocity” in action: we want to return favours done to us, often without bothering to calculate the relative value of what is being received and given.F Geeling Ng, operations manager at Auckland’s Soul Bar, says she’s never heard of Kiwi waiting staff using such a cynical ( 愤世嫉俗的)trick, not least because New Zealand tipping culture is so different from that of the US: “If you did that in New Zealand, as diners were leaving they’d say ‘can we have some more?” ‘ But she certainly understands the general principle of reciprocity ( 互惠原则) . The way to a diner’s heart is “to give them something they’re not expecting in the way of service. It might be something as small as leaving a mint on their plate, or it might be remembering that last time they were in they wanted their water with no ice and no lemon. “In America it would translate into an instant tip. In New Zealand it translates into a huge smile and thank you.” And no doubt, return visits. THE FIVE PRINCIPLES OF PERSUASIONG Reciprocity: People want to give back to those who have given to them. The trick here is to get in first. That’s why charities put a crummy pen inside a mailout, and why smiling women in supermarkets hand out dollops of free food. Scarcity: ( 缺乏)People want more of things they can have less of. Advertisers ruthlessly exploit scarcity (“limit four per customer”, “sale must end soon”), and Cialdini suggests parents do too: “Kids want things that are less available, so say “this is an unusual opportunity; you can only have this for a certain time.”H Authority: We trust people who know what they’re talking about. So inform people honestly of your credentials ( 证书) before you set out to influence them. “You’d be surprised how many people fail to do that,” says Cialdini. “They feel it’s impolite to talk about their expertise.” In one study, therapists whose patients wouldn’t do their exercises were advised to display their qualification certificates prominently. They did, and experienced an immediate leap in patient compliance.I Commitment/consistency: We want to act in a way that is consistent with the commitments we have already made. Exploit this to get a higher sign-up rate when soliciting ( 征求)charitable donations. First ask workmates if they think they will sponsor you on your egg-and-spoon marathon. Later, return with the sponsorship form to those who said yes and remind them of their earlier commitment.J Liking: We say yes more often to people we like. Obvious enough, but reasons for “liking” can be weird. In one study, people were sent survey forms and asked to return them to a named researcher. When the researcher gave a fake name resembling that of the subject (eg, Cynthia Johnson is sent a survey by “Cindy Johansen”), surveys were twice as likely to be completed. We favour people who resemble us, even if the resemblance is as minor as the sound of their name.K Social proof: We decide what to do by looking around to see what others just like us are doing. Useful for parents, says Cialdini.“ Find groups of children who are behaving in a way that you would like your child to, because the child looks to the side, rather than at you.” More perniciously ( 有害的),social proof is the force underpinning ( 打基础) the competitive materialism of “keeping up with the Joneses”( 攀比)答案:27.D   28.C   29.C   30.C    31.A    32.YES    33.NOT GIVEN 34. NO    35. NOT GIVEN   36.B   37.E    38.A   39.D40.C回忆5:听力S3 各种 ads : trade -network opportunity。web- no graphic limits。magazine-lasting longer relative。movie- captived audience。第一个tv- 准确target 关众。回忆6:听力Section 1 电影俱乐部1. the name of the suburb: Holbrook2. the special program is only for the senior citizens3. student4. recommend drama type: history5. good for XXX is popular with teenagers6. the most welcomed movie is a horror7. the upper limit of the age: 228. biography9. there is a parking area in this neighborhood10. software
Section2 RESORT澳大利亚一个新建的度假村
11. Who is suitable to come to the resort?
A. Backpacker
B. Couple
C Kids not allowed. Limited budget..,then..for beloved one
C. Family
12. Which part of ** done she prefer/like most?
A. Town room   
B. Room with individual pool   
C. Private beach
13. Which facility was recently built?
A. Picnic         
B. Golf shop         
C. Horse ranch
14. What attraction does Anna prefer?
B. Rainforest
C. Waterfall
15. Why does the ** like the rainforest exploration
A. It suits for all ages (for all family members)
16. The sound of the birds are only opened
A Mondays and Tuesdays
B. Thursdays and Fridays
C. Weekends
17-18.What does the ** provide there
A.24-hour café (airport provides bus pick up, no extra fee, every 24 mins)
B. Car transfer
C. Tourist shop
D Free bus
E. Tour booking office
19-20) A Tour visiting educational aboriginal tribe, tourists can
A Learn about***history   
B watch blankets weaving
C meet the artists      
D enjoy local traditional dancing
E Learn about bush herbal treatment (an aboriginal medicine)

Questions 21-25
What are the advantages of the following types of advertising media?
Choose six letters from A-G in the box, next to questions 21-26
A no geographical limits
B precise targeting of consumers
C a captive audience
D no need for intermediaries
E up-to-date information
F networking opportunities
G relatively long-lasting
Advertising media
21 trade publications B
22 Emails D
23 General interest magazines G
24 Websites A
25 Cinemas F
26 Trade fairs G

31. Arctic (Eskimo) people copy the hunting skill of spiders
32. silk from spider which is stronger than steel.
33. finer than human hair
34. environmentally friendly equipment for fishing
35. it can be used to treat sports (athlete) injures
36. medical stitches: self-dissolving (removal) pain.
37. Problem: noise of a train can be reduced
Owl : artificial skill
38. it can help to increase friction, eg. skating boards used in Olympic
39. it can help to reduce vibration on plane and end of a tunnel
40. it can also reduce the loss of energy
回忆7: A类小作文:饼图,三个国家的商品出口的目的地
大作文 :Most of world’s problems are caused by over-population.To what extent do you agree or disagree?世界上的大多数问题都是由人口过剩产生的。对此你是同意还是不同意?
关键词: problems, over-population
1. 人口过剩会带来生态环境问题。人口过剩导致对环境和资源的需求增大,对资源和环境的过度开发造成生态破坏。
2. 很多社会问题都是由人口过剩产生的。如就业困难,交通堵塞,住房紧张,人口素质低等。
1. 世界上很多问题还可能由生态资源短缺,国家或地区发展不平衡引起的,不能都归因于人口过剩。
2. 人口过剩带来丰富的劳动力,一定程度上刺激了消费;另外,提高人口素质会变人口压力为人口优势。
回忆8:小作文:饼图,三个国家的商品出口目的国家占比。The main regions that received exports from three Latin American Countries (阿根廷 智力 墨西哥)大作文:Most of world’s problems are caused by over-population. To what exten do you agree or disagree?回忆9:阅读Passage1: 教育学的多元智能理论参考答案:1.T2.T3.NG 4.F 5.discussions6.recordings7.obervation skills8.construction materials9.emotions10.collections11.proficiency 12.failure13.individual difference
Passage2: 蜘蛛丝参考答案:14.vii15.v16.ix17.i18.iv19.vi20.B21.A22.C23.A24.bacteria25gland26.force
Passage3: 心理学的说服理论
27.C   28.A   29.B   30.B    31.C    32.H   33.A34. I    35.B   36.E    37.NOT GIVEN38.YES39.NO40.NO回忆10: 听力Section1 电影俱乐部参考答案:1. the name of the suburb: Holbrook2. the special program is only for the senior citizens3. student4. recommend drama type: history5. good for XXX is popular with teenagers6. the most welcomed movie is a horror7. the upper limit of the age: 228. biography9. there is a parking area in this neighborhood10. software
section 2 旅游参考答案:11. 这个度假的地方适合谁?B. couples12. what part of ... does she prefer?B. room with personal pool13. which facility was recently builtC. horse ranch for hose riding14. Anna prefer?B. rainforest15. why does the ... like the rainforest explorationA. it suits for all ages (family members)16. the sound of the birds are only openedB. Thursday and Fridays17-20)多选17-18. what does the ... provide thereB. free bus transferE. tour booking office19-20. A tour visiting educational aboriginal tribe, tourists canC. meet the artistsE. learn about bush herbal treatment
Section 3 关于各种媒体的研究参考答案:A no geographical limitsB precise targeting of consumersC a captive audienceD no need for intermediariesE up-to-date informationF networking opportunitiesG relatively long-lasting21 trade publications B22 Emails D23 General interest magazines G24 Websites A25 Cinemas F26 Trade fairs G27.B. kepp some funds in reserve for when business is slow28.C. it will make the assighment too long29.A. getting feedback from customers30.C. asking employees to describe the product
Section 4 Biomimicry仿生学参考答案:31. Arctic (Eskimo) people copy the hunting skill of spiders32. silk from spider which is stronger than steel.33. finer than human hairApplication34. environmentally friendly equipment for fishing35. it can be used to treat sports (athlete) injures36. medical stitches: self-dissolving (removal) pain.37. Problem: noise of a train can be reducedOwl : artificial skill38. It can help to increase friction, eg. skating boards used in Olympic39. it can help to reduce vibration on plane and end of a tunnel40. it can also reduce the loss of energy回忆11:回忆12:

2019年5月4日雅思考试总体反馈:重磅!2019年5月4日雅思命中大小作文题目!命中三部分雅思听力!命中至少两篇阅读、命中口语绝大部分真题原题! 5月4日雅思听说读写全面大中,全面开花!(不同考区时差、A类、G类考生回忆不够齐全,待补充,还在不断更新中…)祝贺IRP会员将出现不少雅思高分人才!总体反馈请复制链接进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-244297-1-1.html和http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/forum-36-1.html和http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/forum-39-1.html
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