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2019年2月16日中国大陆考区雅思A类笔试真题回忆+答案汇总回忆1:小作文表格 普通牛奶低脂牛奶 普通黄油和低脂黄油在四个年龄段消费比重大作文孩子花大量时间看电视玩电脑游戏会不会影响智力发育回忆2:大作文 children spend a lot of time watching TV and playing computer games,some people think that not help the children development of mental abilities 大概是这样回忆3:听力部分Section 1 招聘照顾母亲的助理题型:填空1-10 填空1. main responsibility: help her mother with dressing2. take her to the local clinic3. also need to assist her with medication4. in the daytime, provides her companionship5. the job starts on 4 March6. benefits: holidays7. contact person: Mrs. Howell8. Postcode: FX562RN9. required to take related certificates10. also need to give a referee
Section 2 骑马俱乐部题型:选择+地图11-17 选择题11. what is true about his horse range?C. can book individual lessons12. what do you need when becoming a member?B. equipment deposit13. M女士说了关于这个活动的什么?C. book in advance14. 刚骑马时会紧张,该怎么做?B. consult instructor15. the shop in the center is selling?B. footwear16. what is not allowed to take when training?A. mobile phone17. what special service does it offer?A. for disability18-20 地图题18. Cafe: D19. Booking office: C20. Waiting area: E
Section 3 讨论学校课程安排题型:多选+总结填空21-25 多选21-23. What are the three useful things that Bridget find about accounting?B. helpful teaching staffC. important for future jobE. small tutorial classes24-25. which two qualities of accounting course that Bridget mentionedB. challenge contentD. practical focus26-30 总结填空Frank finds the Japanese course is quite hard. the 26. lectures of the course made it time-consuming. He is trying to improve his Japanese accent. He enjoys learning 27. vocabulary, but 28. grammar and 29. writing are difficult. Teachers for Japanese course are very patient but 30. strict.
Section 4 蜜蜂视觉应用于人类的研究题型:选择+天空31-34 选择31. the amazing part is:C. small brain32. How do people distinguish one bee from anotherC. color stripes33. in the experiment, how do the scientist recognize the individual bees?B. through marks on the body34. Bees with optic flew canA. tell how far they have traveled35-40 表格填空35. current problem: sticks have not enough warning36. advantages: drivers can find instruments with the help of radar.37. urban area38. advantages: the way of flying can help us know distance and speed39. the Mars or the earth40. advantages: if there is water on Mars.回忆4:小作文:表格普通牛奶,低脂牛奶,普通黄油和低脂黄油在四个年龄段的消费比重大作文:同意与否Nowadays,children spend too much time watching TV and playing computer games. Some people believe this has negative effects on children's mental abilities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?回忆5:阅读第一篇:老鼠和鸟类栖息地研究第二篇:英国的各种居住形态说的是英国的village里面,有许许多多的不同的住宿形式,其中一种叫hamlet,大家可以查查资料,熟悉一下这个的背景知识。
第3段说人们过去住在一起因为农具不够用,那时候的村庄叫什么p开头的一个单词,由church和some isolated (farmhouses)组成,大家一起干活一起啥的..
还一起carry out(farm land不确定)of woodland,然后在水源不够的地方一起做dikes.
第4段说后来开始依靠养牛羊而不是农具和种地了,然后这又是一种农业方式叫做(XXXtoral),这种方式下人们可以依靠自己而不靠共有的农具了,人们开始住在一种叫做long house 的地方.
第5段说以前那些地就被division(not sure)给了那些人的后代.后代各自有各自的生活而不是靠以前那样一起生活.
答案有: houseleads, arable
第三篇:事例学习法Learning By ExamplesALearning theory is rooted in the work of Ivan Pavlov, the famous scientist who discovered and documented the principles governing how animals (humans included) learn in the 1900s. Two basic kinds of learning or conditioning occur, one of which is famously known as the classical condition. Classical conditioning happens when an animal learns to associate a neutral stimulus(signal) with a stimulus that has intrinsic meaning based on how closely in time the two stimuli are presented. The classic example of classical conditioning is a dog’s ability to associate the sound of a bell (something that originally has no meaning to the dog) with the presentation of food (something that has a lot of meaning for the dog) a few moments later. Dogs are able to learn the association between bell and food, and will salivate immediately after hearing the bell once this connection has been made. Years of learning research have led to the creation of a highly precise learning theory that can be used to understand and predict how and under what circumstances most any animal will learn, including human beings, and eventually help people figure out how to change their behaviors.BRole models are a popular notion for guiding child development, but in recent years very interesting research has been done on learning by example in other animals. If the subject of animal learning is taught very much in terms of classical or operant conditioning, it places too much emphasis on how we allow animals to learn and not enough on how they are equipped to learn. To teach a course of mine I have been dipping profitably into a very interesting and accessible compilation of papers on social learning in mammals, including chimps and human children, edked by Heyes and Galef.CThe research reported in one paper started with a school field trip to Israel to a pine forest where many pine cones were discovered, stripped to the central core. So the investigation started with no weighty theoretical intent, but was directed at finding out what was eating the nutritious pine seeds and how they managed to get them out of the cones. The culprit proved to be the versatile and athletic black rat (Rattus rattus)and the technique was to bite each cone scale off at its base, in sequence from base to tip following the spiral growth pattern of thecone.DUrban black rats were found to lack the skill and were unable to learn it even if housed with experiences cone strippers. However, infants of urban mothers cross fostered to stripper mothers acquired the skill, whereas infants of stripper mothers fostered by an urban mother could not. Clearly the skill had to be learned from the mother. Further elegant experiments showed that naive adults could develop the skill if they were provided with cones from which the first complete spiral of scales had been removed, rather like our new photocopier which you can word out how to use once someone has shown you how to switch it on. In case of rats, the youngsters take cones away from the mother when she is still feeding on them, allowing them to acquire the complete stripping skill.DA good example of adaptive bearing we might conclude, but let’s see the economies. This was determined by measuring oxygen uptake of a rat stripping a cone in a metabolic chamber to calculate energetic cost and comparing it with the benefit of the pine seeds measured by calorimeter. The cost proved to be less than 10% of the energetic value of the cone. An acceptable profit margin.FA paper in 1996 Animal Behavior by Bednekoff and Balda provides a different view of the adaptiveness of social learning. It concerns the seed catching behavior of Clark’s nutcracker (Nucifraga Columbiana) and the Mexican jay(Aphelocoma ultramarine). The former is a specialist, catching 30,000 or so seeds in scattered locations that it will recover over the months of winter, the Mexican jay will also cache food but is much less dependent upon this than the nutcracker. The two species also differ in their social structure, the nutcracker being rather solitary while the jay forages in social groups.GThe experiment is to discover not just whether a bird can remember where it hid a seed but also if it can remember where it saw another bird hide a seed.The design is slightly comical with a cacher bird wandering about a room with lots of holes in the floor hiding food in some of the holes, while watched by an observer bird perched in a cage. Two days later cahers and observers are tested for their discovery rate against an estimated random performance. In the role of cacher, not only nutcracker but also the less specialized jay performed above chance; more surprisingly, however, jay observers were as successful as jay cachers whereas nutcracker observers did no better than chance. It seems that, whereas the nutcracker is highly adapted at remembering where it hid its own seeds, the social living Mexican jay is more adept at remembering, and so exploiting, the caches of others.答案:
回忆6:听力S1:为85岁的妈妈找护工1. medication2. referee3. compansionship4. certificates5. dressing6. clinic7. holidays8. 4th March9. Howell10. Postcode答案和顺序可能不准确,可以在留言区讨论答案~
S2:女士对于骑马俱乐部的介绍题型:选择题+地图题11-17 选择题11. C. can book individual lessons12. B. need a deposit13. B. book in advance14. A. watch others riding15. A. phone16. B. footwear17. A. for disability18-20 地图题18. Cafe——D Left to the shop19. Booking——C Below the Parking lot20. waiting area——E right to the shop
S3:会计和日语课程学习21-23 选择题(8选3)21. B. useful teaching staff22. E. important to future career23. G. small tutorial class24-25 选择题(6选2)24. challenging content25. practical focus26-30 填空题26. lectures27. vocabulary28. grammar29. writing30. strict
S4:蜜蜂视力31-34 选择题31. C. small brain32. B. colour strips / in colour contrast33. C. signs / marks applied to their bodies34. A. tell how far they have travelled35-40 填空题35. warning36. radar37. urban38. speed39. earth40. water回忆7:回忆8:回忆9:回忆10:回忆11:回忆12: