雅思NO1 发表于 2014-9-2 09:39:12



2014年9月6日国内外雅思笔试真题回忆蹲点汇总请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-30-1-1.html或 http://yeyibin2001.blog.163.com/blog/static/12768618520147276183198/

或请加: QQ504918228,QQ26346059,QQ450784339;或公共微信号ieltstofel或个人微信:ielts2013,wxid_504918228咨询。

快速提高1到4分雅思课程---无数在国内外读语言/预科,硕士博士(需要4个7,4个8移民)的学员的心声:花8-10万,几十万甚至上百万在国外长期学英语,还不如上Edward Ye的几次课,紧跟考情、马上提分-全球性雅思网络一对一,一对二,一对三,一对多人VIP班基础、强化、考前预测冲刺押题,雅思阅读,口语,写作,听力,语法,词汇等全方位辅导和专家型授课说明请进入http://yeyibin2001.blog.163.com/blog/static/1276861852013123112157740/ ,签定保分协议书,赠送IPN资料   或请加: QQ504918228,QQ26346059,QQ450784339;或公共微信号ieltstofel或个人微信:ielts2013,wxid_504918228咨询。

欢迎搜索添加英联雅思三个不同功能的公共微信平台雅思公共微信平台1:ielts2018----最新雅思考试题库,最新每一场预测及配套完整答案范文机经,快速提高总分1到3分,国内外最新每一场雅思口语笔试蹲点题目汇总雅思公共微信平台2: ieltstofel----最新各种不同层次基础烤鸭雅思考试实用成功经验,雅思4个7,4个8高分实用复习备考经验。雅思公共微信平台3:tofelielts----最新雅思听说读写解题方法技巧和考试诀窍,最新考试信息资料




来自于Sydney Australia 雅思总分8,各项7到8.5分的经验报道http://yeyibin2001.blog.163.com/blog/static/127686185201471602525955/

悉尼学员Aaron2014年5月雅思4项7分以上经验分享http://yeyibin2001.blog.163.com/ ... 185201452425219228/

雅思最前线报道- 2014年4月5日雅思写作8分,四项7分以上的堪陪拉学员SIYU LI分享经验http://yeyibin2001.blog.163.com/blog/static/1276861852014326112347461/
雅思四个八成功之路:激励+努力,那一张9988的成绩单的故事http://yeyibin2001.blog.163.com/ ... 618520147304413794/





2014年雅思考试考情分析及2009-2012雅思历次考试总结2009-2014年,80%次雅思考试难度适中,20%次考试稍难,较难占10%次, 2014-2015年雅思不会有什么明显变化--难度,题型是不会变的,最多是根据每场具体情况增加修改点题库的题目。雅思考试每一场90%以上都是旧题目,都是题库里面题目重新组合的!每年都有人传闻哪个月会换题或者出新题,特别是1月、3月、5月9月份说要出新题,而实际上每一年考出来都是90%旧题。原因是:全世界有6大考区,而只有一个剑桥考试中心几个人在出题,每个考区一周平均要出一份考卷,一个月出24份考卷,考官如何保证达到难度一样呢,如何保证新题难度、准确度和评价机制公平呢,所以只能是20年来的题库旧题目的有效组合,新题不能超出10%。雅思考试历史20年来及2014年连续每一场雅思考试用事实再次证明了Edward Ye的预测和判断是正确的: 我们已经完全抓住雅思考试出题规律了!雅思考试有题库,新题目增加每次只有一点点。其实一整年(或者半年)每一场雅思考试试卷英国剑桥雅思考试中心都基本提前安排好了,是有一定规律性的。每一份雅思考试试题其实是大部分旧题目+个别新题目的重新组合,听力80%-90%是旧题,写作80%旧题目或者旧题目改造组合,换汤不换药,口语98%-100%旧题目,阅读70%-80%旧题目。70%次考试难度适中,20%次考试稍难,较难占10%次,2014年雅思不会有什么明显变化--难度,题型是不会变的,最多是根据每场具体情况增加修改点题库的题目。有鉴于此,Edward Ye研发了IPN资料IPN资料就是最新雅思考试题库和最新预测的符合剑桥雅思思维的地道原创答案范文,就是把口语和写作所有预测题目的答案范文、听力机经预测版本号的内容答案及阅读预测对应的阅读机经内容答案等都整理好,抓住复习重点,提高复习效率和质量。题目和答案范文是按照重点先后排列的,可以根据自己时间取舍,阅读和听力还提供出题考点替换词汇和各题型解题方法。IPN主要看和背口语“最重点”(有时间加一级重点)答案,写作范文简捷版本、听力预测机经、阅读预测机经“最重点”(“一般重点”),一般能帮助提高总分1-3分,根据每个人复习和消化程度。分为最重点,一般重点,次重点,有时间看看等…你时间越多,复习越全面,具体请进入http://yeyibin2001.blog.163.com/blog/static/12768618520125223550129/注意:剑桥1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9系列真题书,都只是考试的样卷,供学生熟悉考试的作用,而真正雅思考试是不能考里面的内容的,真正的考试题库就是我们的IPN资料!选择比努力更重要,方向比速度跟更重要雅思想考出好成绩,单单靠题海战术、空应试技巧和数次的反复报考是难有成效的,这种土办法使成绩每况愈下,越考越糟,信心全无,最后放弃。只有掌握地道雅思思维方式,利用剑桥英国人的风格和Edward Ye的IPN雅思最新题库+真题预测来进行学习和脚踏实地复习,并挖掘右半脑潜能,用激情学习,热爱雅思,欣赏语言,才能一举多得,在短期时间内起到事半功倍的理想成绩。一直以来,Edward Ye全球网络一对一学员们和IPN会员们成绩公布后来报喜说得最高频的一句话是:老师,我考过了,省了好几万元了!这是无数在国内外读语言/预科,硕士博士(需要4个7,4个8移民)的学员的心声:花8-10万,几十万甚至上百万在国外学英语,还不如上Edward Ye的几次课请进入http://yeyibin2001.blog.163.com/blog/static/1276861852013123112157740/
2014年9月6日雅思考试Edward ye预测IPN资料再次连续A类G类大小作文,听力,口语,阅读等全面大中! http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-19-1-1.html我们已经完全抓住雅思考试出题规律了!最新提醒1: 2014年以来小作文地图题和流程图的频率增加了,大作文考旧题目的周期变短了,烤鸭们备考要注意!(2014年7月19日,7月10日,5月10日,3月8日,1月11日考了流程图,8月16日,6月21日,5月17日,3月1日考了地图)最新提醒2:2014年以来的雅思旧题更多,考官越来越懒,听力旧题目经常连着考同一个号的S1,S2,S3,S4,不断出现四旧,三旧的局面(比如4月24日听力四个部分全部都是四旧,4月5日,2月13日,2月15日,1月25日,1月11日都是同一个号的S1,S2,S3,S4,全部四旧,都在IPN资料里面)
1.2014年9月6日雅思考试Edward Ye再次独家在最重点最前面完全预测中所有听力旧题S4=V120209S4, 其他旧题版本号还在确认中.......,IPN资料里面的听力机经都有完整准确的答案,历年来叶毅斌预测听力几乎每场平均中2-4个旧题目(每场考试平均2-4个旧题),恭喜购买我们整理好的预测听力机经的烤鸭和IPN会员,应该是受益非浅,不同凡响。
2.2014年9月6日再次在最重点IPN课堂预测命中A类大作文一模一样题目和素材-大城市年轻人问题The major cities in the world are growing fast, as well as their problems. what are the problems that young people living in cities are facing with? Give solutions to these problems.在Edward ye大作文A类预测IPN资料第7,13,20,30题有多篇范文素材可以完全使用,课堂也讲得很透彻;再次在最重点预测到课堂中讲练过A类小作文题目-柱表综合图,四个国家ABCD在四个十年收到的aid数量的变化及总数量的比较。这是全球雅思网络一对一课堂多次透彻讲练过的题目和素材,IPN会员A类小作文资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的写法和地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,恭喜全球网络一对一学员,IPN会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得很不错。

3.2014年9月6日雅思考试再次独家在最重点预测中G类大作文题目和素材-年轻人受朋友影响Some people say that young people are more influenced by their friends than parents or teachers. Agree or disagree? 这是IPN全球雅思网络一对一课堂直接讲练过的大作文题目和素材,在IPN大作文G类预测IPN资料有多篇范文素材可以完全使用,课堂也讲得很透彻。再次在最重点预测到课堂中讲练过G类小作文书信-公司送你去开会,你学到有用的东西,你要做一个presentation写信给你的manager。 IPN会员G类小作文资料有多篇详细剑桥雅思风格的地道范文,素材和论据可以完全使用,恭喜全球网络一对一学员,IPN会员和看我们预测的考生们,应该发挥得很不错。
4.2014年9月3日4日5日6日7日雅思考试Edward Ye再次在最重点连续预测中所有已经考完的口语话题,IPN资料里面都有详细答案或者可以互相套同的答案,出现了部分新题目已经更新到IPN资料: Describe a singer or band you like/sth you did which is a waste of time/a good habit from a friend you want to learn/Describe a neighbour you helped/describe an old object/an advertisement/an interesting job/a park/an interesting animal/a movie you dislike/a law you like /Describe a friend you haven't contacted for a long time/aapark/a magazine/a foreign language you want to learn/an important city you visited/Describe something you bought but seldom use/....等等,具体请看2014年9月10月11月12月至2015年1月2月3月口语新题库、预测和配套答案http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-34-1-1.html
5.2014年9月6日雅思考试阅读题目是:人類研究,bio-mimetic, Moscow circus, 模仿生物技術改革科技,降低能源消耗與再利用.......还在确认更新中.....实际上2014年雅思大部分阅读考试都是旧题目,全部在Edward Ye最重点预测中阅读预测机经中,接下来的考试肯定是二到三旧居多。我们IPN资料里面的阅读预测机经都有完整准确的答案,2012-2014年以来Edward ye预测几乎每场平均中60-80%阅读文章和题目(每场考试平均1-3篇旧题),恭喜购买我们整理好的预测阅读机经的烤鸭和IPN会员,应该是受益非浅.

2014年9月3日、4日、5日、6日、7日国内外雅思口语真题回忆蹲点汇总回忆1:首经贸RM01,趴1,工作还是学生,为什么选这个学校,在学校第一天怎么样,喜欢拍照吗,用手机还是相机拍,哪个更好,会不会自学摄影。趴2,一个想旅游的国家。趴3,为什么要出国玩,海外游和国内游有什么区别,海外游是不是为了购物,如何了解当地文化回忆2:首经贸rm6 老师真心逆天了,part1名字,学生和专业,hometown的变化part2是food,写你邀请朋友吃饭的经历回忆3:兰州西北师大RM04 P1 住在公寓还是别墅,介绍它; 介绍其中一间最喜欢的房子;你喜欢做家务吗?你觉得机器比人做家务好吗?小时候家长让你做家务吗?中国公共假期有什么,是否应增加? P2 一次旅行 P3 长途旅行(飞机or火车 独自or与人 可能遇到什么困难 出国旅游注意什么回忆4:厦大RM601,优雅的白人老太太
回忆5:首经贸9.4er,下午3:25,RM11,趴one自我介绍,在哪里住,住的地方咋样,住的地方的人。。趴two介绍一个名人。趴three名人为什么出名,怎么保持名气,出名有什么不好的影响,名人对孩子们有什么影响。。回忆6:电科 RM06 P1 name hometown dormitory color P2 describe a historical place which interests you P3 history重要吗. fiim distort history. 我们参观museum 吗. public museum收费吗. 制作电影的人有没有responsibility to ensure没有扭曲历,隔壁的考到了sth wasted too much time回忆7:首都经贸大学Room04 Part1 名字 城市,爱好,别的忘了 Part2你从朋友或者家人借的一样东西 Part3 各种我借给别人,别人借给我,对于朋友借钱的看法之类回忆8:上海财大307 趴1your home ,map Part2 indoor game Part 3 children game 回忆9:
首经贸r24part1ads,name,政府是不是应该大力支持,名人对孩子的影响,part2 关于similar people有点难
兰州RM01 P1家务 P2描述一个健康活动 what why when P3小学健康教育,健康政策,健康资讯如何传播,政府应该怎样提升公共健康意识。回忆11:
Describe a person who has a good/an important job
you should say
Who the person is
What do you usually do with the person
Why the person is important to you
And explain how you respect the person.
A beautiful or handsome person
you should say
who the person is
what he or she looks like
when you first met him or her
what is his or her personality
P3 do you think people’s appearance matters?
Why do you think it is important?
Is it important for salesperson to be beautiful or handsome?
there are some skinny models in some magazines.
do you think it’s good for young people to read?
do you think it’s good for people to care too much about their appearance?
describe a older person you respect and is important to you
Who the person is
What do you usually do with the person
Why the person is important to you
And explain how you respect the person.
P3is there any other person thinking that he is fun?
do you think grandparents are important to children?
what do you think old people can learn from younger generation?
what do you think of the fact that parents working far away, leaving children with their grandparents?
A sport star
You should say
Who the person is
How you know about this person
What sort of life they had before they became famous
How this person became famous
And explain why this person is important to your country
P3 what do famous people have in common?
What characteristics do famous people have?
How do people become famous?
Do people like to imitate famous people?
Do you think people are famous as a result of some real talent or are they famous for some other reasons?
What are the good points and bad points of being famous?
Do you think it’s good for children to become famous child film star?
Do you think famous people have much influence on young people?
Describe a (popular) public event that you went to
You should say
what it is
Why the event is held
When it happens
And what is involved in the activity
a project or homework you did
Something that is a waste of time to do.
You should say
what it is
Why it is
When it happens
And what you do with it
P3 how should people arrange time?
An experience you left hom
You should say when you left home
What place you went
Why you had to leave home
What you felt
P3 what difficulties will children face when they left home?
How to people adapt to changes?
What are the reason for people to leave home?
How to keep in touch with friends far away?
Describe one of your friends’ success which makes you proud of him.
You should say:
Who he/she is?
What’s that success?
Why is it important to him?
Why are you proud of him?
P3 what quality should people have to become successful?
What do you think about success? Why?
How do people feel success in school? Why?
How will students be rewarded if they do well at school?
Why do you think they are rewarded? Why?
Do you think science is more important or do you think sports is more important at school? Why?
How do you think people will succeed in their work?Why?
Do you think it’s easier to maintain friendship nowadays?
How do you maintain friendship?
Is easy to keep in touch with friends nowadays?
What are the difficulties in maintaining friendship between countries?
What is the influence of leaders being friends on countries?
an occasion when you wait for someone
you should say
who the person is
where you wait
when you wait
and why you wait for him or her
P3 what is the difference between waiting for a friend and waiting for waitress?
describe a thing that you did with a group of people
you should say
what it was
when it happened
where it happened
and explain what you learned from it
a thing you bought during a trip
you should say
what it is
where you bought it
why you bought it
p3 what are the drawbacks of taking photos when travel?
describe one thing it’s waste of time
you should say
what it is
why you think it’s wasting time
P3describe something people waste of their time.
The ways you think can let people do not waste time.
do you think people will follow their schedule
do you think have meal is important for celebration
homemade gift to your friend
you should say
what it is
how you made it
why you made it
and what your friend think of it
p3 is it time-consuming to make a gift?
what is the difference between homemade gifts and gifts bought from a store?
Are girls better at making gifts than boys?
describe a meal you invited others to your home or restaurant
An important job in your country
You should say what it is
What tasks it involves
What you can get from it
And why it is important
P3 what kind of person can have a job like that?
At what age do people start to work full time?
What is the job market like? Does it vary in different places?
Is it difficult to find a job in your country?
Should people look for job they like? Why?
What is the working environment like in your country?
Do people in your country change jobs frequently? Why or why not?
An activity about health
You should say what it is
Why the activity is held
When it happens
And what is involved in the activity
P3 what should be taught in primary school about health?
What is the health policy in your country?
How should health information be spread?
What should government do to raise public awareness?
a time you caught in a traffic jam
you should say when it was
where it was
what you feel or do during the time
why there is a traffic jam
P3 what can government do to solve the problem?
what environmental problem can it cause?
Describe a TV or a radio program that you like to talk about with your parents or friends/that you want to take part in
You should say:
What type of program it is
When you watch it
How often you watch it
What the contents of the program are
And explain what you learn from this program/why you like the program
P3what do people prefer, radio or TV program?
Do you think these programs help people acquire knowledge?
what types of TV programs are popular in your country?
What types of programs are most popular with young people?
Do you think young and old people all like to watch the same types of TV programs?
What effects can television have on children?
Some parents don’t let their children watch TV at all. Do you think that is good?
What types of TV programs do you like to watch?
Do the elderly like to watch the same programs that young people like to watch?
Describe a place you have been to that had a lot of noise
An historical/interesting place/building in your country
You should say
Where it is
What people do there
Why you went there
And explain how you felt about this place
P3 what are the changes in decoration in people’s house nowadays?
Are the changes good or bad?
Will people’s need of house change in the future?
Will people need less space when old?
What do you think the future house will be like?

北京教育考试中心 room1 p2 interesting animal

北京教育考试中心 R10 白人男性大概30岁? P1 现在工作还是学生,什么学校,为什么读这个/上一次坐车travel,自己开车吗,觉得所有人都要驾照吗,城市的交通状况怎么样,为什么/喜欢去park嘛,上一次去park,觉得是设施重要还是开放的环境重要,怎么improve   回忆15:

北京教育考试中心,趴一 家乡,趴二 工作, 描述一个你周围有份有意思的工作的人。 趴三, 交通拥挤,出行,是否经常做车。


天外 p1 nature color p2 interesting conversation。with who when &where why p3 conversation differences between male and female why sb. nervous when have presatation in college or work

part1。house apartment?part2 描述你遇见的认为漂亮的人。part3考官一直给我暗示要说中国最漂亮的女人。first lady。
西安交大rm2. Part1, name, study, gift....part2, describe a city u once visit. Part3, big city problem, air pollution...
电子科技大学,rom6 1.住哪里,适合居住吗,公园去不去,娱乐方式, 2.帮助邻居怎么帮助何时帮助,感觉如何 3.和帮助邻居有关的话题,大城市里邻居互相不认识的现象,帮助邻居有哪几种方式,你认为哪种好些,有些人不喜欢接收他人帮助
电子科技大学,rom6 1.住哪里,适合居住吗,公园去不去,娱乐方式, 2.帮助邻居,怎么帮助,何时帮助,感觉如何 3.和帮助邻居有关的话题,大城市里邻居互相不认识的现象,帮助邻居有哪几种方式,你认为哪种好些,有些人不喜欢接收他人帮助,为什么
郑州轻工业room5..P1flat or house season friends sports. P2 你最喜欢跟朋友介绍的电视节目或radio. P3 什么电视节目在中国最火 你喜欢电视节目还是radio
西交大Rm14.p1hometown map preference on paper or digital ,问过路没P2假日带回家的特殊东西P3记念品种类,是不是赚钱的方法,照相,相机
天津外国语 RM4 白人老头 一直在笑 语速有点快 趴1 home flat apartment 最后还有个小问题没听懂 他重复了 我问了一句他摇了摇头就过去了 对了他还问我鞋 趴2 radio tv programme 趴3 大多数人喜欢哪种方式 最喜欢看什么

郑州 RM01白人中年妇女胖胖哒~题简单趴1 Talk about your house.Whats your favourite part?Why?趴2 Describe sth you did which was a waste of time.When?Where?Why?趴3 How to manage time
郑州 room11 p1:学生还是工作,喜欢住乡村吗,校园在山上还是城市,喜欢接近大自然吗,p2有趣的谈话,p3男人女人讨论话题有什么不同为什么,会有什么问题产生分歧,打电话好还是方面交流好
天津外国语大学 R4 白人老头

郑州轻工业room5..P1flat or house season friends sports. P2 你最喜欢跟朋友介绍的电视节目或radio. P3 什么电视节目在中国最火 你喜欢电视节目还是radio


西交大room19,白人较严肃语速快声音小。P1name,house or flat,hometown.p2do something with a group,P3小男孩和小女孩玩耍好吗?父母在你成长中的作用,团队工作是否需要个领导。


西安 part1生活方式,garden,relax等。part2 a school friend you like. part3 各种交朋友的方式,老的少的,远的近的,怎么联系怎么见面,朋友的作用

首经贸R7,中年男考官,人特别好,爱笑。 P1,喜欢的颜色,为什么喜欢。 P2,a person you wanted to be similar to。 P3,明星对于青少年的影响,会不会给明星带来太多压力,商家使用明星做广告的效果

回忆46: 福州口语蹲点
Describe a good law in your country.
Describe a piece of broken electronic equipment . / an equipment with a problem
Describe a school you attended.

Describe an important job in your country
Describe a public activity that keeps you healthy
Describe a meal you treated other people / a time you invited someone to have dinner at home or in a restaurant

Describe an interesting conversation you had with others

Describe a person you know who is beautiful or handsome.
Describe a long journey you had / an experience that you were far away from home.
Describe an important job in your country
Describe an historical/ interesting place/ building in your country
Describe an interesting conversation you had with others
Describe an historical/ interesting place/ building in your country

Describe a long journey you had / an experience that you were far away from home.
Describe a foreign film that you like.
Describe one of your friends’ success which makes you proud of him
Describe a family celebration you have attended ( wedding ).
Describe a person who has an interesting job.

Describe a good habit from your friend that you want to develop
Describe a Journey/ a place you want to visit again
Describe an historical/ interesting place/ building in your country
Describe a famous sports star you like
Describe a situation you experienced long time traffic jam

Describe a foreign celebrity.
Describe a family celebration you have attended ( wedding ).
Describe the first cellphone you had used.
Describe a person who has an interesting job.
Describe the first foreign country you want to go. ( an interesting country )

Describe the first cellphone you had used.
Describe an important job in your country
Describe a good habit from your friend that you want to develop
Describe an historical/ interesting place/ building in your country
Describe something you enjoy reading./ a book you enjoyed reading
Describe another language that you would like to learn( except English )
Describe a place ( that you visited ) far away from your home.

Describe an historical/ interesting place/ building in your country
Describe a thing / project you did with a group of people

Part 1
Food/ school/ colour/ cooking/ advertisement/ friend/ party/ birthday/ room/ house/
shopping/ season/ map/ nature/ countryside/ national holiday/ friends/ museum


雅思烤雅 发表于 2014-9-2 10:45:42


雅思烤雅 发表于 2014-9-2 10:46:14

兰州西北师大RM04 P1 住在公寓还是别墅,介绍它; 介绍其中一间最喜欢的房子;你喜欢做家务吗?你觉得机器比人做家务好吗?小时候家长让你做家务吗?中国公共假期有什么,是否应增加? P2 一次旅行 P3 长途旅行(飞机or火车 独自or与人 可能遇到什么困难 出国旅游注意什么)

雅思烤雅 发表于 2014-9-2 10:46:40


雅思烤雅 发表于 2014-9-2 10:46:58

电科 RM06 P1 name hometown dormitory color P2 describe a historical place which interests you P3 history重要吗. fiim distort history. 我们参观museum 吗. public museum收费吗. 制作电影的人有没有responsibility to ensure没有扭曲历史 隔壁的考到了sth wasted too

雅思烤雅 发表于 2014-9-2 10:47:14

首都经贸大学Room04 Part1 名字 城市,爱好,别的忘了 Part2你从朋友或者家人借的一样东西 Part3 各种我借给别人,别人借给我,对于朋友借钱的看法之类

tofel2018 发表于 2014-9-4 16:39:07

西交大room19,白人较严肃语速快声音小。P1name,house or flat,hometown.p2do something with a group,P3小男孩和小女孩玩耍好吗?父母在你成长中的作用,团队工作是否需要个领导

tofel2018 发表于 2014-9-4 16:39:30

杭州room305女考官会眼神交流会笑 趴1home natural place露营,广告(有在网上或电视上看到 电视没有广告好不好 有因为广告买产品么)趴2 有趣的对话 趴3 有告诉过别人这个对话 面对面和电话不同 男和女会喜欢谈什么 为什么会不同会难以理解对方

tofel2018 发表于 2014-9-4 16:40:07

赛格VIP5 趴一:住apartment还是house 喜欢哪个房间 看哪个电视节目 喜欢手写还是打字 趴二:等人 趴三:现在的人是不是没以前的人有耐心、、 你喜欢不喜欢等别人

tofel2018 发表于 2014-9-4 16:41:21

西安交大RM20 白人男考官 会交流 会笑 比较和善 啪1乘车出行 为什么 你家乡有什么交通工具 出租车 你最近一次坐出租车 啪2手机 手机给你的生活带来了怎样的变化 啪3为什么喜欢用短信 手机对于什么人比较流行
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