雅思烤雅 发表于 2014-9-5 15:22:47

西交 why do you choose this university? first day in the university part2 a time you stay away from home part 3 differences between home and friend's home ; is it necessary to help them do some housework or something like that.

雅思烤雅 发表于 2014-9-5 15:23:18

西交大 RM18 11:05 考官白人男 略快, part1是学生吗,家乡,学习的地方 part2外国电影 ,自我感觉不错,不过不知道中途打断是什么意思,part31.看英文电影容易吗

雅思烤雅 发表于 2014-9-5 15:24:01

贵大07rm,一个深灰色点状体恤的年轻老外,很帅很和蔼,不怎么打断,p1问你最喜欢的颜色,你的flat,p2问interesting thing you do with a group of people,p3问你觉得单独完成任务好还是集体完成好一类的问题

雅思烤雅 发表于 2014-9-5 15:24:33


雅思4个9~ 发表于 2014-9-6 11:42:39


P1 study or workwhy do you choose your Uni? Is birthday important? How do people in your country celebrate it?

P2 describe a school friend

P3 do you think friend is important? why? is it better to have several best friends or a group of friends? where you can meet friends?


P1 work or study   clothesnoise

P2 describe a city you like

P3 why do people like to travel? what transportation do you like?

雅思4个9~ 发表于 2014-9-6 12:49:51


P1 advertisement

P2 what prize you would like to win

P3:how to reward employees? in china, how teachers reward their students?if parents push their children to win a prize , do you think it is good for children?


p 1 除了基本的 问了关于nature的问题teacher问题 怎么认为   有喜欢的老师吗 为什么 p2 historical place you interest. P3 知道其他 historical place? 学生去这些地方有用吗? 是否应该收费
口语part2问的beautiful or handsome friend朋友 选择多朋友还是少而精 part3讨论了美的特征都有哪些 最后探讨城市美和自然美

雅思4个9~ 发表于 2014-9-6 16:00:36

哈尔滨工大 room7。白人女老师 特别和蔼特别好。趴one 问家乡 公园。趴two问你喜欢看的magzine类型。趴three 问生活的地方和家乡的杂志不同 还有杂志和报纸的不同。

雅思4个9~ 发表于 2014-9-6 16:01:30

海大p2 分别考到了handsome/beutiful.的人, 废品回收,纪念品,帮助邻居,等待,第二外语,交通,法律,app,magazin

雅思4个9~ 发表于 2014-9-6 17:31:20

厦大考场202 白人帅哥,part1学生or工作,专业,最喜欢季节,老师相关问题。part2 描述一个APP。 part3 一堆关于现代技术的问题

雅思4个9~ 发表于 2014-9-6 17:33:11

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