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[国内外] 雅思全球各考区口语真题蹲点回忆汇总2024年5月6日、7日、8日









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发表于 2024-5-8 09:25:13 | 只看该作者 |只看大图 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式

2024年5月11日中国大陆雅思A类G类纸质真题回忆+答案汇总(听说读写答案+机经整理汇总)请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-264388-1-1.html或请加微信504918228, ieltstofel3,ieltstoefl2023,或QQ504918228,QQ26346059,也可以关注公共微信号ieltstoefl6688,ieltstofel或ieltsglobal
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非洲雅思A类G类、雅思UKVI真题预测答案(机考+纸质)2024年5月6月7月8月南非雅思、尼日利亚、毛里求斯雅思、坦桑尼亚雅思、安哥拉雅思、马达加斯加雅思、刚果雅思、加纳雅思、赞比亚雅思、苏丹雅思、埃及雅思、津巴布韦雅思、埃塞俄比亚雅思、肯尼亚雅思等非洲雅思考区A类G类、UKVI真题预测听力、口语、阅读、写作答案范文机经(机考+纸质)Ielts in Africa【剑桥雅思考官雅思真题预测IRP快速提高1-3分,一次性攻破雅思VIP资料】每场必中大部分考试内容,剑桥雅思考官发布Ielts Africa请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-254327-1-1.html

中东雅思考区A类G类、雅思UKVI真题预测答案范文机经2024年5月6月7月8月迪拜、巴林、阿联酋、伊朗、埃及、沙特阿拉伯、土耳其、伊朗科威特伊拉克阿曼卡塔尔以色列巴勒斯坦等中东国家地区(机考+纸质)雅思真题预测机经答案雅思真题预测A类G类UKVI答案范文机经冲刺版【快速提高1-3分,IRP小范围精准版,超高命中率】Ielts in Middle East----紧跟考情每周更新请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-254326-1-1.html


雅思口语PART 2 -PART 3 新增话题
Describe a person who encouraged and helpedyou to achieve a goal
You should say:
who this person is
what this person encouraged you to do
how this person helped you
And explain why this encouragement helpedyou to achieve your goal

1.What will encourage children to learnmore?
2.Who do you think has a greater influenceon the goal setting of children?
3.Teachers or parents?
4.Do parents and teachers punish childrenphysically nowadays?
5. Why is it important for teenagers to setgoals?
6. Do you think children are morelikely to achieve their goals if they are encouraged?
7. What should parents do if theirchildren don’t want to study?
8. Who do you think should set goalsfor children?
9. Who plays a more important role inchildren’s education, parents or teachers?
10. Is money the only motivation forpeople to work hard?
11. Which is more important,competition or cooperation?

Describe a famous person who can set anexample for young people
You should say:
Who this person is,
How you knew him/her,
Why he/she is famous,
and explain why he/she is an example foryoung people.

What kinds of people are likely to be therole models for teenagers?
Is it important for children to have a rolemodel?
Are there any differences between today’sfamous people and those of the past?
What qualities do famous people have?
What kinds of people are likely to becomefamous?
Do people tend to choose the best people astheir role model?

Describe a person who likes to buy goodswith low prices
You should say:
Who this person is
What this person likes to buy
Where this person likes to buy things
And explain why this person likes cheapgoods

What's the differences between shopping inthe shopping mall and in the street market?
Which one is more common in China, shoppingmalls or street markets?
ls advertising important?
What are the disadvantages of shopping in astreet market?
How do you buy cheap products?
Do you think things are more expensive inbig shopping malls?

Describe a person you know who is talented
You should say:
Who this person is
How and where you knew this person
Why you think he/she is talented
And explain how you found out that he/sheis talented

How do you think schools should helpchildren develop their talents?
What do you think of talented people andAI?
Have you ever had any experience withthings related to AI?
Do you think AI will replace human beings?

Describe a person who thinks music isimportant and enjoys music
You should say:
Who this person is
How you knew him/her
What music he/she likes
Why he/she thinks music is important
And explain how you feel about him/he

What do you think about playing music forchildren in class?
Why do many teachers incorporate music intothe classroom
Do you think there are any advantages to ashop with music playing?
Would people’s shopping behaviour beaffected in a shop with music?
What do you think would be the effect ofbackground music in a film?
Do you think very few people noticebackground music?
Why are musical movies so popular?

Describe a person you met at a party whoyou enjoyed talking with
You should say:
What party it was
Who this person is
What you talked about
And explain why you enjoyed talking withhim/her

In what situations would people be willingto get to know new people?
Where do people go to meet new people?
How do people start a conversation?
Is it difficult for Chinese people tocommunicate with people from other countries?
Why are some people unwilling to haveconversations with others?
Is it difficult for adults to talk withchildren?

Describe a film character played by anactor or actress whom you admire
You should say:
Who this actor/actress is
When you saw the film
What the character was like in this film
And explain why you admire thisactor/actress

Are actors or actresses very interested intheir work? Why?
Is being a professional actor or actress agood career?
What can children learn from acting?
Why do children like special costumes?
What are the differences between actors oractresses who earn much and those who
earn little?
What are the differences between acting ina theatre and that in a film?

Describe a person who you are happy to know
You should say:
Who this person is
How you know this person
What he or she is like
And explain why you are happy to knowhim/her

How can children feel happy?
What’s the difference between adults’ andchildren’s happiness?
Do you think everyone shares a similardefinition of happiness?
Some people say that living in a happy cityis boring.
What do you think?

Describe an interesting old person you havemet
You should say:
Who this person is
When/where you met this person
What you did with this person
And explain why you think this person isinteresting

Do you think old people and young peoplecan share interests?
What can old people teach young people?
Is it easy for young people and old peopleto make friends with each other?
Are there benefits when one person isinterested in another person? Why?
Do you think people are more selfish orself-centered now than in the past?
What benefits can people get if they areself-centered?

Describe a person you really enjoy studying/workingwith
You should say:
Who this person is
When you often study/work together
What you study/work together
And explain why you enjoy studying/workingwith him/her

Should children be encouraged to learn fromtheir peers?
What difficulties or problems wouldintroverted people face in work or study?
How can a person be a good co-worker?
What makes a good employee?
How can people improve their collaborationskills?
Do you think it is more important for anemployee to keep good relationships with colle agues than just focus on thework?

Describe a child that you know
You should say:
Who this child is
How often you see this child
What this child is like
And explain how you feel about this child

In your country, who takes more care ofchildren? Parents or grandparents?
What do you think about old people takingcare of children?
Describe your favorite place in your housewhere you can relax
You should say.
Where it is
What it is like
What you enjoy doing there
And explain why you feel relaxed at thisplace

1. Why is it difficult for some peopleto relax?
2. What are the benefits of doing exercise?
3. Do people in your country exercise afterwork?
4. What is the place where people spendmost of their time in their home?
5. Do you think there should be classes fortraining young people and children how to relax?
6. Which is more important, mental relaxationor physical relaxation?

Describe another city you would like tostay for a short time
You should say:
Where the city is
Why you want to go there
Whom you will go there with
What you will do there
And explain why you will stay there justfor a short time

1. Why is the noise pollution worse intourism cities than in other cities?
2. Do most people like plannedtravelling?
3. Do you think tourists may comeacross bad things in other cities?
4. Why do places with historical sitesdevelop tourism industry more actively?
5. Why are historical cities popular?
6. Why do people sometimes go to othercities or other countries to travel?

Describe a city you would recommend as anice place to live (not your hometown)
You should say.
Where it is
What you know about this place
And explain why you recommend it as a niceplace to live

What kinds of places do older people preferto live in?
What are the advantages of living close tothe workplace?
Why do many people move to the city?
Where do people like to live in yourcountry?
What are the differences between cities andtowns?
What has happened to towns and villages inrecent years in your country?
What are the differences between big citiesand small ones?
What factors will contribute to whether aplace is good to live in or not?
What are the major changes that havehappened in your city?
How different is life in the countryside tolife in the city?

Describe a place you visited where the airwas polluted
You should say:
Where the place is
When you visited it
Why the air was not good
And explain how you felt about the place

Is there more pollution now than in thepast?
Do you think the city is cleaner or dirtierthan the countryside? Why?
What can factories and power plants do toreduce pollutants?
Do you think the wind has any effect onpollution? How?
In what ways can air pollution be reducedeffectively?
Do you think many companies have beenforced to reduce pollutants?

Describe a historical building you havebeen to
You should say:
Where it is
What it looks like
What it is used for now
what you learned there
And how you felt about this historicalbuilding

Why do people visit historical buildings?
Do Chinese people like to visit historicalbuildings?
Do most people agree to the government’sfunding to protect historical buildings?
Is it necessary to protect historicalbuildings?

Describe an indoor or outdoor place whereit is easy for you to study
You should say:
Where it is
What it is like
When you go there
What you study there
And explain why you would like to study inthis place

Do you like to learn on your own or withothers?
What’s the difference between learningface-to-face with teachers and learning by
Do you prefer to study at home or study inother places?
What are the benefits of gaining workexperience while studying?
Do most people like to study in a noisy place?
What are the advantages and disadvantagesof studying with other people?

Describe a place you have been to wherethings are expensive
You should say:
Where the place is
What the place is like
Why you went there
What you bought there
And explain why you think things areexpensive there

Why do some people still use cash?
Will the payment be paperless in thefuture?
What do you think of the view that time isas important as money?
Is it more important to choose a job with ahigh salary or with more time off?
How important is it to have a variety ofpayment option?
Why are things more expensive in someplaces than in others?

Describe an interesting place you have beento with a friend
You should say:
What and where the place is
Who you went with
When you went there
What you did there
And explain why you think it is interesting

Why do people need friends?
How do you communicate with friends?
Why don’t some people like to socialise?
Can talking with people improve socialskills?
Does technology help people communicatebetter with others?
Do you prefer to go out with a group offriends or just with a few close friends?

Describe a tourist attraction that very fewpeople visit but you think is interesting
You should say:
What the place is
What people can see there
Why only very few people visit there
And explain why you think it is interesting

Why do people visit tourist attractions?
What makes a tourist attraction famous?
Do local people like to visit local touristattractions?
Do you think tourism causes environmentaldamage?
How can people prevent the environmentaldamage caused by tourism?
Should all tourist attractions be free tothe public?

Describe a place where you have takenphotos more than once
You should say:
Where the place is
When you took the photos
What special features the photos takenthere have
And explain why you have been there morethan once to take photos

Do you like to take photos?
Where do people often like to take photos?
Who would like to take photos more often,young people or older people?
Would you pay a lot of money to hire a photographer?
Do you think being a photographer is a goodjob?
On what occasions do people need formalphotos?

Describe a noisy place you have been to
You should say:
Where it is
When you went there
What you did there
And explain why you feel it’s a noisy place

Do you think it is good for children tomake noise?
Should children not be allowed to makenoise under any circumstances?
What kinds of noises are there in our life?
Which area is exposed to noise more, thecity or the countryside?
How would people usually respond to noisesin your country?
How can people consider others' feelingswhen chatting in public?

Describe a natural place (e.g. parks,mountains)
You should say:
Where this place is
How you knew this place
What it is like
And explain why you like to visit it

What kind of people like to visit naturalplaces?
What are the differences between a naturalplace and a city?
Do you think that going to the park is theonly way to get close to nature?
What can people gain from going to naturalplaces?
Are there any wild animals in the city?
Do you think it is a good idea to letanimals stay in local parks for people to see?

Describe a small store where you often buythings
You should say:
Where it is
When you usually go there to buy things
What it is like
What you often buy there
And explain how you feel about it

What are the differences between smallstores and shopping malls?
What are the differences between theshopping habits of young and old people?
Describe a website you often visit
You should say:
How you found it
What it is about
How often you visit it
And explain why you often visit it

1. What are the most popular and leastpopular apps in China?
2. What's the difference between theInternet and television?
3. Why do people like to read the news onthe Internet instead of on TV?
4. Is the library still necessary? Why?
5. What kinds of people would still go tothe library to read and study?
6. What are the differences between oldpeople and young people when they use the internet?
7. Is a public park necessary in everyarea? Why?

Describe a Chinese dish/cuisine that youreally like
You should say:
What it is
Where you had it for the first time
How it is made
And explain why you like it

Describe an advertisement you don't like
You should say:
Where and when you first saw it
What type of advertisement it is
What product or service it advertises
And explain why you don't like it

1. What are the most advertised products inyour country?
2. Which one is more effective, newspaperadvertising or online advertising?
3. Do advertisements influence you about whatbrand you buy?
4. Where can you find ads outdoors?
5. Do you think there're too many adsnowadays?
6. What role does social media play inadvertising?
7. Does advertising encourage us to buythings we don't need?
8. What do you think of celebrity endorsementsin advertising?
9. What are the benefits of advertising?

Describe a piece of technology that youfeel difficult to use
You should say:
When you got it
What you got it for
How often you use it
And explain how you feel about it

1. What technology do people currentlyuse?
2. Why do big companies introduce newproducts frequently?
3. Why are people so keen on buying iPhoneseven though they haven't changed
much from one to the next?
4. Why do technology companies keepupgrading their products?
5. What changes has the development oftechnology brought about in our lives?
6. Does the development of technologyaffect the way we study? how?

Describe something you own that you want toreplace.
You should say:
What it is
How you got it
How long you have it
And explain why you want to replace it.

Does consumption have any impact on theenvironment?
Why do people always want to buy new thingsto replace old ones?
Why do you think some people replace thingsmore often than others?
Why do young people change things moreoften than old people?
Why do some people like to buy expensivethings?
Why do some people prefer to buy things inthe supermarket rather than online?

Describe an important plant in your country
You should say:
What it is
Where you see it
What it looks like
Why it is important

What are the features of living in thecountryside?
Should schools teach children how to growplants?
Why do some people prefer to live in thecountryside?
Have new kinds of plants been grown in yourcity recently?
Why do some people like to keep plants athome?
Are there many trees in your city?

Describe a law you want to be enacted orlaw you would like to see in future in your country. / Describea new law you would like to introduce
You should say:
What the law would be
What would be under this law
How it would be beneficial for thesociety

What rules should children follow?
What rules should adults follow?
Do people in your country usually obey thelaw?
What kinds of behavior are considered asgood behavior?
Do you think children can learn about thelaw outside of school?
What are the benefits for people to obeyrules?
How can parents teach children to obeyrules?

Describe a picture/photograph of you thatyou like
You should say:
Where it was taken/drawn
When it was taken/drawn
Who took/drew it
And explain how you felt about it

Why do people take photos?
What do people use to take photos thesedays, cameras or phones?
Is it difficult for people to learn how totake good photos?
How do people keep their photos?
Describe a bad service you received in arestaurant/shop
You should say:
When and where it happened
What happened
How it was solved
And explain how you felt about theexperience

1. What kinds of service are bad services?
2. Why do some people choose to remainsilent when they receive bad services?
3. Who should be responsible for badservices?
4. As a boss, what would you do toprevent bad service?
5. Does providing good employeetraining always lead to good customer service?
6. Why are some people oftendissatisfied with customer service?

Describe an unusual meal you had
You should say:
When you had it
Where you had it
Whom you had it with
And explain why it was unusual

Part 3
What are the advantages and disadvantagesof eating in restaurants?
What fast food restaurants are there inyour country?
Do people eat fast food at home?
Why do some people choose to eat outinstead of ordering takeout?
Do people in your country socialize inrestaurants? Why?
Do people in your country value foodculture?

Describe the first day you went to schoolthat you remember
You should say:
When it happened
How you felt about the experience
Where the school is
And explain why you still remember theexperience

Part 3
1.What would parents prepare when theirkids go to school on the first day?
2.How do children socialize with eachother?
3.ls socializing important for children?
4.What are the advantages and disadvantagescoming along with changing jobs?
5. What are the reasons for job change?
6. Are big companies better than smallcompanies? Why?

Describe a car journey you made that youremember well.
You should say:
When it was
Who was with you
How long the journey took
and explain why you remember this carjourney so well

1.What benefits does public transport bringto the world?
2.ls it too late for people to get theirdriver's licence at the age of 18?
3.What qualities does a driver need tohave?
4.Which is more important, mentalrelaxation or physical relaxation

Describe an enjoyable journey by publictransport
You should say:
Where you went
Who you were with
What you did
And how you felt about it
Why do people choose to travel by publictransport?
Why do more and more people like to travelby plane?
Do you think offering free public transportwill solve traffic problems in the city?
What are the disadvantages of traveling bypublic transport?
What do you think are the cheapest and mostexpensive means of transport?
What are the difficulties that commutersface during rush hours?

Describe a difficult thing you did andsucceeded
You should say:
What it was
How you overcame the difficulties
Whether you got help
And explain how you felt after yousucceeded

Should people set goals for themselves?
How would you define success?
How can we judge whether young people aresuccessful nowadays?
Are successful people often lonely?
What kinds of success can students achieveat school?
Should students be proud of their success?

Describe a daily routine that you enjoy
You should say:
What it is
When and why you started to follow thisroutine
Whether it is easy to follow this routine
And explain why you enjoy having thisroutine in your daily life

Should children have learning routines?
What are the advantages of children havinga routine at school?
Does having a routine make kids feel moresecure at school?
How do people's routines differ on weekdaysand weekends?
What daily routines do people have at home?
What are the differences between people'sdaily routines now and in the last 15 years?

Describe a time when you taught afriend/relative something
You should say:
Who you taught
What/how you taught
What the result was
And explain how you felt about theexperience

What practical skills can young peopleteach old people?
How can young people teach old peopleskills?
How can we know what to do when we want tolearn something new?
Do you think ‘showing’ is a better way than‘telling’ in education?
Do people in your country like to watchvideos to learn something?
What skills can young people teach oldpeople besides technology?

Describe an occasion you wore the bestclothes
You should say:
When it was
What you wore
Why you wore it
And how you felt about it

Do you think people need to wear formallyin the workplace?
Why do some people like to wear traditionalclothes?
Will traditional clothes disappear in thefuture?
Do old people change their style ofdressing?

Describe a time when you missed or werelate for an important meeting/event
You should say:
When it happened
What happened
Why you missed/were late for it
And explain how you felt about thisexperience

Are you a punctual person?
Do you think it is important to be on time?
Do you always avoid being late?
Why are people often late for meetings orappointments?
Are people in your country often late formeetings?
Do you think people are born with timemanagement skills or they can develop them?

Describe a complaint that you made and youwere satisfied with the result
You should say:
When it happened
Who you complained to
What you complained about
And explain why you were satisfied with theresult

When are people more likely to makecomplaints?
What do people often complain about?
Which one is better when making acomplaint, by talking or by writing?
Who are more likely to make complaints,older people or younger people?
How would you react if you received a poorservice at a restaurant?
How do people often respond to poorcustomer service?

Describe a piece of good news that youheard about someone you know well
You should say:
What it was
When you heard it
How you knew it
And explain how you felt about it

Is it good to share something on socialmedia?
Should the media only publish good news?
How does social media help people accessinformation?
What kind of good news do people oftenshare in the community?
Do most people like to share good news withothers?
Do people like to hear good news from theirfriends

Describe a special meal that someone madefor you
You should say:
Who did it
When and how he/she cooked
What and why he/she cooked for you
And explain how you felt about the meal

Should students learn to cook at school?
Do you think people’s eating habits wouldchange as they get older?
Do people in your country like to learn tocook from TV programmes?
What kinds of fast food are popular inChina?
Are there any people who wouldn’t eat meatfor their whole lives?
What do you think about vegetarians?

Describe a sport that you only have watchedbefore but have not played yourself
You should say:
What it is
When you watched it
Where you watched it
Who you watched it with
And explain how you felt about it

What kinds of sports would you like to playin the future?
Why are there many athletes inadvertisements?
What are the features of people who watchsports games online, such as gender or age?
What's the most popular sport in yourcountry?
What kinds of sports are popular now butnot popular 50 years ago?
Do you think there are too many sorts ofsports games on TV?

Describe a time when someone gave yousomething that you really wanted
You should say:
What it was
When you received it
Who gave it to you
And explain why you wanted it so much

Should employees have their own goals?
How should bosses reward employees?
What kinds of gifts do young people like toreceive as rewards?
How should children spend their allowancemoney?
Why do people like shopping more now thanin the past?
Do you think shopping is good for acountry's economy?

Describe something you would like to learnin the future
You should say:
What it is
How you would like to learn it
Where you would like to learn it
Why you would like to learn it
And explain whether it’s difficult to learnit

What's the most popular thing to learnnowadays?
At what age should children start makingtheir own decisions? Why?
Which influences young people more whenchoosing a course, income or interest?
Do young people take their parents' advicewhen choosing a major?
Besides parents, who else would people takeadvice from?
Why do some people prefer to study alone?

Describe a time you taught something new toa younger person
You should say:
When it happened
What you taught
Who you taught
Why you taught this person
And how you felt about the teaching.

What skills do adults need to have?
How can people be motivated to learn newthings?
What can children learn from teachers andparents?
What are the skills that you wanted tolearn?
What skills should children learn beforeentering school?
How does a good learner learn somethingnew?

Describe an important achievement you havemade
You should say:
What you achieved
When and where you did it
Why it was an important achievement
And explain how you earned it

Should people set goals under anycircumstances?
Should employers reward employees withmoney?
Is it important for employees to keep fitat work?

Describe an activity you enjoyed in yourfree time when you were young
You should say:
What it was
Where you did it
Who you did it with
And explain why you enjoyed it

Is it important to have a break during workor study?
What sports do young people like to do now?
Are there more activities for young peoplenow than 20 years ago?
Can most people balance work and life inChina?
What activities do children and adults donowadays?
Do adults and children have enough time forleisure activities nowadays?

Describe someone you know who made a gooddecision recently
You should say:
Who he/she is
When he/she made the decision
What decision he/she made
Why it was a good decision
And explain how you felt about the decision

Should parents make decisions for theirchildren?
Do you think parents are the best people tomake decisions about their children’s education?
At what age do you think children can beallowed to make decisions by themselves?
Why do most children find it difficult tomake decisions?
Should parents interfere in children'sdecision-making?
How should parents help their children makedecisions?

Describe a risk you took that you thoughtwould lead to a terrible result but ended up with a positive result
You should say:
When you took the risk
Why you took the risk
How it went
And explain how you felt about it

How should parents teach their childrenwhat a risk is?
What risks should parents tell theirchildren to avoid?
Why do some people like to watchrisk-taking movies?
What kinds of sports are dangerous butexciting?
Why do some people enjoy dangerous sports?
Who is more interested in taking risks, theyoung or the old?

Describe a subject that you would like tolearn in the future
You should say:
What it is
Where and how you want to learn it
Why you want to learn it
And explain if it will be difficult tolearn it

What are the differences between onlinelearning and offline learning?
Do you prefer to study alone or with agroup of people?
What are the advantages and disadvantagesof learning in a group?
What subjects do most young people preferto learn? Why?
What is more important when choosing a job,high salary or interest?
What do you think about face-to-facelearning with teachers?

Describe a time when you received money asa gift
You should say:
When it happened
Who gave you money
Why he/she gave you money
And explain how you used the money

Why do people rarely use cash now?
When do children begin to comprehend thevalue of money?
Is it good and necessary to teach childrento save money?
Should parents reward children with money?
What are the advantages and disadvantagesof using credit cards?
Do you think it's a good thing that morepeople are using digital payment?

Describe something that you did withsomeone/a group of people
You should say:
What it was
Who you did it with
How long it took you to do this
And explain why you did it together

How do you get along with your neighbors?
How do neighbors help each other?
Do you think neighbors help each other moreoften in the countryside than in the city?
How do children learn to cooperate witheach other?
Do you think parents should teach childrenhow to cooperate with others? How?
Do you think it's important for children tolearn about cooperation?

Describe a time that you showed somethingnew to others
You should say:
When it was What it was
Who you showed it to
How you showed it
And explain how you felt about it

What qualities should a good learner have?
What skills should children learn?
What are the differences between the thingsadults learn and the things that children learn?
Why are some people not willing to ask helpfrom others while studying?

Describe a public event you have attended
You should say:
What the event was
When you went there
Whom you went there with
And explain why you enjoyed this event

雅思口语PART 1 -PART 2 新增话题

Part 1 新题
Ask for help
(1)Do you ask for help when you have a problem?
(2) Why are teachers always willing to helpstudents?(
3) What kind of help do you often ask for?
(4) When was the last time you asked forhelp?

Staying at home
(1)Are you a person who likes to stay at home?
(2) What do you do when you stay at home?
(3) What is your favourite place at home?
(4) What did you often do at home as achild?(5) Would you like to stay at home a lot in the future?

Exciting activities
(1)Have you ever tried any exciting activities?
(2) What do you think were excitingactivities when you were a child?
(3) Has anything exciting happened to yourecently?
(4) Would you like totry scuba diving and bungee jumping?
part 2(新题)
1. Describe a new law you would like tointroduce in your country.
You should say:
What law it is
What changes this law brings
Whether this new law will be popular
How you came up with the new law
And explain how you feel about this.

Part 3
1. What rules should students follow atschool?
2 .Do people in your country usuallyobey the law?
3. What kinds of behavior areconsidered as good behavior?
4. Do you think children can learnabout the law outside of school?
5. What are the benefits for people to obeyrules
6. How can parents teach children toobey rules?

2. Describe a person who likes to buy goodswith low prices.
You should say:
Who this person is
What this person likes to buy
Where this person likes to buy things Andexplain
why this person likes cheap goods.

Part 3
1. What are the differences betweenshopping in a shopping mall and in a street market?
2. Which is more commonly visited inChina, shopping malls or street markets?
3. What are the disadvantages ofshopping in a street market?
4.How do you buy cheap products?
5.Do you think things are more expensive inbig shopping malls?

3. Describe an important achievementyou have made.
You should say:
What you achieved
When and where you did it
Why it was an important achievement
And explain how you earned it.

Part 3
1. Should people set goals under anycircumstances?
2. Should employers reward employeeswith money?
3. ls it important for employees tokeep fit at work?




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