1. 建设风力涡轮机在泥炭地上可能会破坏自然风貌,导致游客数量减少,从而影响了当地旅游业的收入。游客通常前来泥炭地欣赏其原始自然美丽,但风力涡轮机的存在可能会破坏这一景观。
2. 在建设风力发电设施时,通常需要移除泥炭地上的泥炭并用钢筋水泥等材料替代,这个过程会释放大量温室气体,尤其是二氧化碳。泥炭地通常储存大量碳,因此将其改变为风力发电设施可能会逆转一部分减排努力。
3. 在替代选择方面,将风力发电装置建在海上(offshore)可能更为合适。这可以减轻对泥炭地的压力,减少土地使用冲突,并减少泥炭地上的环境损害。
1. 泥炭地上的风力发电设施可能吸引环保主义者和对可再生能源感兴趣的游客,因此对旅游业的影响不一定是负面的。这些游客可能会因为可持续能源项目而前来泥炭地旅游。
2. 传统能源(例如燃煤或石油)的发电也会释放大量二氧化碳和其他污染物。相比之下,风力发电设施的碳排放较低,因此可能对气候变化和环境保护更有益。
3. 将风力发电设施建在海上的成本较高,因为需要大量的电缆和海底设备,而且可能会引发风向变化等问题,可能增加设施的维护和安全难题。
Yourprofessor is teaching a class on education. Write a post responding to theprofessor's question.
In yourresponse, you should do the following.
-Express and support your opinion.
- Make acontribution to the discussion in your own words.
Aneffective response will contain at least 100 words.
Whatshould children be learning in school? Many people believe that time in theclassroom should be spent acquiring foundational knowledge in subjects likemath reading, science, and history. Others feel that it's important for achild's creativity to be nurtured, and thus the school curriculum must includeclasses in art and music. There's so much to learn, yet so little time inschool to learn it all! What do you think should be included in the curriculum?Why?
I agreethat traditional subjects like math, science, and reading are important. butscare classes in art and music. Engaging with art and music can help childrenbe more creative and can stimulate their imaginations. That in turn facilitatescritical thinking which is essential in any curriculum, so l am in favor ofincluding art and music in the school day.
Sure,drawing pictures and listening to music is fun, but children can do that ontheir own time. The school day is too short as it is. and there is so muchfoundational knowledge in math, reading, science, and history that childrenneed to learn: it is better to spend classroom time on that foundationalknowledge and let kids explore art and music at home.