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[全国] 2020年2月22日加拿大,美国等北美考区雅思A类、G类笔试真题









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S4 海豚智商讲座
31.research: the size of the brain
32.their way of not escaping barrier, such as fishing net for catching tuna leading to unnecessaryinjury or death
33.small brain animals such as pigeons and rats can do
34.fatty gills cell in brain not only is linked to protective function but problem solving
35.for some behaviors, people wrongly thought it was a smile
36.one female dolphin hides a newspaper
37.social behavior: help wounded companions breathe the surface of the water
38.each produces a unique sound like the whistle
39....touch and stroke each other to make up after a fight
40.pigeons are trained to conditional response to reward such as food and water

reading: 是关于风 风力使用

口语: 问了最不想做的工作的是什么
小作文是 帮我cousin在我的公司招来找工作   
大作文是 世界性大型sport event帮助世界和平 同意/不同意
G类大作文 Some people think that Global large sports events like the Olympic Games can enhance communications between nations,contributing to the world peace. Do you agree or disagree?

As the world has just witnessed a spectacular Olympic Games in London,which triggered a new round of ecstasy on global sports competitions, some experts, nevertheless, are once again expressing their harsh criticism against such extravagant investments of taxpayers’ money on this kind of events, especially amid a global financial crisis. Most of them propose the spending of this money in enhancing youngsters’ awareness of physical exercises on a regular basis. In my observation, such proposals are quite reasonable.

Admittedly, global sports contests not only provide audience worldwide with a perfect opportunity to enjoy the seamless performances of runners, swimmers and cyclists, but present host countries with a perfect chance to flex the economic muscle in front of global political and business leaders who are highly likely to either participate in such events as distinguished guests or watch live coverage of teams representing their countries via satellite relays. However, despite the above-mentioned benefits, money squandered in the opening ceremony, the building of infrastructures and the running cost of the whole events seems to bring little actual effect. This is even more true when young people in many countries, developed or developing, are being chronically deprived of their rights to daily exercise due to the lack of sufficient funds from the government.

Teenagers are at critical stages in life where the development of their immune systems and normal metabolism heavily depend on proper physical education and therefore it is essential to guarantee that sufficient flows of money shall be funneled to ensure that children can take advantage of sufficient sports facilities at their schools or city centers to stretch their bodies aiming to equip themselves with better physical conditions to embrace the future challenges. Moreover, with academic achievements being relentless pursuit by teachers as the most important criterion when it comes to judging the talents of students, the budgets have been severely slashed. Such underfunding, if left unchecked, will inevitably lead to a vicious loop with the potential to not just derail the endeavors of young boys and girls who are indulged themselves extremely in sports, but compromise the capability of the younger generation to defense invasions of diseases.

Having illustrated grim consequences of the failure to facilitate the popularity of practicing sports among youngsters, I am firmly convinced that the administration shall not hesitate to increase the distribution of its fiscal capacity towards this direction. The intense focus from all over the world during the period is definitely helpful when it comes to impressing the globe with an enduring image of a nation characterized by tenacity, unwavering determination and relentless pursuit of higher goals. But these qualities shall be able to transfer to our offspring.
大作文  electronic and computer game,discuss both view
小作文  俩折线
第二篇:Tasmanian Tiger塔斯马尼亚虎
You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 14-26,which are based on Reading Passage 2 below
Although it was called tiger, it looked like a dogwith black stripes on its back and it was the largest known carnivorousmarsupial of modem times. Yet, despite its fame for being one of the mostfabled animals in the world, it is one of the least understood of Tasmania'snative animals. The scientific name for the Tasmanian tiger is Thylacine and itis believed that they have become extinct in the 20th century.
Fossils of thylacines dating from about almost 12million years ago have been dug up at various places in Victoria, SouthAustnilia and Western Australia. They were widespread in Australia 7000 yearsago, but have probably been extinct on the continent for 2000 years. This isbelieved to he because of the introduction of dingoes around 8000 years ago.Because of disease, thylacine numbers may have been declining in Tasmania atthe time of European settlement 200 years ago, but the decline was certainlyaccelerated by tlie new arrivals. The last known Tasmanian Tiger died in HobartZoo in 1936 and the aninml is officially dassilied jis extinct. Technically,this means that it has not been ofiicially sighted in the wild or captivity for50 years. However, there are still unsubstantiated sightings.
Hans Naarding, whose study of animalii had taken himaround the world, was conducting a survey of a species of endangered migratory,bird. What he saw that night is now regarded as the most credible sightingrecorded of thylacine that many believe has been extinct for more than 70years.
"I had to work at night",Naarding Uikes upthe story. "I was in the habit of inlermittently shining a spotliglitaround. The beam fell on an animal in front of the vehicle, less tlian 10maway. Instead of risking movement by grabbing for a camera, I decided to registervery cairefiilly what I was seeing. The animal was about the size of a smallshepherd dog, a very healthy male in prime condition. What set it apart from adog, though, was a slightly sloping hindquarten with a fairly thick tail beinga straight continuation of the backline of the animal. It had 12 distinctstripes on its hack, continuing onto its butt. I knew perfectly well what I wasseeing. As soon as I reachetl for the camera, it disappeared into the tea-treeunderprowth and scrub."
The director of Tasmania's National parks at the time, Peter Morrow, decided in his wisdom to keep Naarding's sighting ofthe thylacine secret for two years. When the news finally broke, it wasaccompanied by pandemonium. I was besieged by television crews, includingfour to five from Japan, and otliers from the United Kingdom, Germany, NewZealand and South Ainerica,w said Naarding.
Government and private search parties combed theregion, but no further sightings were made. The tiger, as always, had escapedto its lair, a place many insist exists only in our imagination. But sincethen, the thylacine has staged something of a comeback, becoming part ofAustralian mythology.
There have been more than 4,000 claimed sightings ofthe beast since it supposedly died out, and the average claims each yearreported to authorities now number 150. Associate professor of zoology at theUniversity of Tasmania, Randolph Rose, has said he dreams of seeing athylacine. But Rose, who in his 35 years in Tasmanian academia has fieldedcountless reports of thylacine sightings, is now convinced that his dream willgo unfulfilled.
"The consensus among conservationists is that,usually, any animal with a population base of less than 1,000 is headed forextinction within 60 years,” says Rose. “Sixty years ago, there was only onethylacine that we know of, and that was in Hobart Zoo,he says.
Dr. David Pemberton, curator of zoology at theTasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, whose PhD thesis was on the thylacine, saysthat despite scientific thinking that 500 animals are required to sustain apopulation, the Florida panther is down to a dozen or so animals and, while itdoes have some inbreeding problems, is still ticking along. Mril take a puntand say that, if we manage to find a thylacine in the scrub, it means thatthere are 50-plus animals out there.
After all, animals can be notoriously elusive. Thestrange fish known as the coelacanth, with its "proto-legs", wasthought to have died out along with the dinosaurs 700 million years ago until aspecimen was dragged to the surface in a shark net off the south-east coast ofSouth Africa in 1938.
Wildlife biologist Nick Mooney has the unenviable taskof investigating all wsightingsw of llie tiger totalling 4,000 since themid-1930s, and averaging about 150 a year. It was Mooney who was firstconsulted late last month about the authenticity of digital photographic imagespurportedly taken by a German tourist while on a recent bushwalk in the state.On face value, Mooney says, the account of the sighting, and the two photographssubmitted as proof, amount to one of the most convincing cases for the species'survival he has seen.
And Mooney has seen it all—the mistakes, the hoaxes,the illusions and the plausible accounts of sightings. Hoaxers aside, mostpeople who report sightings end up believing they have seen a thylaeine, andare themselves believable to the point they could pass a lie-detector test,according to Mooney. Otliers, having tabled a creditable report, then becomeutterly obsessed like the Tasmanian who has registered 99 thylacine sightingsto date. Mooney has seen individuals bankrupted by the obsession, and familiesdestroyed. "It is a blind optimism tliat something is, rather than acynicism that something isn’t,” Mooney says. “If something crosses the road,it’s not a case of ‘I wonder what tliat was?* Rather, it is a case of 'that's athylacine!' It is a bit like a gold prospector's blind faith, "it has gotto be there".
However, Mooney treats all reports on face value. Inever try to embarrass people, or make fools of them. But the fact that I don'tpack the car immediately they ring can often be taken as ridicule. Obsessivecharacters get irate tliat someone in my position is not out there when theythink the thylacine is there."
But Hans Naarding, whose sighting of a striped animaltwo decades ago was the highlight of Ma life of animal spotting", remainsbemused by the time and money people waste on tiger searches. He says resourceswould be better applied to saving the Tasmanian devil, and helping migratorybird populations that are declining as a result of shrinking wetlands acrossAustralia.
Could the thylacine still be out there? MSure,wNaarding says. But he also says any discovery of surviving thylacines would beMrather pointless". MHow do you save a species from extinction? What couldyou do with it? If there are thylacines out there, they are better off rightwhere they are."
Questions 14-17
Complete the summary below.
Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage foreach answer.
Write your answers in boxes 14-17 on your answersheet.
The Tasmanian tiger, also called thylacine, resemblesthe look of a dog and has 14_________onitsfUrcoat.M£inyfossilshavebeenfoundshowingthatthylacineshad existed as early as 15______________years ago. They lived throughout16________ before disappearing from the mainland. And soon after the17___________ settlers arrived the size of thylacine population in Tasmaniashrunk at a higher speed.
Questions 18-23 Look at the following statements
(Questions 18-23) and the list of people below. Matcheach statement with the correct person, A, B, C or D, Write the correct letterA, B, C or Dt in boxes 18-23 on your answer sheet. NB You may use any lettermore than once.
18 His report of seeing a live thylacine in the wildattracted international interest.
19 Many eye-witnesses1 reports are not trustworthy.
20 It doesnJ t require a certain number of animals toensure the survival of a species.
21 There is no hope of finding a surviving Tasmaniantiger.
22 Do not disturb them if there are any Tasmaniantigers still living today.
23 The interpretation of evidence can be affected bypeople's beliefs.
List of People
A Hans Naarding
B Randolph Rose
C David Pemberton
D Nick Mooney

14 . black stripes
利用细节信息“dog”和“for coat”定位于原文第一段第一句话Although it was
called tiger, it looked like a dog with black stripes on its back...这里的 “looked like” 对应题目信息“resembles”,所以正确答案是black stripes.
15. 12 million
利用细节信息“fossils”定位于原文第二段第一句话“Fossils of thylacines dating from about almost 12 million years ago have been dug up at various places...”,意思是说发现 的这些化石年代可以追溯到一千两百万年前,等同于说一千两百万年前就有袋狼了, 所以正确答案为12 million。
16. Australia
利用细节信息“disappearing from the mainland”定位于原文第二段第二句话“They were widespread in Australia 7,000 years ago,but have probably been extinct on the conti¬nent for 2,000 years'^ 这里的 “extinct on the continent” 对应题目信息 “disappearing from the mainland”,“widespread” 对应题目信息 “throughout”,所以正确答案为 Australia。
17. European
利用细节信息 “settlers” 和 “population in Tasmania shrunk at a higher speed” 定位 于原文第二段第四句话 “Because of disease, thylacine numbers may have been declin¬ing in Tasmania at the time of European settlement 200 years ago, but the decline was cer- tainly accelerated by the new arrivals”。这里的 “settlement” 对应题目中的 “settlers”, “accelerated”对应题目中的“at a higher speed”,所以正确答案为European。
利用细节信息“attracted international interest”定位于原文第五段最后两句话“When the news finally broke... ‘I was besieged by television crews, including four to five from Japan, and others from the United Kingdom, Germany, New Zealand and South America,' 这里的“news”指的就是Naarding看到袋狼的事情,对应题目中的“report of seeing a live thylacine”,原文里的来自各个国家的“television crews”对应题目中的“attracted international interest”,所以正确答案为 A。
19 D
利用细节信息“reports are not trustworthy”定位于原文倒数第四段第一句话“And Mooney has seen it all—the mistakes, the hoaxes, the illusions and the plausible accounts of sightings”,该段落最后也提到 f Mooney 认为 “reports are not trustworthy” 的原因, 所以正确答案为D。
20. C
利用细节信息 “a certain number of animals” 和 “ensure the survival of a species” 可以 发现原文中有两处(第七段和第八段)提及了需要一定数掀的个体才能保证物种存 活的信息,但是题目中的“doesn’t require a certain number”只有在原文第八段David Pemberton 提到的 “despite scientific thinking that 500 animals are required to sustain a population, the Florida panther is down to a dozen or so animals and, while it does have some inbreeding problems, is still ticking along” 中有所体现,所以正确答案为 C。
21. B
利用细节信息“no hope of finding a surviving Tasmanian tiger”定位于原文第六段最 后关于 Randolph Rose 的内容 “Rose...is now convinced that his dream will go unfiil- filled”,而 Rose 的 “dream” 就是前一句话中所提及的 “he dreams of seeing a thyla¬cine”。 这里的信息对应题目信息 “There is no hope of finding a surviving Tasmanian tiger",所以正确答案为B。
22. A
利用细节信息“Do not disturb them”定位于原文最后一段最后一句话“If there are thylacines out there, they are better off right where they are’’。这里的 “they are better off right where they are”对应题目信息“Do not disturb them”,所以正确答案为A。
23 D
利用细节信息 “interpretation of evidence” 和 “affected by people’s beliefs” 定位于原文倒数第四段最后几句话。这里Nick Mooney讲到“It is a blind optimism that some¬thing is, rather than a cynicism that something isn’t...It is a bit like a gold prospector’s blind faith...”,这都是在说人们倾向于相信自己想要相信的事物,容易受到自己信念 的影响,对应题目信息,所以正确答案为D。
24. B
该题目仅凭“Hans Naarding’s sighting”不好定位,需要结合题目选项信息排除、 选项 A “govemment and organisations,cooperative efforts to protect thylacine,’,利 用这里的“govemment and organisations”可定位于原文第六段第一句话“Govermnent and private search parties combed the region, but no fiirther sightings were made”,这里 明显提及的是政府和私人团体都去搜寻袋狼,而非一起保护袋狼,所以排除选项A。 关于选项 C “increase of the number of reports of thylacine worldwide”,虽然在第六段 中间确实提及 “the thylacine has staged something of a comeback”,后面也提及报告的 数僮很多,但是说的都是澳大利亚的报告,而非“reports of thylacine worldwide”,所 以应该排除选项 C。关于选项 D “growth of popularity of thylacine in literature”,虽然 在第六段中提及袋狼“becoming part of Australian mythology”,但是这并不是说袋狼 在文学中的流行度上升,而是一种形象的说法,表达了发现或观察到袋狼的种种报 告大多数只不过是传说,所以应该排除选项D。选项B "extensive interests to find a living thylacine"是对原文第六段整个段落的总结,既包含了政府和私人组织的努力 搜寻,也包含了报告的增多等等,所以综上所述,正确答案为B。
25 D
利用细节信息“coelacanth”很容易定位原文J段。原文开头明显提及“animals can be notoriously elusive”,然后讲到人们最初认为这个物种巳经灭绝,直到后来又 在南非某海域捕获一只,这一切都是为了说明某些物种并不一定像大家所想的那样
已经灭绝,对应选项 D “extinction of certain species can be mistaken”,所以正确答案
利用细节信息“Mooney”和顺序性原则定位于原文M段。原文在这里说道 “Mooney treats all reports on face value”,“on face value” 的意思是“就表面意思来说”, 也就是指Mooney暂且相信每一个报告所说的东西,因为他“never try to embarrass people, or make fools of them”,但是后面又隐晦地提及他也不会听到什么就立刻行动。 选项 A “given some credit as they claim even if they are untrue” 与原文信息一致,所以 正确答案为A。

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