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【托福真题预测答案】201939日托福IBT考试真题预测答案、托福听力、口语、阅读、写作预测答案范文机经精准冲刺版Toefl in China(快速提高2060分,超高命中率,精准小范围)-201939日托福考试真题精准小范围预测答案范文机经CPU冲刺版--201939日托福听力口语写作阅读真题精准小范围预测冲刺版【托福全球网TOFEL CPU快速提高2060分】TOFEL Prediction --201939日托福IBT真题预测听说读写答案冲刺版【托福TOFELCPU快速提高分数20-60分,超高命中率,托福备考核心资料VIP】每场必中大部分考试内容,一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPUTOFEL 2019
【托福真题预测答案】201939日托福IBT真题预测答案范文机经精准冲刺版Toefl in China快速提高2060--201939日托福听力、口语、阅读、写作真题预测题目完整答案范文解析-快速提高分数20-60分【快速提高2060分,超高命中率】一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-242853-1-1.html

【托福真题预测答案】2019316日托福IBT考试真题预测答案、托福听力、口语、阅读、写作预测答案范文机经精准冲刺版Toefl in China(快速提高2060分,超高命中率,精准小范围)-2019316日托福考试真题精准小范围预测答案范文机经CPU冲刺版--2019316日托福听力口语写作阅读真题精准小范围预测冲刺版【托福全球网TOFEL CPU快速提高2060分】TOFEL Prediction --2019316日托福IBT真题预测听说读写答案冲刺版【托福TOFELCPU快速提高分数20-60分,超高命中率,托福备考核心资料VIP】每场必中大部分考试内容,一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPUTOFEL 2019
【托福真题预测答案】2019316日托福IBT真题预测答案范文机经精准冲刺版Toefl in China快速提高2060--2019316日托福听力、口语、阅读、写作真题预测题目完整答案范文解析-快速提高分数20-60分【快速提高2060分,超高命中率】一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-242854-1-1.html

【托福真题预测答案】2019330日托福IBT考试真题预测答案、托福听力、口语、阅读、写作预测答案范文机经精准冲刺版Toefl in China(快速提高2060分,超高命中率,精准小范围)-2019330日托福考试真题精准小范围预测答案范文机经CPU冲刺版--2019330日托福听力口语写作阅读真题精准小范围预测冲刺版【托福全球网TOFEL CPU快速提高2060分】TOFEL Prediction --2019330日托福IBT真题预测听说读写答案冲刺版【托福TOFELCPU快速提高分数20-60分,超高命中率,托福备考核心资料VIP】每场必中大部分考试内容,一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPUTOFEL 2019
【托福真题预测答案】2019330日托福IBT真题预测答案范文机经精准冲刺版Toefl in China快速提高2060--2019330日托福听力、口语、阅读、写作真题预测题目完整答案范文解析-快速提高分数20-60分【快速提高2060分,超高命中率】一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-242855-1-1.html

【托福真题预测答案】2019331日托福IBT考试真题预测答案、托福听力、口语、阅读、写作预测答案范文机经精准冲刺版Toefl in China(快速提高2060分,超高命中率,精准小范围)-2019331日托福考试真题精准小范围预测答案范文机经CPU冲刺版--2019331日托福听力口语写作阅读真题精准小范围预测冲刺版【托福全球网TOFEL CPU快速提高2060分】TOFEL Prediction --2019331日托福IBT真题预测听说读写答案冲刺版【托福TOFELCPU快速提高分数20-60分,超高命中率,托福备考核心资料VIP】每场必中大部分考试内容,一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL CPUTOFEL 2019
【托福真题预测答案】2019331日托福IBT真题预测答案范文机经精准冲刺版Toefl in China快速提高2060--2019331日托福听力、口语、阅读、写作真题预测题目完整答案范文解析-快速提高分数20-60分【快速提高2060分,超高命中率】一次性攻破托福VIP资料,托福考官专家真题预测TOFEL请进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-242856-1-1.html

1.自然选择环境因素对蛾子的影响。 一种白蛾子一种黑色蛾子。开始白蛾子活的好,黑蛾子不好,因为会被发现。之后,工业革命了,树干都黑,于是白蛾子都要死翘翘了;但是之后开始治理环境了, 白蛾子又多了,黑蛾子又少了。并且这次的影响很大。
10.鱼怎么呼吸,用gill 和bubble

灌溉,carry water
1.可能是carry water,但是方向不对
3.太 straight 了
口 语 部 分
Task 1
Task 2
Task 3
学生写信建议学校应该禁止在图书馆睡觉,男生反驳:图书馆的位置一直都是available的,只是一些comfortable coach被占用。他在上这所学校前跟团来参观过图书馆,印象没有不好。
Task 4
Task 5
Task 6
蝴蝶幼虫的保护方法:1.自己身体的特殊特点保护 2.借助其他昆虫保护自己
听 力 部 分
2.男学生想要买便宜的书,在学校书店工作的女生恰好是他之前一个课程的同学,男的夸她笔记写的特别好,说要是以后要借用笔记一定借用这个人的。女生说因为她不主修这个,所以想多记一些内容下来,然后这个男孩子开始进入正题,说想便宜点买书, 女生说不太行,旧版本已经没有了。她一般都是用旧版本书,然后看看新出的书和这个旧版本有什么内容的差别,还说因为下周一就开课了,所以很多人把书都买走了。
3.男生找教授讲论文的内容,因为他上节课没有去。他说想讲阿基米德的故事(小黑板 阿基米德),然后他讲了详尽的阿基米德测量皇冠的故事:从有一个人给国王做了王冠,告诉国王这个是金的和银的做的,国王怀疑他把金的扣下来了,不够分量,所以找到阿基米德。阿基米德洗澡的时候灵机一动,发现材料的密度会对水的体积有影响,于是他就抠下来一块金的和一块银的看看两者水溢出体积是不是一样的。之后教授说:好故事, 然而只是一个故事,你可以用这个故事 但是要有详细的调查。

1.讲flooding会让植物缺氧,不能活。一个女生问植物不是光合作用产生氧气吗? 之后教授引出了根在缺少氧气条件下的生存方法,一种是留出空间运输氧气,另一种是连接根和叶子。
2.艺术讲了印象派画家H,因为工业革命,大家都到城市去了,人口增长就业机会增多。他的画作反应的rural什么的,之后举了一个他的画的例子breakfast啥的(有画内容的小黑板)。他这个画用了颜色, 画面前的人物的蓝色和后面背景呼应,用了三角形构图, 女人,桌子上的吃的,和椅子还是啥的(画面上能看到)。有一道多选考了H这幅画用了啥绘画手法。
1. 几种植物生长方式,年度周期植物,常绿植物,落叶植物,针叶植物。
2. 雌性虫子的分工,从保姆到Forger的转变,因为受到体内荷尔蒙的影响。这激素会因为周槽环境多了更多已经完成转变的虫子的影响。
3. 商周的青铜器。
4. 猫的嗅觉敏锐,然后通过气味来追踪猎物很困难。
5. 昆虫翅膀在飞行中的作用。
6. 蒸汽时代工厂兴起,工人被严格管理。
7. 煤和英国的工业化。
8. 关于一个地方的文明发源。
9. 鱼怎么呼吸 用gill 和bubble.
10. moth的颜色改变,不只是环境污染造成的。

Multifaceted=in all sides
Adopt=Take on
Deplete=used up
1. 学生去bookstore买T-shirts 但没带list不记得colour;
2. 学math的学生参加ni。
3. 学生要写paper,去找教授问他的topic合不合适,他想在paper里用一个例子,关于古时候一个统治者命人用金造crown,但会有人私吞金,用一部分银来代替,阿基米德想到一个办法,把crown放水里,溢出来的水能说明是否加了银,因为金银密度不同,但教授持保守态度。
4. 讲的是图书馆改造,学生问employee是否会对他影响。
5. 男学生想要买便宜的书,在学校书店工作的女生恰好是他之前一个课程的同学,男的夸她笔记写的特别好,说要是以后要借用笔记一定借用这个人的。女生说因为她不主修这个,所以想多记一些内容下来,然后这个男孩子开始进入正题,说想便宜点买书, 女生说不太行,旧版本已经没有了。她一般都是用旧版本书,然后看看新出的书和这个旧版本有什么内容的差别,还说因为下周一就开课了,所以很多人把书都买走了。

1. 影响细胞age的factor还有细胞防止变老的机制。
2. 讲 flooding会让植物缺氧,不能活。一个女生问植物不是光合作用产生氧气吗? 之后教授引出了根在缺少氧气条件下的生存方法,一种是留出空间运输氧气,另一种是连接根和叶子。
3. 艺术讲了印象派画家H,因为工业革命,大家都到城市去了,人口增长就业机会增多。他的画作反应的rural什么的,之后举了一个他的画的例子breakfast啥的(有画内容的小黑板)。他这个画用了颜色, 画面前的人物的蓝色和后面背景呼应,用了三角形构图, 女人,桌子上的吃的,和椅子还是啥的(画面上能看到)。有一道多选考了H这幅画用了啥绘画手法。
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Primary school is considering spend more time on teaching young student (5-11) technology (like computer) than teaching music and art.

1. 用来carry water;
2. 车轮压的;
3. 用来天文观察;

1. 可能是carry water 但是方向不对;
2. 说石头是软但是过去都是动物拉车 没有hoonmarks 不知道怎么拼写反正是缺一种标记;
3. 太straight。
Task 1
学生写信建议学校禁止在图书馆睡觉,因为occupy space,其他来图书馆学习的人没有位置,而且会给其他来图书馆参观的人留下坏印象。男生反驳,说图书馆的位置always available,最多就是一些comfortable couches被占他在这所大学读书前跟团来图书馆参观过,休息也不回寝室,只在这里休息了一会。
新型教学method flipped method,就学生在家看录像,在教室老师为其答疑解惑,Professor用他的一个数学老师朋友来举例,就是traditional method效果不好,学生作业完成情况差,但是用flipped method,最后考试成绩比较好。
时间矛盾,女生要么去参加小组讨论,好好准备group presentation. 或者回家见爸妈,平时很难得家人团聚,这次见不到,下次就要很久了。
1. 如果女生要回家,但这样她只能communicate by emails。 她担心这种会使得presentation的效果不好,比如不能practice timing.
2. 要么就留在学校完成小组讨论。
Task 6
一种蝴蝶幼虫 move sloely vulnerable,但它有两种保住自己physical body,举例说一种幼虫身上都是rough hair .birds hard to swallow,然后是让其他昆虫保护自己。举例一种幼虫分泌sweet liquid, Ants like to ezt it . So they will bite and chase the predators。
Question 1
Teachers often make mistakes. Describe the commonest mistake that teachers often make. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
Question 2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
We should always be completely honest and open with our close friends.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
Younger school children (ages 5-10) should be required to study art and music in addition to technology such as math, language, science and history.
分论点二:groove是被车轮压出来的。因为该地区的岩石是soft limestone,这种岩石特别软,所以能够被压出深深的沟槽。

分论点二:那时候的车子是用马或者牛来拉的,这些动物的脚上的hooves也会在软的岩石上留下visible marks,但是并没有发现这些印记,所以这个猜测不成立。
猜测2:是被车轮压出来的,因为该地区的岩石是soft limestone,所以能够被压出深深的沟槽;
观点2:那时候的车子是用马或者牛来拉的,这些动物的脚上的hooves也会在软的岩石上留下visible marks;
A primary (elementary) school is considering increasing the amount of time it spends educating its young students about technology (for example, computers). To do so, it would decrease the amount of time it spends educating the students about music and art. Do you agree with the idea of young students (ages 5-11) spending less time in school learning about music and art in order to spend more time learning about technology? Why or why not?
观点题,同意就写learning MORE about technology给young students带来的好处,不同意就写 learning MORE about music and art 带来的好处。这一题的问题在于,并不是完全不学哪一项,而知识减少相对的时间,所以实质上就是5~12岁这个年龄段哪个学科更重要。另一个问题是写作框架,同学们容易写成:一段写学习科技能带来的好处,另一段写学习音乐和艺术不能带来这个好处。这样写的问题是实际上你的文章只有一个controlling idea,然后论证a有b没有而已,不足以说服他人为什么要多花时间学a。
1. 学校应该更重视音乐艺术教育,因为可以relax young students. Young students在刚刚进入学习生涯中,需要音乐和艺术帮他们relax。1.release pressure 2.rebuild confidence 3. keep in a good mood 而因为学生年龄小难以理解一些technology的知识,花更多的时间会让他们压力增大。
2. 在5~12重视艺术和音乐教育可以更好的建立the aesthetic sense。1. .inspire the creativity or imagination.2. find and admire the natural scenery 3 appreciate the masterpiece gradually而technology的知识应该等basic science的知识完善后在加强学习会更容易理解。
Task 1
Teachers often make mistakes. Describe the commonest mistake that teachers often make. Include reasons and examples to support your response.
Task 2
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?
We should always be completely honest and open with our close friends.
Task 3
阅读:学生写信建议学校应该禁止在图书馆睡觉,因为会occupy tables,而且给visitors留下不好的印象。
听力:男生不同意。因为1.图书馆的位置一直都是available的,桌子很多,只有一些comfortable coach被占用。
2. 他觉得参观的人并不会觉得不好,他在上这所学校前跟团来参观过图书馆,反而留下了学生刻苦学习的好印象。
Task 4
阅读:老师们使用的新型教学flipped method。学生在家看视频,上课针对学生不懂的问题解答。
听力举例:一个数学老师原来用传统的教学方式效果不好,学生作业完成情况差,改用flipped method后考试成绩变好。
Task 5
解决方法:1.留在学校参加讨论,完成作业 。2.通过e-mail的形式和小组讨论
Task 6
estimate = prediction
desirable = necessary
adopt = take on
discernible = visible
shrink = smaller

critical = essential
exploit = introduce
deplete = used up
fix = repair
anticipation = expectation

automated = mechanized
scant = little
multifaceted = in all sides
stagnant = unmoving
enable = allow

surplus = excess quantity
exhibit = display
embody = incorporate
peak = maximum
component = pieces

gradual = slow
adapt = adjust
motives = reasons
enduring = lasting
sophisticated = complex

foundation = basic
simultaneously = at the same time
gauge=measure / assess
intermittently = periodically
vulnerable = unprotected / threatened

1. Olmec Art
2. Coal and Britain’s Industrialization
3. Pleistocene Climate
4. The Impact of Industrialization on Labor Systems
5. Climate Change and Species Distribution
6. Job specialization in Social insects
7. 自然选择环境因素对蛾子的影响(moth)
8. 猫的嗅觉odour/olfactory
9. 商周的青铜器 bronze ware
10. 几种植物生长方式,年度周期植物,常绿植物evergreen,落叶植物deciduous,针叶植物coniferophyte
11. 鱼的呼吸方式
12. 动物对飞行的感应

蜜蜂社会繁殖的过程,worker bees,nurse bees , foraging bees各自的职责,因为受着体内各种激素的影响。
随着worker的长大,他的工作由cleaner变成了larvae feeder。
蜜蜂巢穴内没有指令,但是他们依然能够根据巢穴内食物的丰富度来判断要不要在 low-yield flower上采蜜。
主要生词:hive,male bees. Drones , swarm hatch, colony, bee larvae,nectar, pollen。

类似文章:2015.7.12 Honeybee Society


结构类似文章:TPO10-(1) Chinese Pottery

A major development was the discovery, again about 3000 B.C.E., that if copper, which had been known in Mesopotamia since about 3500 B.C.E., was mixed with tin, a much harder metal, bronze, would result. Although copper and stone tools continued to be used, bronze was far more successful in creating sharp edges that could be used as anything from saws and scythes to weapons. The period from 3000 to 1000 B.C.E., when the use of bronze became widespread, is normally referred to as the Bronze Age.(TPO)

Iron came from West Asia, although its routes of diffusion were somewhat different than those of agriculture. Most of Africa presents a curious case in which societies moved directly from a technology of stone to iron without passing through the intermediate stage of copper or bronze metallurgy, although some early copper-working sites have been found in West Africa. Knowledge of iron making penetrated into the forest and savannahs of West Africa at roughly the same time that iron making was reaching Europe. Evidence of iron making has been found in Nigeria, Ghana, and Mali. (TPO)

Bronze, or bronze-like alloys and mixtures, were used for coins over a longer period. Bronze was especially suitable for use in boat and ship fittings prior to the wide employment of stainless steel owing to its combination of toughness and resistance to salt water corrosion. Bronze is still commonly used in ship propellers and submerged bearings.

In the 20th century, silicon was introduced as the primary alloying element, creating an alloy with wide application in industry and the major form used in contemporary statuary. Sculptors may prefer silicon bronze because of the ready availability of silicon bronze brazing rod, which allows colour-matched repair of defects in castings. Aluminium is also used for the structural metal aluminium bronze.

It is also widely used for casting bronze sculptures. Many common bronze alloys have the unusual and very desirable property of expanding slightly just before they set, thus filling in the finest details of a mould. Bronze parts are tough and typically used for bearings, clips, electrical connectors and springs.

Bronze also has very low friction against dissimilar metals, making it important for cannons prior to modern tolerancing, where iron cannonballs would otherwise stick in the barrel.[24] It is still widely used today for springs, bearings, bushings, automobile transmission pilot bearings, and similar fittings, and is particularly common in the bearings of small electric motors. Phosphor bronze is particularly suited to precision-grade bearings and springs. It is also used in guitar and piano strings.
Unlike steel, bronze struck against a hard surface will not generate sparks, so it (along with beryllium copper) is used to make hammers, mallets, wrenches and other durable tools to be used in explosive atmospheres or in the presence of flammable vapors. Bronze is used to make bronze wool for woodworking applications where steel wool would discolour oak.
Phosphor bronze is used for ships' propellers, musical instruments, and electrical contacts.[25] Bearings are often made of bronze for its friction properties. It can be filled with oil to make the proprietary Oilite and similar material for bearings. Aluminium bronze is very hard and wear-resistant, and is used for bearings and machine tool ways. -----from Wikipedia

03.植物的 energy distribution


工业化和煤炭的话题出现的非常多,主要内容会围绕着energy的问题来讨论,steam energy出现后是的coal mine可以挖掘的更深,因为矿井里的水可以用steam驱动的pump抽出来了。工业化得到了更多的动力。

生词:annual ,therophyte,  deciduous plants,evergreen.



09. 19世纪蒸汽机出现的影响

10  蝙蝠
echolocation and flight讲蝙蝠利用超声波,以及如何进化的,还有和飞行的关系。

Microbats and a few megabats emit ultrasonic sounds to produce echoes. By comparing the outgoing pulse with the returning echoes, the brain and auditory nervous system can produce detailed images of the bat's surroundings. This allows bats to detect, localise, and classify their prey in darkness. Bat calls are some of the loudest airborne animal sounds, and can range in intensity from 60 to 140 decibels. Microbats use their larynx to create ultrasound, and emit it through the mouth and sometimes the nose. The latter is most pronounced in the horseshoe bats (Rhinolophus spp.). Microbat calls range in frequency from 14,000 to well over 100,000 Hz, extending well beyond the range of human hearing (between 20 and 20,000 Hz). Various groups of bats have evolved fleshy extensions around and above the nostrils, known as nose-leaves, which play a role in sound transmission. -----from Wikipedia

11  鱼怎么呼吸 用 gill 和 bubble
A gill is a respiratory organ found in many aquatic organisms that extracts dissolved oxygen from water and excretes carbon dioxide. The gills of some species, such as hermit crabs, have adapted to allow respiration on land provided they are kept moist. The microscopic structure of a gill presents a large surface area to the external environment. Branchia (pl. branchiae) is the zoologists' name for gills (from Ancient Greek).----- -----from Wikipedia

Deplete=used up
Multifaceted=in all sides
Adopt=Take on

Honeybee Society

Honeybee colonies are essentially societies of females. In a hive of perhaps 20,000 bees, only a few hundred will be male bees, called drones. ■They are around only in the spring or summer long enough to rise to treetop level in a comet-like swarm, chasing after one of the queen bees that have assembled from various hives at a mating site.■Of the many drones assembled, only 10 to 15 will actually mate with a queen during one of her mating flights. ■ Each drone that is successful dies in the process, however, and a similar fate awaits drones that aren't successful; once mating is done, they will be expelled from their hives or killed. ■

The week of mating flights prepares the queen for a lifetime of prodigious egg laying; she will produce up to 2,000 fertile eggs a day for years. Nearly all of the offspring that hatch from these eggs are female; they are the hive's worker bees; and they are well named, for it is they who will maintain the hive, forage for food, store the food away, care for newly laid eggs, and more. It is they who will do everything for the colony, in other words, except lay eggs and mate with the queen.

Over their brief adult lives of perhaps six weeks, every worker bee takes on, in a predictable order, nearly all the worker tasks that the hive has to offer. For the first three days of her life, a worker is primarily a cleaner of the cells that the bee larvae (immature, wormlike bees) are stored in. As the days pass, she becomes primarily a larvae feeder, then a hive construction worker, then an entrance guard and food storer, and finally a forager, going out to secure nectar, pollen, and water for the colony. Within this structure, however, a worker's life is one of surprising flexibility. After becoming a construction worker, for example, she still engages in some cell cleaning; and throughout her life, she spends a good deal of time resting and patrolling the hive.
Importantly, there is no chain of command in a colony no group of workers communicating the message more food needed now or cell cleaning needed over here. How, then, does all this work get organized among tens of thousands of bees? Bees are prompted to act either because of environmental conditions (the temperature of the hive, for example) or because of signals or cues they receive from other bees. The signals are explicit acts of communication, as with the famous waggle dance that bees perform to inform their fellow workers of the location of food sites.

Quite often, however, bees are reacting to cues they get from other bees that simply imply a given condition. Take, as an example, a cue that researcher Thomas Seeley confirmed that has to do with unloading time at the hive. In a well-fed hive, forager bees gather food only from flower patches that have lots of nectar. When a hive is near starvation, however, the foragers aren't so choosy; then low-yield flower patches will do. So, how does a forager know whether to be choosy or not?How is she informed of the nutritional status of the colony, in other words? Her informational source is the length of time it takes her to unload her food. Providing the cues are the food-storer bees, which receive the food the foragers bring back and then process it into honey and pack it away in the hive. It takes a returning forager a relatively long time to make contact with a food-storer bee in a well-fed hive, but a relatively short time in a starving hive. Why? Because in a well-fed hive, the food storers have to keep them busy when there is plenty of food to store away. If, however, a forager can make contact with a food storer within 15 seconds of entering the hive, the forager knows the colony is low on food and will start paying visits to low-yield sites. This is but one example of how life in the colony is self-organizing; each bee's behavior is shaped by the behavior of other bees.

2015.9.12 Gliding and Soaring

Paragraph 1:Gliding is gravity-powered flight where the movement of the glider has a downward tilt. But many birds are capable of ascending without flapping their wings, and this is called soaring. Birds usually soar by finding air that is rising as fast as or faster than the gliding bird's sinking speed. For example, a turkey vulture might glide with a sinking speed of about 0.8 meters per second. If the vulture can find a place where the air is rising at 0.8 meters per second, it will be able to maintain a constant altitude. If it finds air rising faster than that, it will be able to climb.

Paragraph 2:Two common processes produce updrafts, or rising air. When heated air rises, it is called a thermal, and when wind blows up a hill or over a large obstacle, it is called ridge lift or slope lift. Thermals occur when the Sun heats some parts of the ground more than others. For example, a freshly plowed field may heat up faster than an adjacent meadow. The warm ground heats the air above it, and the air starts to rise. As the warm air rises, it is replaced by cool air from the surrounding terrain, and this new air is heated until it rises. Thermals may be continuous chimneys of rising air, or a series of discrete, doughnut-shaped bubbles (ring thermals) formed at intervals by the warmed ground.

Paragraph 3:If they could be made visible, ring thermals would look like giant, rising smoke rings. Some airplane pilots and biologists disagree about the exact form of continuous thermal chimneys. Pilots have traditionally interpreted thermals as large, tall columns of rising air, usually with a cumulus (white, fluffy) cloud marking the top of the column. In contrast, observers of animal flight find only small, localized thermal chimneys, which usually take the form of dust devils, which are small columnar thermals with intense rotation. Colin Pennycuick, a prolific researcher on bird flight, discounts thermal chimneys and recognizes only ring thermals as sources of large-scale, long-lasting updrafts. In any case, thermals can rise 2 or 3 kilometers above the ground. Also, they tend to increase in size and intensity as they rise, sometimes reaching over 1,000 meters in diameter. Thermals are usually capped by a cloud, because the upper limit of a thermal is set by the altitude where the temperature is low enough to condense water vapor in the thermal, which cools the air and forms a cloud.

Paragraph 4:As long as the upward speed of the thermal is greater than the sinking speed of a glider, the glider will ascend in the thermal. Of course, the glider will quickly fly out of the thermal if it flies in a straight line, so it must circle to stay in the rising air. (A glider should stay on the inside of the ring, because the air on the outer edge of the ring is actually rolling downward.) Imagine a vulture ascending to 1,500 meters above the ground by circling in a ring thermal. From this height, it will be able to fly out of the thermal and glide for about 30 minutes (traveling over 23 kilometers) before it runs out of altitude and needs to either start flapping, find another thermal, or land. Many soaring birds use just this pattern: climbing up in a thermal, gliding a long distance, then finding another thermal in which to soar. This type of flight is an efficient way to cover long distances at a low energy cost, making it a handy way to migrate or search for food.

Paragraph 5: Slope soaring is useful when wind blows upward along a slope. The speed of the wind's upward motion can be calculated in the same manner that the sinking speed of a glider is calculated. If the upward speed of this wind is greater than or equal to the sinking speed of a glider, the glider will be able to maintain altitude. Such ridge lift has a characteristic that is both an advantage and a disadvantage: ridge lift is usually predictably tied to a particular slope, so it is easy to find. But it is usable only in that fixed, local area.
01.Olmec Art
重复2018.09.09, 2018.05.06, 2017.08.26, 2017.03.04, 2015.06.13
surplus=excess quantity 过多;剩余
exhibits=displays 展示;显示
embody=incorporate 包含;体现

Olmec Art
The earliest Mesoamerican art and architecture to combine ideological complexity, craft, and permanence was that of the Olmecs, whose civilization flourished between about 1500 B.C. and 100 B.C. The early Olmecs established major ceremonial centers along the rich lowlands of the modern Mexican states of Veracruz and Tabasco. At distant Teopantecuanitlan, the Olmecs established a sacred precinct, the first monumental evidence of the Olmecs in the highlands. But the Olmecs had an advanced social and economic system, with networks for commerce extending far to the west and south. The fertile gulf plain probably allowed for an agricultural surplus, controlled by only a handful of individuals. From the art and architecture of their ceremonial centers (we know too little about Olmec domestic life to call their sites cities), it is clear that for the Olmecs, social stratification was sufficiently advanced for their society to place great importance on the records of specific individuals, particularly in the form of colossal heads (enormous stone sculptures of human heads and faces).
Long before modern radiocarbon dating testified to the antiquity of this culture,  archaeologists and art historians had become aware of the power of Olmec art through individual objects. Some even identified the Olmec culture as the oldest of Mesoamerican civilizations, perhaps a mother culture from which all others derived, as the art historian Miguel Covarrubias once thought. Eventually the antiquity of Olmec culture was confirmed, and today many important elements of Mesoamerican art and architecture can be seen to have had a probable Olmec origin: ball courts, pyramids, portraiture, and mirrors. Some later Mesoamerican deities probably derive from Olmec gods, and even the famous Maya calendar was already in use by peoples in the Olmec area at the dawn of Maya civilization.

One of the first important Olmec objects to come to modern attention was the Kunz axe, acquired in the 1860s in Oaxaca, Mexico. The ceremonial axe puzzled and intrigued investigators for years because on the one hand, it was clearly neither Aztec nor Maya, the best-known ancient Mesoamerican cultures, and in fact it had no features that could be linked with any known civilization, while on the other hand, it had surely been made in Mesoamerica in antiquity.

The axe exhibits many qualities of the style we now call Olmec: precious blue-green translucent jade, worked to reveal a figure in both two and three dimensions. More than half the axe is devoted to the creature's facean open, toothless mouth, and closely set, slanting eyeswhich has often been likened to the face of a howling human infant. The creature's hands are worked in lower relief, and in them he grasps a miniature version of himself. Feet and toes are indicated only by incision (carved lines), and incision also marks the face, ears, and upper body, perhaps to suggest tattooing, ear ornaments, and a tunic. For over two millennia this large, precious axe was presumably kept as a treasure or heirloom. It was not until 1955, after several seasons of excavation at La Venta had produced many fine jade objects and a convincing series of radiocarbon dates in the first millennium B.C., that objects such as the Kunz axe were at last understood by scholars to embody the principles of the first great art style of Mesoamerica.

Early scholars of the Olmec style noticed a pattern of imagery repeated on many of the carved stone objects. Many howling baby faces were found, and other faces seemed to combine the features of humans and jaguars (large cats). Today, while the presence of jaguar imagery is still acknowledged, scholars have discovered that aspects of many other tropical rainforest fauna can be identified in the carvings. The caiman (a kind of alligator), eagle, toad, jaguar, and snake all appear in the Olmec supernatural repertoire. Anthropologist Peter David Joralemon has suggested that most of the motifs and images can be allocated to a few Olmec deities. The paw-wing motif, for example, can be shown to be an element of the winged dragon, itself perhaps derived from the eagle and caiman. This whole intricate symbolic code appears to have been in use from the first appearance of the Olmecs, and to have been employed consistently for a thousand years.

02.Coal, Iron and Steam
重复2018.10.27, 2016.09.10下午场
pioneering = original 最初的
distinct = separate 不同的,各自的
enabling = allowing 允许,使能够
restricted = limited 受限的
TPO 26 Energy and Industrial Revolution
2015.06.14,2014.3.23 Early Modern Industrialization
2010.12.04 Industrialization of England


03.Pleistocene Climate
corresponds approximately to that of North America = match roughly that of North America 与北美的情况类似
simultaneously = at the same time 同步地,同时地
trigger = start 开始、
uniformly = consistently 一致地
TPO 19 Discovering the Ice Age
TPO 15 Glacier Formation
2019.01.05 Late Pleistocene Extinctions更新世晚期物种灭绝
2018.09.02,2016.02.27,2015.09.12 Pleistocene Extinctions更新世的灭绝
Pleistocene Extinctions

At the end of the Pleistocene (roughly 11,500 years ago), many large mammals became extinct. Large mammals in the Americas and Australia were particularly hard-hit. In Australia, 15 of the continent's 16 of large mammals died out; North America lost 33 of 45 genera of large mammals, and in South America 46 of 58 such genera went extinct. In contrast, Europe lost only 7 of 23 such genera, and in Africa south of the Sahara only 2 of 44 died out. What caused these extinctions  Why did these extinctions eliminate mostly large mammals Why were the extinctions most severe in Australia and the Americas No completely satisfactory explanation exists, but two competing hypotheses are currently being debated. One holds that rapid climatic changes at the end of the Pleistocene caused extinctions, whereas another, called prehistoric overkill, holds that human hunters were responsible.

Rapid changes in climate and vegetation occurred over much of Earth's surface during the late Pleistocene, as glaciers began retreating. The North American and northern Eurasian open steppe tundras (treeless and permanently frozen land areas) were replaced by conifer and broadleaf forests as warmer and wetter conditions prevailed. The Arctic region changed from a productive herbaceous one that supported a variety of large mammals, to a relatively barren waterlogged tundra that supported a far sparser fauna. The southwestern United States region also changed from a moist area with numerous lakes, where saber-tooth cats, giant ground sloths, and mammoths roamed, to a semiarid environment unable to support a diverse fauna of large mammals.

Rapid changes in climate and vegetation can certainly affect animal populations, but the climate hypothesis presents several problems. First, why did the large mammals not migrate to more suitable habitats as the climate and vegetation changed After all, many other animal species did. For example, reindeer and the arctic fox lived in southern France during the last glaciation and migrated to the Arctic when the climate became warmer.

The second argument against the climatic hypothesis is the apparent lack of correlation between extinctions and the earlier glacial advances and retreats throughout the Pleistocene Epoch. Previous changes in climate were not marked by episodes of mass extinctions.

Proponents of the prehistoric overkill hypothesis argue that the mass extinctions in North and South America and Australia coincided closely with the arrival of humans. Perhaps hunters had a tremendous impact on the faunas of North and South America about 11,000 years ago because the animals had no previous experience with humans. The same thing happened much earlier in Australia soon after people arrived about 40,000 years ago. No large-scale extinctions occurred in Africa and most of Europe because animals in those regions had long been familiar with humans.

One problem with the prehistoric overkill hypothesis is that archaeological evidence indicates the early human inhabitants of North and South America, as well as Australia, probably lived in small, scattered communities, gathering food and hunting. How could a few hunters destroy so many species of large mammals However, it is true that humans have caused major extinctions on oceanic islands. For example, in a period of about 600 years after arriving in New Zealand, humans exterminated several species of the large, flightless birds called moas. A second problem is that present-day hunters concentrate on smaller, abundant, and less dangerous animals. The remains of horses, reindeer, and other small animals are found in many prehistoric sites in Europe, whereas mammoth and woolly rhinoceros remains are scarce. Finally, few human artifacts are found among the remains of extinct animals in North and South America, and there is usually little evidence that the animals were hunted. Countering this argument is the assertion that the impact on the previously unhunted fauna was so swift as to leave little evidence.
The reason for the extinctions of large Pleistocene mammals is still unresolved and probably will be for some time. It may turn out that the extinctions resulted from a combination of different circumstances. Populations that were already under stress from climate changes were perhaps more vulnerable to hunting, especially if smaller females and young animals were the preferred targets.

04.Cat’s Smell

05.The Impact of Industrialization on Labor Systems
重复2019.02.23, 2018.03.10, 2017.11.11, 2017.07.15下午场, 2016.03.11
工业革命给劳动力带来了很多影响如工具替换了人力,工具的好处是很高效强力并且很精确,能够长时间工作。一些孩子们,虽然在工业早期有时候能够挨近着亲人去工作,也发现他们的工作-家庭关系被重新定义,被工业化的工作从家庭环境中迁出去而重新定义了,在这里的最终解决办法是去把孩子完全拉出劳动力。另一结果是每个人都不是fully skilled,只对某一块熟练所以工厂开除员工很容易成本低,导致人们即使在这么多冲击下也愿意工作。家庭和工作之间隔开的距离,(工人们已经暴露于比他们先前所习惯的更大的场地工作),意味着工人们不得不去应对陌生人了。这样的一系列操作使得进一步促进了工业革命。
components = pieces 组成部分
peak = maximum 最高
gradual = slow 缓慢的
adapt = adjust 适应
Children, (1) though sometimes able to work near relatives in the early days of the factories, (1)also found their work-family relationship redefined by the movement of industrial work out of the home, and here the ultimate solution was to pull children out of the labor force altogether.

解析: (1)两个逗号当中的插入语结束后,记得返回句子主干。

Finally, the gap between family and work meant that workers, (1)already subjected to laboring in larger settings than they were accustomed to, (1)had to deal with strangers.

解析: (1)两个逗号当中的插入语结束后,记得返回句子主干。

With proto-industrialization, these operations simply expanded the adaptation period for workers in wage work and in working for someone else---a profit-mined someone else(1), based outside the village community (2).

解析: (1)“a profit-mined someone else”对前面的“someone else”做进一步的解释补充;(2)“based outside the village community”对前面的“someone else”做后置修饰,可以看成是“who is based outside the village community”。

06.Energy Distribution in Plants
重复2018.06.02, 2017.09.24首考新题
话题重复TPO 26 Survival of  Plants and Animals in Desert Conditions


话题重复2017.11.26,2017.06.10青铜文明的衰落The Collapse of Early Bronze Age Society

09.Air-Breathing Fishes
stagnant = unmoving 停滞的
tolerate = endure 忍受
critical = essential 重要的

话题重复TPO36 Industrial Melanism: The Case of the Peppered Moth

11.Sensing Airflow
第二段:与脊椎类飞行动物相比,科学家目前更清楚昆虫的气流感知模式,因为昆虫(1)是外骨骼,感知器官必须在外骨骼外面去感知气流而便于被人们发现; (2)昆虫的神经系统简单易于分析,研究发现大多数昆虫依靠体外毛发(hair)感知气流并由大脑控制。
第三段:大多数昆虫使用触角或头部毛发作为大级别风的感应器(large scale wind sensors),例如蝗虫(locusts)使用头部毛发感知气流诱发转向反应,其他昆虫使用触角感知风向,具体模式是将触角定于一个方向,当风使触角偏离微小角度时触角底部神经会感知进而诱发昆虫的掌舵反应(steering reflex)。
整篇文章就是对动物气流感知的方方面面介绍的大杂烩,符合托福学术文章科普的安利。第一段把动物气流感知分成两大类:大级别风力感知(large-scale wind gusts),和小级别气流感知(fine-scale air flows),第二段文风一转,并不延续上段分类详述,而是又做比较分类:飞行脊椎动物的气流感知,和飞行昆虫的气流感知,然后一直延续到第四段都是对飞行类昆虫气流感知的方法分析,里面又有小分类(体毛法和触角法)。最后一段感叹飞行脊椎动物的气流感知研究过于困难,所以科学家们索性也不试图研究了(承认研究的局限性和目前的困局)。
intended = desired 想要
in principle = theoretically 理论上
constraints = limitations 限制条件
surely = certainly 确定地

12.Echolocation and Flight
2014.06.15 Roosting and the Survival of Bats 栖息地选择与蝙蝠的生存
2018.11.24,2017.04.23,2017.10.21 Bat Diets 蝙蝠的饮食

2019年2月23日托福考试总体反馈-2019年2月23日托福命中ABC卷多篇阅读真题原题(大量阅读旧题),命中独立和综合大作文真题原题(都是旧题),命中口语四部分和听力四篇旧题,听力最难,CPU资料阅读、写作、听力、口语等全面大中,全面开花!今天的托福考试,依然是几套试卷组合,这种模式会一直持续下去。今天托福考试几大特点:(1)听力、口语、写作、阅读老题重复量巨大。(3)在大部分考试中,写作听力一直是四项难度最大,并且对话难度超过讲座)(4)独立和综合写作重复老题,是我们TOEFL CPU资料里面的。今天大部分题目都在我们CPU资料原题命中!祝贺CPU会员将出现不少100-110分以上托福天才!今天听力阅读里大多是老题,仍然大量重复2015-2018年的老题,尤其是我们CPU托福资料的真题。今天口语和写作也是老题居多。ETS今年虽然在考试形式上变化很多,但其实使用的新题非常少,大都是在重复2014-2018年大陆考过的新题。这一方面说明,ETS出题成本太高(80万美金一套),所以出题量小。另一方面说明,托福考试的整体趋势还是稳定的。形式上的变化(多套试卷,阅读加试,听力非经典加试),并不能改变这个考试的内在。今天听力,口语,阅读和写作都重复老题。总体反馈请复制链接进入http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-243563-1-1.htmlhttp://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-243493-1-1.htmlhttp://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/forum-133-1.html

特别提醒:托福考试几十多年来,有非常严格的规律性和出题思路。全世界有6到10个托福大考区,而只有一个美国托福考试中心几个人在出题,每个考区每个月要出2-4份考卷,一个月出12-24份考卷,考官如何保证达到难度一样呢,如何保证新题难度、准确度和评价机制公平呢,所以只能是几十年来托福真题题库旧题目的有效组合,新题不能超出10%。事实上每份托福真题卷子都是80%-90%以上旧题原题真题。近年来,阅读几套卷里大多是老题,ETS今年虽然在考试形式上变化很多,但其实使用的新题非常少,大都是在重复2014-2018年大陆考过的老题。这一方面说明,ETS出题成本太高(80万美金一套),所以出新题量小。另一方面说明,托福考试的整体趋势还是稳定的。形式上的变化(多套试卷,阅读加试,听力非经典加试),并不能改变这个考试的内在。除了阅读之外,听力,口语和写作都大部分是重复老题。多年托福考官和专家Edward老师非常熟悉托福出题规律和听说读写题库出题组合卷子的秘诀, CPU资料因此而诞生!具体请阅读http://bbs.ieltstofelglobal.com/thread-231387-1-1.html

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