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[国内外] 2018年12月1日中国大陆考区雅思A类笔试真题回忆+答案汇总









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阅读 Homopaths motor car 新西兰物种入侵 蜥蜴老鼠为例
s1 15 Oct 175 hotel golf class fishing caravan menu
s4 fresh food head office chain strategy Scotland
Task1: 柱图 对比服务行业在城乡送货时长的差异
Task2: Some people believe that the government spends too much money on developing space technology,There are many other way that the government should address instead. To what extent do you agree or disagree?花钱投资空间探险不合理,应该将钱投资到更好的方面上去
Passage1: Overdosing on nothing(顺势疗法
An international protest this week aims to demonstrate the truth about homeopathy-that there’s literally nothing in it, says Martin Robbins AT 10.23am on 30 January, more than 300 activists in the UK, Canada, Australia and the US will take part in a mass homeopathic “overdose”. Skeptics will publicly swallow an entire bottle of homeopathic pills to demonstrate to the public that homeopathic remedies, the product of a scientifically unfounded 18th-centuryritual, are simply sugar pills. Many of the skeptics will swallow 84 pills of arsenicum album, a homeopathic remedy based on arsenic which is used to treat a range of symptoms, including food poisoning and insomnia. The aim of the “10:23” campaign, led by the Merseyside Skeptics Society, based in Liverpool, UK, is to raise public awareness of just exactly what homeopathy is, and to put pressure on the UK’s leading pharmacist, Boots, to remove theremedies from sale. The campaign is called 10:23in honor of the Avogadroconstant (approximately 6 x 1023, the number of atoms or molecules in onemole of a substance), of which more later.
That such a protest is even necessary in 2010 is remarkable, but somehow the homeopathic industry has not only survived into the 21st century, but prospered. In the UK alone more than £40 million is spent annually on homeopathic treatments, with £4 million of this being sucked from the National Health Service budget. Yet the basis for homeopathy defies the laws of physics, and high-quality clinical trials have never been able to demonstrate that it works beyond the placebo effect.
The discipline is based on three “laws”; the law of similars, the law of infinite simals and the law of succession. The law of similars states that something which causes your symptoms will cure your symptoms, so that, for example, as caffeine keeps you awake, it can also be a cure for insomnia. Of course, that makes little sense, since drinking caffeine, well, keeps you awake. Next is the law of infinitesimals, which claims that diluting a substance makes it more potent. Homeopaths start by diluting one volume of their remedy arsenic oxide, in the case of arsenicumalbum-in 99 volumes of distilled water oralcohol to create a “centesimal”. They then dilute one volume of the centesimal in 99volumes of water or alcohol, and so on, up to 30 times. Application of Avogadro’s constant tells you that a dose of such a“30C” recipe is vanishingly unlikely to
contain even a single molecule of the active ingredient. The third pillar of homeopathy is the law of succession. This states-and I’m not making this up-that by tapping the liquid in a special way during the dilution process, a memory of the active ingredient is somehow imprinted on it. This explains how water is able to carry a memory of arsenic oxide, but apparently not of the contents of your local sewer network.
The final preparation is generally dropped onto a sugar pill which the patient swallows. Homeopaths claim that the application of these three laws results in a remedy that, even though it contains not a single molecule of the original T-T-J.— ingredient, somehow carries an “energy signature” of it that nobody can measure or detect. Unsurprisingly, when tested under rigorous scientific conditions, in randomized, controlled and double blind trials, homeopathic remedies have shown to be no better than a placebo. Of course, the placebo effect is quite powerful, but it’s a bit like justifying building a car without any wheels on the basis that you can still enjoy the comfy leather seats and play with the gear shift.
Even some retailers who sell the treatments have admitted there is no evidence that they work. In November, Paul Bennett, the super intendent pharmacist at Boots, appeared before the UK parliament’s Commons Science and Technology Committee’s “evidence check” on homeopathy. He was questioned by Member of Parliament Phil Willis, who asked: “Do they work beyond the placebo effect?” I have no evidence before me to suggest that they are efficacious,” Bennett replied. He defended Boots’s decision to sell homeopathic remedies on the grounds of consumer choice. “A large number of our consumers actually do believe they are efficacious, but they are licensed medicinal products and, therefore, we believe it is right to make the mavailable,” he said.
You might agree. You might also argue that homeopathy is harmless: if people want to part with their money for sugar pills and nobody is breaking the law, why not let them? To some extent that’s true-there’s only so much damage you can do with sugar pills short of feeding them to a diabetic or dropping a large crate of them on someone’s head. However, we believe there is a risk in perpetuating the notion that homeopathy is equivalent to modern medicine. People
may delay seeking appropriate treatment for themselves or their children.
We accept that we are unlikely to convince the true believers. Homeopathy has many ways to sidestep awkward questions, such as rejecting the validity of randomized controlled trials, or claiming that homeopathic remedies only work if you have symptoms of the malady they purport to cure. Our aim is to reach out to the general public with our simple message: “There is nothing in it”. Boots and other retailers are perfectly entitled to continue selling homeopathic remedies if they so wish and consumers are perfectly entitled to keep on buying them. But hopefully the 10:23 campaign will ram home our message to the public. In the 21st century, with decades of progress behind us, it is surreal that governments are prepared to spend millions of tax pounds on homeopathy. There really is nothing in it.

Questions 1-7
1 ix
【原文参考依据-A段首句】An international protest this week aims to demonstrate the truth about homeopathy-that there's literally nothing in it, says Martin Robbins AT 10.23 am on 30 January, more than 300 activities in the UK, Canada, Australia and the US will take part in a mass homeopathic "overdose".
2 v
【原文参考依据-B段首句】That such a protest is even necessary in 2010 is remarkable, but somehow the homeopathic industry has not only survived into the 21st century, but prospered(繁荣)(=booming).
3 i
【原文参考依据-C段首句】The discipline is based on three "laws"; the law of similars, the law of infinitesimals and the law of succession.
4 vii
【原文参考依据-D段末尾】...,homeopathic remedies have consistently been shown to be no better than a placebo. Of course, the placebo effect is quite powerful, but it's a bit like justifying building a car without any wheels on the basis that you can still enjoy the comfy leather seats and play with the gear shift.
D段line8-10“homeopathic remedies have consistently been shown to be no better than a placebo. Of course, the placebo effect is quite powerful”
5 iv 题干改为:iv The purpose of selling homeopathic remedies.
【原文参考依据-E段倒数3-4行】He defended Boots's decision to sell homeopathic remedies on the grounds of(根据,以...为理由) consumer choice.
6 viii
【原文参考依据-F段】You might also argue that homeopathy is harmless: if people want to part with their money for sugar pills and nobody is breaking the law, why not let them? To some estent that's true-there's only so much damage you can do with sugar pills short of feeding them to a diabetic or dropping a large crate of them on some's head.
7 iii
【原文参考依据-G段第二句】Homeopathy has many ways to sidestep(回避) awkward questions, such as rejecting the validity of randomized controlled trails, or claiming that homeopathic remedies only work if you have symptoms of the maladay they purport to cure.
Questions 8-14
【原文参考依据-A段】The aim of the "10:23" campaign, led by Merseyside Skeptics Society, based in Liverpool, UK, is to raise public awareness of just exactly what homeopathy is, and to put pressure on the UK's leading pharmacist, Boots, to remove the remedies from sale. The campaign is called 10:23 in honor of the Avogadro constant, of which more later.
【原文参考依据-B段第二句】In the UK alone more than ?40 million is spent annually on homeopathic treatments with ?4million of this being sucked from(从...中吸取) the National Health Service budget.“每年有四千多万英镑花在顺势治疗上,其中四百万英镑来源于英国国民医疗保健预算。”题干说“英国国民医疗保健预算从顺势治疗上获得利润”。两者矛盾。所以False。
【原文参考依据-C段第二句】The law of similars states that something which causes your symptoms will cure your symptons, so that, for example, ascaffeinne keeps you awake, it can also be a cure for insomnia.
非常经典的出题,C段前几句;按照 顺势疗法倡导的 “以毒攻毒 similar” 理论,=》咖啡因应该是可以治疗失眠的;然而原文 C段第4句,....of course... that makes little sense (这根本站不住脚),因为和咖啡只会让你保持清醒(不会治疗失眠)
【原文参考依据-F段倒数第2句】However, we believe there is a risk inperpetuating the notion that homeopathy is equivalent to modern medicine.
【原文参考依据-E段第五行】“I have no evidence before me to suggest that they are efficacious(有效的)," Bennet replied.
原文见E段第5行还是,“有没有效”,PB回答“我没有证据,我只是尊重消费者的意愿提供者种药物”,原文说明 PB也没有证据证明这个疗法有效,题干说PB说这个疗法有效,这就是矛盾。
【原文参考依据-F段末句】People may delay seeking appropriate treatment for themselves or their children.

Passage2: 不同公司motor car的设计(匹配+填空)
14. providing more space because of its special design--Mini
15. It didn’t catch so much interest—Motorwagen
16. affordable to common people-- Ford
17. overall performance was improved-- Sliver Ghost
18. generated in unproductive period--Jeep
19. front wheel engine--Tatra Avant
20. What are the features of motor cars compared with previous  road transportation? steam-powered cars
21. 除了速度快,motor car 还有什么作用?a status symbol
22. 生产一台福特轿车需要多久:90 minutes
23. 人们把特别耗油的车成为:gas guzzler
24. 首次用Diesel驱动的汽车成产公司是:Mercedes
25. 目前致力于生产什么样的车?economy-conscious cars
26:What’s the main idea  of this passage?
B:  describe the development of cars

Passage3: 通过老鼠和蜥蜴谈物种入侵(判断+填空)

小作文是柱状图  比较住在城市和乡村的人花十五分钟或少于这个时间去不同services的比例
大作文是人们认为花钱为了太空探索而发展科技是不合理的 应该把钱花在其他beneficial ways上
Section1: 男人带一家老小出去玩
Section2: 运动场馆和运动商店  地图+匹配  
Section3: 达芬奇的画作

Section4: 零售业(超市)的发展
31. petrol stations
32. Scotland
33. market share
34. partner
35. head office
36. retrained
37. stages
38. fresh food
39. strategies
40. organization
Section  1 旅游住宿场景
1-10 填空(答案不太完整,欢迎补充)
1. October 15 日期
2. hotel 宾馆
3. fishing 钓鱼
4. sailing 航海
5. massage 按摩
6. caravan 拖车,房车
7. 175 数字
8. menu 菜单

Section  2 运动场馆和商店

Section 3 古话的鉴定与研究
21-24 单选
21. Why did John think Jackson Pollocks painting is fake?
B. his work is complex 他的作品较为复杂
22. Why initially John think 5 pounds is fake?
C. lake of documentation 缺乏相关文件
23. Why international foundation reject 5 pounds?
A. the material applied 使用的材料
24. What do both John and Emily agree?
C. Scientists and artists can work together to evaluate the painting 科学家和艺术家应该合作起来评估画作
25-30 匹配
25. Use D. laser beam to scan and mark for 3D model of the building 激光光束
26. Use F. Thermal-graph camera for different wall materials 热成像
27. Space for holding H. glass windows 玻璃窗
28. Use E. radar detection as to find there are two walls 雷达探测
29. Finding: the inner wall is made of G. stone 石头
30. Use B. gamma ray for wall material extra information 伽马射线

Section 4 英国连锁超市的发展
31-40 填空
31. open more branches of petrol station to increase market share in England 汽油站
32. reduce the number of branches in Southern Scotland 苏格兰南部
33. close Lond and Oxford head office 总部
34. a new brand focuses on fresh food 新鲜事物
35. over 200 staff have to be retrained and transferd再次培训
36. had a contract manager to handle the discussion 经理
37. retail store should be flexible in profits 利润
38. open mind in strategies for company expansion 战略
39. seek help from the partners 伙伴
40. save cost by changing organization in the department store 组织架构

小作文:柱图 城市人在15min内开车到达学校、邮局、医院等六个服务设施所占的比例;乡村人在15min开车到达学校、邮局、医院等六个服务设施所占的比例
大作文:Some people think that money spent on developing technology on space exploration is not justified, they think there are more beneficial ways to cost.Do you agree or disagree?
汽车发展史(The History of Automobiles

A  Thehistory of the automobile begins as early as 1769, with the creation of steamengined automobiles capable of human transport. In 1806, the first cars poweredby an internal combustion engine running on fuel gas appeared, which led to theintroduction in 1885 of the ubiquitous modern petrol-fueled internal combustionengine.
B  It isgenerally acknowledged that the first really practical automobiles withpetrol/gasoline-powered internal combustion engines were completed almostsimultaneously by several German inventors working independently: Karl Benzbuilt his first automobile in 1885 in Mannheim. Benz was granted a patent forhis automobile on 29 January 1886, and began the first production ofautomobiles in 1888 in a company later became the famous Mercedes-Benz.
C  Atthe beginning of the century the automobile entered the transportation marketfor the rich. The drivers of the day were an adventurous lot, going out inevery kind of weather, unprotected by an enclosed body, or even a convertibletop. Everyone in town knew who owned what car and the cars were soon to becomeeach individual's token of identity. However, it became increasingly popularamong the general population because it gave travelers the freedom to travelwhen they wanted to and where they wanted. As a result, in North America andEurope the automobile became cheaper and more accessible to the middle class.This was facilitated by Henry Ford who did two important things. First hepriced his car to be as affordable as possible and second, he paid his workersenough to be able to purchase the cars they were manufacturing.
D  Theassembly line style of mass production and interchangeable parts had beenpioneered in the U.S. This concept was greatly expanded by Henry Ford,beginning in 1914. The large-scale, production-line manufacturing of affordableautomobiles was debuted Ford's cars came off the line in fifteen minuteintervals, much faster than previous methods, increasing productivity eightfold(requiring 12.5 man-hours before, 1 hour 33 minutes after), while using lessmanpower. Ford's complex safety proceduresespecially assigning each worker to a specific location instead ofallowing them to roam aboutdramatically reduced the rate of injury. The combination of highwages and high efficiency is called "Fordism," and was copied by mostmajor industries.
E  Theoriginal Jeep vehicle that first appeared as the prototype Bantam BRC becamethe primary light 4-wheel-drive vehicle of the United States Army and Alliesand made a huge leap in sale during World War IT, as well as the postwarperiod. Many Jeep variants serving similar military and civilian roles havesince been created and kept being improved on general performance in othernations.
F  Throughoutthe 1950s, engine power and vehicle speeds rose, designs became more integratedand artful, and cars spread across the world. The market changed somewhat inthe 1960s, as Detroit began to worry about foreign competition, the Europeanmakers adopted ever-higher technology, and Japan appeared as a seriouscar-producing nation. General Motors, Chrysler, and Ford tried radical smallcars, like the GM A-bodies, but had little success. Captive imports and badgeengineering swept through the US and UK as amalgamated groups like the BritishMotor Corporation consolidated the market. BMC's revolutionary space-savingMini, which first appeared in 1959, captured large sales worldwide. Minis weremarketed under the Austin and Morris names, until Mini became a marque in itsown right in 1969. The trend for corporate consolidation reached Italy as nichemakers like Maserati, Ferrari, and Lancia were acquired by larger companies. Bythe end of the decade, the number of automobile marques had been greatlyreduced.
G  InAmerica, performance became a prime focus of marketing, exemplified by ponycars and muscle cars. But everything changed in the 1970s as the 1973 oilcrisis, automobile emissions control rules, Japanese and European imports, andstagnant innovation wreaked havoc on the American industry. Though somewhatironically, full-size sedans staged a major comeback in the years between theenergy crisis, with makes such as Cadillac and Lincoln staging their best salesyears ever in the late 70s. Small performance cars from BMW, Toyota, and Nissantook the place of big-engined cars from America and Italy.
H  Onthe technology front, the biggest developments in Post-war era were thewidespread use of independent suspensions, wider application of fuel injection,and an increasing focus on safety in the design of automobiles. The hottesttechnologies of the 1960s were NSU's "Wankel engine", the gasturbine, and the turbocharger. Of these, only the last, pioneered by GeneralMotors but popularised by BMW and Saab, was to see widespread use. Mazda hadmuch success with its "Rotary" engine which, however, acquired areputation as a polluting gas-guzzler. Other Wankel licensees, includingMercedes-Benz and General Motors, never put their designs into production afterthe 1973 oil crisis. (Mazda's hydrogen-fuelled successor was later todemonstrate potential as an "ultimate eco-car".) Rover and Chryslerboth produced experimental gas turbine cars to no effect.
I   Themodern era has also seen rapidly rising fuel efficiency and engine output. Oncethe automobile emissions concerns of the 1970s were conquered with computerizedengine management systems, power began to rise rapidly. In the 1980s, apowerful sports car might have produced 200 horsepower (150 kW) - just 20 yearslater, average passenger cars have engines that powerful, and some performancemodels offer three times as much power.
J   Mostautomobiles in use today are propelled by an internal combustion engine, fueledby gasoline or diesel. Both fuels are known to cause air pollution and are alsoblamed for contributing to climate change and global warming. Rapidlyincreasing oil prices, concerns about oil dependence, tightening environmentallaws and restrictions on greenhouse gas emissions are propelling work on alternative powersystems for automobiles. Efforts to improve or replace existing technologiesinclude the development of hybrid vehicles, plug-in electric vehicles andhydrogen vehicles. Vehicles using alternative fuels such as ethanolflexible-fuel vehicles and natural gas vehicles are also gaining popularity insome countries.

Questions 15-19
Look at the following statements (Questions15-19) and the list of auto companies or car types in the box belong:
Match each statement with the correctperson A-G
Write the appropriate letter A-G in boxes15-19 on your answer sheet.
15. The company which began the firstmanufacture of automobiles
16. The company that produces theindustrialized cars that consumers can afford
17. The example of auto which improved thespace room efficiency
18. The type of auto with greatest upgradedoverall performance in Post-war era
19. The type of autos still keeping anadvanced sale even during a seemingly unproductive period
A. The Ford (American, Henry Ford)
B. The BMC's Mini
C. Cadillac and Lincoln (American)
D. Mercedes-Benz (German)
E. Mazda
F. Jeep
G. NSU's "Wankel engine" car
H. Mascrati, Ferrari, and Iancia

Questions 20-26
Answer the questions below.
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS AND/OR ANUMBER from the passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 20-26 on youranswer sheet.
20. What is a common feature of modem cars'engine type since late 19th century
21. In the past, what did the rich takeowing a car as?
22. How long did Ford's assembly line taketo produce a car?
23. What does people call the Mazda cardesigned under Wankel engine?
24. What is the major historical event thatled American cars to suffer when competing with Japanese imported cars?
25. What has greatly increased withcomputerised engine management systems?
26. What factor is blamed for contributingto pollution, climate change and global warming?

Questions 27
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C, or D.
Write your answers in boxes 27 on youranswer sheet
27 What is the main idea of this passage?
A. the historical contribution of theFord's mass production assembly line
B. the historical development andinnovation in car designs
C. the beginning of the modern designedgasoline engines
D. the history of human and the Autoindustry
15.D   16.A    17.B    18.G    19.C    20.Petrol-fueled internalcombustion
21.Token of identity   22.minutes/ (1 hour 33 minutes)   23.Polluting gas-guzzler
24.0il crisis    25.Power  26.Fuel或者 gasoline ordiesel    27.B




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