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[全国] 2018年7月21日澳洲,新西兰,香港等亚太考区雅思A类笔试真题









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听力s1 book a trip相关 s4 research of frog  s2 有地图类关于factory 听到后面有点懵  s3同懵
阅读 一关于青少年睡眠与身体 二 古代贸易与货币 三 以前的手工 关于做衣服
大作文 大学在本地读好还是换个城市读好 小作文图表 UK 空气污染
大作文是去外地上大学 好处大于坏处还是坏处大于好处 不是 本地上大学好还是外地上大学好
首尔idp。大作文是大学生离开家上大学的好处坏处(不和家人住一起)小作文是英国1990-2005的空气污染,包含三个小成份的趋势,然后听力s1是去旅游给一些建议,s4是讲打喷嚏…阅读  第二篇讲从自然里学一些tech… 第三篇讲四种人格,
Section 1 attending a wedding
1. Contact number: 07958477222
2.Best time to call: Thursday morning
3. Number of people travelling: 7
4. Date of return journey: 22 November
5. Purpose of trip: wedding
6. Special requirement: one passenger cannot eat cheese
7. Last country visited: India
8. Purpose of last foreign trip: business
9. Consumer’s comment on the website: too slow
10. Email address: caster.s@speedtech.com
Section 2 staff training
11. According to product seasonal, what is the working shifts: B there are two times
12. What is annual leave for all staff: B fixed time to leave
13. What would work time start from: C working years
14. Bathroom - I
15. Locker room - J
16. Load dock - G
17. Meeting room - B
18. Media room - E/D
19. Production manager’s office - C
20. Cafeteria - H

Section 3 dissertation on working experience in engineering
Why do they need to accumulate some practical experience in the first year?
21. B get familiar with the tools
22. E know the technical terms
What does the man expect to get for the future job
23. D have more interaction with the colleagues
24. D get paid leave
25. C too short
26. F recorder the sentences
27. A not too critical
28. E not easy for tutor to correct
29. B too lengthy
30. D don’t refer to related material
Section 4 Africa frog
31. The frog skin is very smooth
32. In dry area, the frogs live in mud
33. Some live in fresh water which mainly comes from streams
34. Some water contains high levels of salt
35. The male frogs are half size smaller than the female ones
36. They use smell to locate food
37. While eating, they use legs to assist the stomach system
38. In some America labs, experiments were conducted on them for protection
39. It is viewed as a pest
40. It has antibiotics property
大作文:In some countries, students studying in university live with their family, whereas in others countries, students choose to study in another city. Do you think the benefits outweigh the disadvantages?
Section 4 photic sneeze relax
31. Faster breathing rate
32. It’s an uncontrolled physical reaction to the light
33. It’s a common phenomenon not a fatal disease
34. It’s caused by nerves in face
35. The air speed caused by sneeze is high as a hurricane
36. The light which leads to sneeze, but it can stopped by seeing fire
37. Patients share the same habit of wearing glasses
38. It depends on the contract of the intensity of brightness
39. It will happen after a certain period of time
40. Government conduct experiment on pilots to see if they are affected by bright light

迪拜 作文是哲学家说压力大,人就可以什么都不干,休息   小作文柱状图


  1-6) 判断题

  1. FALSE。专业水手。

  2. FALSE。只是在Dublin发现的。

  3. FALSE。只用wooden tree nail。

  4. NOT GIVEN。Flexibility使之valuable。

  5. TRUE。船in poor condition

  6. TRUE。Media coverage

  7. TRUE。

  8-13) 简答题

  8. 20 percent。20 percent slower

  9. needles。Kit needles

  10. wood.wood rope

  11. 1.5 square meters.

  12. proper test.

  13. tent.

第二篇Art in action

第三篇Mother. Music

Terminated Dinosaur Era(恐龙灭绝)
A The age of dinosaurs, which-endedwith the cataclysmic bang of a meteor impact 65 million years ago, may alsohave begun with one. Researchers found recently the first direct, thoughtentative, geological evidence of a meteor impact 200 million years ago,coinciding with a mass extinction that eliminated half of the major groups oflife and opened the evolutionary door for what was then a relatively smallgroup of animals: dinosaurs.
B The cause and timing of the ascentof dinosaurs has have been much debated. It has been impossible to draw anyspecific conclusions because the transition between the origin of dinosaurs andtheir ascent to dominance has not been sampled in detail. “There is ageochemical signature of something important happening, probably an asteroidimpact, just before the time in which familiar dinosaur-dominated communitiesappear,”said Dr. Paul E. Olsen, a professor of earth and environmental sciencesat Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory in Palisades, N.Y.
C Olsen and his colleagues studiedvertebrate fossils from 80 sites in four different ancient rift basins, part ofa chain of rifts that formed as North America began to split apart from thesupercontinent that existed 230- 190million years ago. In the layer of rockcorresponding to the extinction, the scientists found elevated amounts of therare element iridium(
). Aprecious metal belonging to the platinum group ofelements, iridium is more abundant in meteorites than in rocks.
D On Earth, a similar spike ofiridium in 65 million-year-old rocks gave rise in the 1970s to the theory thata meteor caused the demise of the dinosaurs. That theory remained controversialfor years until it was corroborated by other evidence and the impact site wasfound off the Yucatan Peninsula. Scientists will need to examine the newiridium anomaly similarly. The levels are only about one-tenth as high as thosefound at the later extinction. That could mean that the meteor was smaller orcontained less iridium or that a meteor was not involved-iridium can also comefrom the Earth’s interior, belched out by volcanic eruptions. Dr. Michael J.Benton, a professor of vertebrate
paleontology at the University of Bristol in England, described the data as“the first reasonably convincing evidence of an iridium spike”.
E The scientists found more evidenceof rapid extinction in a database of 10.000 fossilized footprints in formerlake basins from Virginia to Nova Scotia. Although individual species cannotusually be identified solely from their footprints-the tracks of a house cat,for example, resemble those of a baby tiger - footprints are much moreplentiful than fossil bones and can provide a more complete picture of thetypes of animals walking around. “It makes it very easy for us to tell the veryobvious signals of massive fauna change,”Dr. Olsen said. Because the sedimentpiles up quickly in lake basins, the researchers were able to assign a date toeach footprint, based on The layer of rock where it was found. They determinedthat the mix of animals walking across what is now the East Coast of NorthAmerica  changed  suddenly  about  200 million years ago.
F The tracks of several majorreptile groups continue almost up to the layer of rock marking the end of theTriassic (
叠纪) geologic period 202million years ago, and then vanish in younger layers from the Jurassic period (侏罗纪时期) “I think thefootprint methodology is very novel and very exciting,” said Dr. Peter D. Ward,a professor of geology at the University of Washington. He thought the datarequired further more research. Last year, researchers led by Dr. Ward reportedthat the types of carbon in rock indicating a sudden dying off of plant overless than 50,000 years. The footprint research reinforces the hypothesis thatthe extinction was sudden.
G Several groups of dinosaurs survived that extinction, and the footprints showthat new groups emerged soon afterward. Before the extinction, aboutone-93fifth of the footprints were left by dinosaurs; after the extinction,more than half were from dinosaurs. The changes, the researchers said, occurredwithin 30,000 years-a geological blink of an eye. The scientists postulate thatthe asteroid or comet impact and the resulting death of Triassic competitorsallowed a few groups of carnivorous dinosaurs to evolve in size very quicklyand dominate the top of the terrestrial food chain globally.
H   Among the creaturesthat disappeared in the extinction were the dominant predators at the time:15-foot-long rauisuchians (
劳氏鳄目) with great knifelike teeth and phytosaurs (植蜥类)that resembled largecrocodiles. Dinosaurs first evolved about 230 million years ago, but they weresmall, competing in a crowded ecological niche. Before the extinction 200million years ago, the largest of the meat-eating dinosaurs were about the seeof large dogs. “Not terribly impressive.”Dr. Olsen said. The dinosaurs quicklygrew. The toe-toheel length of the foot of a meat eater from theJurassic periodwas on average 20 percent longer than its Triassic ancestor. Larger feet cancarry bigger bodies; thescientists infer the dinosaurs doubled in weight,eventually evolving into
fearsome velociraptors (
猛龙), Tyrannosaurus rex ( ) and other largecarnivorous dinosaurs.
I The spurt in evolution is similarto the rise of mammals after the extinction of dinosaurs. Mammals, no largerthan small dogs during the age of dinosaurs, diversified  into tigers,  elephants,  whales  and  people  after the  reptilian competition died away. The success of the dinosaurs afterthe Triassic Jurassic extinction may be why they did not survive the secondextinction.“Small animals always do better in catastrophic situations,” Dr.Olsen said, “because they can survive on smaller amounts of food.”He alsopointed outthat scientists now believe the small dinosaurs did survive. “Wejust call them birds,”he said.
Question 1-6
Use the information in the passage to match the people (listed A-C) withopinions or deeds (listed l-6) below.
Write the appropriate letter (A-C) in boxes l-6 0n your answer sheet.
    A Paul Olsen
B Michael Benton
C Peter Ward
1.Large animals are in a disadvantageous position when disasters happen.
2.Radical  changes  in  carbon  types  are related  to  massive  extinction  of vegetation.
3.The changes in earth’s animal species become easier to identify by addingfootprint investigation.
4.Geochemical evidence suggests an asteroid impact before dinosaurs appeared.
5 .Footprint study is a way of research
6 .Persuasive clues of an iridium spike were discovered for the first time.
Question 7-13
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage?
In boxes 7-130n your answer sheet write
TRUE  if the sataement agrees with the information
FALSE  if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN  if there is no information on this
7 The rare element, iridium, was presented both on earth and in meteorites.
8   The meteor impact theory had been suspected before the discoverof the impact site and other supporting evidence.
9 Footprints are of little value in providing information, in comparison tofossil bones, because individual species cannot be identified with footprints.
10  According to scientists, the transition to a dinosaur-dominated eratook place very quickly by geological time scales.
11 The creatures that disappeared in the extinction were the dominantly the 15-foot-longrauisuchians and large crocodiles.
12 Tyrannosaurus rex was larger in body size than other carnivorous dinosaurs.
13 Large dinosaurs died out but small ones evolved and competed with birds andmammals.

1. A      2. C      3. A     4. A      5. C     6. B
7. TRUE     8. TRUE      9. FALSE      10. TRUE
11. FALSE       12. NOT GIVEN        13. NOT GIVEN




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