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[国内外] 2017年12月2日大陆考区雅思A类笔试真题+答案+回忆蹲点









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阅读第一篇 墙纸     第二篇  再生能源  第三篇与电视互动
小作文两个饼图 大作文该不该推倒旧建筑建新建筑
阅读 墙纸的一些发展变化 澳大利亚能源 最后一个是电视互动
作文小作文饼图 qualifications of degree???大概是吧 两个图 1990年和2010的对比 大作文是 much money should be spent on looking after and repairing the old buildings or knocking the old buildings and a new one instead

第二篇:renewable energy (澳洲清洁能源)
The race is on for theultimate goal of renewable energy: electricity production at prices that arecompetitive with coal-fired power stations, but without coal’s pollution.Some new technologies are aiming to be the first to push coal from its positionas Australia’s chief source of electricity.
At the moment thefront-runner in renewable energy is wind technology. According to Peter Berginof Australian Hydro, one of Australia’s leading wind energy companies, there have been nodramatic changes in windmill design for many years, but the cumulative effectsof numerous small improvements have had a major impact on cost. 4 We’re reaping thebenefits of 30 years of research in Europe, without having to make the samemistakes that they did,’ Mr. Bergin says.
Electricity can beproduced from coal at around 4 cents per kilowatt-hour, but only if theenvironmental costs are ignored. ‘Australia has the second cheapest electricity inthe world, and this makes it difficult for renewable to compete,’ says RichardHunter of the Australian Ecogeneration Association (AEA). Nevertheless, the AEAreports: The production cost of a kilowatt-hour of wind power is one fifth ofwhat it was 20 years ago,’ or around 7 cents per kilowatt-hour.
Australian Hydro hasdozens of wind monitoring stations across Australia as pari of its aim tobecome Australia’s pre-eminent renewable energy company. Despite allthese developments, wind power remains one of the few forms of alternativeenergy where Australia is nowhere near the global cutting edge, mostly justreplicating European designs.
While wind maycurrently lead the way, some consider a number of technologies underdevelopment have more potential. In several cases, Australia is at theforefront of global research in the area. Some of them are very site-specific,ensuring that they may never become dominant market players. On the other hand,these newer developments are capable of providing more reliable power, avoidingthe major criticism of windmills – the need for back-up on a calm day.
One such developmentuses hot, dry rocks. Deep beneath South Australia, radiation from elementscontained in granite heats the rocks. Layers of insulating sedimentation raisethe temperatures in some location to 250° centigrade. An Australian firm, Geoenergy,is proposing to pump water 3.5 kilometres into the earth, where it will travelthrough tiny fissures in the granite, heating up as it goes, until it escapesas steam through another drilled hole.
No greenhouse gases areproduced, but the system needs some additional features if it is to beenvironmentally friendly. Dr Prue Chopra, a geophysicist at the AustralianNational University and one of the founders of Geoenergy, note that the steamwill bring with it radon gas, along through a heat exchanger and then sent backunderground for another cycle. Technically speaking, hot dry rocks are not arenewable source of energy. However, the Australian source is so large it couldsupply the entire country’s needs for thousands of years at current rates ofconsumption.
Two other proposals forvery different ways to harness sun and wind energy have surfaced recently.Progress continues with Australian company EnviroPower’s plans for Australia’s first solar chimney near Mildura, inVictoria. Under this scheme, a tall tower will draw hot air from a greenhousebuilt to cover the surrounding 5 km2. As the air rises, it will drive aturbine* to produce electricity. The solar tower combines three very old technologies– the chimney,the turbine and the greenhouse – to produce something quite new. It is thisreliance on proven engineering principles that led Enviropower’s CEO, RichardDavies, to state: There is no doubt this technology will work, none at all.’
This year, Enviropowerrecognized that the quality of sunlight in the Mildura district will require asubstantially larger collecting area than was previously thought. However,spokesperson kay Firth says that a new location closer to Mildura will enable Enviropowerto balance the increased costs with extra revenue. Besides saving intransmission costs, the new site ‘will mean increased revenue from tourism and use ofpower for telecommunications. We’ll also be able to use the outer 500 metres foragribusiness.’ Wind speeds closer to the tower will be too highfor farming.
Another Australiancompany, Wavetech, is achieving success with ways of harvesting the energy inwaves. Wavetech’s invention uses a curved surface to push wavesinto a chamber, where the flowing water column pushes air back and forththrough a turbine. Wavetech was created when Dr. Tim Devine offered the idea tothe world leader in wave generator manufacturers, who rather surprisinglyrejected it. Dr. Devine responded by establishing Wavetech, and making a numberof other improvements to generator design. Wavetech claims that, at appropriatesites, ‘ the cost of electricity produced with our technology should be below 4cents per kilowatt-hour.
The diversity of formsof greenhouse -friendly energy under development in Australia is remarkable.However, support on a national level is disappointing. According to RichardHunter of the AEA, ‘Australia has huge potential for wind, sun and wavetechnology. We should really be at the forefront, but the reality is we are along way behind.

14. FALSE     15. TRUE     16. NOT GIVEN      17. TRUE     18. FALSE     19. TRUE     
20. FALSE     21. B     22. D     23. A      24. C     25. B     26. C
判断 7
14. NG 可再生能源比传统能源便宜;
15. NG 表示比较的内容;
16. True 能源产电,还有其他服务;
17. True某公司是在another company (原文:the world leader in this domain refused 之后建立的
18. True太阳利用项目-驱赶游客;
19. True有个再生能源要adapt its system to avoid emitting harmful things
20. False澳大利亚是可再生能源领域里的行业大头
配对 6:
风能公司——H开头, part of the program isrevisedcopy Europeanmethods
水下地表 ——水进入deep ground,在过程中,能把有毒物质radon(氡)排出
潮汐——产生波浪,waterforces Air

第三篇:Texting! thetelevision 2   (短信电视互动)
THERE was a timewhen any self-respecting television show, particularly one aimed at a youngaudience, had to have an e-mail address. But on Europe's TV screens, suchaddresses are increasingly being pushed aside in favour of telephone numbers towhich viewers can send text messages from their mobile phones. And no wonder:according to research about to be published by Gartner, a consultancy, textmessaging has recently overtaken Internet use in Europe. One of thefastest-growing uses of text messaging, moreover, is interacting withtelevision. Gartner’s figures show that 20% of teenagers in France,11 % in Britain and 9% in Germany have sent messages inresponse to TV shows.
This has much to dowith the boom in “reality TV” shows, such as “Big Brother”, in which viewers’voles decide the outcome. Most reality shows now allow text-message voting, andin some cases, such as the most recent series of “Big Brother” in Norway, themajority of votes are cast in this way. But there is more to TV-texting than voting.News shows encourage viewers to send in comments; games shows allow viewers tocompete; music shows take requests by text message; and broadcasters operateon-screen chartrooms. People tend to have their mobiles with them on the sofa,so “it’s a very natural form of interaction,” says Adam Daum of Gartner.
It can also be verylucrative, since mobile operators charge premium rates for messages toparticular numbers. The most recent British series of “Big Brother”, forexample, generated 5.4m text-message votes and £1.35m (S2. lm) in revenue.According to a report from Van Dusseldorp& Partners, a consultancy based inAmsterdam, the German edition of MTV's “Videoclash”,which invites viewers to vote for oneof two rival videos, generates up to 40,000 messages an hour, each costingcuro0.30 ($0.29). A text contest alongside the Belgian quiz show “1 Against100” (以一敌百)attracted 110.000 players in a month, eachof whom paid euro 0.50 per question in an eight-round contest. In Spain,a cryptic-crossword (神秘的猜字游戏) clue is displayed before the evening news broadcast; viewersare invited to text in their answers at a cost of euro 1, for a chance to win acuro300 prize. On a typical day, 6,000 people take part. TV-related textmessaging now accounts for an appreciable share of mobile operators' datarevenues. In July, a British operator, mmO2, reported better-than-expectedfinancial results, thanks to the flood of messages caused by “Big Brother”.Operators typically lake 40-50% of the revenue from each message, with the restdivided between the broadcaster, the programme maker and the firm providing themessage-processing system. Text-message revenues are already a vital element ofthe business model for many shows. Inevitably, there is grumbling(怨言)that the operators take too much of the pie. Endemol, the Netherlands-based production company behind “Big Brother”, andmany other reality TV shows has started building its own database ofmobile-phone users. The next step will be to establish direct billingrelationships with them, and bypass the operators (运营商).
Why has the unionof television and text message suddenly proved so successful? One importantfactor is the availability of special four-, five- or six-digit numbers,called “shortcodes”(简码). Each operator controls its own shortcodes, and only relativelyrecently have operators realised that it makes sense to co-operate and offershortcodes that work across all networks. The availability of such commonshortcodes was a breakthrough, says Lars Becker of Flytxt, a mobile-marketingfirm, since shortcodes are far easier to remember when flashed up on thescreen.
The operators'decision to co-operate in order to expand the market is part of a broadertrend, observes Katrina Bond of Analysys, a consultancy. Faced with a choicebetween protecting their margins and allowing a new medium to emerge, operatorshave always chosen the first. WAP (无线应用协议),a technology for readingcut-down web pages on mobile phones, failed because operators were reluctant toshare revenue with content providers. Having learnt their lesson, operators arechanging their time. In France, one operator. Orange, has even gone so far asto publish a rate card for text-message revenue-sharing, a degree of transparency (透明度)that would once have been unthinkable.
At a recentconference organised by Van Dusseldorp & Partners, HanWeegink of CMG, a firm that provides text-message infrastructure, noted thatall this is subtly changing the nature of television. Rather than presentingcontent to viewers, an increasing number of programmes involve content thatreacts to the viewer's input. That was always the promise of interactive TV, ofcourse. Interactive TV was supposed to revolve around fancy set-top boxes thatplug directly into the television. But that approach has a number of drawbacks,says MrDaum. It is expensive to develop and test software for multiple andincompatible types of set-top box, and the market penetration,at 40% or less, is lower than that for mobile phones, which are nowowned by around 85% of Europeans. Also, mobile-phone applications canbe quickly developed and set up. “You can get to market faster, and withfewer grasping (贪婪的) intermediaries,” says MrDaum. Providers of set-top box technologyare adding text-messaging capabilities to their products.
The success of TV-relatedtexting is a reminder of how easily an elaborate technology can be unexpectedlyovertaken by a simpler, lower-tech approach. It does not mean that thetraditional approach to interactive TV is doomed: indeed, it demonstrates thatthere is strong demand for interactive services. People, it seems, really dowant to do more than just stare at the screen. If nothing else, couch potatoeslike to exercise their thumbs.
Questions 28-32
The reading passage has sevenparagraphs, A-E
Choose the correct heading forparagraphs A-E from the list below.
Write the correct number,i-ix, in boxes 28-32 on your answer sheet.
List of Headings
i  an existed critical system into operating in anew way
ii  Overview of afast growing business
iii  profitablegames are gaining more concerns
iv  Netherlands takes the leading role
v  a new perspective towards sharing the businessopportunities
vi  opportunitiesfor all round prevalent applications
vii revenue gains and bonus share
viii the simpler technology prevails overcomplex ones
ix set-top box provider changed their mind
28  Paragraph A
29  Paragraph B
30  Paragraph C
31  Paragraph D
32  Paragraph E
Questions 33-35
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.
Write your answers in boxes 33-35 on your answer sheet
33.InEurope, a consultancy suggested that young audiences spend more
      money on:
       Athumbing text message
       Bwriting E-mail
       Cwatching TV program
       Dtalking through Mobile phones
34.What happenedwhen some TV show invited audience to participate:
A get attractive bonus
B shows are more popular in Norway than inother countries
C change to invite them to the reality show
D their participation could change theresult
35.Interactive TV change their mind ofconcentrating set-top box but switched to:
A increase their share in the market
B change a modified set-top box
C build an embedded message platform
D march into European market
Questions 36-40
Use the information in the passage to match the people(listed A-E) with opinions or deeds below. Write the appropriate letters A-F inboxes 36-40 on your answer sheet.
A LarsBecker Flytxt
B KatrinaBond of Analysys
C Endemol
E mmO2
F Gartner
36.offer mobile phone message technology
37.earned considerable amount of moneythrough a famous program
38.shortcodes are convenient to rememberwhen turn up
39.build their own mobile phoneoperating applications
40.it is easy for people to sendmessages in an interactive TV
A   曾经有一段时间,任何自制的电视节目,特别是那些目标观众是年轻人的电视节目,都会有一个自己的邮箱。但是在欧洲的电视屏幕上,邮箱地址被放在一边,取而代之的是电话号码好方便观众用手机发短信。难怪根据一家咨询公司Gartner将要公布的调查数据显示:在欧洲,短信使用已经超过了网络。而且短信一个日益增长的用途是和电视互动。Gartner的数据表明法国20%的青少年,英国11%的青少年和德国9%的青少年给电视节目发过短信。(第28, 33题)
B    而这个现象和“真人电视秀”的大量出现密切相关,比如说“BigBrother”, 在这个节目中,观众的投票将决定最后的结果。现在许多的真人秀都允许观众发短信进行投票,在某些情况下,比如说最近的一期在挪威的“BigBrother”中,大多数的投票都是这样产生的。但是TV互动的短信不只限于投票,也鼓励观众发送自己的评论,比赛节目允许观众来竞争;音乐节目从所发来的短信接收观众的请求,广播主持人在聊天室中也使用互动屏幕。人们倾向于拿着手机坐在沙发上,所以Adam Daum ofGartner说“这是很自然的一种互动形式”
C   这其中的利润是很巨大的,因为手机运营商对于发到某个特定号码的短信是有一个额外的收费的。比如说,最近一期的英国系列节目“BigBrother”收到了 540万的短信投票,收入高达135万英镑(合 210万美金)。据一家总部在Amsterdam的咨询公司Van Dusseldorp & Partners的一份报告显示,德国版的MTV’s “Videoclash”邀请观众为2个竞争的视频中喜欢的一个投票,一个小时就收到了高达40, 000条短信,每一条短信收费0.3欧(合0.29美金)。比利时智力测验节目 “以一敌百”一个月内吸引了110, 000参与者,每一个参与者在这个8轮赛制的竞赛中回答每个问题要花费0. 5欧。在西班牙,一个神秘的猜字游戏,将题目在晚上的新闻开始前公布, 观众被邀请发送答案短信,每一条1欧元,就有机会赢得一个300欧元的奖励。在常规的一天,就有6,000名观众参与。和电视相关的短信现在占据移动运营商相当一部分的份额。7月一家英国的运营商nmiO2披露了自己比预期要好的财政收入,这要归功于如洪水般给“BigBrother”投票的短信。运营商从每条短信中获利40%-50%,将其它的收入分给电视台和节目组以及提供短信互动平台系统的公司。短信收入己经成为许多节目商业运营模式的重要组成部分。不可避免的,有人抱怨运营商从中获利太大。Endemol,是荷兰与“Big Brother”节目有合作的制作公司,它和其它的一些真人秀节目已经开始建立它们自己的手机用户人群的数据库了。下一步是要建立直接的结算关系,绕过运营商。
D  为什么电视和短信的联合突然一下这么成功?一个的因索是4, 5, 6位的数码的可能性,这种码被称为“简码”。每一个运营商都控制者自己的简码, 只是最近才有运营商意识到应该和别人合作,向网络中的伙伴提供简码。一家手机市场营销公司Lars Becker of Flylxt认为“这样的简码共享是一个突破”,因为简码显示在电视屏幕上是很容易被记住的。
E  一家咨询公司Katrina Bond of Analysys认为运营商的这个合作的决定是为了扩张自己的市场,这是广泛趋势的一部分。运营商在对保护自己的边际利益还是允许一个新的媒体的介入这两个选择的时候,总是会选择前者WAP (无线应用协议)是一项技术用来在手机上剪切下网页,这项技术的失败是因为运营商不太愿意将收入和内容提供商共享。运营商己经从以往的经验中吸取训。他们改换了自己的态度。法国的一家运昔商Orange甚至发行了一个率卡来方便短信收入的分成,提供以前未曾想到的透明度。
F  在最近由 Van Dusseldorp&Partners 组织的一次会议上,Han Weegink of CMG ——一家提供短信发送设备的公司指出,所有的这些都巧妙地改变了电视的性质。不再只是单纯地向观众传达电视内容,越来越多的电视内容开始涉及与观众的互动。当然,这是互动电视一直承诺能达到的效果。互动电视是指将机顶盒直接插入到电视机里。是MrDauni认为这种方法有很多的缺点。开发和测试多种和机顶盒不兼容的软件,该项目的市场渗透率比为机设计的软件要低40%或是更少,手机在欧洲的普及率是85%.手机应用可以很快地被开发以及实行安装。MrDaum说,这可以很快地到达市场,并且不会涉及太多贪婪的中间商。机顶盒技术的提供者正在给他们的产品加入发送短信的功能。
G   和电视相关联的短信平台的成功时一个很好的提醒,让人们看到一项高端的技术是如何出乎意料地被一个更加简单的低端技术所超越。这并不意味着传统的互动电视就走投无路了。确实,对于互动服务将会有更大的需求。似乎人们真的不想只是盯着屏幕。“沙发土豆”不为别的,只是想锻炼一下自己的大拇指。
28.ii    29.vi   30.vii    31.i    32.v    33.A 34.D   
35.C     36.D    37.E      38.A    39.C    40.f

Task 1 饼图 Qualifications of graduates work at one advertising company between 1990 and 2010
Task2  spend too much money on repairing and looking after the old builing, so we should knock the old ones down and built the new ones. Agree or disagree大概这样
Section 1
1. 11th March
2. 3 days
3. test
4. camera
5. 110
6. Edgeworth
7. summer
8. city centre
9. directions
10. online

Section 2
11. library
12. 14
13. swimming pool
14. playwell
15. violins
16. drum
17. piano
18. June and December
19. CDs
20. theater

Section 3
21. A number reduced
22. A send a reminder
23. A better manage the survey
24. A a journal for professionals
25. B more severe punishment
26. D
27. A
28. E
29. C
30. F

Section 4
31. 1.5 million
32. manufacturing
33. women
34. outdoor
35. C less labour (worker) needed
36. A require higher linguistic proficiency
37. F
38. D
39. C
40. G


S1 询问展览会的情况Birmingham exhibition
1. 询问展览会时间:July
2. see andtest products
3.3 days
4. 不可以带什么东西进入:camera
5. 门票价格:£110
6. 人名拼写:Edgeworth
7. 地址:summer
8. 地理位置:not far from citycentre
9. 网站www.directions.com
10. simplest way is online


11. 旧校区在市中心:opposite to the library
12. 新校区有14 间教室,比旧的多5间
13. 停车场离 swimming pool 很近
14. 学校的网址是:www.playwell.co.uk
15-17 学校学习的项目
15. violin
16. drums
17. piano
18. 学校每年有两次concert,在 June & December
19. CDs are given as prizes for winners of the competition.
20. Kids have chances to see the concert at the theatre.


21. reason why does this research : Bwhether it can be changed
22. how to make questionnaires workefficiently : A remind them by email
23. dividing into different groupsfor : A
24. what the managers think ofcurrent situation of workers' absence: B
to expand it; to reorganize it; to rename it; to move it; to deleteit; to reduce it.
26. instruction:B
27. background:C
29. methodology:F
30. result:G


有填空有选择有配对, 大意是工业发展起了服装产业的变化吧。
1. 1.5million
2. 以前一直针对的是women的市场
3. 还有适合outdoor穿的。
4. production
5. B
6. A
7. technologist------好像是关于纺织品的发展trend .
8. operation manager ------complain那一项,负责处理投诉
9. merchandiser------控制商品数量
10. 选橱窗display的那个
小作文:饼图 The pie charts below show the proportion graduate with science degree and art degree in a company in 1990 and 2010.

大作文:People think that old buildings should be knocked down and give way to the modern buildings. To what extent do you agree or disagree?




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