文章大意:讲IQ和gifted children。IQ测试是德国心理学家William Stern于1912年设计的。介绍了某位教授做的相关实验和大家的争议。教授宣称做这种测试很困难,因为有时候受比较多的因素影响。他并没有采用一般reading skill, math 以及传统方法来进行智商的测量。
测试发现:有好的culture background 的孩子成绩较好;家庭富裕的孩子比家庭比较poor的孩子要好。
教授宣称该测试只是一个参考。但这种手段成为了popular 的手段使用在包括school, recruitment in army, 就象身高、体重成为了一个人的指标。很多儿童因此而受到了不好的影响(limited by the line)。
一些专家提出了观点说其他的ability也是很重要的,而且IQ test 无法解释Einstein之类的人为什么那么有天分。
题目类型 M (A-K)
参考答案 MC:Which paragraph contains the following ideas
4. the purpose of the text is to
a. discuss the validity of iq test
b. n/a
c. to demonstrate the limitation of test
d. to outline the history of the test
5. the professor Binet devise the test to
a. find those who do not perform satisfied
b. choose the best one
c. measure the intelligence
d. establish the standard of intelligence
6. the test is designed according to
a. math
b. age
c. reading skill
d. n/a
7. n/a
question 8-10
do the following statements agree with the information given in reading passage
it the statement agrees with the information T
if the statement contradicts with the information F
if there is no information on this NG
To use this IQ test in arm force is not the intension of the professor Binet.
The test is only intended to be used in Paris school.
The professor regards measuring intelligent test as impossible.