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托福备考---2015年11月28. 29日托福综合写作小范围机经









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                          托福备考---2015年11月28. 29日托福综合写作小范围机经
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Marsupials 不如placental mammals 适应性强:1、marsupial 的幼崽joeys,没完全发育就出生,导致需要装在pouch里面,vulnerable,抵抗能力差,而placental 的幼崽生下来就完全发育了,比较高级;2、marsupial 不能有效的控制其体温,这是其不足之处,不如placental高级;3、marsupial竞争不过placental,澳洲的kangaroo数量多的原因是因为没有placental与其竞争。

marsupial 适应能力很强,有些方面比placental有过之而不不及:1、Joeys在妈妈口袋里很安全。喝妈妈的奶,增强抵抗力,帮助建立免疫系统,很有适应能力;2、 marsupials 不光控制体温,还能故意改变体温,比如降低体温,减少体力消耗,增强存活率;3、两种哺乳动物共同存在Australia 的时间是百万年以前,而不是文章中说的最近。所以,placental 不用和marsupial竞争。

复活节岛上的人是不是来自南美 Reading:The first inhabitants of Easter Island come from South America.1、It is possible that South Americans drifted to this island on rafts by wind and ocean current.2、Some stones walls in Easter Island are built to honor the ancestors, and the techniques uses are similar to those used in the South America.3、Some of the plants in the Easter Island share the same genetic roots with those discovered in the South America in which local people farmed and cultivated. Listening:The evidences in the reading are not convincing.1、There is no evidence that rafts or cannons could come landing in this island after by floating across the ocean. Even if it did, there were no artifacts left, such as cooking utensils, tools brought with them for daily life in such harsh living condition.2、The techniques used in both places are different. The stonewalls in Easter Island are hollow, whose techniques are not as complex as those used in the wall in South America.3、The plants can be floated to the island themselves, instead of being carried.

讨论是否limit the fish harvest of the fishing companies.限制渔业公司捕鱼。

Reading:There are three reasons that government should limit the fish harvest.1、Government should reduce the number of stripe bass, for they prey on menhaden.2、Menhaden is the main source of protein. If the number of menhaden decreases, it has negative influences on livestock and poultry.3、It also reduces the job opportunities, which results in economic problem.

Listening:These reasons are unconvincing.1、Reducing the number of Bass breaks the balance of ecosystem.2、Soybeans could provide protein, and they are more economical.3、It is true that people may lose jobs and economy will suffer; however, it will recover soon. If measures are not taken, the whole region will be doom to collapse.

腓尼基人没有被派遣到在非洲的帆船Phoenicians had not been sent to sail around the Africa:1、船及设备太简陋,跑不了那么远(simple technology);2、埃及统治者对航海没有兴趣, 国王也没有理由去雇佣 sailors;3、这可能就是一个故事,因为当时有了sea monster和magical islands的故事,所以sailor的故事也可能是编造的。 Listening Phoenicians 的确sail过:1、尽管当时的船跟simple, 但是后来有科学家仿造了他们的船,并用这个船到达了非洲;2、 虽然其他埃及统治者不感兴趣,但是N二世和别的帝王不一样,他喜欢water trading,他有可能派人去find new trading patterns;3、有很多确定的细节,比如确定的日子,和天气,如果是编的,不可能如此详细。


Reading:There are three reasons that it is beneficial.1、To balance the ecosystem.2、To balance the number of fish.3、Lion fish contains high protein vitamins.

Listening:These reasons are unconvincing.1、People will easily catch other fish, most of which are also precious species. It also do harm to the ecosystem.2、Once the demand of the lion fish increases, people would establish fish farm. If the lion fish escape from the farm, ecosystem will be damaged.3、The lion fish contains poisonous matter, which is harmful to people’s health.

是hanging garden存在与否。阅读,存在,希腊历史学家有记,考古学家发现遗址,大帝经常建复杂建筑。听力,反对,希腊记载的不一定是HG,考古把水引入房顶是技术挑战,大帝建复杂建筑但是引水为河不符合实际,因为缺水?

Topic议题 北美人来自哪儿-欧洲还是亚洲 Thesis总论点 来自欧洲:1、北美spear points与欧洲像 都是大,尖 spear points were closely resemble the Europeans. 2,北美remains of bones and skull 与欧洲相似 3、大西洋在以前好跨越 Listening 来自亚洲:1、独立发展为大而锋利的矛头,因为两地有大型哺乳动物。 They probable developed independently. There were big mammals in both areas so that they have to utilize the big sharp spear points to protect themselves. It seemed to be that after the first Asian arrived, they developed the big sharp spear points on their own. 2、一个头颅的例子可能是意外,而且更多例子表明北美人和亚洲人相似。The skull was just one single example to suggest that North American were came from Europe. It could be an exceptional, and there were more evidence about bones that north American were similar with Asian. 3、没有证据表明欧洲人会造船钓 鱼,他们不可能穿越大西洋。There were no evidence that European had any experience of boating or making fishing net. Though Atlantic was shorter at that time, it was still a long and .

翼龙Pterosaurs是否会飞 Reading Three reasons to explain why Pterosaurs cannot fly.1、Pterosaurs are cool-blooded, thus cannot produce enough energy to fly.2、Pterosaurs are too weighty to take off from ground.3、Pterosaurs have a different muscle from that of birds. Their back leg muscles are too small and weak.

Listening Explain three reasons to contradict with reading. 1、Pterosaurs can actually be considered as warm-blooded, since they always have dense covering hair.2、The bone structure of Pterosaurs is different. It is hollow not solid.3、Pterosaurs are different from birds in that they stand with four limbs while birds with two limbs. And Pterosaurs are just like bats which can push off the ground.

mima mounds的三个行程theory,教授不同意。
一、manual labor理论,说因为它们都是orderly arranged所以是native American为了 bury ceremony人为制造的。但反驳虽然人用mound建造burial,但目前没见过有mima建的,并且人一般会放随葬品,但mima里面 没有human remains
二、loose soil和earthquake一起造成的,但反驳地球上很多地方都符合以上条件却没形成mima,

教授认为Advantages of EAS (Essential Air Service program) are not convicting at all. The subsidy should be eliminated or, at least, be reformed.
1、People living 110km far from the major airport are not in disadvantage. 110km doesn't sound too bad because airports are still accessible by bus or car within 2 hours.Urban residents also spend that much time traveling to the airport.
2、EAS may not be a good way to spend money. The government should spend the money on transportation,education, public service ETS, and help people move into the city, settle down and find jobs.
3、manufactures have been producing fewer small planes,or even stopped doing that. so getting replacement parts can be very hard. Also lack of components keeps the cost going on. therefore, critics are right to say EAS is expensive.

1、家在飞机场100kilometers之外的居民,他们到飞机场会有额外的subsidy.而且他们可以坐小车去机场,less 2 hours就能到机场了。
3、政府可以把钱用来do repair或者maintain机场建设之类的。(后续)

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