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Part 1 新题
1. Talents
1) Do you have a talent or something you are good at?
2) Was it mastered recently or when you were young?
3) Do you think your talent can be useful for your future work? Why?
4) Do you think anyone in your family has the same talent?
2. Feel bored
1) What kinds of things are boring to you?
2) What will you do when you feel bored?
3) What was the most boring thing you did when you were young?
4) Do you think school is boring?
3. Meeting places
1) Where do you usually meet your friends?
2) Do you think there are some places suitable for meeting others?
3) Have the meeting places changed now compared with the past?
4. Collecting things
1) Do you collect things?
2) Are there any things you keep from childhood?
3) Would you keep old things for a long time? Why?
4) Where do you usually keep things you need?
5. Computers
1) In what conditions would you use a computer?
2) When was the first time you used a computer?
3) What will your life be like without computers?
4) In what conditions would it be difficult for you to use a computer?
6. Watch
1) Do you wear a watch?
2) Have you ever got a watch as a gift?
3) Why do some people wear expensive watches?
4) Do you think watch is important for you? Why?
7. Advertisements
1) What kinds of advertisements do you watch?
2) Where can you see advertisements?
3) Have you ever bought something because of its advertisement? 4 Do you watch advertisements from the beginning to the end?
8. Old buildings
1) Have you ever seen some old buildings in your city?
2) Do you think we should keep old buildings in cities?
3) Do you prefer living in an old building or a modern house?
9. Sitting down
1) Where is your favorite place to sit?
2) Do you always sit down for a long time?
3) Do you feel sleepy after you sit down for a while?
Part 2&3 新题
1. 丢东西
Part 2
Describe an occasion when you lost something
You should say:
What you lost
When and where you lost it
What you did to find it
And explain how you feel about this experience
Part 3
1) What kinds of things do people usually lose?
2) What do people often do when they lose personal belongs?
3) What kinds of people often lose things?
2. 安静的地方
Describe a quiet place where you like to spend your time.
You should say:
Where it is
How often you go there
What you do there
And explain how you feel about this place
3. 重要河流/湖泊
Part 2
Describe an important river/lake in your country
You should say:
Where it is located
How big/long it is
What it looks like
And explain why it is important
Part 3
1) How can rivers/lakes benefit local people?
2) Do you think rivers/lakes attract tourists?
3) How do rivers/lakes affect local tourism?
4) Are rivers/lakes good for transport? Why?
4. 让你惊讶的事情
Part 2
Describe something that surprised you
You should say:
What it is
How you found out about it
What you did
And explain whether it made you happy
Part 3
1) How do people express happiness in your culture?
2) Do you think happiness has any effect on people? How?
3) How can people be happy?
4) Is it good for people to be unhappy? Why?
5. 感兴趣的邻居
Part 2
Describe a neighbor you are interested in
You should say:
Who he/she is
How do you know him/her
What you do together
And explain why you are interested in him/her
Part 3
1) Do you think people are familiar with their neighbors?
2) How can people improve their relationship with neighbors in a community?
3) How do children build relationships with others in a community?
4) Is it beneficial to get along well with neighbors?
6. 想要参加的竞赛
Describe a contest you would like to participate in You should say:
What the contest is about
Where the contest will take place
When it will be held
And explain why you would like to participate in it
7. 帮你聚焦工作或学习的东西
Describe something that helps you to focus on study/work.
You should say:
What it is
How often you do it
When you start doing it
And explain how it helps you concentrate
8. 庆祝过的活动
Part 2
Describe an important event you celebrated
You should say:
What the event was
When it happened
Who attended the event
And explain how you feel about the event
Part 3
1) Do you like to celebrate important events? Why?
2) What kinds of events do people usually celebrate?
3) Do people often celebrate events with a large group of people or just a few people?
4) Do people often celebrate festivals with families?
9. 遇上交通堵塞
Describe a time when you were caught in a traffic jam
You should say:
When it happened
Where it happened
How you passed the time while waiting
And explain how you felt when you were in that traffic jam
10. 人生中的积极改变
Describe a positive change you made in your life
You should say:
What the change was
When it happened
How it happened
And explain why it was a positive change
11. 特别的一天
Describe a special day out that didn't cost you much You should say
When the day was
Where you went
How much you spent
And explain how you feel about that day
12. 想要共事的家人
Part 2
Describe a family member who you want to work with in the future
You should say:
Who he/she is
Whether you worked together before What kind of work you would like to do with him/her And explain how you feel about this family member
Part 3
1) What kinds of family businesses are common in China?
2) Is it good to work with family members? Why?
3) Why do people want to do family business?
4) What benefits are there when working for big companies?
确定新题 P1:Sitting down,Computers, Old buildings, Talents, Collecting things, Watch, Boring things, Meeting places; P2&P3: 想参加的比赛,花费甚少的外出日,丢东西的经历,安静的地方,保健方式,想要共事的家人,让你惊讶的事情,重要河流/湖泊,庆祝过的活动,有趣的邻居
老题沿用 P1: Headphones, TV program, Spending time with others, Daily routine, Weekend, Science, Sports, The area you live in, Home & Accommodation, Concentration, Mirrors, Cars, Time management, Taking photos, App, Colours, Hometown, Emails, Street market, Lost and found, Cinemas, Memory, Mobile phone, Art, Dreams, Websites, Work or studies, Handwriting, Shoes
P2&3: 别人给你的衣服, 一见且想再见的人, 善待不喜欢的人, 有趣的讨论, 社交媒体上常刷的人, 童年喜欢的玩具, 想住的公寓或房子,想共度时光的人,一个去过的新地方,希望养成的习惯,印象深刻的课程,有趣的歌曲,快乐活动,度假之地,困难的決定,向长者学习的技能,生活中离不开的东西,语言学习,坏掉又修好的东西,不喜欢的规则,收到特殊蛋糕,有趣的城市,给别人建议,对社会有贡献的人,送朋友的礼物,远距离步行,想学的感兴趣的技能
疑似新题 P1:Reading habits, Meeting places, Advertisements, P2&P3: 积极改变
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2022年4月30日雅思考试总体反馈:重磅!2022年4月30日雅思考试IRP在最重点精准命中口语99%-100%真题原题答案!精准命中阅读原文原题原答案!精准命中两部分听力原文原题原答案(2 sections)!精准命中大小作文原题范文!对于大部分考生来说,总体看起来稍难,但是对于购买了我们IRP资料的会员考生来说,这是简单轻松的一场考试,直接神操作写上原题答案。2022年4月30日雅思听说读写全面大中,全面开花!(疫情期间,全球不同考区时差、A类、G类考生回忆数据比较少、收集不够齐全,待补充,还在不断更新中…)祝贺IRP会员将出现不少雅思高分人才!总体反馈请(复制链接)进入