2018年8月25日托福CPU再次命中听力多部分内容: 命中听力Conversation1-学生征求演讲的建议,教授建议脱稿自然发挥。 命中听力Conversation 2-学生在cafe的工作和上课时间撞上了,教授建议换个工作去当司机。 命中听力 Lecture1 天文学讲座 ,重复2015-01-10大陆托福听力真题。 1.What is the main purpose of the lecture? To discuss how some stellar embryos fail tobecome stars 2.According to the professor, why is thestudy of brown dwarfs particularly challenging? They combine characteristics of very distinctcelestial objects. 3.Why does the professor discuss how starsoriginate? To explain how brown dwarfs begin to form 4.According to the ejection theory, why dosome stellar embryos stop growing before they become stars? They are moved by gravitational forces toareas outside cores. 5.Why does the professor mention that newbornstars are surrounded by disks of dust and gas? To describe a method for testing two theoriesabout brown dwarfs 6.What is the professor’s attitude toward thetwo theories? He thinks evidence supports the turbulencetheory even if he cannot rule out the ejection theory. Lecture2音乐历史讲座 重复2014-03-16大陆托福听力真题 1.What is the main purpose of the discussion? To analyze a particular type of electronicmusic 2.According to the professor why arehemispherical speakers important in a laptop orchestra? They project sound in all directions. 3.Why does the student mention e-mail? To comment on what a laptop orchestraperformance looks like 4.What point does the student make about themusic she has heard played at live laptop orchestra performances? It often includes improvisation. 5.Why does the student use the term virtuoso? To question whether laptop orchestra membersare real musicians 6.What is the professor’s opinion aboutlaptop orchestras? They may contribute to the development of newtypes of music and musicians.