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[国内外] 2019年4月13日中国大陆考区雅思A类笔试真题回忆+答案汇总









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小作文:柱状图  3个英国大学的学生在2011、2018、2050年选课程申报课程的情况,只根据年份和课程分类了。
大作文:Some people believe famous people's support towards international aid organizations draws the attention to problems, while others think celebrities make the problems less important. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
第一篇青春期(The Adolescents)
The American Academy of Pediatricsrecognizes three stages of adolescence. These are early, middle and lateadolescence, and each has its own developmental tasks. Teenagers move throughthese tasks at their own speed depending on their physical development andhormone levels. Although these stages are common to all teenagers, each childwill go through them in her own highly individual ways.
During the early years young people makethe first attempts to leave the dependent, secure role of a child and toestablish themselves as unique individuals, independent of their parents. Earlyadolescence is marked by rapid physical growth and maturation. The focus ofadolescentsself-concepts are thus often on their physical self and their evaluation ( n. 评估)of their physical acceptability.Early adolescence is also a period of intense conformity to peers. Getting along, not being different, and beingaccepted seem somehow pressing to the early adolescent. The worst possibility,from the view of the early adolescent, is to be seen by peers as different.
Middle adolescence is marked by the emergenceof new thinking skills. The intellectual world of the young person is suddenlygreatly expanded. Their concerns about peers are more directed toward theiropposite sexed peers. It is also during this period that the move to establish(v. 建立)psychologicalindependence from ones parents accelerates. Delinquency behavior may emerge sinceparental views are no longer seen as absolutely correct by adolescents. Despitesome delinquent behavior, middle adolescence is a period during which youngpeople are oriented toward what is right and proper. They are developing asense of behavioral maturity and learning to control their impulsiveness (n. 冲动).
Late adolescence is marked be the finalpreparations for adult roles. The developmental demands of late adolescenceoften extend into the period that we think of as young adulthood. Lateadolescents attempt to crystallize their vocational goals and to establishsense of personal identity. Their needs for peer approval are diminished andthey are largely psychologically independent from their parents. The shift toadulthood is nearly complete.
Some years ago, Professor Robert Havighurstof the University of Chicago proposed that stages in human development can bestbe thought of in terms of the developmental tasks that are part of the normaltransition (n. 过渡).He identifiedeleven developmental tasks associated with the adolescent transition. Onedevelopmental task an adolescent needs to achieve is to adjust to a new
physical (adj. 身体的、物理的)sense of self. At no othertime since birth does an individual undergo such rapid and profound physicalchanges as during early adolescence. Puberty is marked by sudden rapid growthin height and weight. Also, the young person experiences the emergence (n. 出现)and accentuation of thosephysical traits (n. 特征)that make him or her a boy or girl. The effect of this rapid changeis that the young adolescent often becomes focused on his or her body.
Before adolescence, childrens thinking is dominated by a needto have a concrete example for any problem that they solve. Their thinking isconstrained to what is real and physical. During adolescence, young peoplebegin to recognize and understand abstractions. The adolescent must adjust to increasedcognitive (adj. 认知的)demands atschool. Adults see high school in part as a place where adolescents prepare foradult roles and responsibilities and in part as preparatory for further education.School curricula are frequently dominated by inclusion of more abstract, demandingmaterial, regardless of whether the adolescents have achieved formal thought. Sincenot all adolescents make the intellectual transition at the same rate, demandsfor abstract thinking prior to achievement of that ability may be frustrating.
During adolescence, as teens developincreasingly complex knowledge systems and a sense of self, they also adopt anintegrated set of values and orals (n. ). During the early stages of moraldevelopment, parents provide their child ith a structured set of rules of whatis right and wrong, what is acceptable and unacceptable. Eventually theadolescent must assess the parents values as they come into conflict (n. 冲突)with values expressed by peersand other segments of society. To reconcile differences, the adolescentrestructures those beliefs into a personal ideology.
The adolescent must develop expanded verbalskills. As adolescents mature ntellectually, as they face increased schooldemands, and as they prepare or adult roles, they must develop new verbal skillsto accommodate more omplex (adj. 复杂的)concepts and tasks. Their limited language of childhood is no longeradequate (adj.足够的).Adolescents may appear less competent because of their inability to expressthemselves meaningfully.
The adolescent must establish emotional(adj. 情感的) andpsychological ndependence from his or her parents. Childhood is marked bystrong dependence on ones parents. Adolescents may yearn to keep that safe, secure, supportive,dependent relationship. Yet, to be an adult implies a sense of independence, ofautonomy, of being ones own person. Adolescents may vacillate between their desire fordependence and their need to be independent. In an attempt to assert their needfor independence and individuality, adolescents may respond with what appearsto be hostility and lack (n. 缺乏) of cooperation.
Adolescents do not progress through thesemultiple developmental tasks separately. At any given time, adolescents may bedealing with several. Further, the centrality of specific developmental tasksvaries with early, middle, and late periods of the transition.

Questions 1-6
Matching the following characteristics with the correct stages of the adolescents. Write the correct letter, A, B or C, in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.
A. early adolescence
B. middle adolescence
C. later adolescence
1. interested in the opposite sex
2. exposure to danger
3. the same as others
4. beginning to form individual thinking without family context
5. less need approval of friends
6. intellectual booming
Questions 7-10
Complete each sentence with the correct ending, A-F, below.
Write the correct letters, A-F, in boxes 7-10 on your answer sheet.
7. One of Havighurst's research
8. High school courses
9. Adolescence is time when young people
10. The developmental speed of thinking patterns
List of the statements
A. form personal identity with a set of moral and values.
B. develops a table and productive peer relationships.
C. are designed to be more challenging than some can accept.
D. varies from people to people.
E. focuses on creating self image.
F. become an extension of their parents.
Questions 11-13
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?
In boxes 11-13 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE if the statement is true
FALSE if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage
11. The adolescent lacks the ability of thinking abstractly.
12. Adolescents may have deficit in their language ability.
13. The adolescent experiences a transition from reliance on his parents to independence.

1. B
【原文参考依据-C段第三句】(Middle adolescence)Their concerns about peers are more directed toward their opposite sexed peers.
2. B
【原文参考依据-C段末句】(Middle adolescence)Delinquency behavior (犯罪行为) may emerge since parental views are no longer seen as absolutely correct by adolescents.......,middle adolescence is a period during which young people are oriented toward what is right and proper.
3. A
【原文参考依据-B段末句】Early adolescence is also a period of intense conformity to peers.(和同伴高度一致的时期) .....The worst possibility, from the view of the early adolescent, is to be seen by peers as ‘different’.
4. A
【原文参考依据-B段首句】During the early years young people make the first attempts to leave the dependent, secure role of a child and to establish themselves as unique individuals, independent of their parents. first attempt与题中beginning对应
5. C
【原文参考依据-D段倒数第2句】Their needs for peer approval are diminished(减少) and they are largely psychologically independent from their parents.
6. B
【原文参考依据-C段句】Middle adolescence is marked by the emergence of new thinking skills. The intellectual world of the young person is suddenly greatly expanded.
7. E
【原文参考依据-E段】(Professor Robert Havighurst)One developmental task an adolescent needs to achieve is to adjust to a new physical (adj. 身体的、物理的)sense of self. ... an individualundergo such rapid and profound physical changes as during early adolescence. .......Also, the young person experiences the emergence (n. 出现)and accentuation of those physical traits (n. 特征)that make him or her a boy or girl. The effect of this rapid change is that the young adolescent often becomes focused on his or her body.此段整段说的都是与physical方面相关。
8. C
【原文参考依据-F段倒数第二句】(High school courses) School curriculaare frequently dominated by inclusion of more abstract, demanding material,regardless of whether the adolescents have achieved formal thought.
9. A
【原文参考依据-G段首句】(Adolescence)During adolescence, as teens develop increasingly complex knowledge systems and a sense of self, they alsoadopt an integrated set of values and morals (n. 道德).
10. D
【原文参考依据-F段末句】(thinking patterns)Since not all adolescents make the intellectual transition at the same rate, demands for abstract thinking prior to achievement of that ability may be frustrating.
vary from...to...大概是要理解成“...与...不同”,所以这句并不是说人对人的改变,而是“人与人不同”,即“思维模式的发展速度因人而异”,对应F段倒三not all adolescents make the intellectual transition at the same rate.
【原文参考依据-F段第3句】During adolescence, young people begin to recognize and understand abstractions. The adolescent must adjust to increased cognitive (adj. 认知的)demands at school.
during adolescence,能recognize and understand abstraction。原文与题目相反
12. TRUE
【原文参考依据-H段】...they must develop new verbal skills to accommodate more omplex (adj. 复杂的)concepts and tasks. Their limited language of childhood is no longer adequate (adj.足够的). Adolescents may appear less competent because of their inability to express themselves meaningfully.
the adolescent must develope expanded verbal skills. 和 their limited language of childhood is no longer adequate. 而12题的deficit 是不足的意思 所以是T
13. TRUE
【原文参考依据-I段倒数第2句】Yet, to be an adult implies a sense of independence, of autonomy, of being one’s own person. Adolescents mayvacillate(动摇,犹豫不决) between their desire for dependence and their need to be independent.

s1:party预定核对。1:电话号码489724(3) 2: 27th April. 3: 人数93 4. 地址是museum 5餐饮主食fish 6 额外要求:no nuts和paper tablecloth 8. order flowers
S4是一个研究建筑师  顺带讲是他的生平和作品 本来要子承父业但是想创新 第一次回那个地方是因为钱钱 出名是因为获奖 然后填空题有leak conference center car park hotel transport museum
Section 1 预订聚会场地
1. work number: 55533 and 489724
2. Date: 27th April
3. location: Museum Avenue
4. Maximum 93 persons
5. cold drinks
6. main dish: chicken and fish
7. No nuts
8. need tablecloth, paper napkins and silverware
9. need a birthday cake
10. hotel will offer additional flowers

Section 2 关于新员工培训的内容。
11. 在M部门工作的人要求如何,选A,加班能有补贴
12. 在office工作的人怎样,选A,可以自己选择上班时间
13. 在每天上班如何签到,选C,将自己的号码输入某个机器
14. 关于女销售员的穿着,选C,深色的裤子
15. 为了保证安全,要穿平底鞋,写flat
16. 为了保密,每个员工都不能透露password出去
17. 遇到可疑情况要汇报,举了个例子,比如说people without ID
18. 如果你在IT部门工作,不能将files带回家
19. 还规定了不能在建筑楼内photographs
20. 如果有问题,要跟manager汇报

Section 3 大学新生咨询如何选课
21. Why does the man want to change the course?
A. he wants to go abroad. this course can help to work around the world especially in New Zealand
22. What does the man think about the course economic?
B. boring and dull
23. The man asks the woman's opinion about choosing the course.
C. the woman says it is up to you because it is optional
24. Why does the woman Anna want to learn the foreign language course?
C. she thinks that business and commerce are useful
25-26. What do they think about the lecture?
A. they think that the professor should encourage students to have free thought
B. the professor is enthusiastic about the lecture

27. Communication 1: Help speak in public
28. Psychology: help in the large group and teamwork
29. Interpretation: help in cooperation
30. Communication 3: help reduce quarrel caused by the culture difference

Section 4 介绍一位建筑大师
31. Why does the student choose this topic?
B. he has interest in the experience of this architect
32. Why does the architect take architecture as his career?
B. he wanted to break from convention
33. Why did the man finally come back from London
B. to get more business opportunities
34. What is the architect famous for?
C. joined the association and became a chairman
35. as a conference center
36. windows tend to wind leak
37. has a big balcony
38. As a carpark
39. as a transport museum
40. there is no room to do exercises





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