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[全国] 2018年12月1日澳洲,新西兰,香港等亚太考区雅思A类笔试真题...









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听力s1 办bday party 租hotel s2 南美洲旅行 s3 忘了 那女的是啥新西兰口音吗 s4找工作
p1 鲸鱼法庭
p2 英国战后农业政策(Agricultural development in post-war timein UK
讲述了英国乡村的一些policy之类的发展,先是食物短缺的方案什么的。是英国自战后时期开始的rural policies,其中讲到1920s到1930s的粮食危机让政府很上 心. 然后提到了政府对乡村生产粮食的各类支持,接着是1940s post-war时期的政策 是英国的农村政策。最开始的时候rural area 都是被认为是以农业为steward的。但是后来concept发生了改变。 以及recreation immigration 的影响 说这个政策使农村有娱乐功能了,很多business都过来了,在policy刚下来的时候,农民的数量好像减少了。后来来这里的人又多了。。。 农产品因此由quantity 向quality 转变。英国的农村政策从二战后初期的因为担心吃不饱而鼓励大家多种田转变到后期大家开始关注生态、娱乐、旅游

p3 温度天气
小作文条形图  一个城市里四种物品在一段时间内循环使用率的变化
大作文Some people think it is effective for students to study in groups in school while others think it is better to study alone. Discuss the both sides and give your own opinion.
Section 1 Hotel reservation
1. Buffet at least 35 people
2. Time: every Saturday is available
3. The hotel name: Hotel Limerick
4. Location: in business area
5. The rooms are in the 5th floor
6. Advantages: have a good view
7. Need to book: hold booking for a week in advance
8. A small gym
9. Rest of 65% expense final paid in 10 days before move in
10. Telephone No.: 044298611

Section 2 Hiking trip to South America
11. Why should they bring the brochures and for what: C valuable for South America trip for a second time
12. When should the tour member show the documents: C when you first meet tour leader
13. What people should bring in daytime: A water
14. Where can tourists put the left luggage: A in the hotel
15. Under what circumstance, can tourist ask medical help from local people: A after consulted the tour guide
16. To Colombia - D by plane
17. City to village - C by car
18. Village to canyon - G by donkey
19. Form village to small town - A by minivan
20. Back to city - E by train

Section 3 Field work trip discussion
21. Ecologists - A too many people
22. After lunch/dinner presentations by staff - C repetition information
23. Journal writing - H time consuming
24. Field work beach - F well organized
25. Data analysis - E inefficient information
26. Briefing after lunch - D no opportunities
27. B oil rig damage to sea bed
28. C fit for the potential students
29. Challenging experts’ opinion concerns
30. Sources of information

Section 4 Work for a patent attorney
31. Employed a most by a company
32. Originality must be claimed
33. Details in products description
34. Knowledge in engineering
35. Good communication skills
36. Master of foreign languages
37. Offered a good salary
38. Sometimes quite lonely
39. Industrial organizations
40. Government offices departments
S3 城市单车还有小偷,还有各种单车锁
S4  31. weather 40. pesticide 或者 fertilizer,还有个空cotton
第一篇The Dinosaurs Footprints and Extinction(恐龙脚印及灭绝)
Everybody knows that the dinosaurs werekilled by an asteroid. Somethingbig hit the earth 65 million years ago and,when the dust had fallen, so had the great reptiles. There is thus a nice, ifironic, symmetry in the idea that o similar impact brought about thedinosaurs’rise. That is the thesis proposed by Paul Olsen, of ColumbiaUniversity, and his colleagues in this week’s Science.
Dinosaurs first appear in the fossil record230m years ago, during the Triassic period. But they were mostly small, andthey shared the earth with lots of other sorts of reptile. It was in thesubsequent Jurassic, which began 202million years ago, that they overran theplanet and turned into the monsters depicted in the book and movie “JurassicPark”(侏罗纪公园) .(Actually, though, the dinosaurs that appeared on screen were from the stillmore recent Cretaceous (白垩纪) period.) Dr Olsen and his colleagues are not the first to suggestthat the dinosaurs inherited the earth as the result of an asteroid strike. Butthey are the first to show that the takeover did, indeed, happen in ageological eyeblink.
Dinosaur skeletons are rare. Dinosaurfootprints are, however, surprisingly abundant. And the sizes of the prints areas good an indication of the sizes of the beasts as are the skeletonsthemselves. Dr Olsen and his colleagues therefore concentrated on prints, notbones.
The prints in question were made in easternNorth America, a part of the world then full of rift valleys similar to thosein East Africa today. Like the modern African rift valleys, the Triassic (三叠纪) /Jurassic American onescontained lakes, and these lakes grew and shrank at regular intervals becauseof climatic changes caused by periodic shifts in the earth’s orbit. (Asimilarphenomenon is responsible for modern ice ages.) That regularity, combined withreversals
in the earth’s magnetic field, which are detectable in the tiny fields ofcertain magnetic minerals, means that rocks from this place and period can bedated to within a few thousand years. As a bonus, squishy (adj.粘糊糊的) lake-edge sediments are justthe things for recording the tracks of passing animals. By dividing the labourbetween themselves, the ten authors of the paper were able to study such tracksat 80 sites.
The researchers looked at 18 so-calledichnotoxo(群落). These arerecognisable types of footprint that cannot be matched precisely with thespecies of animal that left them. But they can be matched with a general sortof animal, and thus act as an indicator of the fate of that group, even whenthere are no
bones to tell the story.
Five of the ichnotaxa disappear before theend of the Triassic, and four march confidently across the boundary into theJurassic. Six, however, vanish at the boundary, or only just splutter acrossit; and three appear from nowhere, almost as soon as the Jurassic begins.
That boundary itself is suggestive. Thefirst geological indication of the impact that killed the dinosaurs was anunusually high level of iridium in rocks at the end of the Cretaceous, when thebeasts disappear from the fossil record. Iridium is normally rare at theearth’s surface, but it is more abundant in meteorites. When people began tobelieve the impact theory, they started looking  for  other Cretaceous-end  anomalies.  One  that  turned up  was  a surprising abundance of fern spores in rocks Just abovethe boundary layer-a phenomenon known as a “fern spike”(蕨类)
That matched the theory nicely. Many modernferns are opportunists. Theycannot compete against plants with leaves, but if apiece of land is cleared by, say, a volcanic eruption, they are often the firstthings to set up shop there. An asteroid strike would have scoured much of theearth of its vegetable cover, andprovided a paradise for ferns. A fern spike inthe rocks is thus a good indication that something terrible has happened.
Both an iridium () anomaly and a fern spike appearin rocks at the end of the Triassic, too. That accounts for the disappearingichnotaxa: the creatures that made them did not survive the holocaust. Thesurprise is how rapidly the new ichnotaxa appear. Eubrontes giganteus, forexample, is there a mere 10,000 years after the iridium anomaly. The Eubrontes(一种大脚印)printswere made by theropods-the dinosaur group that went on to produce suchnightmares as Allosaurus(异龙)and Tyrannosaurus(暴龙) -and Eubrontes is already 20% bigger than any theropod trackrecorded from the Triassic.
DrOlsen and His colleagues suggest that the explanation for this rapidincrease insize may be a phenomenon called ecological release. This is seen today whenreptiles (which, in modern times, tend io be small creatures) reach islandswhere they face no competitors. The most spectacular example is ontheIndonesian island of Komodo, where local lizards have grown so large thatthey are often referred to as dragons. The dinosaurs, in other words, couldflourish only when the competition had been knocked out.
That leaves the question of where theimpact happened. No large hole in theearth’s crust seems to be 202m years old.It may, of course, have been overlooked. Old craters are eroded and buried, andnot always easy to find. Alternatively, it may have vanished. Althoughcontinental crust is more or less permanent, the ocean floor is constantlyrecycled by the tectonic processes
that bring about continental drift. There is no ocean floor left that is morethan 200m years old, soa crater that formed in the ocean would have beenswallowed up by now.
There is a third possibility, however. Thisis that the crater is known, but has been misdated. The Manicouagan“structure”, a center in Quebec, is thought to be 214m years old. It ishuge-some 100km across-and seems to be the largest of between three and fivecraters that formed within a few hours of each other as the lumps of adisintegrated comet hit the earth one by one. Such an impact would surely havehad a perceptible effect on the world, but the rocks from 214m years ago do notrecord one. It is possible, therefore, that Manicouagan ( 根陨石坑) has been misdated. That willbe the next thing to check.

Question 1-6...................................................................................
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage1?
In boxes1-6 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE  if the sataement agrees with the information
FALSE  if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN  if there is no information on this
1 Dr Paul Olsen and his colleagues believe that asteroid knock may also lead to
2   Books  and  movie  like  Jurassic Park  often  exaggerate  the  size  of  the
3 Dinosaur footprints are more adequate than dinosaur skeletons.
4 The prints were chosen by Dr Olsen to study because they are convenient totracked down into a date of geological precise within thousands years.
5 Ichnotaxa showed that footprints of dinosaurs offer exact information of thetrace left by an individual species.
6 We can find more Iridium in the earth’s surface than in meteorites.
Questions 7-13...............................................................................
Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage, using no
more than two words from the Reading Passage for each answer. Write youranswers in
boxes 7-13 0n your answer sheet.
Dr Olsen and his colleagues applied a phenomenon named 7 to explain the largesize of the Eubrontes, which is a similar case to that nowadays reptiles invadea place where there are no 8 ; for example, on an island called Komodo,indigenous huge lizards grow so big that people even referring them as9However, there were no old impact trace being found? The answer may be that wehave 10 the evidence. Old craters are difficult to spot or it probably 11 dueto the effect of the earth moving. Even a crater formed in Ocean had been 12under the impact of crust movement. Beside, the third hypothesis is that thepotential evidences- some craters may be 13 .

1. YES     2. NOT GIVEN     3. YES    4. YES    5. NO   6. NO
7. ecological release    8. competitor     9. dragons
10. overlooked    11. vanished    12. swallowed up    13. Misdated





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