1.根据题目细节信息“biggest range”定位于B段第一句话.因此,正确答案为D。
2.利用顺序原则。定位于B段第四行,“Although bovids have adapted to a widerange…scrub or desert”,因此,正确答案为D。
3.该信息出现于C段中间部分“All species are ruminants, which means thatthey retain undigestedfood in their stomachs, and regurgitate it as necessary.”因此,正确答案为C。
4.该题目信息出现在G段“Tolerance of extreme conditions is mostmarked in this group”题目中的harshenvironments对应原文的“extreme conditions’ 前面找到“Caprinae”因此,正确答 案为C。
5.该题目信息出现在E段第二行,“The sub-family Bovinae comprises most of…and nilgae,eland ,bisonand cattle.”因此,正确答案为B。
6.该题目信息出现在H段第二行“Although mainly feeding on grass andleaves, some duikers—unlikemost other bovid-are believed to eat insects andfeed on dead animal carcasses.And even to kill small animals.”因此,正确答案为D。
7.该题目信息出现在F段第三行,“Antelopes are typically long-legged,fast-running species”因此,正确答案为A。
8.该题目信息出现在E段第四行“Unlike most other bovids they are allnon-territorial.”,因此,正确答案为B。
9.该题目信息出现在B段倒数第四行“at one extreme is the royal antelope ofwest Africa,which standsa mere 25cm at the shoulder”因此,正确答案为royal antelope。
10.该题目信息出现在E段末句“…while the auroch(the ancestor of thedomestic cattle of Europe)isextin.”因此,正确答案为 the auroch.
11.该题目信息出现在F段末句”...while the sitatunga has long,splayedhooves than enable it to walk…”因此,正确答案为long ,splayed hooves.
12.该题目信息出现于G段倒数第二行,“Barbary and bighorn sheep have adapted toarid deserts”因此,正确答案为arid deserts.
13.该题目信息出现于I段第一行“The pronghorn is the sole survivor of a NewWorld sub- family ofherbivorous ruminants…”因此,正确答案为pronghorn.
Passage 2:一种治疗方法
Passage 3:摄影师
大作文:Nowadays more and more people want toget things done instantly (services, information, tasks). Why is it? Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
1. 科技进步(Technological Advancements)。互联网和智能手机的普及使得信息获取和任务完成变得更加便捷和快速。在线服务和应用程序的发展使得人们可以随时随地完成各种任务。
2. 生活节奏加快(Faster Pace of Life)。现代社会的生活节奏越来越快,人们的时间变得更加宝贵。工作和生活压力增加,人们希望通过快速完成任务来节省时间和精力。
3. 即时满足(Instant Gratification)的心理需求。人们习惯了即时满足的生活方式,期望能够立即获得所需的服务和信息。社交媒体和即时通讯工具的使用使得人们对即时反馈和回应产生了依赖。
1. 提高效率。快速完成任务可以提高工作和生活的效率,使人们能够更好地利用时间。即时获取信息(information retrieval)可以帮助人们更快地做出决策和解决问题。
2. 便利生活。即时服务和信息获取使得人们的生活更加便利,减少了等待时间和不必要的麻烦。在线购物、外卖服务等使得人们可以更轻松地满足日常需求。
1. 增加压力和焦虑。对即时完成任务的期望可能会增加人们的压力和焦虑(stress and anxiety),影响心理健康。长期处于高效快节奏的生活中,可能导致疲劳和倦怠。
2. 降低耐心和专注力。即时满足的习惯可能会降低人们的耐心和专注力,使得他们难以处理需要长时间投入(long-term commitment)的任务。对即时反馈的依赖可能会影响人们的深度思考和创造力。所以人们应该找到合适的方法来平衡生活节奏,保持心里健康。
Inconclusion, 科技进步,生活快节奏和即时满足的心理需求是导致现在即时信息,任务和服务的主要原因。虽然即时完成任务有其积极的一面,如提高效率和便利生活,但也存在一些消极影响,如增加压力和降低耐心。所以在享受科技带来的便利的同时,人们也应学会平衡生活节奏,保持心理健康和专注力。
难易度: 一般
Part1 场景:定制床品
1. 160(床的width)
2.natural(wood finish,有三种选择,分别是dark,natural和另外一个。说屋里本来就暗,所以就选个natural)
3. 265(cost,这include delivery,但是不包含assemble,客人说让她son回家自己拼装)
4. light(in built light)
5. glass(__ cupboard door)
6. drawer(top __ with lock)
7. Rogala(Ms. S. ___)
8. HE254EU(postcode)
9. nextweek(运送时间)
10. garage(if out, leave in garage)
Part 2场景:海洋生物主题
题型: 单选题+匹配题
11. B (题目问的是newest enclosure, A是最小最老,C是最大)
12. A(有全国最大的plant collection,A是plant)
13. C (visitors最喜欢的特点:选项some animals roam freely, 听力中说some penguins可以四处溜达)
14. C(题目问plan,听力要致力于发展educational purpose,所以要发展一下website,用来提供更多信息)
15. B(题干:in the competition, entrants need to ...。选项B说得name where some plants andanimals come from,听力中tell它们从哪里来)
16. 跟staff吃一顿
17. 可以hold一种动物
18. 可以享受半价half price
19. 可以visit places of interest in the region
20. 可以有a private area of refreshments
Part 3场景:一对男女讨论psychology project
21. C
22. A (题目问两个人都干啥了,选项是两人都check a website that tutorrecommend, BC是男生做的)
23. C(straightforward to analyze)
24. C(题目是学生do sums 的能力是否受字体颜色的影响,听力原文有提到font。AB是paper颜色会影响)
25. B(题目问memory相关的实验咋了)
26. C(题目问为啥这两人选择music program,C选项说会容易挑选人来参加,听力说能够persuade people来参加)
27. B
28. D
29. D
30. E
Part 4场景:Nanotechnology
31. microscope(多亏了new types of __的出现,才能实现nanotechnology的发展)
32. iron
33. chocolates
34. fertilizer(apply fertilizer)
35. flavor(improve the flavor and make it healthier)
36. bacteria(in packaging, to destroy __)
Healthand Medicine的应用
37. silver
38. drug(使得drug应用到更精准的位置)
39. weight(weight loss management,其实这个题不听也能根据loss来预测这里估计要说减肥了)
40. sun(to protect against the sun)
1. D
In which region is the biggest range of bovids to be found?
A. Africa
B. Eurasia
C. North America
D. South-eastAsia
2. D
Most bovids have a preference for living in
A. isolation
B. small groups
C. tropical forest
D. wide open spaces
3. C
Which ofthe following features do all bovids have in common?
A. Their horns are shot
B. They have upper incisors
C. They store food in the body
D. Their hooves are undivided
4. C:can endure very harsh environments
5. B:includes the ox and the cow
6. D:may supplement its diet with meat
7. A:can usually move a speed
8. B:does not defend a particular area of land
以下为List of sub-families选项
A. Antelope
B. Bovinae
C. Caprinae
D. Cephalophinae
9. royal antelope
题目:What is the smallest species of Bovid called
10. auroch
题目:Which species of Bovinae hos now died out?
11. long splayed hooves
题目:What facilitates the movement of thesitatunga over wetland?
12. arid deserts
题目:What sort of terrain do barbary sheep livein?
13. pronghorn
题目:What is the only living member of the Antilocapridae sub-family?
14. A
15. C
16. E
17. C
18. B
19. B
20. E
21. C
22. F
23. B
24. Supplement
25. Surgery
26. 待回忆
Passage3主题:Mark Strizic 一个澳洲摄影师的职业发展
27. B
28. G
29. E
30. D
31. J
32. No
33. Yes
34. No
35. Notgiven
36. A
37. D
38. B
39. D
40. C
Task 1
The bar chart shows the number of people who applied to migrate to Australia in the four most popular occupation between 2009 and 2012.
Task 2
More and more people expect to get things instantly(eg. goods, services, news), without having to wait.
Why is this?Do you think the expectation to get thing instantly is a positive and negative development?
Nowadays more and more people want to get things done instantly (services, information,tasks). Why is this? Do you think this is a positive or negative development?
1. A defining feature of modern society
2.Attributed to several factors
3. The advent of technology
4.Fueled this expectation
5.Real-time services
6. Seemobsolete
7.Significantly improved efficiency and productivity
8.Respond quickly to customer needs
第一篇:Bovids 牛科动物
The family of mammals called bovids belongs to the Artiodacty class, which alsoincludes giraffes. Bovids are highly diverse group consisting of 137 species,some of which are man's most important domestic animals.
Bovidsare well represented in most parts of Eurasia and Southeast Asian islands, butthey are by far the most numerous and diverse in the latter.Some species ofbovid are solitary, but others live in large groups with complex socialstructures. Although bovids have adapted to a wide range of habitats, fromarctic tundra to deep tropical forest, the majority of species favour opengrassland, scrub or desert. This diversity of habitat is also matched by greatdiversity in size and form: at one extreme is the royal antelope of WestAfrica, which stands a mere 25 cm at the shoulder, at the other, the massivelybuilt bisons of North America and Europe, growing to a shoulder height to 2.2m.
Despitedifferences in size and appearance, bovids are united by the possession ofcertain common features. All species are ruminants, which means that theyretain undigested food in their stomachs, and regurgitate it as necessary.Bovids are almost exclusively herbivorous
Typicallytheir teeth are highly modified for browsing and grazing: grass or foliage iscropped. with the upper lip and lower incisora** (the upper incisors areusually absent), and then ground down by the cheek teeth. As well as havingcloven, or split, hooves, the males of ail bovid species and the females ofmost carry horns. Bovi horns have bony cores covered in a sheath of hornymaterial that is constantly renewed from within; they are unbranched and nevershed. They vary in shape and size; the relatively simple horns of a largeIndian buffalo may measure around 4 m from tip to tip along the outer curve,while the various gazelles have horns with a variety of elegant curves.
Fivegroups, or sub-families, may be distinguished: Bovinae, Antelope, Caprinae,Cephalophinae and Antiloeapridae. The sub-family Bovinae comprises most of thelarger bovids, including the African bongo, and nigae, eland, bison and cattle.Unlike most other bovids ,they are all non-territorial. The ancestors of thevarious species of domestic cattle banteng, gaur, yak and water buffalo aregenerally rare and endangered in the wild, while the aoroch (the ancestor ofthe domestic cattle of Europe) is extinct.
The term'antelopel is not a very precise zoological name - it is used to looselydescribe a number of bovids that have allowed different lines of development.Antelopes are typically long - legged, fast - running species, often with longhome that may be laid along the back when the animal is in full flight. There aretwo main subgroups of antelope: Hippotraginae, which includes the oryx and theaddax, and Antilopinae, which generally contains slighter and more gracefulanimals such as gazello and the springbok. Antelopes are mainly grasslandspecies, but many have adapted to flooded grasslands; pukus, waterbucks andlechwes are all good at swimming, usually feeding in deep water, while thesitatunga has long, splayed hooves that enable it to walk freely on swampyground.
Thesub-family Caprinae includes the sheep and the goat, together with variousrelatives such as the goral and the tahr. Most are woolly or have long hair.Several species, such as wild goats,chamois and ibes, are agile cliff-andmountain-dewellers. Tolerance of extreme conditions is most marked in thisgroup: Barbary and bighorn sheep have adapted to arid deserts, while RockyMountain sheep survive high up in mountains and musk oxen in arctic tundra.
Theduiker of Africa belongs to the Cephalophinas sub-family. It is generally smalland solitary, often living in thick forest. Although manly feeding on grass andleaves, some dnikers - unlike most other bovids - are believed to eat insectsand feed on dead animal carcasses, and even to kill small animals.
Tepronghorn is the sole survivor of a New World sub-amily of herbivorousruminants, the Antilocapridae in North America. Ilt is similar in appearanceand habits to the Old World antelope. Although greatly reduced in numbers sincethe arrival of Europeans, and the subsequent enclosure of grasslands, thepronghorn is still found in considerable numbers throughout North America, fromWashington State to Mexico. When alarmed by the approach of wolves or otherpredators, hairs on the pronghorn's rump stand erect, so showing andemphasizing the white patch there. At this signal, the whole herd gallops offat speed of over 60 km per hour.
Questions 1-3
Choose the correct letter, A. B. C or D.
Write the correct letter in boxes 1-3 onyour answer sheet.
1. In which region is the biggest range ofbovids to be found?
A .Africa
B .Eurasia
C. North America
D. South-east Asia
2 .Most bovids have a preference for livingin
A. isolation
B. small groups
C. tropical forest
D. wide open spaces
3 Which of the following features do all bovidshave in common?
A. Their horns are shot
B .They have upper incisors
C. They store food in the body
D. Their hooves are undivided
Questions 4-8
Look at the following characteristics(Question 4-8) and the list of sub-families below.
Match each characteristic with the correctsub-family, A, B, C or D
Write the correct letter, A, B, C or D, inboxes 4-8 on your answer sheet.
NB You may use any letter more than once
4 can endure very harsh environments
5 includes the ox and the cow
6 may supplement its diet with meat
7 can usually move at speed
8 does not defend a particular area of land
List of sub-amillies
A. Antelope
B. Bovinae
C. Caprinae
D. Cephalophinae
Questions 9-13
Answer the questions below.
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from thepassage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 9-13 on your answer sheet
10 Which species of Bvoinae has now diedout?
11 What facilitates the movement of thesitatunga over wetland?
12 What sort of terrain do barbary sheeplive in?
13 What is the only living member of theAntilocapridae sub family?
1. D
2. D
3. C
4. C
5. B
6. B
7. A
8. B
9. (the)royal antelope
10. (the)auroch
11. long,splayed hooves
12. ariddeserts
13. (the)pronghorn
第三篇:HighSpeed Photography高速摄影
Photographygained the interest of many scientists and artists from its inception.Scientists Iiave used photography to record and study rnovements. such asEadweard Muybridge's study of human and animal locomotion in 1887. Artists areequally interested by these as|tecls but also try lo explore avenues other thanphoto-mechaiiical represciitalion of rcalily, such as the pictorial istmovement. Military, police, and security forces use pliotograpliy forsurveillance, recognition and data storage. Photography is used by amateurs topreserve memories, to capture special moments, to tell stories, to sendmessages, and as a source of entertainment. Various technological improvementsand techniques have even allowed for visualising events that are loo Iasi ortoo slow for the human eye.
One ofsuch techni(|ues is called fast motion or professionally known as time-lapse.Time-lapse photography is the perfect technique Tor capturing events andtnovemcnis in the natural world that occur over a timescale too slow for humanperception lo follow. Tlie life cycle of a mushroom, for example, is incrediblysubtle to the human eye. To present its growth in front of audiences, theprinciple applied is a simple one: a series of photographs are taken and usediu sequence lo make a moving-image film since each frame is taken with a lapseat a time interval between each shot, when played back at normal speed, acontinuous aclion is produced and it appears to speed up. Put simply :we areshrinking time. Objects and events that would normally take several minutes,days or even months can he vieued to completion in seonifls having been sped upby factors of tens lo millions.
Anothercommonly used technique is high-speed photography, the science of takingpictures of very fast phenomena. High-speed photography can be considered to bethe opposite of time-lapse photography. One of. the many applications is foundin biology sudies lo study birds, bats and even spider silk. Imagine ahummingbird hovering almost completely still in ihe air. Feeding on nectar.With every flap, its wings bend, flex and change shape. These subtle movementsprecisely control the lift its wings generate, making it an excellent hoverer.But a hummingbird flaps its wings up to 80 times every second. The only way totruly capture this motion is with cameras that will, in effect. slow down time,To do this, a greater length of film is taken at a high sampling frequency orframe rate, which is much faster than it will be projected on screen. Whenreplayed at normal speed, time appears to be slowed down
In commonusage, high-speed photography can also refer to the use of high-speed camerasthat the photograph itself may be taken in a way as to appear to freeze themotion, especially to reduce motion blur. It requires a sensor with goodsensitivity and either a very good shuttering system or a very fast strobelight. The recent National Geographic footage— captured last summer during anintensive three-day shoot at the Cincinnati Zoo—is unprecedented in its clarityand detail. “I’ve watched cheetahs run for 30 years,” said Cathryn Milker,founder of the zoo’s Cat Ambassador Program. “But I saw things in that superslow-motion video that I’ve never seen before.” The slow-motion video isentrancing. Every part of the sprinting cat’s anatomy—supple limbs, ripplingmuscles, hyperflexible spine—works together in a symphony of speed, revealingthe fluid grace of the world’s fastest land animal.
Butthings can’t get any more complicated in the case of filming a frog catchingits prey. Frogs can snatch up prey in a few thousandths of a second—strikingout with elastic tongues. Biologists would love to see how a frog’s tongue rollout, adhere to prey, and roll back into the frog’s mouth. But this all happenedtoo fast, 50 times faster than an eye blink. So naturally people thought ofusing high-speed camera to capture this fantastic movement in slow motion. Yetone problem still remains—viewers would be bored if they watch the frog swim inslow motion for too long. So how to skip this? The solution is a simple one—adjustthe playback speed, which is also called by some the film speed adjustment. Thefilm will originally be shot at a high frame (often 300 frames per second,because it can be converted to much lower frame rates without major issues),but at later editing stage this high frame rate will only be preserved for theprey catching part, while the swimming part will be converted to the normalspeed at 24 frames per second. Voila, the scientists can now sit back and enjoywatching without having to go through the pain of waiting.
Sometimestaking a good picture or shooting a good film is not all about technology, butpatience, like in the case of bat. Bats are small, dark-colored; they fly fastand are active only at night. To capture bats on film, one must use some typeof camera-tripping device. Photographers or filmmakers often place camera nearthe bat cave, on the path of the flying bats. The camera must be hard-wiredwith a tripping device so that every time a bat breaks the tripping beam thecamera fires and it will keep doing so through the night until the camera’sbattery runs out. Though highly-advanced tripping device can now allow forunmanned shooting, it still may take several nights to get a truly high-qualityfilm.
Is itscience? Is it art? Since the technique was first pioneered around two hundredyears ago, photography has developed to a state where it is almostunrecognisable. Some people would even say the future of photography will benothing like how we imagine it. No matter what future it may hold, photographywill continue to develop as it has been repeatedly demonstrated in many aspectsof our life that “a picture is worth a thousand words.”
Questions 27-30
Look at the following organisms (Question 27-30)and the list of features below. Match each organism with the correct feature,A-D.
Write the correct letter, A, B, C or D inboxes 27-30 on your answer sheet.
27. Mushroom
28. Hummingbird
29. Frog
30. Bat
List of features
A. too fast to be perceived
B. film at the place where the animal willpass
C. too slow to be visible to human eyes
D. adjust the filming speed to make itinteresting
Questions 31-35
Complete the summary below.
Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from thepassage for each answer. Write your answer in boxes 31-35 on your answer sheet.
Fast motion (professionally known astime-lapse photography) and slow motion (or high- speed photography) are twocommonest techniques of photography. To present before audiences something thatoccurs naturally slow, photographers take each picture at a 31.
before another picture. When these picturesare finally shown on screen in sequence at a normal motion picture rate,audiences see a 32. that is faster than what it naturally is. This techniquecan make audiences feel as if 33 is shrunk. On the other hand, to demonstratehow fast things move, the movement is exposed on a 34.
of film, and then projected on screen atnormal playback speed. This makes viewers feel time is 35. .
Questions 36-40
Reading Passage 3 has seven paragraphs A-G.Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the appropriate numbers A-G, in boxes36-40 on your answer sheet. NB You may use any letter more than once.
36. a description of photography’sapplication in various fields
37. a reference to why high-speedphotography has a significant role in biology
38. a traditional wisdom that assuresreaders of the prospects of photography
39. a reference to how film is processedbefore final release
40. a description of filming shootingwithout human effort
27. C
28. A
29. D
30. B
31. lapse/time interval
32. continuous action
33. time
34. greater length
35. slowed down proportionately
36. A
37. C
38. G
39. E
40. F