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[国内外] 2019年12月7日中国大陆考区雅思A类笔试真题回忆+答案汇总









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小作文bar chart
大作文老年人选择住retirement community而不是with adult children 问这是positive or negative development
大作文Nowadays some older people choose to live in the retirement communities with other people,rather than living with their adult children.Is it a positive or negative development? 小作文柱图
s1 一个女的要给pizza店印传单。店名Oakleigh Pizza,25元,logo,mushroom,给小孩的什么没听清我蒙了个adaptation,chocolate cake,印多少份没听清我蒙的1000,日期April 20
s2 滑雪活动。推荐是因为这是舒服的地方。最好通过newsletter参加competition。今年报道集中在什么这个我不太确定,选的job opportunity。为什么去也不太确定,选的special offer
s3 男女同学讨论互联网相关的心理学课程。这个课wide range。pre开头展示figure。向老师要literature。女生获取信息是website。最后一个空是啥来着?想不起来了。
S4地图的演变。早期memory,岩石上的点表示stars,地图有river,把什么什么放在center。电子地图来自uk government,鼓励志愿者上传photogy。未来ocean还有空白,通过补充adds挣钱。缺点是less accurate
                       T-Rex Hunter
A  Jack Horner is an unlikely academic: his dyslexia is so bad that he has trouble reading a book. But he can read the imprint of life in sandstone or muddy shale across a distance of 100m years,  and it is  this  gift that  has  made  him curator of palaeontology at Montana State University's Museum of the Rockies, the leader of a multi-million dollar scientific project to expose a complete slice of life 68m years ago, and a consultant to Steven Spielberg and other Hollywood figures.

B  His father had a sand and gravel quarry in Montana, and the young Horner was a collector of stones and bones, complete with notes about when and where he found them. "My father had owned a ranch when he was younger, in Montana”he says. "He was enough of a geologist,being a sand and gravel man, to have a pretty good  notion that they were dinosaur bones. So when I was eight years old he took me back to the area that had been his ranch, to where he had seen these big old bones. I picked up one. I am pretty sure it was the upper arm bone of a duckbilled dinosaur: it probably wasn't a dinosaur but closely related to that. I catalogued it, and took good care of it, and then later when I was in high school; excavated my first dinosaur skeleton. It obviously started earlier than eight and I literally have been driven ever since. I feel I like I was born this way."Homer spent seven years at university, but never graduated. "I have a learning disability, I would call it a learning difference一dyslexia, they call it一and 1 just had a terrible time with English and foreign languages and things like that. For a degree in geology or biology they required two years of a foreign language. There was no way in the world I could do that. In fact, I didn't really pass English. So I couldn't get a degree, I just wasn't capable of it. But I took all of the courses required and I wrote a thesis and I did all sorts of things. So I have the education, l just don't have the piece of paper," he says.

C  In Montana, in those days, everybody had the right to a college education. His grades at high school had been terrible, at university, his advisers recognised that he was having a hard time, and went on helping. The dean who kept readmitting him, was to give Horner an honorary doctorate years later. As a young non-graduate, Horner wrote to every museum in the English-speaking world, asking for a job. Los Angeles County Museum and the Royal Ontario Museum in Toronto made offers, but he accepted a post as technician at Princeton University because Princeton, New Jersey.

D  "We definitely know we are working on a very broad coastal plain with the streams and rivers bordered by conifers and hardwood plants, and the areas in between these rivers were probably fern-covered. There were no grasses  at  all:  just ferns  and bushes一an  unusual  landscape, kind of taking the south-eastern United States一Georgia, Florida一and mixing it with the moors of England and  flattening it out," he says. "Triceratops is very common: they are the cows of the Cretaceous, they are everywhere. Duckbilled dinosaurs are relatively common but not as common as triceratops and T rex, for a meat-eating dinosaur, is very common. What we would consider the predator-prey ratio seems really off the scale. What is interesting is the little dromaeosaurs, the ones we know for sure were good predators, we haven't found any of them.”

E  Which is why he sees T rex not as the lion of the Cretaceous savannah but its vulture. "Look at the wildebeest that migrate in the Serengeti of Africa, a million individuals lose about 200,000 individuals in that annual migration. There is a tremendous carrion base there. And so you have hyenas, you have tremendous numbers of vultures that are scavenging, you don't have all that many animals that are good predators. If T rex was a top predator, especially considering how big it is, you'd expect it to be extremely rare, much rarer than the little dromaeosaurs, and yet they are everywhere, they are a dime a dozen," he says. A 12-tonne T rex is a lot of vulture, but he doesn't see the monster as clumsy.  He insisted his theory and finding, dedicated to further research upon it, of course, he would like to reevaluate if there is any case that additional evidence found or explanation raised by others in the future.

F He examined the leg bones of the T-rex, and compared the length of the thigh bone (upper leg), to the shin bone (lower leg). He found that the thigh bone was equal in length or slightly longer than the shin bone, and much thicker and heavier. which proves that the animal was built to be a slow walker rather than fast running. On the other hand, the fossils of fast hunting dinosaurs ALWAYS showed that the shin bone was longer than the thigh bone. This same truth can be observed in many animals of today which are designed to run fast: The ostrich, cheetah, etc.

G   He also studied the fossil teeth of the T-rex, and compared them with the teeth of the Velociraptor, and put the nail in the coffin of the "hunter T-rex theory". The Velociraptor's teeth where like stake knifes: sharp, razor-edged, and capable of tearing through flesh with ease. The T-Rex's teeth were huge, sharp at their tip, but blunt, propelled by enormous jaw muscles, which enabled them to only crush bones.

H  With the evidence presented in his documentary, Horner was able to prove that the idea of the T-rex as being a hunting and ruthless killing machine is probably just a myth. In light of the scientific clues he was able to unearth,the T-rex was a slow, sluggish animal which had poor vision, an extraordinary sense of smell, that often reached its "prey" after the real hunters were done feeding, and sometimes it had to scare the hunters away from a corpse. In order to do that, the T-rex had to have been ugly,nasty-looking, and stinky. This is actually true of nearly all scavenger animal. They are usually vile and nasty looking.

题目及答案        Questions 1-7
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?
In boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet,write
1 Jack Horner knew exactly the bone belonged to a certain dinosaur when he was in father's ranch at the age of 8.  FALSE              
2 Jack Horner achieved distinctive degree in university when he graduated. FALSE
3 Jack Horner is the first man that discovered T-Rex's bone in the world. Not GIVEN
4 Jack Horner believes that the number of prey should be more than that of predator.  TURE
5 T-rex's number is equivalent to the number of vulture in the Serengeti. TURE
6The hypothesis that T-rex is top predator conflict with the fact of predator-prey ratio which Jack found.   TURE      
7 He refused to accept any other viewpoints about T rex's category. FALSE

Questions 8-13 Summary
Complete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage,  using no more than two words from the Reading Passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 8-13 on your answer sheet.
Jack Horner found that T-rex's 8  shin bone  is shorter than the thigh bone, which demonstrated that it was actually a 9 slow walker    unlike other swift animals such as ostrich or 10 cheetah that was built to 11 run fast . Another explanation support his idea is that T-rex's teeth were rather 12 blunt , which only allowed T-rex to 13 crush hard  bones  instead of tearing flesh like Velociraptor.

答案1. FALSE    2.FALSE    3.Not GIVEN     4.TURE    5.TURE     6.TURE     7.FALSE
8.shin bone      9.slow walker     10.cheetah    11.run fast     12.blunt   13.crush

第二篇:人体铸造(Life-Casting and Art)
Julian Bames explores the questions posed by Life-Casts, an exhibition of plaster moulds of living people and objects which were originally used for scientific purposes
Art changes over time and our idea of what art is changes too. For example, objects originally intended for devotional, ritualistic or re-creational purposes may be recategorised as art by members of other later civilisations, such as our own, which no longer respond to these purposes.
What also happens is that techniques and crafts which would have been judged inartistic at the time they were used are reassessed. Life-casting is an interesting example of this. It involved making a plaster mould of a living person or thing. This was complex, technical work, as Benjamin Robert Haydon discovered when he poured 250 litres of plaster over his human model and nearly killed him. At the time, the casts were used for medical research and, consequently, in the nineteenth century life-casting was considered inferior to sculpture in the same way that, more recently, photography was thought to be a lesser art than painting. Both were viewed as unacceptable shortcuts by the 'senior 1 arts. Their virtues of speed and unwavering realism also implied their limitations; they left little or no room for the imagination.
For many, life-casting was an insult to the sculptor's creative genius. In an infamous lawsuit of 1834, a moulder whose mask of the dying French emperor Napoleon had been reproduced and sold without his permission was judged to have no rights to the image. In other words, he was specifically held not to be an artist. This judgement reflect the view of established members of the nineteenth-century art world such as Rodin, who commented that life-casting 'happens fast but it doesn't make Art'. Some even feared that 'if too much nature was allowed in, it would lead Art away from its proper course of the Ideal.
The painter Gauguin, at the end of the nineteenth century, worried about future developments in photography. If ever the process went into colour, what painter would labour away at a likeness with a brush made from squirrel-tail? But painting has proved robust. Photography has changed it, of course, just as the novel had to reassess narrative after the arrival of the cinema. But the gap between the senior and junior arts was always narrower than the traditionalists implied. Painters have always used technical back-up such as studio assistants to do the boring bits, while apparently lesser crafts involve great skill, thought, preparation and, depending on how we define it, imagination.
Time changes our view in another way, too. Each new movement implies a reassessment of what has gone before. What is done now alters what was done before. In some cases this is merely self-serving, with the new art using the old to justify itself. It seems to be saying, look at how all of that points to this! Aren't we clever to be the culmination of all that has gone before? But usually it is a matter of re-alerting the sensibility, reminding us not to take things for granted. Take, for example, the cast of the hand of a giant from a circus, made by an anonymous artist around 1889, an item that would now sit happily in any commercial or public gallery. The most significant impact of this piece is on the eye, in the contradiction between unexpected size and verisimilitude. Next, the human element kicks in. you note that the nails are dirt-encrusted, unless this is the caster's decorative addition, and the fingertips extend far beyond them. Then you take in the element of choice, arrangement, art if you like, in the neat, pleated, buttoned sleeve-end that gives the item balance and variation of texture. This is just a moulded hand, yet the part stands utterly for the whole. It reminds us slyly, poignantly, of the full-size original
But is it art? And, if so, why? These are old tediously repeated questions to which artists have often responded, 'It is art because I am an artist and therefore what I do is art. However, what doesn't work for literature works much better for art – works of art do float free of their creators' intentions. Over time the “reader” does become more powerful. Few of us can look at a medieval altarpiece as its painter intended. We believe too little and aesthetically know too much, so we recreate and find new fields of pleasure in the work. Equally, the lack of artistic intention of Paul Richer and other forgotten craftsmen who brushed oil onto flesh, who moulded, cast and decorated in the nineteenth century is now irrelevant. What counts is the surviving object and our response to it. The tests are simple: does it interest the eye, excite the brain, move the mind to reflection and involve the heart. It may, to use the old dichotomy, be beautiful but it is rarely true to any significant depth. One of the constant pleasures of art is its ability to come at us from an unexpected angle and stop us short in wonder.

Questions 14-18
Reading Passage has six paragraphs, A-F.
Which paragraph contains the following information?
Write the correct letter, A-F, in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet.
14  an example of a craftsman's unsuccessful claim to ownership of his work
15  an example of how trends in art can change attitudes to an earlier work
16  the original function of a particular type of art
17  ways of assessing whether or not an object is art
18  how artists deal with the less interesting aspects of their work

Questions 19-24
Do the following statements agree with the claims of the writer in Reading Passage?
In boxes 6-11 on your answer sheet, write
YES - if the statement agrees with the information
NO - if the statement contradicts the information
NOT GIVEN - if there is no information on this

19  Nineteenth-century sculptors admired the speed and realism of life-casting
20  Rodin believed the quality of the life-casting would improve if a slower process were used
21  The importance of painting has decreased with the development of colour photography
22  Life-casting requires more skill than sculpture does
23  New art encourages us to look at earlier work in a fresh way
24  The intended meaning of a work of art can get lost over time

Questions 25-26
Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.
Write the correct letter in boxes 25-26 on your answer sheet.

25. The most noticeable contrast in the cast of the giants hand is between the
A dirt and decoration
B size and realism
C choice and arrangement
D balance and texture

26. According to the writer, the importance of any artistic object lies in
A the artist's intentions
B the artist's beliefs
C the relevance it has to modem life
D the way we respond to it

14 该题目信息出现在原文C段,第二句“In an infamous lawsuit of 1834,a moulder whose mask of the dying French emperor Napoleon had been reproduced and sold without his permission was judged to have no rights to the image.”moulder与题目中的“craftsman’s”同义替换,这个工匠他做了一个已故皇帝拿破仑的面具,并且这个面具在未经允许的情况下被复刻了,这个工匠就起诉了,但是判决失败。因此正确答案为C。
15 该题目信息出现在原文E段,第二句话“Each new movement implies a reassessment of what has gone before.What is done now alters what was done before.In some cases this is merely self-serving.原文说“每次新的艺术运动都意味着对过去的重新评估”后面举了几个例子,对应题目“change attitudes to an earlier work”因此,正确答案为E。
16该题目信息出现在原文B段,B段中间部分“the casts used for medical research and",题目中的“a particular type of art"说的就是原文中的casts,“medical research“对应题目中的”the original function "。因此,正确答案为B、
17 该题目信息出现在原文F段,F段的第一句话“But is it art?And,if so,why?These are old tediously repeated questions to which artists have often responded,“It is art because I am an artist and therefore what I do is art.”但这是艺术吗?如果是,为什么?这是艺术家们经常回答的一个周而复始的问题, “这就是艺术因为我就是艺术家,因此我做的任何都是艺术。”对应题目“assessing whether or not an object is art”.因此,正确答案为F。
18 该题目信息出现在原文D段,D段的末句“Painters have always used technical back-up such as studio assistants to do the boring bits,”原文中的“boring bits”与题目中的“less interesting”相对应,无聊的,艺术家在面对工作中无聊的部分怎样处理?会让助手去完成。对应题目,因此,正确答案为D。
19 利用题目细节信息“Nineteenth-century”定位于B段后半部分“in the nineteenth century life-casting was considered inferior to sculpture in the same way that,more recently,photography was thought to be a lesser art than painting…their virtues of speed and unwavering realism also implied their limitations;they left little or no room for the imagination.原文中讲到人体铸造是被认为不如雕刻的。因此,题目中说雕刻家羡慕人体铸造的快捷,也是不可能的。因此,正确答案为NO。
20利用题目细节信息“Rodin”定位于C段倒数第二行“happens fast but it doesn’t make Art”快捷但不能称之为艺术,题目中说:人体铸造的过程变慢的话,那么质量就会提高。”在原文中不能找到对应,因此,正确答案为NG。
21利用题目细节信息“color photography”定位于D段第二行“if ever the process went into color,what painter would labour away at a likeness with a brush made from squirrel-tail?”这句话说得是“如果摄影师能拍彩色照片的话,那么只用松鼠尾巴当画笔的画家如何与摄影师在现实还原度上进行竞争?但是绘画最终证明了它顽强的生命力”原文内容与题目信息相反,因此,正确答案为NO。
22 在原文中无法找到相对应,因此,正确答案为NG。
23 利用顺序原则定位于原文E段,第二句话“Each new movement implies a reassessment of what has gone before.What is done now alters what was done before.In some cases this is merely self-serving.原文说“每次新的艺术运动都意味着对过去的重新评估”reassessment”与题目“in a fresh way”相对应,因此,正确答案为YES。
24 利用顺序原则定位于原文F段第五行“ Over time the ‘reader’does become more powerful.Few of us can look at a medieval altarpiece as its painter intended”这句话说“随着时间的流逝,读者的想的越来越多,但慢慢的也不能体会出作者原本在作品中的含义。”与题目内容相符。因此,正确答案为YES。[在本文的第一句话也有定位,for example,objects originally intended for devotional,ritualistic or re-creational purposes....which no longer respond to these purposes,这里面也说艺术品本身具有的意义随着时间的推移不在由原来的目的]
25 利用题目细节信息 “cast of the giant’s hand”定位于E段后半部分“The most significant impact of this piece……the fingertips extend far beyond them.”这段话说艺术手的长度和逼真度,都与现实中的手产生了鲜明的对比。因此,正确答案为B。
26 该题信息出现于F段后半部分“What counts is the surviving object and our response to it.因此,正确答案为D。

第三篇:自我认知 selfperception
Section 1
主题提示:打印店关于制作 leaflet传单的改动
1-10) completions
Example: leaflet
1.the company name Oakleigh
2 need to enlarge the logo
3 print in the box
4 change the barcode to position on the top
5 advertising a___for children
other side
6 food picture pepper to be mushroom dressing
7 cake taste for chocolate not cheese
8 price package as printing copies: 3000
9 Nutritional detail printed: salt
contact in web/ via email
10 delivery date will be at April 20

Section 2
Ski Resort 滑雪中心
Questions 11- 15 Multiple Choice            
11. Why does the speaker recommend the hotel?
A. Comfortable(cozy bed)
C. Have heath and sports club
12. What is new in this year’s exhibition?      
C. Computer simulation
13. How to get information for the tickets?
B. Fills out the back of the entrance ticket (rather than A or B)
C. The exhibition newsletter (speaker recommends)
14. what did the media focus on?
A. Not enough snow
B. Reduction in fees
15.Why does the speaker recommend the ski program?
A. Rest
C. Special offers (discount)
Questions 16-20 Matching
What’s the focus of each presentation?
A. Different aspects of ski and snowboarding
B. How to make the boots comfortable
C. How to combine other activities with skiing
D. how to become a ski instructor
E. Find new destinations
F. How to improve the skills of skiing
G. information about skiing safety
16.harry’s talk- G   
17.Solutions- B
18.Film festival- E
19.Get on -F
20.New tricks- C

Section 3
New research on the impact of internet on psychology
21-26)multiple choices
21 Why many lectures from different departments are interning?
C the principles
22 how to start the introduction of the data by using
A bar chart B video clips C photographs
23 according to ***'s personal experience what is the negative impact arises with internet?
B people become less creative
24 Where to get the further information about the x***?
A contact with the tour consultant
25 where to get the further information after the lecture
B from the website
26 what surprise the students most when
A help people understand each other
27 Bad noises-difficult to find information on the intern
28 the starker test- lots of participants
29 personality plus-is very useful
30 face up-recommended by professionals

The history of map地图发展史
1 memory
2. river
3 ocean
4 center
5 government
7 stars
8 photograph
9 ads
10 guarantee
小作文:柱状图   讲的是英国毕业生人数男女全职part time

Nowadays some older people choose to live in the retirement communities with other people,rather than living with their adult  children. Is it a positive or negative development?

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