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[国内外] 2019年5月23日中国大陆考区雅思A类笔试真题回忆+答案汇总









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第一篇:磁疗(Magnet Therapy)
Magnet therapy, magnetic therapy, ormagnotherapy is an alternative medicine practice involving the use of staticmagnetic fields. Practitioners claim that subjecting certain parts of the bodyto magnetostatic fields produced by permanent magnets has beneficial healtheffects. These pseudoscientific physical and biological claims are unproven andno effects on health or healing have been established. Although hemoglobin, theblood protein that carries oxygen, is weakly diamagnetic and is repulsed bymagnetic fields, the magnets used in magnetic therapy are many orders ofmagnitude too weak to have any measurable effect on blood flow.
  Methods ofapplication
  Magnettherapy is the application of the magnetic field of electromagnetic devices orpermanent static magnets to the body for purported health benefits. Somepractitioners assign different effects based on the orientation of the magnet;under the laws of physics, magnetic poles are symmetric.
  Productsinclude magnetic bracelets and jewelry; magnetic straps for wrists, ankles,knees, and the back; shoe insoles; mattresses; magnetic blankets (blankets withmagnets woven into the material); magnetic creams; magnetic supplements;plasters/patches and water that has been "magnetized". Application isusually performed by the patient.
  Purportedmechanisms of action
  Perhaps themost common suggested mechanism is that magnets might improve blood flow inunderlying tissues. The field surrounding magnet therapy devices is far tooweak and falls off with distance far too quickly to appreciably affecthemoglobin, other blood components, muscle tissue, bones, blood vessels, ororgans. A 1991 study on humans of static field strengths up to 1 T found noeffect on local blood flow. Tissue oxygenation is similarly unaffected. Somepractitioners claim that the magnets can restore the body's theorized"electromagnetic energy balance", but no such balance is medicallyrecognized. Even in the magnetic fields used in magnetic resonance imaging,which are many times stronger, none of the claimed effects are observed.
  Severalstudies have been conducted in recent years to investigate what, if any, rolestatic magnetic fields may play in health and healing. Unbiased studies ofmagnetic therapy are problematic, since magnetisation can be easily detected,for instance, by the attraction forces on ferrous (iron-containing) objects;because of this, effective blinding of studies (where neither patients norassessors know who is receiving treatment versus placebo) is difficult.Incomplete or insufficient blinding tends to exaggerate treatment effects,particularly where any such effects are small. Health claims such as longevityand cancer treatment are implausible and unsupported by any research. Moremundane health claims, most commonly pain relief, also lack any credibleproposed mechanism, and clinical research is not promising.
  Effects ofmagnet therapy on pain relief beyond non-specific placebo response have notbeen adequately demonstrated. A 2008 systematic review of magnet therapy forall indications found no evidence of an effect for pain relief. It reportedthat small sample sizes, inadequate randomization, and difficulty withallocation concealment all tend to bias studies positively and limit thestrength of any conclusions. In 2009 the results of a randomized double-blindplacebo-controlled crossover trial on the use of magnetic wrist straps (aleather strap with a magnetic insert) for osteoarthritis were published,addressing a gap in the earlier systematic review. This trial showed thatmagnetic wrist straps are ineffective in the management of pain, stiffness andphysical function in osteoarthritis. The authors concluded that "reportedbenefits are most likely attributable to non-specific placebo effects".
  The Historyof Magnets.
  Historicallyit is reported that magnets have been around for an extremely long time.Magnets were first documented around 2500-3000 years BC. Their origins arefirst noted in Asia Minor in a vast land called Magnesia. The earth there wasenriched with iron oxide which attracted metals to it. The locals named itMagnetite
  Magnets havebeen used in Chinese medicine from around 2000 BC in-conjunction withreflexology and acupuncture. It is still used today as a first line treatmentfor many common complaints.
  3,500 yearsafter they were first discovered, magnets have gained popularity in Europe andthe USA. In the 15th century a Swiss physician Paracelsus recognised thetherapeutic powers of magnets. He wrote medical papers on the influence ofmagnets on the inflammatory processes within the body.
  How DoMagnets Work?
  The humanbody is not based simply on biochemical reactions, but also electromagneticinteractions. Biological processes, like smooth muscle contractions and nervesignals, are controlled by the balance and movement of chemical ions. These arebiochemicals (e.g. calcium, sodium, potassium) that have a positive or negativeelectric charge. They can be influenced chemically, as with drugs, as well asby external electrical and magnetic fields.
  Based onmore current studies, researchers believe magnets may make it easier for ionsto shift and move through membrances (ion channels), triggering biologicalprocesses more efficiently. For example, the body uses calcium ions as amessenger system, causing the smooth muscle walls of capillary blood vessels toeither relax or constrict. This increases or decreases the amount of bloodflow.
  Researchersfrom Japan, and more recently, the University of Virginia, have observed thatwhen exposing an injured area to a strong magnetic field, changes in blood flowhappened much faster. Interestingly, magnetic fields were able to both decreaseblood flow to reduce swelling quicker, and later increase blood flow for fasterhealing. This means the magnets were not causing changes directly, but ratherimproving the body's own ability to regulate blood flow - likely by improving theion signal process.
  Separatingmagnet therapy from almost every other form of alternative or mainstreammedicine, both doctors and researchers agree that magnets are safe and do notcause side effects when used properly. This is because instead of changingprocesses chemically, biomagnetics enhance the body's own abilities to healitself after injury and reduce pain signals. For this reason, people withchronic conditions, like arthritis, tendonitis and fibromyalgia, are turning tomagnets as a safer form of pain relief.
  Use Aroundthe World
  Today,magnet therapy is used in Germany, France, Britain, India, Japan, China, Italy,Israel and about 40 other countries. A number of government health systems,such as Japan's Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare, officially recognizemagnet therapy as a safe, viable and cost-effective treatment option. Britainis the most recent to adopt magnetic therapy, where doctors are prescribingmagnets to both heal and help prevent the development of leg ulcers - reducingthe time and costs of patient care.
  While magnettherapy is not fully understood, millions of people have benefited from its usefor pain relief, improved healing, and better sleep. Of all forms ofalternative medicine, magnetic therapy is both the safest and easiest to use.It offers the best opportunity for sustainable, long-term pain relief andbetter quality of life, without the worry of side effects. This alone makesmagnets the ideal first choice for arthritis and chronic pain management,before trying other options.
1-6 List of Headings
1. ii
Magnetic therapy, which is a $5-billionmarket worldwide, is a form of alternative medicine which claims that magneticfields have healing powers.
2. v
The therapy works on the principle ofbalancing electrical energy in the body by pulsating magnetic waves throughdifferent parts of the body. 首句即点明了磁疗如何工作。
3. iv
Historically it is reported that magnetshave been around for an extremely long time. 之后通过具体举例来说明磁疗的早期应用。
4. ix
Today, Germany, Japan, Israel, Russia andat least 45 other countries considers magnetic therapy to be an officialmedical procedure for the treatment of numerous ailments, including variousinflammatory and neurological problems. 这句介绍了磁疗如今在各个国家的应用情况。注意选项ix中的“conditions”此处意为“情况,形势”。
5. vii
6. viii
该段首句即指出来自BaylorUniversity Medical Center的学者们做了一个研究,将磁疗用于减轻50名小儿麻痹症患者的长期痛苦。
7-10 选择题
7. C
8. D
It is documented that in order to preventfrom aging, she slept on a Lodestone to keep her skin youthful. Ancient Romansalso used magnet therapy to treat eye disease.
9. B
There was just one brief exposure and nosystematic follow-up of patients.
10. E
Although the groups were said to beselected randomly, the ratio of women to men in the experimental group wastwice that of the control group......
11-13 matching
11. F
For example, when the first astronautsreturned to earth sick, NASA concluded that their illness resulted from thelackof a planetary magnetic field in outer space.
12. A
......the World Health Organization sayslowlevel of magnetic energy is not harmful.
13. C
More scientifically sound studies areneeded in order to fully understand the effects that magnets can have on thebody and the possible benefits or dangers that could result from their use.

第二篇:猩猩文化(The cultureof Chimpanzee)
The similarities between chimpanzees andhumans have been studied for years, but in the past decade researchers havedetermined that these resemblances run much deeper than anyone first thought.For instance, the nut cracking observed in the Ta? Forest is far from a simplechimpanzee behavior; rather it is a singular adaptation found only in thatparticular part of Africa and a trait that biologists consider to be anexpression of chimpanzee culture. Scientists frequently use the term"culture" to describe elementary animal behaviors- such as theregional dialects of different populations of songbirds-but as it turns out,the rich and varied cultural traditions found among chimpanzees are second incomplexity only to human traditions.
During thepast two years, an unprecedented scientific collaboration, involving everymajor research group studying chimpanzees, has documented a multitude ofdistinct cultural patterns extending across Africa, in actions ranging from theanimals use of toolsto their forms of communication and social customs. This emerging picture ofchimpanzees not only affects how we think of these amazing creatures but alsoalters human beingsconception of our own uniqueness and hints at ancient foundationsfor extraordinary capacity for culture.
Homo sapiens and Pan troglodytes havecoexisted for hundreds of millennia and share more than 98 percent of theirgenetic material, yet only 40 years ago we still knew next to nothing aboutchimpanzee behavior in the wild. That began to change in the 1960s, whenToshisada Nishida of Kyoto University in Japan and Jane Goodall began theirstudies of wild chimpanzees at two field sites in Tanzania. (Goodalls research station at Gombe-thefirst of its kind-is more famous, but Nishidas site at Mahale is the second oldest chimpanzee research site inthe world.)
In these initial studies, as thechimpanzees became accustomed to close observation, the remarkable discoveriesbegan. Researchers witnessed a range of unexpected behaviors, including fashioningand using tools, hunting, meat eating, food sharing and lethal fights betweenmembers of neighboring communities.
As early as 1973, Goodall recorded 13 formsof tool use as well as eight social activities that appeared to differ betweenthe Gombe chimpanzees and chimpanzee populations elsewhere. She ventured thatsome variations had what she termed a cultural origin. But what exactly didGoodall mean by "culture"? According to the Oxford EncyclopedicEnglish Dictionary, culture is defined as "the customs . . . andachievements of a particular time or people." The diversity of humancultures extends from technological variations to marriage rituals, fromculinary habits to myths and legends. Animals do not have myths and legends, ofcourse. But they do have the capacity to pass on behavioral traits fromgeneration to generation, not through their genes but by learning. Forbiologists, this is the fundamental criterion for a cultural trait: it must besomething that can be learned by observing the established skills of others andthus passed on to future generations
What of the implications for chimpanzeesthemselves? We must highlight the tragic loss of chimpanzees, whose populationsare being decimated just when we are at last coming to appreciate theseastonishing animals more completely. Populations have plummeted in the pastcentury and continue to fall as a result of illegal trapping, logging and, mostrecently, the bushmeat trade. The latter is particularly alarming: logging hasdriven roadways into the forests that are now used to ship wild-animalmeat-including chimpanzee meat-to consumers as far afield as Europe. Suchdestruction threatens not only the animals themselves but also a host offascinatingly different ape cultures.
Perhaps the cultural richness of the apemay yet help in its salvation, however. Some conservation efforts have alreadyaltered the attitudes of some local people. A few organizations have begun toshow videotapes illustrating the cognitive prowess of chimpanzees. One Zairianviewer was heard to exclaim, "Ah, this ape is so like me, I can no longereat him. "
How an international team of chimpanzeeexperts conducted the most comprehensive survey of the animals ever attempted.Scientists have been investigating chimpanzee culture for several decades, buttoo often their studies contained a crucial flaw. Most attempts to documentcultural diversity among chimpanzees have relied solely on officially publishedaccounts of the behaviors recorded at each research site. But this approachprobably overlooks a good deal of cultural variation for three reasons.
First,scientists typically dont publish an extensive list of all the activities they do not see ata particular location. Yet this is exactly what we need to know-which behaviorswere and were not observed at each site. Second, many reports describechimpanzee behaviors without saying how common they are; with- out thisinformation, we cant determine whether a particular action was a once-in-a-lifetimeaberration or a routine event that should be considered part of the animals culture. Finally, researchers descriptions of potentiallysignificant chimpanzee behaviors frequently lack sufficient detail, making itdifficult for scientists working at other spots to record the presence orabsence of the activities.
To remedy these problems, the two of usdecided to take a new approach. We asked field researchers at each site for alist of all the behaviors they suspected were local traditions. With thisinformation in hand, we pulled together a comprehensive list of 65 candidatesfor cultural behaviors.
Then we distributed our list to the teamleaders at each site. In consultation with their colleagues, they classifiedeach behavior in terms of its occurrence or absence in the chimpanzee communitystudied. The key categories were customary behavior (occurs in most or all ofthe able-bodied members of at least one age or sex class, such as all adultmales), habitual (less common than customary but occurs repeatedly in severalindividuals), present (seen at the site but not habitual), absent (never seen),and unknown.
The extensive survey turned up no fewerthan 39 chimpanzee patterns of behavior that should be labeled as culturalvariations, including numerous forms of tool use, grooming techniques andcourtship gambits, several of which are illustrated throughout this article.This cultural richness is far in excess of anything known for any other speciesof animal. Todays lessonincludes a demonstration of how to crack open a coula nut. A mother chimpanzee inthe Tai Forest of Ivory Coast uses a stone hammer to cleave a nut while ayoungster watches. Not all chimpanzees in this area have developed this behavior.On the eastern bank of the Sassandra-NZo River, chimpanzees do not crack nuts even though members of thesame species on the other side of the river, just a few miles away, do. All therequired raw materials are available on both sides, and the nuts could becracked using the technique habitual at Tai. The river serves as a literalcultural barrier.
  Whichparagraph contains the following information? Write the correct letter G-K, inboxes 1-5 on your answer sheet.
  1. A problemof researchers on chimpanzee culture which are only based on official sources.
  2. Design anew system by two scientists aims to solve the problem.
  3. Reasonswhy previous research on ape culture is problematic.
  4.Classification of data observed or collected.
  5. Anexample that showing tragic outcome of animals leading to indication of changein local peoples attitude inpreservation
  Do thefollowing statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 2?
  TRUE if thestatement is true
  FALSE if thestatement is false
  NOT GIVEN ifthe information is not given in the passage
  6. Researchfound that chimpanzees will possess the same complex culture as human.
  7. Human andapes ancestors lived together long ago and share most of their geneticsubstance.
  8. JaneGoodalls observedmany surprising features of complex behaviors among chimpanzees.
  9.Chimpanzees, like human, deliver cultural behaviors mostly from geneticinheritance.
  10. Fordecades, researchers have investigated chimpanzees by data obtained from bothunobserved and observed approaches.
  11. When theunexpected discoveries of chimpanzee behavior start?
  12. Whichcountry is the researching site of Toshisada Nishida and Jane Goodall?
  13. What didthe chimpanzee have to get used to in the initial study?
  14. Whatterm can depict it that Jane Goodall found the chimpanzee used tool in 1973?
1-5 请根据段落自己查找,段落配对是最难题型。
1. H
【原文参考依据-H段倒数第二句】Most attempts to documentcultural diversity among chimpanzees have relied solely on officially publishedaccounts of the behaviors recorded at each research site.
2. J
【原文参考依据-J段首句】To remedy(纠正) these problems, the two of usdecided to take a new approach.
3. I【原文参考依据-I段】First,scientists typically dont publish an extensive list of all the activities they dont see at a particular location. Yetthis is exactly what we need to know-which behaviors were and were not observedat each site. Second, many reports describe chimpanzee behaviors without sayinghow common they are;without this information, we cant determine whether a particularaction was a once-in-a-lifetime aberration or a routine event that should beconsidered part of the animals culture. Finally,researchers descriptions of potentially significant chimpanzee behaviorsfrequently lack sufficient details, making it difficult for scientists to workat other spots to record the presence or absence of the activities.
first.... second..... finally 都是在列举原因
4. K
【原文参考依据-K段首句】Then we distributed our list tothe team leaders at each site. In consultation with their colleagues, theyclassified each behavior in terms of its occurrence or absence in thechimpanzee community studied.
5. G
【原文参考依据G1-2句】Some conservation efforts have already altered the attitudes of somelocal people. A few organizations have begun to show videotapes illustratingthe cognitive prowess of chimpanzees. One Zairian viewer was heard to exclaim,Ah, this ape is so like me, I canno longer eat him. 举例,村民看完videotape ,发现猩猩和他们一样,就不打算吃猩猩了....
6. NOT GIVEN【原文参考依据-A段末尾】Scientistsfrequently use the term culture to describe elementary animal behaviors such as the regionaldialects of different populations of songbirds-but as it turns out, the richand varied cultural traditions found among chimpanzees are second in complexityonly to human traditions.
6A段末尾,题干是:“科学家可以使”。。。。一样复杂,没有科学家使动的意思,看似跟A 段最后一句定位,其实不是一个事
【原文参考依据-C段首句】Homo sapiens and Pan troglodyteshave coexisted for hundreds of millennia and share more than 98 percent oftheir genetic material, yet only 40 years ago we still knew next to nothingabout chimpanzee behavior in the wild.
homo sapiens 就是人类祖先pan troglodyte 就是猩猩祖先。
【原文参考依据-C4-6行】That began to change in the 1960s, whenToshisada Nishida of KyotoUniversity in Japan and Tane Goodall began their studies of wild chimpanzees attwo field sites in Tanzania.
【原文参考依据-E7-8行】 The diversity of human cultures extends from technological variationsto marriage rituals, from culinary habits to myths and legends.
【原文参考依据-H段倒数第二句】Most attempts to documentcultural diversity among chimpanzees have relied solely on officially publishedaccounts of the behaviors recorded at each research site. 定位为H段后面的 have relied solely (完全)on ......behaviors recorded(=observed).. 没有提到unobserved, 题干与原文直接冲突。
summary 答案洒在CDE段,比较好找。
11. in the 1960s
【原文参考依据-C4-7行】That began to change in the 1960s, when Toshisada Nishida of KyotoUniversity in Japan and Tane Goodall began their studies of wild chimpanzees attwo field sites in Tanzania.
12. Tanzania (此题题目请将where 修改为which country)
【原文参考依据-C4-7行】That began to change in the 1960s, whenToshisada Nishida of KyotoUniversity in Japan and Tane Goodall began their studies of wild chimpanzees attwo field sites in Tanzania.
13. (close)observation/observers
【原文参考依据-D段首句】In these initial studies, as thechimpanzees became accustomed to close observation, the remarkable discoveriesbegan.
14. (a)culture origin
【原文参考依据-E3-4行】She ventured that some variations had what shetermed a culturalorigin.

S1 姐姐向当地警局查讯帮她弟弟办理驾照的事情
1-10: Completionthe form
1. Her surname: Walsham
2. Postcode: RT125CZ
3. PolicemanNumber:YQ 181
4-10) The policeask some details about her cousin
4. Type of thecertificate: technician
5. Initials of hiscousin: J.R.
6. Age of hiscousin:23 years old
7. Address:12 Northland
8. Certificate canbe delivered from:1st August
9. The certificateis valid for one month
10. The price ofcertificate:35.70

S3 导师给学生分析论文不足
21. His grade isbad because:
C :he did not support the essay with enough evidence
22. Problems withexamples:
B:some of them are not relevant
23. Jen find itextremely difficult to
C:decide how much detail to include
24. Professor’ssuggestion
A:try to read other’s standpoint
25-30 Completion(Flow- chart)
25. Decidethe purposes of the essay
26. Find out whata reader knows and expects
27. Collect onlynecessarymaterial
28. Writeone sentence to summarize thewhole essay
29. Write an outline note
30. Write firstfull draft

31. old people are happiest
32. money dost not impact happiness
33. very happy people are more sociable
34. negative thinking
35. River trip
36. human's mind is used for : 选A
37. C. set a goal
38. a realistic attitude of work
39. a health life style40. help others
大作文:​​​​In many parts of the world children and teenagers are committing more crimes.Why is this case happening?How should children or teenagers be punished?


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