第一批 雅思口语新题
Part 1
1.Do you like eat cakes or other sweet food?
2.Are there any traditionalChinese cakes?
1.What is your favourite colour?
2.What colour car would you like to buy?
1.Do a lot of people like music?
2. What kind of music do you listento?
3.Is it easy to learn music?
4. Do you have music lessons at school?
Part2 & Part 3
Part 2
Describea person you know who likes to talk a lot
Youshould say:
Who thisperson is
How youknew this person
Whathe/she usually talks about
Andexplain how you felt about him/her
Part 3
1) Howshould parents encourage their children?
2) Howshould people encourage children to express themselves when being askedquestions that they are afraid to answer?
Part 2
Describea great team member you worked with
Youshould say:
Who thisperson is
When youworked together
Whatteam project you worked on
Andexplain why you think he/she was a great team member
Part 3
1) Whatqualities should a leader have?
2) Whatshould people do without a good team leader?
3) Whydo some people dislike teamwork?
4) Doyou think young people are good team players?
Part 2
Describean occasion when there was a lot of noise
Youshould say:
Whereyou heard the noise
Who madethe noise
How youreacted to the noise
Andexplain how you felt about the noise
Part 3
1) Whatkinds of places should be noise-free?
2) Canpeople bring children to these noise-free places?
3) Whycan’t people make noise in a church?
4) Whatpublic morals should people follow in your country?
Part 2
Describean activity you enjoyed most in your primary school
Youshould say:
What theactivity was
Howoften you did the activity
Who youdid it with
Andexplain why it was your favourite activity
Part 3
1) Whatactivities do children often do in your country?
2) Whatdo parents in your country let their children do?
3) Whatare the differences between activities at home and at school?
Part 2
Describea time when you used a paper map
Youshould say:
When youused the map
Whereyou were
Why youused a paper map
Andexplain how you felt about the experience
Part 3
1) Whatdo people usually do when they get lost
2) Whatare the differences between paper and digital maps?
3) Whatdo you think of in-car GPS navigation system?
Part 2
Describesomething in your country that you are interested ib
Youshould say:
What itis
Why youare interested in it
Part 3
1) Whatare the differences between the south and the north of your country?
Part 2
Describea place you would like to go to relax
Youshould say:
Where itis
When youwould like to go there
What youwould do there
Andexplain why you would like to go to this place to relax
Part 3
1) Dopeople have enough places to relax in your country?
2) Whatdo people usually do when they are relaxed?
3) Isphysical activity good for relaxation?
4) Doyou think that spending time in front of a screen helps people relax?
5) Dopeople have to spend a lot of money to relax?
Part 1
01 拥挤的地方
1) Isthe city where you live crowded?
2) Doyou like crowded places?
3) Domost people like crowded places?
4) Whenwas the last time you were in a crowded place?
02 收藏
1) Whydo some people like to collect things?
2) Wherethey collect things?
03 丢东西
1) Doyou often lose things?
2) Whatcan we do to avoid losing things?
3) Whydo some people tend to lose things more often than others?
4) Whatwill you do if you find something lost by others?
04 记忆力
1) Areyou good at memorizing things?
2) Haveyou ever forgotten something that was important?
3) Whydo some people have good memories while others just don’t?
4) Whydo more people relay on cellphones to memorize things?
05 广告
1) Isthere an advertisement that made an impression on you when you were a child?Why?
06 电子游戏
1) Doyou play video games?
2) Wouldyou watch others play video games?
3) Doyou think people spend too much time playing video games?
4) Doyou prefer playing video games alone or with others?
Part2 & Part 3
01 擅长欢迎来宾的人
Part 2
Describea person who you think is good at welcoming visitors
Youshould say:
Whohe/she is
When andhow you met him/her
Howhe/she welcomes visitors
Andexplain why you think he/she is good at welcoming visitors?
Part 3
1) Whatdo you think of using food to treat visitors?
02 和老人的有趣谈话
Part 2
Describean interesting conversation you had with a very old person
Youshould say:
Who thisperson is
Whereyou had the conversation
What youtalked about
Andexplain how you felt about the experience
Part 3
1) Howdo people have a conversation with an elderly person?
03 忙碌时刻
Part 2
Describea period you were busy
Youshould say:
When itwas
What youdid during the period
Whatmade you busy
Andexplain how you felt about the experience
Part 3
1) Whydo people often feel tired in this day and age?
2) Doyou think people will feel even more tired in the future?
3) Istime management important?
4) Howdoes technology help with time management?
5) Doestechnology distract people?
04 不寻常的假期
Part 2
Describean unusual holiday you had
Youshould say:
When andwhere you went
Who youwent with
What youdid there
Andexplain why it was unusual
Part 3
1) Doyou think people in your country have long enough holidays?
2) Whichholidays are popular in your country?
3) Whatare the differences between old and young people when spending their holidays?
05 帮助他人
Part 2
Describea time when you helped someone
Youshould say:
Who youhelped
Why youhelped him/her
How youhelped him/her
Andexplain how you felt about the experience
Part 3
1)Should people be very kind when they help others?
2)Should children be thought to be kind to others?
3) Howdo you compare kindness with other qualities?
06 家中重要物品
Part 2
Describea useful object in your home that you cannot live without
Youshould say:
What itis
How longyou have had it
What youcan do with it
Howoften you use it
Andexplain why you cannot live without it
Part 3
1) Whatequipment do you find difficult to use?
2) Whatcan you do with a laptop?
3) Whata re the benefits of using technology in the workplace?
4) Whydo some people in the workplace dislike technology?
5) Whydo people buy a lot of household appliances?
6) Whatdo people often do with electronic devices?
07 儿时学的技能
Part 2
Describea skill that you learned in your childhood
Youshould say:
What theskill is
When andhow you learned it
Who youlearned it from
Andexplain why you learned it
Part 3
1) Wheredo children learn skills in your country?
2) Whatare the differences between learning skills on your own and from others?
08 长久目标
Part 2
Describea long-term goal you would like to achieve
Youshould say:
How longyou have had this goal
What thegoal is
How youwill achieve it
Andexplain why you set this goal
Part 3
1) Whatgoals should a society have?
2) Dopeople need to have goals?
3) Whatgoals do people your age have?
4) Is itnecessary to give advice to children?