小作文流程图 主题:用太阳能净化饮用水的过程
Some people believe that university students should pay all the cost of studies because university education only benefits students themselves not the society as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
Part 1
Part 3
21-26) Multiple Choices
21 Why did the girl choose this article?(男问女读这篇文章的为什么)
A for assignment
B for seminar in the future teacher asked her to do
C on her topic get help form the text books
22 What is the feature of the brick company?
A all use recycled material entirely~
B without chemical treatment
C easy to make
23 What kind of characteristic of the brick makes that man surprise?
A light
B stable
C absorb of water说这样做减少研究投资
24 Which is an problem regarding in the material manufacture?
A only from limited sources
B use existing method for dealing with material used are from~
25 why did the magazine introduce the material applied in hospital?
A building industrials should take environmental responsibility
26 which aspect should be improved as the girl said?
A how much does this kind material put into practice
B improving poor quality
C how much the current material cost(make people recognize how much material had been applying)
27-28) Multiple choices(2/5)
what the features of the material between V compared to B (Bitublocks) _
A costly
B worse smell smelly
C light in weight
D better colors
E receptacle
29-30)Multiple choice(2/5)
The man and the women both agreed on the influence on the development of brick in the future.Which one is correct?
A future industry develop very fast
B architects would not choose this method easily
C financial incentive越来越的多的will be used
Part 4
31-40 Sentence Completion:
31 In 19th and 20th century,American people work in factories说欧洲人从农村搬到城市 urban对音乐产生了影响
32 19世纪美国culture influences by different immigration emerged“melting pot”of world
33 sales profit is affected by several factors,the most important one -quality / quantity of sales; more important than quantity
34 song spread from churches
35 different music but the common language
36 an industry of goods or services: creating new jobs eg.Publishers a major industry; it resulted in new jobs e.g publishers
37 performers(artists)are firstly separated from audience
38 now middle class began to be interested in Music;最开始begin to low classes, then popular in middle class
39 Develop a system for composing music(classical)writing music
40 youth culture
阅 读
passage3:Antarctica-infrom the cold?(南极气候)
A little over acentury ago, men of the ilk of Scott, Shackleton and Mawson battled against Antarctica'sblizzards, cold and deprivation. In the name of Empire and in an age of heroicdeeds they created an image of Antarctica that was to last well into the 20thcentury - an image of remoteness, hardship, bleakness and isolation that wasthe province of only the most courageous of men. The image was one of a placeremoved from everyday reality, of a place with no apparent value to anyone.
As we enter the21st century, our perception of Antarctica has changed. Although physicallyAntarctica is no closer and probably no warmer, and to spend time there stilldemands a dedication not seen in ordinary life, the continent and itssurrounding ocean are increasingly seen to an integral part of Planet Earth,and a key component in the Earth System. Is this because the world seems alittle smaller these days, shrunk by TV and tourism, or is it becauseAntarctica really does occupy a central spot on Earth's mantle? Scientificresearch during the past half century has revealed - and continues to reveal -that Antarctica's great mass and low temperature exert a major influence onclimate and ocean circulation, factors which influence the lives of millions ofpeople all over the globe.
Antarctica was notalways cold. The slow break-up of the super-continent Gondwana with thenorthward movements of Africa, South America, India and Australia eventuallycreated enough space around Antarctica for the development of an AntarcticCircumpolar Current (ACQ, that flowed from west to east under the influence ofthe prevailing westerly winds. Antarctica cooled, its vegetation perished,glaciation began and the continent took on its present-day appearance. Todaythe ice that overlies the bedrock is up to 4km thick, and surface temperaturesas low as - 89.2deg C have been recorded. The icy blast that howls over the icecap and out to sea - the so-called katabolic wind - can reach 300 km/hr,creating fearsome wind-chill effects.
Out of thisextreme environment come some powerful forces that reverberate around theworld. The Earth's rotation, coupled to the generation of cells of low pressureoff the Antarctic coast, would allow Astronauts a view of Antarctica that is asbeautiful as it is awesome. Spinning away to the northeast, the cells grow anddeepen, whipping up the Southern Ocean into the mountainous seas so respectedby mariners. Recent work is showing that the temperature of the ocean may be abetter predictor of rainfall in Australia than is the pressure differencebetween Darwin and Tahiti - the Southern Oscillation Index. By receiving moreaccurate predictions, graziers in northern Queensland are able to avoidoverstocking in years when rainfall will be poor. Not only does this limittheir losses but it prevents serious pasture degradation that may take decadesto repair. CSIRO is developing this as a prototype forecasting system, but wecan confidently predict that as we know more about the Antarctic and SouthernOcean we will be able to enhance and extend our predictive ability.
The ocean'ssurface temperature results from the interplay between deepwater temperature,air temperature and ice. Each winter between 4 and 19 million square km of seaice form, locking up huge quantities of heat close to the continent. Only nowcan we start to unravel the influence of sea ice on the weather that isexperienced in southern Australia. But in another way the extent of sea iceextends its influence far beyond V Antarctica. Antarctic krill - the smallshrimp-like crustaceans that are the staple diet for baleen whales, penguins,some seals, flighted sea birds and many fish - breed well in years when sea iceis extensive and poorly when it is not. Mary species of baleen whales andflighted sea birds migrate between the hemispheres and when the krill are lessabundant they do not thrive.
The circulatorysystem of the world's oceans is like a huge conveyor belt, moving water anddissolved minerals and nutrients from one hemisphere to the other, and from theocean's abyssal depths to the surface. The ACC is the longest current in theworld, and has the largest flow. Through it, the deep flows of the Atlantic,Indian and Pacific Oceans are joined to form part of a single globalthermohalinc circulation. During winter, the howling katabatics sometimes scourthe ice off patches of the sea's surface leaving Large ice- locked lagoons, or'polynyas'. Recent research has shown that as fresh sea ice forms, it iscontinuously stripped away by the wind and may be blown up to 90km in a singleday. Since only fresh water freezes into ice, the water that remains bccom.csincreasingly salty and dense, sinking until it spills over the continentalshelf. Cold water carries more oxygen than warm water, so when it rises, wellinto the northern hemisphere, it reoxygenates and revitalizes the ocean. Thestate of the northern oceans, and their biological productivity, owe much towhat happens in the Antarctic.
Question 14-18
The readingPassage has ten paragraphs A-J.
Which paragraphcontains the following information?
Write the correctletter A-F, in boxes 14-18 on your answer sheet.
14. introductionof a millman under awards
15. the definitionof an important geographical term
16. a rivalagainst Harrison’s invention emerged
17. problems ofsailor encountered in identifying the postion on the sea
18. economicassist from another counterpart
Question 19-21
Please match thenatural phenomenon with correct determined factor Choose the correct answerfrom the box; Write the correct letter A-F in boxes 19-21 on your answer sheet.
19. Globally, massAntarctica’s size and _________ influence the climatechange.
20. __________contributory to western wind.
21. SouthernOscillation Index based on air pressure can predict __________ in Australia.
A AntarcticCircumpolar Current (ACC)
B katabatic winds C rainfall
D temperature Eglaciers
F pressure
Question 22-26
Choose the correctletter, A,B,C or D.
Write your answersin boxes 22-26 on you answer sheet.
22 In theparagraph B, the author want to tell which of the
following truthabout Antarctic?
A To showAntarctica has been a central topic of global warming in Mass media
B To illustrateits huge see ice brings food to million lives to places in the world
C To show it isthe heart and its significance to the global climate and current
D To illustrate itlocates in the central spot on Earth geographically
23 Why doAustralian farmers Keep an eye on the Antarctic ocean temperature ?
A Help farmersreduce their economic or ecological losses
B Retrievegrassland decreased in the overgrazing process
C Prevent animalfrom dying
D A cell providesfertilizer for the grassland
24 What is thefinal effect of katabatic winds?
A Increase themoving speed of ocean current
B Increase saltlevel near ocean surface
C Bring fresh iceinto southern oceans
D Pile up the mountainousice cap respected by mariners
25 The break ofthe continental shelf is due to the
A Salt and densityincrease
B Salt and densitydecrease
C global warmingresulting a rising temperature
D fresh icemelting into ocean water
26 The decrease innumber of Whales and seabirds is due to
A killers whalesarc more active around
B Sea birds areaffected by high sea level salty
C less sea icereduces productivity of food source
D seals fail toreproduce babies
14.D 15.F 16.E 17.C 18.A
19.D 20.A 21.C 22.C 23.A
24.C 25.A 26.C
听 力
21-26 选择
21. B
22. B
23. C
24. B
25. A
26. A
27-30 多选
27-28 B、D
29-30 B、C
P4: 美国流行音乐历史
31. factories
32. immigration
33. quality
34. churches
35. language
36. jobs
37. audience
38. middle
39. composing
40. youth
小作文 类型:流程图
题目:Some people believe that university students should pay all the cost of studies because university education only benefits students themselves not the society as a whole. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
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