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大作文:all jobs can be done equally well by a man and a woman,问同不同意
Section 1
Send a Package to US寄包裹到美
1-10) Filling the Blank
1. Best at least arrived before Friday.
2. Type of delivery:International Express
Information about the client:
3. Name:Anna Hillman
4. Sender's Address : 14 Mountain Road
5. Receiver's address:Park Avenue
6. Mailer's Address:North building
Description about the package:
7. Package contains :6 books
8.And also some photographs
9. Total postage is:$ 98
10.How to track the lost mails?Need bring the receipt and ID code number

Section 2
主题提示:酒店开业活动The Montana resort hotel Newly opened Hotel
11-15) Multiple Choice
11 The advantage for the hotel location?
A access to the airport B the unpolluted setting
C it is quiet(peaceful)
12 the price of a Standard room
B 145-210
C more than 210
他说maybe 210每一间, 但也有lower cost,他举了个145
13 the speciality of Room Deluxe
A all rooms have windows on two sides,
B can see mountain view
C has a balcony
14 The hotel encourages families to stay by offering特色?
A rooms with connecting doors the bedroom of executive Room
B childcare facilities
C discounts at certain times of the year.
15 What does Rob say visitors can do,in the Grill Room?
A listen to live music
B have a full meal or a snack
C see their food being cooked
16-20) Map Matching The Montana resort hotel
16 Barn for horses---A
17 tennis court---B
18 swimming pool---F
19 golf course---H
20 outdoor facilities manager's office---C

Section 3
主题提示:口述的足球队历史Manager and team members telephone interview
21从哪里获得资料Where did you find the definition of“oral history”?
A internet
B library books
C handouts from previous lecture
22 What is the most important influence from Internet on oral history?
A it will become a permanent record有大量现存had preserved resources
B increase students' interest
C easier access for the public
23 Why does Mike choose this topic?
A he is a football fan he often plays football
B his father loves football
C his friends encourage him
24 Where did they find the data of historical record?
A local newspaper achieves原文是town newspaper office
25 Where did Mike find the players information?
A Internet
B from ancient team record
C phone book
26-30) Matching
What are the problems with Mike's proposed report?
A Not reliable
B Too long
C Too noisy
D Too short
E Too factual
F Too complicated
G Too vague
26 questions on the draft---F
27 time of answering---D
28. recording equipment---A
29 the topic of project---G
30 proposed report on project---E

Section 4
plant behavior
第一篇:Blue-footed Boobies 蓝脚鲣鸟
Boobies are a small group of seabirds native to tropical and subtropical oceans throughout the world. Their diet consists mainly of fish. They are specialised fish eaters feeding on small school fish like sardines, anchovies, mackerel, and flying fish. When their prey is in sight, they fold their long wings back around their streamlined bodies and plunge into the water from as high as 80 feetso streamlined they barely make a splash. They travel in parties of about 12 to areas of water with large schools of small fish. When the lead bird sees a fish shoal in the water, it will signal the rest of the group and they will all dive together. Surprisingly, individuals do not eat with the hunting group, preferring to eat on their own, usually in the early morning or late afternoon.
There are three varieties on the Galapagos: the bluefooted, and masked boobies. They are all members of the same family, red-footed and are not only different in appearance but also in behaviours. The blue-footed and red-footed boobies mate throughout the year, while the masked boobies have an annual mating cycle that differs from island to island. All catch fish in a similar manner, but in different areas: the blue-footed booby does its fishing close to shore, while the masked booby goes slightly farther out, and the red-footed booby fishes at the farthest distances from shore.
Although it is unknown where the name "Booby" emanates from(v.发源), some conjecture(v.推测)it may come from the Spanish word for clown, "bobo", meaning 'stupid'. Its name was probably inspired by the bird's clumsiness on land and apparently unwarranted bravery. The blue footed booby is extremely vulnerable to human visitors because it does not appear to fear them. Therefore these birds received such name for their clumsiness on land in which they were easily, captured, killed, and eaten by humans.
The blue-footed booby's characteristic feet play a significant part in their famous courtship(n. 求爱) ceremony, the "booby dance". The male walks around the female, raising his bright blue feet straight up in the air, while bringing his 'shoulders' towards the ground and crossing the bottom tips of his wings high above the ground. Plus he'll raise his bill up towards the sky ('skypointing') to try to win his mate over. The female may also partake in these activities-lifting her feet, skypointing, and of course squawking at her mate. After mating, another ritual occurs一the nest-building which ironically is never used because they nest on the bare ground .When the
female is ready to lay her eggs, they scrape the existing nest away so she can nest on exposed ground. Sun-baked islands form the booby's breeding grounds. When ready the female Blue Footed Booby lays one to three eggs.
After hatching, the male plays a major role in bring fish home. He can bring back a constant supply of small fish for the chicks, which must be fed continuously. The reason is that the male has a longer tail than the female in relation to his body size, which makes him able to execute shallower dives and to feed closer to shore. Then the female takes a greater part as time proceeds. Sooner or later, the need to feed the young becomes greater than the need to protect them and both adults must fish to provide enough.
When times are good, the parents may successfully fledge all three chicks, but, in harder times, they may still lay as many eggs yet only obtain enough food to raise one. The problem is usually solved by the somewhat callous-sounding system of 'opportunistic sibling(n. 兄弟姐妹) murder.' The first-born chick is larger and stronger than its nest mates) as a result of hatching a few days earlier and also because the parents feed the larger chick first. If food is scarce, the first born will get more food than its nest mates) and will outcompete them, causing them to starve. The above system optimizes the reproductive capacity of the blue-foot in an unpredictable environment. The system ensures that, if possible, at least one chick will survive a period of shortage rather than alI three dying of starvation under a more 'humane' system.
The reading passage has seven paragraphs, A-G
Choose the correct heading, for paragraphs A-G from the list below.
Write the correct number i-ix, in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.
List of Headings
i    Unusual way of hatching the chicks
ii    Feeding habit of the red-footed booby
iii   Folding wings for purpose
iv   Rearing the young
v    Classification of boobies
vi   Diving for seafood
vii   Surviving mechanism during the food shortage period
viii   Mating and breeding
ix    Origin of the booby's name
1  Paragraph A
2  Paragraph B
3  Paragraph C   ix
4  Paragraph D
5  Paragraph E
6  Paragraph F
Questions 7-9
Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?
In boxes 7-9 on your answer sheet, write
TRUE  if the statement is true
FALSE  if the statement is false
NOT GIVEN  if the information is not given in the passage
7   Boobies are afraid of human approaching.
8   Female boobies eat more than the male ones.
9   When there is not sufficient food, the larger chicks will be fed at the
expense of the survival of its smaller mates.
Questions 10-13
Complete the summary below, using NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the Reading Passage for each answer.
Write your answers in boxes 10-13 on your answer sheet.
The courtship of the Blue-footed Booby consists of the male flaunting his blue feet and dancing to impress the female. During the dance, the male will spread his wings and stamp his feet on the ground with his bills________. After mating, the booby's unusual demeanor continues with rituals________that really serves no purpose. When the female booby lays eggs, the parental boobies incubate the eggs beneath their___________which contain__________to transmit the heat, because of the lack of brood patches.

1. vi
2. v
There are three varieties on the Galapagos: the blue-footed, red-footed, and masked boobies.
3. viii
D段首句提到了mating, "The blue-footed booby's characteristic feet play a significant part in their famous courtship(求爱) ceremony"。在D段末尾提到了breeding(繁衍), "When the female is ready to lay her eggs,……. Sun-baked islands form the booby's breeding grounds. When ready the female Blue Footed Booby lays one to three eggs".
4. i
Unlike most birds, booby doesn't develop brood patches(areas of bare skin on the breast) to warm the eggs during incubation(孵化).
5. iv
F段谈到了male和female在chick不同成长阶段扮演的喂食角色。rear培养,注意 ii 选项讲的是red-footed booby 红色的脚
6. vii
The problem is usually solved by the somewhat callous-sounding system of 'opportunistic sibling murder'.
【原文参考依据——C段第三句】The blue footed booby is extremelyvulnerable to human visitors because it does not appear to fearthem. fear=are afraid of
If food is scarce, the first born will get more food than its nest mate(s) and will outcompete them,causing them to starve.
10. skypointing
Plus he'll raise his bill up towards the sky('skypointing')
11. nest-building
After mating, another ritualoccurs - the nest-building which ironically is never used because they nest on the bare ground.[font style=word-wrap: break-word;]因为空格前已经有形容词修饰存在,所以不用加the. is never used=serves on purpose.
12. webbed feet
Instead, it uses the its broadwebbed feet……在符合语法状况下,webbed feet最好都填,比较保险。
13. blood vessels
【原文参考依据——E段倒数第四行】Instead, it uses the its broad webbed feet, which have large numbers of prominent blood vessels, to transmit heat essential for incubation.

分析:这篇文章从古埃及如何搬运huge rocks的问题引出canal的发现。针对古埃及的运河,三个科学家发表了一些观点,涉及运河的位置,水纹地质情况对岩石的影响。有人提出,埃及金字塔的建筑材料很可能是通过运河来运送的。本篇配对题是人名对观点的配对,这种题目通常是在全篇范围,选项中的人名每次出现都要阅读,可以从出现次数较少的人名开始读,这样选出答案的可能性较高,从而节省一些时间。
大作文:All jobs can be done equally well by a man and a woman, to what extent you agree or disagree?

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